OUR LADY: “Our son, the Little Pebble, remains true to his calling, despite the accusations made against him! In time, this will be made clear, as he is first cleared of the charges against him – but this will not be enough for the world to believe, so a further sign will be given that will be seen through him!”
1 December 2002
While praying and asking Our Lady if She would give me a response, She appeared to me as Our Lady of Fatima. Her gown was all pure white, with a mantilla that was trimmed in elaborate gold. The crown She is wearing is very large and is made of silver and looks very heavy and I often wonder how it stays on Her head, it is so very large! As She seems to hover above me, silver coloured glitter or sparkles just seem to fall from Her. It is very beautiful and these silver sparkles fall on everything and remain all about! She is smiling and begins to speak to me saying:
OUR LADY: “In the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Ghost. Amen.”
“My little one, I will speak to you and this will be a message for the world.
“My children, it should be well apparent to you by the events you are now seeing take place daily around the world, of this time of the tribulation! This is the time of great trials, hardships and upheavals! You, the elect, are not spared, as the forces of darkness converge and descend down upon each and every one of you, with increasing force and numbers – envious and ravenous, because of the great graces and gifts showered upon you from heaven in such abundance!
“Each of you has experienced this now, to one degree or another – this great trial and purging, which is necessary for each and every one of you! Some more than others! The more greatly you have been blessed, the greater will be the attacks by the forces of darkness against you! Since the evil one has not been able to gain the upper hand in many of you, he will go after the ones that he can easily attack, gain control over, and use against you! For the majority of you, this means your loved ones and families! This great pain and agony of these hardships and sufferings will lead a great many to despair!
“My children, I have warned you so many times, of how you shall have to be vigilant, and especially prayerful continually, throughout this time of attacks and great upheavals in the world, and in your daily lives! It is a time of purification, as well as the sifting of the chaff from the wheat! Numbered are those, and in the few are they, who will come through this time of great trial, tribulation and purification, cleansed in the blood of the Divine Lamb, my Son!
“My children, My Divine Son, as well as I, your Mother, have spoken to countless many over the ages, about the value of sufferings and the crosses that have been given for each of you to carry! Each of you has been given the necessary graces and gifts in abundance, to carry you through this time – the first and foremost of which is the reception of My Divine Son in Holy Communion, in the state of grace, having confessed your sins, and secondly, a continual and devoted prayer life!
“With this said My children, what then would you think Our chosen seers, visionaries and voice-boxes throughout the world are going through or experiencing at this time? Hasn’t it been readily apparent? How much division, heresy, lies, false accusations and persecutions have you seen? Do I have to say it? Confusion abounds, and the flock has been scattered! My remnant children are scattered across the globe, united together in small groups. Further divisions will be seen when your Vicar on earth is struck and the church is divided by the false one! This will be largely the case, until the beginning of the new era of peace and the reign of Our two Hearts!
“Our son, the Little Pebble, remains true to his calling, despite the accusations made against him! In time, this will be made clear, as he is first cleared of the charges against him – but this will not be enough for the world to believe, so a further sign will be given that will be seen through him! Still, no matter how many signs we may give, it is never enough to convince many! Confusion will still abound, until the final cleansing, where all evil and evildoers shall be removed and cast into the bottomless pit!
“Take courage My children – remain close to My Immaculate Heart in constant and continual prayer! What I wish the most from you now, my little ones, is to remain as little children, trusting and loving, with little hearts of a child! Please do not be judgmental or critical of others, but remain little, humble, loving and trusting children! Do not let what you see happening, lead you to despair, loss of hope, and disturb your inner peace! Trust in My Immaculate Heart and in the Sacred Heart of Jesus, My Divine Son! Come to us and seek Our Hearts, with your little hearts open wide. so that you may be filled with peace, joy and the grace of Our love! If you do this, My children, the doubts, the confusion, the hurts and the pains, will be vanquished and replaced with grace and joy!
“Remember to give praise and glorify God the Father, the Son and the Holy Ghost, for these unending boundless gifts and treasures of His Love and Mercy to you, my little ones! Be merciful, loving and forgiving, and you shall be shown Mercy and be forgiven! There is still time, My children, and it is time that should be used wisely! Reconcile while you still can! Do penance, offer your entire day, all of your sacrifices, temptations, hardships and crosses, up to My Immaculate Heart, daily!
“The loving Father and My Divine Son, continue to pour out Mercy and great graces in abundance! Stop wasting time, for you have little left! In a short while, this will change to the outpouring from the cup of His Divine wrath! I will continue to pour out My love and blessings to all of My children across the world. In the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Ghost. Amen!”
God’s Little Arrow