Message 682 – 18 May 2013

You are undergoing many trials at the hand of the Beast and his Fallen Angels; the Final Battle has begun for God’s Kingdom – God will send a huge punishment upon souls who have murdered their babies; a disease in the womb – Pope Benedict will leave the Vatican soon, but leave the Final Dogma and many hidden secrets – Attack on Israel near; Syria holds the key to this – Today you received good news.

LITTLE PEBBLE: I see the White Cross in the sky and a rainbow is in front of it, and another rainbow comes out of the rainbow, forming a ‘street’ of beautiful colours. At the end of this rainbow which ends before my cell, are many, many flowers growing. I see the Holy Mother coming out of the Cross, holding the Baby Jesus in Her left Arm and the Ark in Her right Hand. The Baby Jesus holds the Rosary and the Brown Scapular. There are flowers growing on each side of the rainbow ‘street’. Our Lady is about 10 feet in front of me. She places the Ark on the ground, and it begins to grow into a huge ship, which blocks out the whole background.

The scene changes and now there is a very rough sea. The Ark is floating on top and the vision of Saint John Bosco’s dream comes into play. Our Lady is now transported onto the Ark with the Baby Jesus. I see Saint Peter as Pope Benedict; he is very frail and falls onto the deck. Our Lady picks him up and places Her mantle over him and carries him away. The ship is in dangerous waters close to sinking.

Now the scene changes and Our Lady once again stands before me with the Baby Jesus. Jesus stands up holding the Rosary and the Scapular and says:

BABY JESUS: “By these devotions the world will be saved.”

LITTLE PEBBLE: Our Holy Mother now comes closer and greets me, and both Jesus and Mary make the Sign of the Cross:

BABY JESUS AND OUR LADY: “In the Name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Ghost. Amen.

LITTLE PEBBLE: Our Lady now places Her Finger to Her Lips and says:

OUR LADY: “Please listen, My holy son, and write what I tell you.”

“I greet you, My precious son, Our Little Pebble of Divine Love! Today, in the thirtieth (30) year of My Appearance as Our Lady of the Ark, Mary Our Mother, Help of Christians – is a special day not only for you, My son, but for all of My children who are undergoing many trials at the hand of the Beast and his Fallen Angels – as the final battle has begun for the Kingdom of God and for the return of My Beloved Son Jesus, to the world. I am the Sign, My children, for My children to come under My Motherly protection, for any man who calls My Name, I will place My protective mantle over him. So be not afraid, My children, as I am a Mother who knows your every need, and I will bring you to My Divine Son, Who wishes to carry you to the promised New Kingdom prepared for you for all times to come.”

“Many of My children have forgotten My Brown Scapular – the Scapular that saves you from the fires of Hell. Bring this cloth, which comes from My mantle, and place it upon all of My children. Children, do not forget the many Sacramentals Heaven has given you; these were given especially for these times, when Hell rages upon a world that has replaced God with so many worldly attachments, to take you away from God and Eternal Life of happiness with God. Be not afraid to approach Me, My children, for I am gentle and meek of Heart, and desire only your eternal happiness.”

“I love you all so very much, My children, but weep so many tears, especially as I see millions of helpless, innocent little ones torn away with such hatred from their mothers’ wombs. Because of this grave sin, God will now send a huge punishment upon all souls who have murdered their babies – a disease will form in these mothers’ wombs and upon those who caused the destruction of the unborn, God will punish them in a way that they will instantly recognise their guilt. A soul must now repent of such crimes and ask My Divine Son for forgiveness, so that you will be reconciled with your Creator, and accept the penance He will mete out.”

“My beloved children, time is very, very short. You still have time to come to God and straighten your path before the Great Cleansing comes. The barque of Peter is upon the high seas and will break into many pieces. My Divine Son Jesus will be removed, and darkness will fall upon the whole Church, and He will remain only with the Remnant Church, where you will still find the Sacraments.”

“Pope Benedict XVI will leave the Vatican soon, but leave behind the Teachings that he will impart upon those who remained loyal to the Truth, with the Final Dogma of Mary and the many secrets hidden from the world for a long time. The loyal Shepherds will deliver these words, once he has gone from the Vatican and Rome. Know this, My children, once this occurs it will be a sign to you that the Great Warning is near.”

“The attack upon Israel is near – Syria holds the key to this. The world will soon see a falling from the Heavens of many meteorites, as the stars move their place in the Heavens. The Southern Cross will no longer be seen in the South, as the Earth moves its orbit around the sun. The alignment of the Planets will cause much destruction. Pray, My beloved children – especially for God’s children, Chosen Children, Visionaries, Prophets and Seers for Satan has now sent major Fallen Angel to each one of them, to destroy their loyal and faithful followers and supporters, to bring division to them so that God’s Word will be stopped.”

“My beloved son, today you received very good news. Know this, My son, all will now come to pass as promised. Continue to offer and pray for Our daughter, the Last Prophet, for she is under much attack. As My Divine Son, Jesus, said to Maria Divine Mercy, He never ran after those who left His side or persecuted Him – the dissenters – He simply prayed for them. Likewise, I ask you to do the same as well as others, as your Mission has not changed, and you are accountable only to God, Who placed you on this very difficult path as My Prophet.”

“This goes also for all My Chosen Souls whether you are Prophets, Visionaries, Seers, Mystics, Apostles or Disciples. Each one of you has been given a specific Mission, and that is to save souls; bring all men to love and serve God and bring them to the New Holy Era, to prepare all men for the Second Coming of My Divine Son, Jesus. All Missions from Heaven are different, yet all are the same. All Missions though very different, may reveal certain aspects of God’s Plan – and may not resemble another Chosen Soul’s revelations – provided they are not against the Teachings of the Prophets of Old or New, or those of Christ’s Church upon Earth, but even have revelations about the New Holy Era – not tested yet; yet you can be certain they are from Heaven.”

“Remain at peace. Pray, My children, also for the Holy Innocents and their mothers – use the prayers of the Baptism of the Unborn, so that these little ones, who are Martyrs of the blood, enter eternal bliss.”

“My holy son, that what you have asked My daughter, you are to know this, the revelation remains true; the meanings have a far deeper meaning. These do not affect any revelation given to you or other Chosen Souls. There are many layers of God’s Mysteries, expressed differently, but mean the same, like a three dimensional picture. So continue with the Mission I have given you, as My Mystical spouse and Vicar of the End Times of the Mystic Church upon Earth. Once the Great Warning comes, all children will understand the Words and Plans given by God.”

“I Love you, My precious son and all of My children. I Bless you with a Kiss from My Immaculate Heart. In the Name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Ghost. Amen.”

“Now, My child, I wish to speak to you privately.”

LITTLE PEBBLE: At the very end of this Message Our Lady then took a Mystical Rose out of Her Immaculate Heart and said:

OUR LADY: “This Immaculate rose I give to you and I send it to Maria  Divine Mercy as a Gift.”

LITTLE PEBBLE: Then Our Lady Blessed us with Our Lord as well:

OUR LORD AND OUR LADY: “In the Name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Ghost. Amen.”