Message from Our Lord, Our Lady and Saint Michael
1 January 2025
Jesus Christ, the Mother of God, Saint Michael and Saint Joseph are present. Our Lord, Our Lady and Saint Michael speak.
SEER: It is 3 pm. I am […] waiting for Heaven to direct me. I am experiencing an exceptional feeling of hope, Jesus, Mary and Saint Michael are before me in a vacuum of Love and Light. I see Jesus, Mary and Saint Joseph in this Field of Light with a White Cross shining behind them.
OUR LORD: “We greet you, beloved son, [Name Withheld] and Vicar of My Divine Heart. I Bless you, My Son of My Sacred Heart; I Love you and I Bless you: In the Name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Ghost. Amen.”
“Today is a great day of My Beloved Mother, My children – and all of My children must remember My Sweetest Mother. My beloved children I ask that you pray very hard now, because of the event that will change the world. My children pray, pray — because it will be a time of great upheaval and great change, because mankind will come to realise that their lives are a life of living for God, rather than themselves.”
“The world will wake up to the realisation that life is Truth, My children. Every person will see themselves before God and will see where they will stand before Me, if they were to die at that moment in time.”
“The Antichrist will make himself known, publicly, in June this year and mankind will be tempted by him for three years. Then will come the end of this world – and I will come to save mankind and renew the world for one thousand (1,000) years reign, where you, My holy son and Our children, will live in peace and harmony.”
“This year will be a year of great changes. Mankind will change and convert to the Truth, that Catholics will reign for all, because mankind will come to know the Truth. My children, remain at peace, because the Final Battle will be fought and the pain and suffering will be great.”
“My holy son, My Angel of Divine Love, your release is near. You will travel to the [Name Withheld] with your [Name Withheld] and your faithful children, to the fulfilment of My Holy Will. Pray My child, as I am ready and waiting for you. My Most Holy Mother will speak to you about what is to happen. I Bless you: In the Name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Ghost. Amen.”
SEER: Our Holy Mother is before me, all in white and Our Holy Mother has a beautiful red rose on Her Waist, showing that She is the Mother Most Pure.
OUR LADY: “I Bless you, My Angel of Divine Love, [Name Withheld], the Last Vicar for Holy Mother Church – Peter Romanus II.”
SEER: Our Holy Mother is gleaming and smiling. She offers the rose to me and says:
OUR LADY: “I love you, dear son of My Immaculate Heart. Today, I wish My children to take heed of what I say. My beloved children, Great Chastisements are coming now. In the coming months the volcanoes will erupt, very greatly shifting Islands and bringing the great seas over the land,”
“The Third World War will ignite around the world. China will invade Taiwan and the Pacific Ocean Islands, attacking Australia and the U.S.A.”
“A new Nuclear War will unleash itself, but before this comes an Asteroid will enter the world, bringing the seas over New York and the Coastal Areas. Many Islands will disappear. The land that holds California will be moved into the sea and many Islands will disappear. Russia will invade Europe and the Middle East.
“The next four months you will see and hear all, My suffering children – because the hour has struck. Pray, My suffering children, because the events are about to take place. Be prepared, My holy son, because you will be taken from prison and set free, so that you will be able to fulfill all that you were born for. Just trust in God and have faith, because everything will occur very, very soon.”
“Pray My children! Pray My children, for your Holy Vicar, so that he will be able to fulfill all that God has instructed, because it is time. I love you My sweet children and I Bless you for 2025. Have faith and trust in Jesus, your Loving Saviour: In the Name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Ghost. Amen.”
“I love you, My sweetest Son. Take courage and know that your Loving Mother is with you.
Your Loving Mother, Mary”
SEER: Saint Michael steps forward and says:
SAINT MICHAEL: “Take heed, my children and follow the direction of Jesus and Mary. I love you and I Bless you + love you and Bless you, my holy Vicar, son of my Angelic Heart: In the Name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Ghost. Amen.”
SEER: Saint Michael Blesses us; when the Three Bless us the White Cross vibrates. Jesus Blesses [Name Withheld] and the three [Name Withheld], plus the two [Name Withheld].
OUR LORD, OUR LADY AND SAINT MICHAEL: “In the Name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Ghost. Amen.