Message 719 – 12 June 2015

Friday, @9:50 PM – Feast of the Sacred Heart of Jesus

The countdown has begun towards the Illumination of consciences, revealing who will sit upon the Throne in My Temple – In a short while I will strengthen My daughter, Maria Divine Mercy, to return to the Mission I gave her – Those who are trying to do you harm will become unstuck; all that the enemy tries to do, will be set upon them in reverse – Much suffering for the children that live in Istanbul, Turkey and on the Island of Taiwan.

LITTLE PEBBLE: Jesus is standing to my right. He is wearing a white tunic with a burgundy cape over His Shoulder and Arm. Jesus is holding a large wooden Cross with four nails – one at each end of the beams.

The White Cross is in the sky. Jesus is standing next to the Rosa Mystica Statue and it is glowing White Light from Her Eyes. A map of the world is stretched out on the wall and Jesus motions me to watch.

OUR LORD: “See, My son, where I place this cross. You are to send a map with this cross to My children, then they will witness great suffering upon the world in a short time, due to man’s sins that have lacerated My Sacred Heart. See this Heart, My son, that so lovest the world. My children, who have offended God greatly and do not wish to change their ways – the nails symbolize the chastisement My Father will send to those Nations outlined.”

“The countdown has now begun, My sweet children, towards the Illumination of consciences – the revealing of he who will sit himself upon the Throne in My Temple and the abomination of abomination in My House upon Earth, as the outrageous acts upon My Sacred Presence in the Eucharist will be witnessed by many, and false heretical teachings will be vomited out of the mouths of My Sacred Servants.”

“For this reason, I will now send My Divine Spirit upon My faithful servants – the Prophets, Seers, Visionaries and hidden Mystics, to speak loudly with one voice, proclaiming the truth and denouncing the falsehood – to prepare mankind and My children for the day of the Lord’s Wrath.”

“Those of My faithful sheep have nothing to fear, for they belong to Me – and My Holy Mother Mary will gather them under Her Mantle.”

“Pray unceasingly, My children, for know My Sacred Heart is always your refuge.”

“In a short while, My children, I will strengthen My daughter, Maria Divine Mercy, to return to the Mission I gave her. She will work with you, My son and all My Chosen Souls, to rescue the many lost sheep.”

“Son, be not afraid or troubled in all that is surrounding you at this time. No one can harm you. All the suffering and persecution that has come your way and still is to come for a short time, is to show you that you were and are, sent by Me and My Most Holy Mother. All true Prophets and those who carry My Word, are persecuted and hated by the world, but more so, by the evil spirits who know the truth, when Heaven descends upon a Chosen Soul.”

“I Promise you, My Little White Rock, you will triumph and overcome – and those who are trying to do you harm will become unstuck and will be bewildered as to why they did not succeed, as all that the enemy tries to do, will be set upon them in reverse. Then they will recognize the Power of God – especially as the heavy cross descends upon them – so that they will repent and turn to My Forgiveness and Divine Mercy from My Most Sacred Heart. Pray for them, My son; pray for your enemies and those that persecute you – even those close to you who seek revenge.”

“All My Prophets and Chosen Souls are now undergoing great trials and sufferings as they imitate their Master, Jesus. How I Love these treasured souls, who have given all for the sake of My Divine Calling. The children of the world must pray much for the Instruments of God.”

“I ask also, on this Feast of My Sacred Heart, that all My children pray for the children that live in Istanbul in the country of Turkey and the children of the Island of Taiwan, as much suffering will enter there soon.”

“Remember, children of My Heart, live each moment as if it could be your last. Pray, forgive, be merciful and love your neighbour. I Love and Bless you: In the Name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Ghost. Amen.”

LITTLE PEBBLE: Jesus gave me His Heart to kiss and said:

OUR LORD: “Continue on the path I have directed you on.”

Cross on map

MAP: (link to PDF file) Cross on World Map