SPAIN – Unity of the Seers


Father Jose Aleron

Since 1987 Falther Jose Aleron, a Priest from Spain began to write to me; he was the Spiritual Director of many Seers – one of the Seers he mentioned was Clemente of Aviles. Fr. Jose wrote on 13th September, 1988: I asked the Holy Mother what is the `Little Pebble’ for Heaven? Our Lady answered:

OUR LADY: “My son, he is one of Our chosen; he is an `instrument’ for Us, but he has many enemies, and you must pray very much for him.”

Then Father Jose showed another Seer, called Ana, a photo of the Little Pebble’. She said: “But yes, Little Pebble’! I have seen him many times at Garabandal! Also, another Seer called Victor received verification. I wish to thank Father Jose for his courageous defence of me since 1987, to this day. Also, I wish to thank my very special friends, Mariano and Merche of Madrid, Spain, for their generous hearts over the years.

There was another Seer named Mari-Francis of the Province of Extromadura, Trujillo, who also confirmed the `Little Pebble’.

Over many years I travelled Spain and met many Seers, Priests and workers for Our Holy Mother, but as the persecution increased till 1991, many left my side.

In 1992, Father José Aleron wrote to me from Garabandal, Spain. He asked a question of Our Lord through a Seer there named Maria Isabel, as follows: “Jesus: Lord Jesus, on the 8th November, a Seer at Garabandal told us something about the `Little Pebble’. Is it true or false? Jesus answered:

OUR LORD: “My son is a ‘rock’ and a ‘rock’ he will be. He will be slandered and persecuted by My Own chosen ones. And you know well, My children: woe to that chosen one that persecutes and slanders another chosen one. [Be] alert! be careful, My children, for the enemy is on the loose.”

The following is a letter from Father José Aleron, Spiritual Director of the Seers of Spain on the 12th of January, 1993:

“My dearest ‘Little Pebble’:

“I have received your letter, dated on December 19th 1992, together with the two pictures of Our Mother, “Our Lady of the Ark”, which you yourself autographed. Following your request, we had asked Jesus, for two consecutive days, whether the beginning for you to seat in the Holy See would be before the year of 1994 or during its course; the Lord has not answered us. So, let us continue hoping for the day the Father may dispose our future.”

“I am fully satisfied with your decision to consecrate your future Papacy to Mary, the Mother of Jesus: He also consecrated Mary to be the Mother of the Church and the Queen of the Creation; it is, therefore, good for us to dedicate all we are and all we have and that also of Jesus to the Glory of Mary, for this, will always redound to the Glory of the Blessed Trinity…”

Further letter from Father Aleron:

“In Christ and Mary, much loved ‘Little Pebble’: 18th April, 1988”

“I received a reply to my letter on 21st March, and with your letter came the beautiful photograph of September in Ireland. The back of the Trumpeter can be seen and Mary of Fatima a figure of light was hiding you. My friends from Madrid took it the following day to have it reproduced, Mercedes de Rivera told me.”

“Yesterday I arrived home after almost a month of apostolate, and I must give you this news: I did the services of Holy Week in a little village of the Province of Madrid, and I was with some friends who had attended your meeting in Madrid on 6th October. Five of them asked for an interview with Amparo Cuevas in El Escorial, and they met on 14th November. She told them that she had not gone to the Field of Apparitions when you were going to go because the Virgin Mary had not told her, and she wants to be subject to Mary in all these matters. She, the Mother, had told her that without Her previous advice, not to go to interviews. She said also that she knew that ‘Little Pebble’ was a Seer, but she added one thing, and this I believe through the influence of someone: that it did not seem right to her that ‘Little Pebble’ was saying that he was the future Peter II. But the principle thing, that you are a Seer she did admit.”

