Message to Valentinas Sydney Seer – 6 July 2022
The Famine is Reaching a High Peak Now
[See website:]
While I was praying the Divine Mercy Chaplet, I was also meditating on the message our Lord Jesus gave me about the Universal Cross. In my prayers, I offered up all the people in the world, from East to West and from North to South, as our Lord requested of me; for all the non-believers and for the conversion of sinners who offend God very much.
Suddenly, our Lord appeared and said, “Over and over, I have been reminding you, and repeating to you, about My children in the world who are dying from starvation. That upsets Me so much. I want to tell you that the famine in the world is now reaching a high peak. It is the selfishness of humanity which turns a blind eye to this. They pretend not to know as they don’t want to know. Every minute, people are dying of starvation, especially little children. That should never happen, as there is enough food for everyone, and so many rich people in the world don’t want to know about the people in the poor countries and how they suffer.”
“The day of My Justice is nearer and nearer when I will put things in the right order, and I will defeat all the evil circulating the world.”
“When I do all this, these people who are now suffering will live in harmony and peace.”
“I want you to have faith and trust Me that this will happen soon.”
Thank you, Lord Jesus. Please bless all the starving people in the world, especially the little children.
Message to Valentina Sydney Seer – 10 July 2022
Pray for the Former Prime Minister of Japan Shinzo Abe
[See Website:]
Yesterday, when I heard the news about the assassination of the former Prime Minister of Japan, Shinzo Abe, I felt very sad and hurt because I knew he was a nice person.
I was saying my prayers when our Lord Jesus appeared, and He said, “I want you to pray for Shinzo Abe, the former Prime Minister of Japan.”
I immediately did as our Lord asked and included him in my prayers.
This morning, during the Holy Mass, our Lord again reminded me when He said, “Because you attend the High Mass, I want you to offer Me the former Prime Minister of Japan, Shinzo Abe. He was a very good person, very highly respected, a good human being, and he had done a lot of good for his people. His life was cut short in a horrible way by a horrible assassination.”
“Pray for other leaders because none of them are safe. There is so much evil now in the world.”
“I tell you, all that society tells people to receive the vaccine again, it is not that they need the Coronavirus vaccine, but they are doing it to put fear into people to control them. There is hardly any virus around, but they make people believe that it is circulating.”
“It is all lies!”
“There is so much evil in the world that you have no idea, My children. I can only tell you that the road, from now on, will be very hard, rough and stormy. I want you to persevere, and I want you to stay very close to Me. I Am always very close to you to protect you from all evil.”
I said, “Thank You, my Lord Jesus, have mercy on us and protect us.”
Today, as I was lighting a candle before the statue of our Lady, Help of Christians, I said, “Blessed Mother, it is so cold today and look at the rain.”
Blessed Mother responded, “My Son permits the cold weather and rain to happen because He wants people to change and to convert. Just as the weather you experience is very cold, so are the human hearts of the people very cold. People are very slow to change and recognise the signs they are being given through the weather.”
“Pray for the world. The world is in darkness, and many things will happen. Only through prayer things can change and be stopped from happening. With all the things that are happening, trust my Son.”
Thank you, Blessed Mother.