NOTE: Due to the personal nature of the Message, some of it has been deleted
Each one of you were given special talents from My Divine Son, Jesus and some of you do not use them – Know, sweet children, every Counsel I give is for the Glorification of God and the sanctification of your souls –
LITTLE PEBBLE: Our Lady is about three metres above the statue. The pinkish-white cloud that She stands on is very fluffy. On both sides are two Angels – one carrying a book and the other a rod which looks something like a staff, gold in colour. The book is a brilliant white and around the cover is gold. The Angel turns the book around, nods to me and asks me to read what it says: “The thoughts of many will be laid open”. #He is taking the book; he is taking it to himself.
Our Lady is dressed in beautiful white, has little roses on Her Feet and in both Hands holds many roses. Our Lady also wears a Crown of Roses on Her Head. She looks very, very, beautiful and very young. She is smiling and looking about Her; looking at all of you. Our Lady says the roses represent each one of you. They are all different colours and She will give you one rose each later this evening, as a sign of Her Love for each one of you. Behind Our Lady are many other Angels who also have crowns of roses around their head. They are carrying roses of all colours and form a semi-circle around the Blessed Mother and the two Angels who flank Her. The title above Our Blessed Mother is “Our Lady of the Roses”. The Angels behind Our Lady now throw the roses, which are falling all over and around us. Some are falling on our heads and some to the floor. Our Lady is smiling at all this, still holding roses in Her Right Hand. She also has Rosary Beads – this time they are red and they, too, look a bit like roses.
OUR LADY: “I Bless you, My child and My sweet children here present: In the Name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Ghost. Amen. My sweet children here present: I come this evening to give you Counsel from My Immaculate Heart because I know that there is great need here. I am the Queen of Roses. ‘The Queen of Roses’ means the Queen of My Children, for you are the roses. Do you know, My sweet children, how precious My Garden is? How do you nurture a garden, My sweet children – is it not through the waters? And what are the waters that I ask of you? Are they not prayers – My Holy Rosary? Many of you are troubled at heart and it saddens Me very much.”
LITTLE PEBBLE: Now, from Our Lady’s Eyes come Tears and even the Angels around Our Lady are crying.
OUR LADY: “See, My sweet child and My dear children, why I cry. It is because I see division amongst My children. Have you, My children, forgotten the role you must play in building My Garden – the Garden of My Immaculate Heart? Each one of you, I chose. You were given special talents from My Divine Son, Jesus and some of you do not use them. You must read the Words of My Divine Son, Jesus, My dear children, when He spoke them many thousands of years ago concerning the workers in the vineyard – concerning the worker and talents. Some of you have been given great Graces and yet, through your actions, have lost them and continue to lose the merit that goes with the action; this is why I Weep. What, My dear children, shall We do to solve the problem that you have here on this Sacred Mission. First, you must pray more and ask My Divine Son, Jesus, to bring peace into your hearts; to bring harmony amongst you. Peace can only come from Jesus. If you do not see Christ in your fellow man, you lose great Grace and peace cannot be given to Our children.”
“Dear children: I seek the time from your hearts, not from your lips. It is the dedication of your heart that I look for. Know, sweet children, that My Immaculate Heart will always be in your presence. Call on Me, frequently and I will come to your aid. You must pray more often – much more often – during the day; doing your work so your work becomes music of prayer to the ears of My Immaculate Heart. My dear children: I am not angry with you; I have singled out certain souls to Counsel. It is because I Love you, as a Mother. Know, sweet children, that every Counsel I give is for the glorification of God and the sanctification of your souls. I Bless you all now to give you peace of mind and heart – and work together, My children, as a team of love and unity, because, My children, you will be the seed of the Saint Charbel Order of Holy Mother Church. So work together, and not against each other. I Bless you all now: In the Name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Ghost. Amen.”
LITTLE PEBBLE: Coming from above Our Blessed Mother is the Holy Ghost, as a Dove encircled with Light. It is very beautiful. Above the Dove is a tongue of fire. The Dove is coming closer now and rays of Light from the Dove are shooting towards each one of you. On the rays are little flames of fire. Absolutely beautiful; very beautiful! Our Lady smiles. And now, behind Our Lady, the Angels who made the semi-circle are taking one of the roses out of Our Lady’s Hands and coming towards us and placing a rose on each one of us. Each rose is different. The Holy Ghost is now going back in the sky and I can see the Most Blessed Trinity, very high in the sky. I see the Father and the Son. They are both sitting on White Thrones and the Holy Ghost is in between Them. A brilliant White Cross is just behind the Holy Ghost. Our Lady holds Her Heart out in Her Hand:
OUR LADY: “I Bless you now, My sweet son and dear children, with My Immaculate Heart.: In the Name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Ghost. Amen. Love one another as My Divine Son Loves you. Continue now, My child and sweet children, with your Rosary and know that I am always with you.”
LITTLE PEBBLE: Our Lady is going further back into the sky and, as Our Lady goes further into Heaven, Saint Joseph comes forward. He comes right here, near the ceiling. He is dressed in brown, holding a rod of wood. Saint Joseph smiles and looks over to Joseph and says: “I come this evening to bring a gift for you.”
LITTLE PEBBLE: One of the Angels now takes a cord from around Saint Joseph’s waist and is going over to Joseph to place the cord around his waist. (Joseph is one of the Inner Circle Workers.)
SAINT JOSEPH: “This, My child, is a gift from My heart to you because of your devotion to Me. This will protect you from all evil. I Bless you, My child: In the Name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Ghost. Amen.”
LITTLE PEBBLE: Saint Joseph now goes back into the sky and follows the Blessed Virgin Mary. The Angels follow. The Heavens are now closed.