“From there they called me at Aviles. I had written to them so that they would pray very much for the intention that you told me, that it was the desire of the Lord that the Pope would be able to go to Fatima on the 13th May. They prayed for this. In Oviedo (up North) I was with Ana, the Seer, in an interview of more than 6 hours. When she asked the Lord – “Who is the Little Pebble for Heaven?” She received in a vision this answer: “‘Little Pebble’ is of Heaven, like you, bringing to the world Messages of the Lord.” (Upon showing her the photo that you took in Amsterdam in February 1986 with Jacinto and his wife, she told me that in Ecstasy at Garabandal she had seen you).”

“Heaven wanted me to understand, according to Ana, that ‘Little Pebble’ would have to travel around the world. She showed me that it was a soul completely white. He was travelling with another white soul. ‘Little Pebble’ was carrying a very large Cross, very luminous and beautiful. In the middle of his road a black shadow came forth that wants to turn aside: it is like the shadow of a very large man with a tiny head. This large shadow with a very small head seemed to Victor that meant some adviser that had much less spiritual knowledge than the ‘Little Pebble’ advising him. The shadow intervened when ‘Little Pebble’ was going toward the Throne of the Eternal Father, but he was going to reach a Throne.”

“There she saw the Cross of the Lord divided into two, or as if they will try to divide it in the middle. At the end Jesus came and with a gesture of His arm cast the evil away, and the reign of Christ begins. I have seen that very venerable man with a long beard accompanies ‘Little Pebble’. When Ana said this, I showed her the Scapular of Saint Charbel that I wear and she said: “This is who I have seen accompanying ‘Little Pebble'”. This is, dear William, the news that I wished to give you, having barely reached my home. I pray very much so that the desire of Jesus be realised, that the Pope go to Fatima on the 13th May. I pray for you very much every day when I pray for My Seers of Aviles and others. With an embrace receive my affection and all the wealth of Heaven with my priestly Blessing.”


I went to the Apparition Place at Mount El Renni, Barcelona. The Seer there, Josepha, supports the `Little Pebble’.

Pepe Cayetano

I went to the Apparition Place called the `White Cross’, Serville, Spain. The Seer is called Pepe Cayetano; Fr. Felix is his Spiritual Director.

Jose de Carlos

I wish here also to thank Jose De Carlos of Spain, who has done such wonderful work in spreading Our Lady’s Messages – even though he does not now believe in me.

Jacinto Miguel Cortes

Also I wish to thank Jacinto Miguel Cortes for the kindness he has shown me over the years, but he lost his faith in me.

Amparo Cuevas

Also, I wish to pay tribute to my very good friend Judith Molan of Madrid, who had been a faithful servant of God, and helped me very much over the years. She has now passed to her Heavenly reward. It was through Judith that Father Alfonso-Maria, Spiritual Director of the famous Apparition Place of Our Lady of Escorial – the Seer being Amparo. He was asked in March, 1985 if the `Little Pebble’ was true. Amparo answered: “It is of God.” This Apparition Place has been under investigation by the Archbishop of Madrid.

Alfred May Tejedo

I take this opportunity to thank Alfred May Tejedo of Barcelona, Spain, for his help.


Message of Our Lord given to a Privileged Soul named Maribel from Asturien, Spain, on the 1st February, 1992. The Message was transmitted to me via the Spiritual Director, Father José Aleron of the Augustino Order in Spain. The occasion of this Message was that I had received, through the Privileged Soul, Maribel, who had sent me a Picture of Our Lord’s Face, Blessed by Our Lord with two drops of His Precious Blood on the Picture. I was so overwhelmed by God’s Love that I wrote to Maribel asking her to thank Jesus for His Gift. The Message follows:

MARIBEL: “On the first of February I was giving thanks to Jesus in the name of the ‘Little Pebble’ for the gift of His photograph with a drop of His Blood that He had dedicated to him on 16th October 1991.”

OUR LORD: “I am the Light and the Life, I am the Light and the Love. You speak to Me, My beloved, words of great love. Also you tell Me they have said to you [to] give Me thanks, My little one. You give Me thanks for My son [the ‘Little Pebble’], and you have been able to verify that all that is said against My son, the ‘Little Pebble’ are rumours and slanders. Thus you can verify.”

