Time is short for the world; were it not for the Mercy of the Immaculate Queen, the world would have already been destroyed – The Beast will soon rise to his full power to take control of Holy Mother Church and world Governments – Receive Our Lord in the Blessed Eucharist often; pray, do sacrifices, for without them you will not have light – The Evil One is begging for more time to capture souls; already now he has more than 80% of the world under his thumb.
LITTLE PEBBLE: Holy Saint Michael is already standing before the Shrine. He is very tall and takes up much of the sky now; there are many other Angels with him. He holds-up his sword – and his loud voice thunders throughout the entire Universe as he says: “Who is like unto God”? His voice is so loud it makes the Earth beneath him tremble. He raises his sword much higher, as though preparing to strike the world – but instead he makes the Sign of the Cross with it.
SAINT MICHAEL: “Woe unto you, O people of the Earth! Woe unto all the generations that have gone against their God! The time of Justice is here. I, Saint Michael, Prince of the Heavenly Hosts, have been sent by the Eternal Father to gather the flock and mark them with the Son of Man and cast out those who have been marked with the ‘sign of the Beast’; who have not been written in the ‘Book of life’. Woe unto the inhabitants of the world: Your time for a Just Chastisement is here, ye children of little faith who have abused the Graces from the Eternal God and cast aside the Words from the Most High and the Beloved Mother and Queen, Mary the Immaculate, through the Prophets and through Holy Mother Church. Children of the world take heed, for I come to the world as Justice Itself – by the Hand of the Eternal Father. Hide your faces, O children of iniquity, for your time has come; the Eternal Father is angry with the world. In a short while you shall receive the Wrath of the Eternal Father, upon an unrepentant generation. How dare you mock the Face of God. Woe, woe, woe, to the word!!”
LITTLE PEBBLE: Saint Michael looks very angry and from his chest comes an extraordinarily sharp Light; it’s like a sword which seems to pierce man itself. As I watch this Light now go to the world, it seems to slice into a human being.
SAINT MICHAEL: “This Light that you see, dear child, is the Light of Justice from the Triune God, that will reveal the secrets of many of our children who now live in the world and are working to destroy the Truth. Many of these children are in the House of God; in the Priesthood; in the Religious life; in the Hierarchy and many [are] high-powered men in Government and [other] Authority. The secrets will be made known to the world – the innermost thoughts of these wicked children who go about as white ‘sepulchres’, but inside they are full of trash and I will destroy them the same way as I have destroyed Lucifer, by the Power of the Most High. These souls have the final warning from the Eternal Father to repent of their ways for, in a short while, I will come and claim their souls in the Divine Justice of God, and condemn them to the Eternal Fires forever!”
“To the children of Light; take up the Light which is the Cross – the Redemptive Cross of the Divine Saviour – and take up the ‘beads of Love’ in your hearts; pray that the Justice of God will be swift but yet Merciful, for time is short for the world; for, in its present state, if it were not for the Mercy of the Immaculate Queen, Mother Mary, Purest of All Hearts, the world would already be destroyed. Therefore, dear children of the Light, pray – do sacrifices and penance for this wicked generation – that it will repent and turn back to God while there is time. To those in authority: Take heed of my warning – for this is the final one you shall receive from the Eternal Father before the great sign comes into the sky and into your hearts.”
“The Eternal Father is a God of Mercy and Compassion, but He will no longer allow [to continue] the abuses which have been allowed in the Church. You have profaned the House of God – the Holy Sanctuaries. Return me back into the House of God now! Through my intercession I shall cast out Lucifer and his cohorts, so holiness will return. Praise and Blessed be the Name of the Most High, Jesus Christ, Son of the Living God. Blessed and Praised be the Most Holy Virgin Mary – Queen and Immaculate Mother of God.”
“It is through the Hearts of Jesus and Mary that salvation is wrought throughout the world. See this sword, my dear child: this sword is a Sword of Justice. It shall be placed in your hands in a short while, for you shall purify the Church and strengthen it for the last moment in this time.”
LITTLE PEBBLE: Now Saint Michael steps back and I can see the Blessed Virgin Mary; She comes forward in a tremendously bright Light as ‘Our Lady of the Ark, Mary Our Mother, Help of Christians’ and with Her is the Divine Infant. She is really radiant today. The little Infant holds the Sword of Justice in His Hand. Our Blessed Mother does not carry the Ark as (She does) usually. Instead She holds a type of rod – the Rod of Authority. The Infant Jesus Blesses us:
INFANT JESUS: “In the Name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Ghost. Amen.”
LITTLE PEBBLE: Our Blessed Mother kisses the Baby Jesus and also makes the Sign of the Cross:
OUR LADY: “In the Name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Ghost. Amen.”
