13 May 2024
BRIGHT STAR: Since the beginning of the third decade, the Crucifix in front became very bright and it just got brighter and brighter, until the Crucifix disappeared and its the White Cross. The ceiling and everything are gone and the White Cross has gone high into the sky and the door in the centre of the Cross has opened up. The first to come through are the Nine Archangels that protect us here. They come down and take their place around the Chapel. They all have their battle uniforms on and they all have their swords pulled. They all hold them high in the sky and in unison they say: “Who is like unto God?” Now there are many Angels – many, many Angels – that followed them and came down. They have taken their place all over the Chapel, the grounds, everywhere here; the sky is full of them. There are just too many to explain – there are thousands and they are beautiful – in all different colours – but they all have battle uniforms on, to go into battle and to fight against the Evil One.
And now the Saints are coming and the first that come are the Twelve Apostles of Old, They go down and take their place on the left-hand side. Behind them are the Twelve Apostles of New — they also take their place just in front of the Twelve Apostles of Old, on the left-hand side. Now on the right-hand side, I also see now many women coming and they move to the right-hand side and take their place on the right-hand side. There are twelve across the front and there’s twenty-four — two more lines of twelve for twenty-four in the back. And now I see Padre Pio coming and St. Joseph. It’s really beautiful, because there are many, many Saints coming and I recognize St. Francis, because he kind of bows towards me as he enters and there are too many Saints to name them all. I recognize St. Teresa and I recognize Our Lady’s Mother and Father — Joachim and Anne and it’s beautiful. They are all processing in and taking their places, also all around this Chapel and all in the skies. It’s really beautiful.
The last three I see coming through are the three Saints of Fatima, Francisco and Jacinta. The three of them move down and they turn and face towards the Cross, They are kneeling and now through the Cross comes Our Blessed Mother. She looks very radiant. She comes as Our Lady of Fatima. She has on Her Crown — it’s beautiful gold. She has Her Rosary in Her Hand. It is really beautiful to see Our Lady. The statues of Our Lady of Fatima don’t do justice to the beauty of Our Lady in Her garments and all that pertains to it. It’s really beautiful. Then Our Mother gets just above the Altar and Mother is looking around at those here present and it’s just like Mother penetrates — Her gaze penetrates within each of us and Mother has a beautiful smile as She looks within us. Mother now Blesses us:
OUR LADY: “In the Name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Ghost. Amen.”
“I greet you, Bright Star of God’s Love, and I thank you once again for answering God’s call. For so many were called and so few have come forward. The world now is in such darkness. The evil one is in all corners of the earth and he is harassing the children of God, trying to wear them down and make them doubt all that they have believed over these years.”
“O, My children, people are so blind. They refuse to see. The Third Secret at Fatima is unfolding before your very eyes and yet you choose not to believe. I ask you, My children, to pray, pray, pray. For so many refuse to listen to this call of their Mother. Now, My children, every prayer is important. Every sacrifice is important. For all is about to fall upon mankind and your God desires to save as many children as possible. There is no more time to waste, My children, for all is at your very door.”
“My Son’s Church has gone deep into darkness and it is about to go deeper. For many will reject Me as the Mother of mankind. So many Graces will be lost for My children will turn their back on Me. They will reject My Son and His Presence in the Eucharist. His Sacrifice that He offers time and time again to bring you to Heaven, to make reparation for your sins. Day after day He suffers anew, My children.”
“I know the human mind cannot conceive all that God is accomplishing, but I assure you the Plan of God is unfolding before your very eyes. And very soon many will cry bitter tears because they didn’t listen to the call of their Mother in this final hour.”
“O, My Children, I thank you for all that you offer Me. You do not understand. One prayer, one sacrifice can change many things. One prayer, My children, said with love, sends out a wave of Grace over the earth to release My children from the chains that binds them. Why, oh My children, are you waiting, for great suffering before you will bend your knee to your God? For I assure you now that the world is — the War is about to spread throughout the whole world.”
“Oh yes, My children, you will do much penance even if you desire not to. For your God will bring you back to Him through suffering. This is why it is so important for you to pray because you desire it in your heart. My children, heaven has many levels and everything you offer brings you a step closer to the highest level. I ask you, My children, consider this well for you are called to reach a high sanctity. And if you love My Son as you declare, your actions will testify to it.”
“O, My children, as the war goes and spreads throughout the world, your God will bring many manifestations to mankind to bring them back to Him. You will see wonders from your God that your eyes will not believe. And even this, My children, will not break some of the hardened hearts. But My children, your Father’s Plan will go forward.”