“You proved, My little one, by giving thanks to your Love [Jesus], thanks to that photo of your God your Saviour, because it was well received, received with love [by the ‘Little Pebble’]. You give Me thanks, My little one, you give Me thanks, My love. Thus you will always be able to say: It is true that of My Son, the ‘Little Pebble’. I give thanks to this son. And thus I address you: [Our Lord is certifying the authenticity of the ‘Little Pebble’ as a Seer.] This I say to you, My child, for [the] great certainty of all those children who doubt this love of my son the ‘Little Pebble’, of My son always faithful.”

Then Maribel went to El Escorial, the Apparition Place of Our Lady in Madrid, Spain.

MARIBEL: “When I was in El Escorial giving thanks for this, I said, : Look my Love, You know that the ‘Little Pebble’ desires that I give thanks to You for [my] having been the instrument of which You availed yourself so that the photo dedicated to him would reach him. I give You thanks, my Love on behalf of the ‘Little Pebble’. I said this twice, and there arose from my hands some perfume. It did not come, as other times from the air, the atmosphere. The perfume came from my hands and that I had joined together. I had my hands together, and the perfume came forth going upwards like a vapour. And then I said,: Ay ! Mother! A short time passed and I again gave thanks. And again the same thing occurred – the perfume that came forth from my hands. And I said,: Dear Jesus, You are confirming to me that it is true…”

Maria Isabel

Excerpt of Message given to Maria Isabel, Seer of Spain, on the 18th August, 1991, who also has Father Aleron as her Spiritual Director.

THE TRIUNE GOD: “Now, My children, I speak to you as the Triune God – The God Triune, My children. My Son has said many things about this group (the Mission of Our Lady of the Ark), that I Myself have chosen. Believe, My children, that it is the work of the True God. You ought to be conscious of the power of prayer, My children. You ought to be conscious of the Word of My Son. I speak to you as the Triune God, My children: In the Name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Ghost. Some of you are hearing Me for the first time. Well, it is not usual for Me to speak, but in a few places I come as the Triune God, as I do when I speak through My son, ‘Piedrecita’ [Little Pebble].”

“The ‘Little Pebble of Love’, My Rock, is believed by only a few, as is My very loved daughter (Seer, Maria Isabel); My faithful wife; My beloved one. Why doesn’t mankind believe the Messages We give through Piedrecita? Why?? Because the Messages are true, My children; because they are authentic!! Because of this they are not believed! There are Messages given at many other sites by My Son; by My Daughter who is His Mother, but man does not accept them either, any more than they do the ones through Piedrecita. Why? Because the world has entered their hearts. And when the world takes over they cannot see the truth; nothing but the things of the world!”

“The ‘Little Pebble’ is, and the ‘Little Pebble’ will be! And My daughter, My Son and the ‘Little Pebble’ will fight together against the storm, because I am the Triune God and I Will this!!! Against the Triune God the enemy cannot win. You can be sure that the enemy will not defeat This Heart…”

A further letter from Father José Aleron:

“13th September, 1988”

“My dear ‘Little Pebble’,”

“On the 3rd of this month I found myself with many thousands of people who came to pray the Rosary in New Field, (El Escorial) among them some of our friends: Jacinto, Mariano (his wife Mercedes was still on vacation with the children), Remigio who is the one who makes photocopies of the Messages that come to me translated by Luisa Maria, Jose Edwardo de Carlos and some others. I have spent much time fighting for the truth of your election as instrument for Heaven. In December I told you that through Clemente of Aviles I asked the Holy Mother: “Mother, what is ‘Little Pebble’ for Heaven?” – “My son, he is one of Our chosen. He is an instrument for us, but he has many enemies and you must pray very much for him.”

“Then, upon showing Ana, a great Seer, the photograph in which are you with Jacinto and Maria at the Airport of Amsterdam in February 1986, Ana told me: “But yes, ‘Little Pebble’, I have seen him many times at Garabandal…”

“Now then, what the Virgin told me, that you have many enemies is something that is being fulfilled each day: There are many who ask me about you, because someone has told them that your (Mission?) is not from Heaven. To them I have to repeat: “The Lord told me in January 1987 and the Virgin in December of the same year that he is Their instrument.” This has been told me through Seers spiritually directed by me. And this has been told to me through Victor, through Clemente, through Ana. I will continue to support what Heaven tells me.”

