Father Luis
The following is a letter from Father Luis, Spiritual Director of both Seers in Chile, in 1986:
“‘Little Pebble’: Friend and Brother in Jesus and Mary,
“I greet you with the peace of the Lord and I rejoice with you in the sincere and great love for the Mother of Jesus, Our Mother. I am a priest and the pastor of Holy Mary, Mother of the Church in Quilpue, Chile. I was the first priest who listened to and believed in the humble young man who saw the Blessed Virgin on a hill at Penablanca, a place near, (6 km) my Parish. The seer is Miguel Angel Poblete, and on June 12 past was the third anniversary of these events.”
“You cam imagine the stubborn and violent resistance of the Bishop and priests in general against these Apparitions where thousands and thousands of faithful gather, up to 100,000 on one occasion, and they have changed their lives, going to Confession and Holy Communion, daily praying the Holy Rosary, etc. God may be blessed in so many contradictions, but at the end the Immaculate Heart of the Incarnation of the Son of God (the title that the Virgin gave to the boy) will triumph.”
“I read the wonders that the Blessed Mother does in Australia through you, and I wish to unite myself to you and all the seers of the world in order to follow the good advice and petitions of Our Heavenly Mother. In my Parish the Marian Group Seven Stars functions. It spreads the Messages from here as well as those of Australia. I would like it if you might send me the Messages, and if possible in Spanish. I am with you and with so many Catholics in the world who aspire to live in the fulfilment of the Gospel of Jesus at the side of the Holy Father, the Pope, and under the protection of the Blessed Virgin Mary. I commend you in my poor prayers, especially in the Holy Mass. Please pray for me.”
In 1987 several Seers united with me from Chile, the very large Apparition Place called Penablanca, Maria-C-Jujrea Araya and Luisa. Many messages were given there about the `Little Pebble’; also a well known Seer there named Michael (Angel) received messages – some one-hundred-thousand people were witnesses to the messages, but the Seer became weak and another Seer, Luisa took His place. The Spiritual Directors were always in contact with me asking for directions.
Seer of Saint Michael
The following is a letter from a Seer in Chile dated the 24th April, 1986:
“Blessed and Praised be Our Lord Jesus Christ!
“I write to you from this far country South America to greet you and tell you of my appreciation. Also to tell you that I have not the least doubt about your marvellous visions. I hope with confidence in my Jesus that you will receive this letter and also answer it. This I hope with all my heart!”
“‘Little Pebble’, I am a Seer of St. Michael the Archangel, who ordered me to get in touch with you to ask that you please send me four Scapulars or Sacramentals of protection of St. Charbel, for I have read of them and it interests me exceedingly for we are four persons who really need protection, especially I as I am a Seer of St. Michael the Archangel. Here in Chile Our Blessed Mother appears to us in a woods called “Monte Carmelo” and the Seer is a very humble young man named Miguel Angel Poblete, who for three years has received Messages of the Virgin under the title of “White Lady of Peace” (Dama Blanca de la Paz). I beg you to keep him in your prayers, please.
“It is going to be three years that I have been receiving Messages from the Archangel St. Michael, which are Repentance, Receiving the Sacraments, Visits to the Holy Eucharist in the Tabernacle, Pray the Holy Rosary, for the time of the Second Coming of Our Lord Jesus Christ is very near. Messages of Salvation, we must fight to save Mankind. In short, he has given me Messages that are Apocalyptic, especially asking Love, Brotherhood and Peace, much advice in order to change our lives and approach the Fountain of Living Water, which is Christ Jesus. ‘Little Pebble of Love’ as the Virgin calls you, please send me those sacramentals as soon as possible.”
In 1987 the Seer, Florcita from Chile, united with us. Her Spiritual Director was Fr. Luis Fernandez. Also, the same year, the Seer Magdalena Canales of Alemana, Chile, united with me. She, too was involved with the visions, or Apparition Place called Penablanca, where the Seer, Michael, made many errors and these other Seers, including Fr. Luis, tried to help the Seer – working together with me to assist him.
Miguel Angel Poblete
The Seer, Miguel Angel Poblete, had a strong following in Chile. Fr. Luis was one of his helpers during these trials, but Miguel did not accept any counsel.
Edith Lara Gatica
Edith Lara Gatica, from the Apparition Site of Penablanca, Chile, united.