The world is covered with many demons and evil spirits, to take over souls that have fallen from Grace – Thousands of souls fall into Hell daily; sacrifice yourselves for these souls – Do you not see what is happening: disaster upon disaster; accidents that are not accidents; volcanoes; earthquakes? – Woe to the children of the world who have been gifted and do not thank your God – Do not cast your cross aside, or you will go on the wide road that leads to perdition and the evil one.
LITTLE PEBBLE: Our Blessed Mother is about ten feet in the air, standing on a little cloud and dressed all in white, as Our Lady of Fatima. She holds a beautiful pearl-white Rosary. Our Lady is smiling, looking about her and down at all of us. From high in the sky come little flakes which look like snow, but are different colours. They fall slowly upon us. Our Lady says: “They are Graces pouring down from the Eternal Father”.
Now, on the right of the Blessed Mother comes Her Spouse, Saint Joseph. He comes, as usual, in brown clothing and he is holding a beautifully carved Staff in his right hand. Saint Joseph looks very young. On the left of Our Blessed Mother is the Patron of the Sacred Grounds – Saint Charbel. He is wearing the same habit that I have because it belongs to the Order of Saint Charbel.
Behind Our Lady comes Saint Michael, with his wings spread out, like a bird and they take up half sky. It is absolutely fantastic! He, too, is in white. The Sword he holds shines very brightly and he now comes down now, with the Sword pointing down here to someone and he says:
SAINT MICHAEL: “One of you is possessed by the evil one. I Command you, O wretched one, to depart from this soul: In the Name of Christ, Jesus and the Immaculate Conception.”
LITTLE PEBBLE: I can see a bolt of lightning coming from his Sword and going into a soul. Our Lady says to make the Sign of the Cross: “In the Name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Ghost. Amen.”
OUR LADY: “My child and My dear children; be not affrighted. I have sent Saint Michael to cure a beloved soul of Mine; to cast out the evil ones. I place My mantle over this soul, to protect her from the evil one. My dear children of the world and My sweet children here present: the world is covered with many demons and evil spirits, to take over souls that have fallen from Grace. Take on the armour of My Brown Scapular and you will be protected from the evil one. Listen to My Voice, My dear children of the earth, as I speak through My Voice-boxes throughout the world. I bring to you My Divine Son, Jesus, to save you – yet Our children of the world cast My Divine Son aside, as if He never existed. O mankind: your time is short. Listen to My Voice-boxes whom I send throughout the world and act upon My Messages, or you will perish!”
LITTLE PEBBLE: Saint Michael is now high in the sky – much higher than he was before. This time, in his left hand, he carries a set of scales. The scales are not balanced.
OUR LADY: “My dear children: the reason the scales are uneven is because there are not enough sacrifices from Our children; not enough prayer and atonement for the sins of the world. Mankind continues to go to its own destruction – and why? – because mankind refuses to listen; refuses to pay heed to what We of Heaven have requested so many times. Is it too much to ask for, dear sweet children: to come to My Divine Son, Jesus, more often, in the Eucharist, to receive Him? Is it so difficult to say the Rosary? Yet, My dear children, this is the path to Heaven – the Kingdom of Light of the Eternal Father. I Weep from nation to nation. I Weep day and night and who listens to Me, your Heavenly Mother?”
LITTLE PEBBLE: Our Blessed Mother is Weeping. I can feel the Tears as they fall on my face. Saint Joseph and Saint Charbel are also weeping.
OUR LADY: “O, sweet children, I am your Mother of Love; the Mother of Mercy. I come to gather My children under My mantle, but so many of My children reject Me. They do not want Me or My Divine Son. Why, dear children, do you think I Weep so often? – it is because I see My children go on the road to Hell. Thousands of souls fall into Hell, daily and I cannot help them anymore. Won’t you, sweet children, sacrifice yourselves for these souls and help Me to gather them under My mantle; to take them to the Eternal Father? Watch, My child.”
LITTLE PEBBLE: Our Lady, Saint Joseph and Saint Charbel have moved aside and I see a very large opening in the earth. It is strange, but it seems that it is somewhere near Cuba – I do not know why. It is a very deep hole. Our Lady is now taking me into the hole; it is very dark and I see these souls – souls who are falling into the hole – and, as they fall, they are screaming out, saying: “Forever, forever – I am damned forever”. As they go down into the hole I see these terrible looking creatures come up to grab these souls – there are so many of them. It looks like tens of thousands of souls.
OUR LADY: “See, My child, souls falling into Hell. They will be there, My child and dear children, for all time – eternity! Do you, My children, know what eternity means? Did I not say at Fatima that many souls go to Hell because no one prays for them?”
LITTLE PEBBLE: The hole has now gone. Our Lady and Saint Charbel and Saint Joseph are back in place.
OUR LADY: “My dear child and dear children: one day, in the very near future – during the full reign of the Antichrist – many of the children of the world will see the demons and die of fright. So, once again I come to you with My Rosary and beg of you, sweet children, to listen to My Voice. Pray for your brothers and sisters, because time is very short. I have repeated this many thousands of times in the past years throughout the world and yet, the world continues to go forward in darkness. Holy Mother Church goes further and further into darkness. Open your eyes! Do you not see what is happening throughout the world? Disasters upon disasters; accidents that are not accidents; volcanoes; earthquakes. What more do you want, dear children? Do you want to be wiped out completely before you believe? Even the children here, upon the Sacred Grounds – many of you don’t believe. Will you believe when your brothers and sisters are dead at your feet? Then it will be too late!”