“Now then, on 9th July, Victor, crucified on the ground in ecstasy, motioned to me with his hand and embraced me strongly. I had the intention of asking him five questions: I only asked two, to which he answered. The following day, in normal state , he asked me: Yesterday you were going to ask the Lord five questions, true? – Yes – For the Lord told me that He was only going to answer two. And look how the Lord decided. Without my realising it He arranged that I only asked about the two things to which He was going to reply.”

“And this has importance because one of those to which He, the Lord was not going to reply was this: “Must I abandon the ‘Little Pebble’?” As Jesus did not wish to answer me for I had been told various times that you were His instrument, that you (Ana tells me) were walking towards a Throne. (She did not know if it was the Throne of the Celestial Father or the Throne of the Roman Pontiff). Well it is clear that Jesus wanted to tell me that your situation has not changed. On the contrary He assured me that you were His instrument. If you would have ceased to be it, this would have been shown to me. And this is what I repeat to all those who asked me to bring this subject into the conversation: That Heaven has told me on various occasions that you were their chosen one, that you were their instrument. And my duty is not to be quiet but to proclaim what the Lord has told me.”

“I appreciate very much the photograph of the 27th September in Ireland, in which the virgin Mary of Fatima had enveloped you in that sheet of purest light and I did not see you but only Her together with the Trumpeter. Now I see that also marvellous photos were taken at Fatima. Would it be rash if I asked you to send me some of them? I appreciate it with all my heart…”

Rosario Arenillas

Message given to Rosario Arenillas, Seer of the White Cross Apparition in Spain, on the 13th February, 1986, as follows:

OUR LORD: “I come today because I want to honour you with My Presence, which is very important… But I come today because I want to say something very important to My beloved son, Father Felix. (The Priest who is the resident in the Sacred Ground). For everyone if he would like to listen to Me. I want to lay a heavier weight on your Cross, My son, Felix, you must make known, with My help, something very important, My son Felix, I am going to appoint you to discover someone very distant from you, a son of Mine, very privileged by My Mother and by Me… a very long distance from you… who can give Great Testimony of this Sacred Place of the White Cross… because the place and the precinct of the White Cross is very important for Me, but men have not got the strength nor the courage to defend this Sacred Place. But a son of Mine, very far away, very far away… still further than you can imagine, Felix,… of Australia! That son of Mine of Australia can give life to this Sacred Place by his Testimony. One day I shall put you in contact with him. My Most Holy Mother and I call him, ‘Little Pebble’ and I shall put you in contact with him.” Our Lady intervened saying:

OUR LADY: “He will give life giving Testimony to this Sacred Place: since this town and so many towns do not know the greatness of MY SON… The Greatness that My Son has poured into This Sacred Place must be recognised, not alone by those present but by those who, far from this Sacred Place come to it to pray. And they are most intelligent in perceiving more the fountains of love that My Son and I have given to a handful of men… I want these Words to remain very clear; Australia… The ‘Little Pebble’… This son of Mine will be the one who will give unity to this Sacred Place…”

OUR LORD: “I want to repeat it once again, My son Felix, so that this remains very clear… Australia!! For now he shall not have to go to Australia. Only to put himself in communication with (‘Little Pebble’) because I have given into his hands – the ‘Little Pebble’, the means to help you. ‘Little Pebble’ will be the one who will give testimony of this Sacred Place since you are never going to be prophets in your land. He will come from far away to give Testimony of this Truth. More pilgrims than leaves stirring in a storm, will move in this Sacred Place, in search of a reality, I shall be waiting…”

Further Message given on the 3rd May, 1986, addressed to Father Felix:

OUR LADY: “Prepare… because you will receive a great surprise very soon. I want you to be prepared, My son, because I know you will not understand… but he comes (‘Little Pebble’) filled with My Son… My ‘Little Pebble’, receive him in your arms…”

Further Message from Our Lord on the 10th May, 1986:

OUR LORD: “My children, My brothers! I want love to be seen among men in these moments because I have sent someone very important to this Sacred Place, although men will not understand, but one day they will realise that this, My son, has been sent by My Father’s Will, He has been sent to many places of the Earth. (Our Lord refers to the ‘Little Pebble’).”

