Message 688 – 24 August 2013



Let Men decide for Truth

21.08.12 – “I have sent you the Prophets – then I sent My Beloved Son, Whom I Sacrificed to save you, and then I sent more Messengers – all to little avail.”

12.12.12 –“When My Word given to Visionaries and genuine Prophets is made known to the world it attracts immediate criticism.”

20.01.13 –“There are very few who can be trusted to work with My Prophets, which is why the genuine ones have to work alone with just a handful of people they can trust.”

06.03.13 – “Never has there been a Prophet sent from Heaven who has  not suffered ridicule, abuse, torment and cruelty – not one! Many were murdered. When you attack My Holy Word given to a True Prophet, you interfere with the Will of God.”

25.05.13 – The ones who hurt Him: “Children, you must never insult My Son’s Prophets, even if you do not believe them.”

Dear Children of God,

Today, after some thirty years of the Mission of Our Lady of the Ark, Mary Our Mother, Help of Christians, I wish to point out to the souls who left this Mission – who have even become enemies of this work of God, after losing faith in the Mission and/or the Prophet, and in some cases believe the Mission was wrong from the very beginning – some facts that Jesus gave in Messages given to the Last Prophet, Maria Divine Mercy, in the hope that you reconsider your verdict, not for my sake, or the sake of the Mission, but rather for your own edification, so that you do not find yourselves in a situation where you are working against God. Some of these souls are Seers, Bishops, Priests and Nuns.

It is said in MDM’s Message that when a Mission is from God, the Messages spread very fast and the attack from Satan starts immediately. Have you forgotten how fast the Our Lady of the Ark Messages have spread? Within 12 months the Messages spread throughout Australia, through television and newspaper coverage, everywhere. It started in December 1983 and by December 1984 the Catholic Church condemned the Messages, calling them heretical. Why? – because of Communion in the hand.

In April 1985 we visited Pope John Paul II. The Messages spread to nearly every country in the world although the Internet was not available then.

In 1986 pilgrims came in their thousands from many countries – so much so, that there were 3,000 pilgrims on the day of the Miracle in 1986. Within two years, the Order of Saint Charbel was formed with countless vocations. The Messages were translated into  German, Spanish, Japanese, South American, Italian, Polish, Ukraine, African, Arabic, Hungarian, Croatian, Slovenian, Russian,. Malaysian, Vietnamese, Korean, Singaporean, Aramaic, Portuguese, Dutch, French and many more. Seers from all over the world united and worked together.

The Saint Charbel Houses of Prayer Groups were formed, and 45,000 were registered and given to the Church for the Investigation; also 50,000 letters of support were also given to the Church with 500 Priests and 600 Nuns supporting us. The persecution increased by the Church in every country. There were 18,000 conversions to the Catholic Faith, registered and given to the Church; 9,000 official cures with letters from Doctors, Specialists and Lawyers, supporting the Mission.

Thousands witnessed Miracles on the Holy Grounds of Our Lady and in the Prayer Houses. There were many new devotions, sacramentals and prayers given by Heaven, saving tens of thousands of souls. Apart from these, there were many more proofs, and these are signs given by God that this Mission is from God. The persecution has raged against this Mission from the first day.

Satan has attacked this Mission, using the weakness of souls who destroyed much of this Mission from within – as has happened to many other Missions from Heaven – even during Christ’s life on Earth, and now in the Catholic Church. The Shepherd has been struck and the Mission scattered, but it has survived and will be triumphant – especially at the coming Great Warning.

I include very important Messages from Maria Divine Mercy to support all that I have written, and other important Messages, to help you prepare for these vital times. People have accused me of holding onto Maria Divine Mercy’s skirt, to prove our Messages, as I cannot stand on my own. I say this to you: I have never needed other Seers to prove my Mission, but I support every true Seer of God, and prove this by the fact that Christ Speaks to me about her Mission and how her Mission upholds every true Seer, Prophet or Visionary, to show the Voice of the Spirit of God is the same to every true Seer. Maria Divine Mercy is not permitted to defend her Mission, but Christ has allowed me to do this – defending her Mission and mine.

Every Prophet, Seer and Visionary has a different Mission – yet all have the same purpose, saving souls and preparing them for the Second Coming of Jesus and the Holy Era of Peace.