“And I know, My children, that you all suffer anguish of heart because [of] all that they are doing to My Vicar. But I assure you, when the War spreads throughout the world, My Vicar will be brought forward with a strong arm and no one will wonder if he has come from God. For they will know very well that God has come to his rescue. And all of those who have tortured him and have defiled him will be brought to their knees. They will cry bitter tears for they could have been part of the victory of God and chose to turn their back for worldly pleasures.”
“It is in sacrificing yourself for your love of neighbour and love of God that will move you ahead, My children. Do not count, My children, the price that you have to pay. For I assure you, your reward will be greater than all of your sufferings. I love you, My children, and I ask you to please pray that they do not turn their back on their Mother and they do not reject My Son in the Holy Eucharist. My little ones, My Warriors of prayer, My Warriors of Truth, you must defend these two things with your whole heart and with your whole strength. For your God has called you to defend these things for Him. And it is through the little ones that this great Victory will come to the Church and to My Immaculate Heart. I know, My children, the human mind cannot conceive the things of God, but you can trust in the words of your Mother. You can fulfill the things that She asks of you, for you are called to great things.”
“And you need not worry, My children, for God will outpour his Holy Ghost upon you. And you will receive all the weapons that you need to fight the evil in this world. You only have to be willing, and God will sustain you for His Honour and Glory.”
BRIGHT STAR: Mother now goes around the Chapel. She goes over to Bright Star, kisses his forehead, and she makes the sign of the Cross on his forehead. Mother has now gone to each person in the Chapel. She has done the same thing to all those here present. Mother has moved back to the front, and I notice on Mother’s Head there’s much Light coming from the crown, but it’s not the crown of Our Lady from Fatima. It’s the crown that we placed on Mother’s Head yesterday. (There was a May crowning ceremony on Mother’s Day, May 12). But the crown that is on Her head, even though I know it’s the one from yesterday, has turned to beautiful gold. And there is white gold in through the leaves and the flowers, and the flowers are all real. You can smell the perfume that they are so beautiful. And Mother is smiling, and She raises Her Hand again.
OUR LADY: + “In the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Ghost, Amen.”
“Oh yes, My children, I know all things, and this small act of love sent Grace throughout the world to help Our children. I have shown you this example so that you will understand, every small thing you offer Me can save a soul. I ask you, My children, in the morning, as soon as you wake, offer that day to Me, for I will use every moment of that day for the Honour and Glory of your God.”
“Throughout the day, My children, I do not ask you to remain in the Chapel day after day, but I ask you to remember my Divine Son as you go about your day. The more you think about My Divine Son, the more Grace you can achieve in your daily duties. I love you so much, Mychildren, and I ask you to hear the plea of your Mother, so that together we may save many, many more children.”
“As the war goes forward, My children, many Priests and Bishops will be sacrificed for My Divine Son. So I ask you to remember to pray for all the Cardinals, the Bishops, and the Priests, for they will suffer much as the Plan of God unfolds to the world. I send a Special Blessing now, My son, to My Vicar, for I desire him to know that I am at his side all the time. I know, My son, that you desire for this cup, if it should be able to pass from you, that it would. But My son, I know you submit to the Will of your Father as My Divine Son did in the Garden of Gethsemane. Be at peace, My son, and know that Victory for you is not far off. There are those who are already planning to come to your aid, and you will not have to wait much longer, My son, for the fulfillment of My Words. Be strong, My son, for God is going to come to your rescue.”
BRIGHT STAR: Mother now is raising Her Hand and She is going to Bless the whole world. She said:
OUR LADY: “I Bless this world and I ask My Divine Son to drive out all the evil that keeps My children in chains, so that they will leave their sinful ways and return to their God. I Bless you all: + In the Name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Ghost, Amen.”
“I will remain, My son, until the end of prayers.”
FIRELILY: In the Name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Ghost, Amen. Since the prayers began, I have seen the gathering of all the people that are true, following the truth. They are gathered together, and there is a rainbow that circles, its not just an arch, it a whole circle, and they are in the middle of it. They are protected. They are holding their Rosaries up towards heaven, and pleading for help, but at the same time, they are at peace in their hearts.
I see in the distance, on the horizon, very close, the New Era. I see the New Jerusalem, rising up, in the distance and I see a way through — all of us that are in this circle. All these things we have to go through, are in front, at the sides, behind, and yet we’re protected. There is a way through each obstacle. I can see how we go through, how it opens up; Angels protecting us — and we somehow get through all these difficulties, wars, or whatever is presented in our path and we get through to the end. In the front is … leading us and we follow, undaunted by the difficulties.
I see us at the end — all those that have made it. Some will be taken up before, but many of those that believe, will make it to the end — and it is such a wonderful reward at the end, where there is total peace, happiness — its indescribable and I can feel it.
That is all I have to say — to describe today.
In the Name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Ghost. Amen.
[End of Message]