“I come today, My child, with a very harsh and strong Message, but I need to, My child and dear children, because no one listens to Me. Some, today, will be cured of their ailments. These cures, My dear children, are for the Sanctity of your souls and the Glorification of your God. Be not like the ten lepers who were cured by My Divine Son, Jesus – when only one returned to give thanks. How many has My Divine Son cured upon these Sacred Grounds, and yet has received no thanks? Woe to the children of the world who have been gifted and yet do not thank their God. You will be accountable, My children, far worse than you realize. So honour your God with your praises and your thanks. I Bless you now, dear children here present. And you, My sweet child – My Angel of Love and My sweet daughter, Teresa; My sweet Rose – go forward in the Light and spread the Word of My Divine Son, Jesus, so many may be saved. I Bless you all now: In the Name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Ghost. Amen.”
“It pleases Me much, My sweet children, who have come from afar – from Malaysia. Know that you are dear to My Heart. Give my Love to your people and tell them that I am also the Mother of Malaysia – the Mother of Asia – as I am the Mother of all children throughout the world. I give My Blessings to you and to your country folk: In the Name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Ghost. Amen.”
“I give special greetings, too, to the Religious who have come here. Believe, My Daughters, and spread My Love and the Love of the Sacred Heart of My Divine Son, Jesus, to those to whom you speak. Turn to Me, always and I will succour you. I Bless you, My Daughters, from My Immaculate Heart: In the Name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Ghost. Amen.”
“My dear child: your request regarding Brother Joseph Francis has been granted; I will speak to you about it later. My dear child: go and Bless a soul for Me. Thank you, My child. One last thing, My dear child: I want you to know that the unity between you and Brother Joseph Francis of Canada, also Domanski and Biernacki of Poland, and Andre of Belgium – the unity between you, My children, is very important for the salvation of the world. From these parts of the earth, great Graces will flow to the world for cures and conversions and for the salvation of Holy Mother Church. Through My Divine Son, Jesus, Great Wonders will come through these souls – through you, My dear child – Wonders that will astound mankind, for Jesus, My Divine Son, will confound the world through the humble. Blessed are you who are meek and humble of heart, for you are of My Son, Jesus. Go forward in great light and strength and defend My Divine Son, Jesus, throughout the world. I Bless you all: In the Name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Ghost. Amen.”
LITTLE PEBBLE: Behind Our Blessed Mother is Our Sweet Jesus, on the Cross – not dead, for His Head is wobbling around and He is looking at us. I can see a lot of pain in His Face and yet I can see He is very calm. Jesus says:
OUR LORD: “I will Reign from My Cross, for it is the only way for the salvation of mankind.”
LITTLE PEBBLE: Behind Jesus are many crosses with people hanging on them, and Our Lady says:
OUR LADY: “These crosses, My dear child, are the crosses that will be given to mankind soon. Many of Our children will be placed upon the cross to unite their sufferings with Jesus, My Son – and My Immaculate Heart – for the redemption of mankind. Know, sweet children, that you must pick-up your crosses and follow My Divine Son, Jesus, to Paradise. This is the only path to Heaven. Do not cast your cross aside for, if you do, you will go on the wide road and this road will lead to perdition and the realm of the evil one. Take up your crosses, sweet children, with love and patience – and trust in the Heart of My Divine Son, Jesus, for He will never give you a cross heavier than you can carry, for He Loves you – as the Father and the Holy Ghost do, in the Son. We, of Heaven now, Bless Our children, to help them carry the cross: In the Name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Ghost. Amen.”
LITTLE PEBBLE: Next to Our Blessed Mother are Saint Joseph and Saint Charbel and they now move a little further away from Our Lady as the Great Angel of Heaven comes. I have never seen this Angel before, but he is very tall. He wears a golden Girdle and, in his hands, he has the Signs of the Passion. He is coming closer towards me – very close. He is very beautiful. Upon his forehead is the Sign of the Living God – the Cross – and it is aglow. The Angel is close enough for me to touch; I can nearly touch him. Our Lady says that he is going to place a Cross upon my forehead and upon my hands.
OUR LADY: “My son: he is the Angel of the Passion. Know too, that you, My child, will undergo the Passion of My Divine Son, Jesus, to help save souls and to bring forward the recognition of this Apparition Site. I ask Our children throughout the world to pray for the recognition of the Apparition site, here in Nowra, Australia and also of Olawa in Poland and My son, Brother Joseph Francis. It is most important now, that the world believes in the Messages that I, Mary the Immaculate and My Divine Son, Jesus give to the world. Thank you, My sweet son, My dear daughter Teresa and all My children. I Bless you all now from the Heart of My Divine Son, Jesus: In the Name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Ghost. Amen. Continue now, My dear children, with your prayers, for they are sorely needed now in this time of trial. Soon, mankind will undergo great trial and suffering, because God, the Eternal Father, must Chastise those whom He Loves, to bring them back to His Heart. Thank you, sweet children of love, for coming here to pray with Me, to save souls. I Bless you all: In the Name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Ghost. Amen.”
LITTLE PEBBLE: Our Lady requests that we sing the Hymn of Fatima once again for the salvation of souls – and, also, it consoles the Heart of Jesus.
OUR LADY: “I will speak to you now, My dear son, quietly.”