In recent days Maria Divine Mercy received a Message about a Great Chastisement that will now come. Jesus told me it is:

  • The war with Israel;
  • The emergence of the Antichrist, and
  • The removal of Jesus’ Eucharistic Presence

I pray and hope that all who have left this Mission will reconsider, and ask Jesus for enlighten-ment.

God Bless

Rev. William John Costellia +

The Little Pebble


15.11.10 Stockpile food now. Pray for My Visionaries and Prophets so that they are protected.

20.11.10 Find shelters; grow your own food; store your own food. Listen to My Prophets; do not accept the identity stamp (Mark of the Beast).

23.11.10 Start to plan now before the war destroys cities in the West. People must strive to become self-sufficient; grow your own food; find shelters. Buy the seeds now as they will not be available. A global famine within three years.

26.11.10 Global vaccination for control. Start collecting food – plant your own. Stock up as if a war is coming.

01.01.11 Money will be worthless; only trade will be gold and silver. Set up Prayer Groups – you will understand why in three years.

16.01.11 Live simple lives children, and do everything in moderation. Once your physical needs are met you should not continue to seek more as it saps your spirit.

06.02.11 After the Warning My Holy followers are to unite.

17.04.11 Start planning your food stockpiles and blankets, candles, water – now. The Blessed Trinity is now active in communicating to Chosen Souls.

26.04.11 Italy will be instrumental in the fallout, which will involve Global Powers in a war.

16.05.11 Your present time on Earth should not be wasted on food, clothes, sex, homes, cars, holidays, luxury living, music, alcohol and idolatry of famous people.

01.06.11 Pope Benedict will have left the Vatican before the Warning.

Every day millions of souls at the moment of death go to Hell. Powerful people: leaders, rich, poor, singers, actors, terrorists, murderers, rapists and those who had abortions.

22.06.11 Through the Warning many eyes will be opened to the truth of their entire existence on this Earth and beyond.

08.07.11 The New World Currency is designed to control you – then they will try to deprive you of food. Plan your food supplies now. Buy seeds; buy silver coins or gold. Buy gas stoves, dried and tinned food and water purification tablets.

22.08.11 Bad laws are being introduced and presented to mankind as being in their best interest.

23.08.11 Many souls suffer, who are unaware that they are also Chosen Souls. Many children of Mine may ask why some people suffer and not others? My answer  is that I choose the kind of heart – those who display humility in this life.

27.08.11 Time as you know it will be no more.

29.09.11 Prepare your homes; have a supply of water and food to last for a couple of weeks.

06.10.11 The Antichrist has no soul – he was not created by the Hand of the Eternal Father.

19.10.11 Stay alert – (Evil Ones) are trying to poison My children through water, medicine and food.

29.10.11 Not one of My children who suffers persecution as a direct result of working for Me can be touched by the Evil One.

17.02.12 Each soul was Created by God the Eternal Father. Any man who chooses abortion or assists in the wicked act of abortion commits mortal sin.

18.02.12 Italy will crumble; Greece will be the catalyst which will provide the excuse to bring down Babylon (Europe). Satan’s four messengers have descended and work now within those groups; the Beast with the ten horns is the European Union.

21.02.12 So many of My True Prophets sent to you over the last twenty years were mocked, abused, tormented and cast into the wilderness.

29.02.12 During the persecution you will be protected by My Seal; no harm will come to you.

10.03.12 Israel will be betrayed by the United States – then the holocaust will take place.

13.03.12 Just as I was viciously treated and condemned to death for speaking the truth – the same treatment will be given to My Prophets in the lead-up to My Second Coming. They will be accused of heresy.

16.03.12 Same sex marriage is a grave sin.

22.03.12 You, My daughter, and many of My other Chosen Souls, are all now experiencing both physical and interior suffering at the same time.

07.04.12 Other information not contained in Holy Scripture was given as a gift to the world through Chosen Souls.

08.04.12 So many believe that My Second Coming is the end of the world – it may be the end of time as you know it.

26.04.12 Those who are loyal to Me will be taken in the blink of an eye without suffering, into the New Heaven and Earth. (Second Coming).

28.04.12 The time for the end of the reign of the demons is almost at an end. Your time on Earth as you know it is drawing to an end.

16.05.12 The Third World War is about to unfold – it will start in Europe; Germany will be involved. It will affect Greece and France. Israel and Iran will be at war; Syria, the downfall of Egypt.

Stockpile dried and non-perishable food. Grow your own.