ROSARIO: “I knew that I saw him… I knew that I saw him… I wasn’t mad! I have seen myself beside him so many times! But the World confounds it…”

OUR LORD: “Pour out your love so that he, by his presence, may transport this Sacred Place to the Father’s Presence… because this Sacred Place is profaned by men.”

ROSARIO: “That I am to unite to him? And where is he? (Our Lord told the seer, Rosario, to draw near the ‘Little Pebble’, as he was kneeling about five metres from her, she came nearer while still kneeling).”

OUR LORD: “He will be the one who will speak although they do not understand him! ‘Little Pebble’, how badly understood you are ‘Little Pebble’!! (Our Lord now speaks to Rosario) today you will not speak because I have invited Him to this Place…”

ROSARIO: “Please Father, My Father… My Father, how am I going to give you anything if I am a sinner? I want to weep for You… I knew my Father, that You could not confound this Sacred Place… That You could not deceive me… He was exactly as I had seen him. Exactly… When I saw this place I was afraid of myself. Father, Father, Father, I would give everything I have for this Truth…(Our Lord now speaks to the ‘Little Pebble’ through Rosario…)”

OUR LORD: “My son, My Little son, My Little son! What a most profound Wound you have healed in My Heart. You have fulfilled My Command, My son. Because You will be the transporter of My Words. I know that the World will not understand you, but one day they will realise that My Words were wholly a reality… I Am the Truth and Life, the Way and the Light. The man who follows will live and he will be delivered to the Father. These moments are very important for Me because I know that You are brave… You do not have human respect (see note 1 below), You are not afraid, My son. Continue onwards although sometimes the enemy will want to confound you. Do not let yourself be overcome by him, My son, because the Earth will be like a plague of false prophets, My son, but I have chosen a handful of men for the salvation of the Earth. The Earth will be aflame… You must be prepared because the ‘sieve’ is in your cheeks…”

“Do not be detained even for a moment, My son. I know that for many men it is not the cause for a smile, but it has been Most Important for My Mother and for Me. ‘Little Pebble’… ‘Little Pebble’… ‘Little Pebble’… I want you to speak, My son, of this Holy Place profaned by men.” (Our Lord then gave a Rose to Rosario for the ‘Little Pebble’, saying):

OUR LORD: “Do not accept it as a flower, My son, accept it as something very important, as something that you have obtained by your courage, My son! Follow Me, My son because I am a faithful Soldier and You must follow Me… But you must not be Silent. You must speak because all the peoples of the Earth are threatened by the enemy’s hatred. When hatred dies among men, and men wake up and are bathed in love, the world will be different, because the World, Principally, Spain… This, My Marian Spain is threatened by a great catastrophe!”

“Therefore, My son, (‘Little Pebble’) I have sent you to This Sacred Place and to so many Sacred Places of the Earth, to those to which My Mother and I have come down with so much love, in order to prepare men, because no man on Earth is perfect. Although you think that men do not listen to you… but I shall hear you, My son… pick the best honey from flower to flower like a bee from a hive, to convey it to My Most Holy Mother’s Feet. Pray for the Chair of Peter… Compassion and prayers for Mother Russia, because Mother Russia will use Her Whip and you will all be beaten by the same whip. Pray, Pray, so that one day, She will be ashamed before the Chair of Peter…”

Note 1: This means that while the ‘Little Pebble’ has proper respect for positions of authority within the Church, should the incumbents prove to be not worthy of the office he will not be over-awed by their power in that position when it comes to matters of faith and the Commandments of God — nor should any truly devoted Catholic.