Message to Lucia of Japan – 29 July 2022
29.7.2022 06:50
(Our Lady):
Lucia, we bless you.
+ In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit, Amen.
How do the children view the scourge of the book country on this day?
This Mother, the Immaculate Conception, the Blessed Virgin, St. Mary, has told you.
Do not give this vaccine, the corona vaccine …
This is what happens when children are vaccinated without listening or researching.
The more you give the vaccine, the more the components of the vaccine leave your body and pass it on to others.
To those children who have been vaccinated, the Most Blessed Mother Mary says to you, “Pray, pray, pray.”
Pray, pray, pray.
Pray, pray, pray.
Pray with sincere repentance.
With sincere repentance, pray to Our Mother, the Most Blessed Virgin Mary.
Let this Mother be with her children and bring her prayers to her Son, the Most Holy Jesus.
Let the grace from My Son Jesus be delivered to you through this Mother.
Stop, think, and pray.
If we do not do this, the majority of the children of this Land of the Rising Sun will lose their lives.
They will suffer and die.
Each one of you must research, think, and make the choice not to vaccinate any more.
And the second and third vaccines that will come along should not be given either.
I have said it before.
Vaccines must not be given.
We will cease to be human beings.
I say it once again. Stop vaccinating, be sober, and say one blessed prayer for this mother.
The same goes for you, the symptomless children. Turn your hearts and prayers to this mother.
For you will be manipulated along with the 5G airwaves.
This will add to the chaos in the land of the rising sun.
Children of My beloved Mother. Read again what this Mother has said and live your days with an open mind.
For this Mother will cover you with her cloak …
And you, Lucia, continue your daily prayers.
I hope that the damage will be as little as possible…
And get this message out.
Once again the children must read the message that has been told to them before….
Vaccinations will cause different diseases to appear in this country….
I am telling you this. Please confirm this message to my beloved son and to Camilo.
That is all for today.
Go, my dear daughter, do not be distressed, but be at peace.
Tell my beloved son (William) to endure a little longer.
Tell my beloved son (William) to endure a little longer.
You have special angels for that.
Please be patient a little longer until the time comes when all the visionaries can be united. Sending this Mother’s loving blessings on her beloved son.
+ In the name of the Holy Father, the Holy Son and the Holy Spirit, Amen.
And to you, Camilo, and to all the children of the Land of the Rising Sun, we send our blessings from the suffering will of this Mother.
+ In the name of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit, Amen.
See you again, my dear daughter.
May you suffer.