“My Beloved child, Our Little Pebble of Love and My sweet Daughter, My Rose of Croatia; My sweet children here present and throughout the world: I greet you from My Immaculate Heart and ask you, once again, for more prayers. Prayers are truly needed, dear children, in this final hour before the total Victory of the Sacred Heart of My Divine Son and My Immaculate Heart, will be fulfilled.”
“These are the days spoken of in the Book of Revelation – the Apocalypse. The pages are turning fast, My sweet children, for the Beast will soon rise to his full power to take control of Holy Mother Church and the governments of the world; for soon the world will be in great crisis and division shall be seen openly in Holy Mother Church. Pray for My Priest-sons, especially the Hierarchy, that they will be given light to see; to believe in the times that you are living in now as being the final days before the end of time.”
“I come today as Mother and Queen of Pure Love, the Ark of your hearts. It is through My Immaculate Heart that you will come to safe refuge; to My Divine Son. Times are very serious now – so please, My sweet children, take-up your ‘beads of Love’ and give your hearts to Us, so that we can ransom sinners from the clutches of Lucifer, for now he roams the Earth with the other five great Demons and many of the Fallen Angels and dead souls, for the whole world is covered in great darkness, because Hell is now upon Earth to take away the Light from Our children and bring them into darkness. It is for this reason that Lucifer rages throughout the world to bring destruction – not only to the spiritual souls but also to your physical beings and to all that stands for God. Therefore, be on guard, sweet children and cry out to Saint Michael the Warrior and Prince of Heaven and Earth, for he is your protector. Pray much to him, My sweet children and to your Guardian Angels – for this is the time of the great battle spoken of in Holy Writ. You need not fear, My sweet children, because Heaven will always be Victorious over evil – even though at times it may seem that evil has triumphed; but the triumph of the Evil One is short-lived, for Saint Michael shall come down with his sword and take the carpet from under his feet and he shall fall again.”
“Yes, My sweet children, these are the days where you must be vigilant in your prayers and in your sacrifices, for without them you will not have the Light but fall also into darkness and then the blind will follow the blind. So be careful, sweet children and pray; receive My Divine Son, Jesus, in the Blessed Eucharist, often, for it is through Him that you receive strength. You need the Body and Blood of My Divine Son to strengthen you, My sweet children, for your battle is not merely a physical battle but, rather, a battle of the Spirits. Human weapons are useless against these spirits that roam the world; it is only by prayer – by the wearing of your armour, the Sacramentals, and by the reception of My Divine Son frequently, that you are able to combat these Spirits of evil and wickedness that roam the world, especially these wicked spirits which come to those souls who are seeking to love and serve My Divine Son.”
“The Evil One knows that his time is short, My sweet children. Even now he is begging for more time to capture more souls. Already he has more than eighty (80) percent of the world under his thumb and only a small percentage of that remaining minority of twenty (20) percent, sweet children, are the few souls who have offered their lives totally and sacrificed all to save Holy Mother Church.”
“So pray unceasingly, My sweet children, and offer your sacrifices to My Divine Son for the salvation of sinners. I Bless you, My sweet children throughout the world, to strengthen you in these times of trial and tribulation: In the Name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Ghost. Amen.”
LITTLE PEBBLE: Our Blessed Mother looks over at Maria; I do not know if She wishes to speak to her, but I will remain silent now.
(Maria, the ‘Rose of Croatia’, now receives a Message.)
The little Infant Jesus now gives-over the Sword to one of the Angels and makes the Sign of the Cross:
INFANT JESUS: “In the Name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Ghost. Amen.”
LITTLE PEBBLE: He says to continue with our prayers now – and the Angels have told me that all the Roses which have been Blessed, here upon the Holy Grounds, have a special Indulgence for the Souls in Purgatory and if one of the petals from the flowers are placed upon the grave, their soul goes from Purgatory to Heaven!
(Prayers are now continued.)
Dear ‘Little Pebble’,
I am [Name Withheld] – and I have been at the Sacred Site earlier in the year with my mother and her friends.
I couldn’t attend today for I have a test to do at school, and have to see my doctor also. Since my heart operation, I have grown stronger and healthier. The memories of my previous visit are still with me, and hopefully I would be able to attend in October, depending on my High School Certificate studies.
My mother tells me that she loves going to the site, and tells me about them upon her return.
I have had good news from a Doctor. I do not have to go back to hospital to get the mechanical valve replaced, but a leakage around the valve must be dealt with, and according to the doctor, it would be around December.
I will be thinking about you all today, as I have done before, and hope to return next month.
Yours faithfully,
[Name Withheld]
September, 1991. Australia
(Signed) The ‘LITTLE PEBBLE’.