The Antichrist is from the East. My Gift of the Seal of the Living God will render you invisible to your enemies.

04.06.12 Many will not repent. They will inflict suffering and persecution on My end time Prophets, after the Warning.

12.06.12 The test of an authentic Prophet lies in the prayers given to them; conversion spreads quickly when the Messages come from Heaven.

06.07.12 One-third of the Earth will be destroyed, as the Angels pour fire from the Four Corners of the Heavens.

17.07.12 After the Warning, many will be too distressed to go back to work; people in power will question their laws. Many murderers and criminals will repent.

Keep Holy Water in your homes, the Benedictine Cross and the Seal of the Living God.

20.07.12 The three and a half years remaining in the Tribulation period commences in December 2012.

26.07.12 Two events must soon take place. The Warning, redemption – the final stage – sanctification – the final purification.

02.08.12 When My Son’s Presence will no longer grace the Altars, My Hand in Chastisement will fall. The battle of Armageddon.

06.08.12 You will have to answer for yourself; you will have to answer for the lies spread about Me – my Holy Words to others. All those who have sinned against the Prophets of the Lord were punished.

12.08.12 The Evil One prepares the False Prophets to deceive God’s children to accept the Antichrist as their Jesus, and the False Prophet as the True Pope. False Prophets will never tell you to pray to the Holy Spirit, or receive the Holy Eucharist, or love My Holy Mother, or say the Holy Rosary.

13.08.12 Many of the world’s Prophets, Visionaries and Seers will no longer receive Messages, in order to make way for these most important Messages; to leave room for the Voice of the Holy Spirit given to you, the End Time Prophet (Maria Divine Mercy).

22.09.12 Very important instructions for souls to discern who are True Prophets.

Jesus: The only Messages I allow to be communicated from one Visionary to another is one of support and love. Messages received by genuine Prophets or Chosen Souls are either true or false – there is no in-between. Heaven would never send a Message to contradict another Message received by a Chosen Soul from Heaven.

25.11.12 My Mercy will soon come (Warning). The world will be a calmer place, but like a storm in the night the Antichrist will arrive and dismantle this sense of peace. You must never look him in the eye – cast your eyes down.

29.01.13 This Mission (MDM) is the culmination of all instructions given to humanity through My Father.

05.04.13 My daughter, I must remind you and all Chosen Souls, that not one of you would ever be given the authority to judge another in My Name.

06.04.13 The stars will soon change and the time for a comet to appear.

28.04.13 All genuine Prophets are given prayers which ignite the urge to unite to My Heart.

13.05.13 Anyone who proclaims to speak in My Name since this Mission (MDM) commenced in November 2010, they do not come from Me. Those Prophets who came before this, and who also speak in Name, are Blessed, and I will continue to Protect them. The False Prophets will say the exact opposite to what I tell you.

21.05.13 When the time comes for the Beast to reveal the Antichrist, great signs will be seen – thunder as never before will be felt in many parts of the world – especially where he was born. No harm will come to those with the Seal of the Living God.

23.05.13 The worst persecution against any Mission of God – you can be sure that Satan is very angry.

25.05.13 The Prophets were hated because they prophesised in the Name of God and because they told of future tragedies, which were to befall humanity because of the stain of sin. They led lonely and frightened lives and fell down many times because of the difficulty of their Mission. They found it hard to understand the prophecies and many of them were ignorant of the meaning of the Words, which were dictated to them. Many were unsure whether they were, in fact, Prophets at all, but by the fruits of their Mission – when they could see the spread of the Word of God and how quickly conversions were witnessed – they understood. Most of God’s prophets were despised, mocked and considered to be heretics. Many were cast into the wilderness and tormented, all because they were messengers sent by God.

Prophets are sent into the world – only because of the Love of God – to prepare His children for events which will have an impact on the salvation of their souls.

25.07.13 The Antichrist will appear and start in Jerusalem.

07.08.13 The Antichrist is now ready. He will wait until the wars rage everywhere, then he will step in and create a false peace between Israel and Palestine. He, with the False Prophet, will create a global partnership – New Babylon. When this takes place My Intervention will occur. The world will tilt on its axis: I will shake the world and it will tilt, then I will throw fire upon one-third of the Earth. When the Antichrist receives awards, the Intervention will occur.

10.08.13 My Prophets and Disciples will find it harrowing when their voices will be dismissed and they will be accused of blasphemy.