Messages to Valentina Sydney Seer – 20 April 2022
The Holy Family of Nazareth Comes to Visit
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It was just about midnight, and I had finished my prayers when all of a sudden, I could see this bright light that kept appearing.
Blessed Mother then suddenly appeared with little Boy Jesus and St Joseph. They came as the Holy Family of Nazareth accompanied by an angel.
The Blessed Mother smiled, and she said, “We thought, and then we said, let us go and visit Valentina.”
I said, “Oh, Blessed Mother, what a beautiful surprise!”
“We have come to console you because you have had a lot of suffering during Lent. Since we are still in Easter, we thought we would like to share something with you.”
I said, “Oh, thank you, Blessed Mother.”
In spirit, we found ourselves standing around my dining table in the kitchen, Blessed Mother, St Joseph, little Boy Jesus and I.
Jesus was all in white, St Joseph was elegantly dressed, while Blessed Mother was in a beautiful long white gown made of lovely crispy material. Her gown was covered with a very pale blue shawl, falling gently to the ground, and she wore a white mantilla covering her hair, which matched her dress.
I said, “Oh, Blessed Mother, I have to offer you something.”
Without putting anything out for my guests, a long loaf of bread appeared on the table, like a Vienna bread, about half a metre long. Next to the bread was a beautiful white dish like a bowl cup. The red wine was in this dish. It was red, but not too dark.
Blessed Mother said, “We would like you to share with us in this banquet.
That represents the Precious Blood and Body of our Lord Jesus.”
“Oh”, I said, “Blessed Mother, I am so happy.”
We started cutting the bread and sharing it. We shared a few pieces.
I said, “Blessed Mother, what will I do with the rest of it?”
“Take some and share the rest with others,” she said.
The Holy Family stayed for quite a while.
The Bread represents the Word of God. In Holy Communion, we receive the Body of Christ, which nourishes us, and when we share with people the Holy Word of our Lord, we nourish them. We nourish their spirit. The Precious Blood protects us and washes away our sins.
Message #1 to Valentina Sydney Seer – 24 April 2022
Divine Mercy Sunday: My Mercy is abundantly Pouring
[See link:]
During the High Mass at eleven o’clock today, our Lord Jesus came and said, “Valentina, My child, I want you to offer Me all the souls in Purgatory. Offer Me the sick, the dying, the oppressed, the non-believers. Offer Me the young and the children, for they are My biggest concern. Many of the young people are on the road to perdition, and that breaks My Sacred Heart.”
“I want you to offer Me the people who are in prison. Not many people pray for them or think of them. Do not exclude anyone, while My Mercy is abundantly pouring on everyone.”
“Many people, they don’t change at all. With all that I pour, so many graces and mercy, their hearts are hard as a rock. They don’t accept them, and My graces and My mercy echo back to Me to Heaven. It saddens Me because My Sacred Heart is full of pain.”
“People should honour My Mercy in a much bigger way instead of offending Me. Now My Mercy is abundantly pouring on earth, but I also want to tell you that one day My Mercy will stop, and it will be exhausted, and you will be very sorry for not listening to Me.”
God the Father said, “You are living in times which are bad, but you are very privileged to go through this time because you receive many Graces. Many saints in Heaven now wish they would be here on earth to go through these times because this is a period of special Grace given to the world. Appreciate this, My children, and be grateful and thankful.”
During the three o’clock Holy Mass for Divine Mercy Sunday at Our Lady of the Rosary Church, Kellyville, Lord Jesus spoke and said in the church, “Today, My Divine Mercy is abundantly pouring upon My children on earth. I want to tell you, on this day, many souls come to Heaven.”
“I also want to tell you, in Heaven, many special graces are given to the saintly souls. They are raised up higher and rewarded.”
I said, “Lord Jesus, this is so beautiful. You are such a good God. I praise You, and I love You for all Your goodness and Your graces, and for all that You do.”
He smiled and said, “Valentina, on this day, if people attend the Divine Mercy Mass at three o’clock and confess their sins, and when they approach to receive Me in Holy Communion, if only they could see with their own eyes the graces they receive, they would appreciate My Mercy much deeper.”
“At that moment, all the Gates of Heaven are open, and My Divine Mercy is flowing down like a river upon you all, and as you pass through the Gates of My Mercy, at that moment, all your sins are forgiven. You should thank Me and praise Me much more deeply and love Me for doing all of that, My children, for being so merciful to all of you,” He said.
In a vision, I saw our Lord with His arms outstretched wide, and from His Sacred Heart, the flood gates opened, and His Mercy gushed out in the form of a beautiful golden river. I saw the golden water pouring down abundantly. This is His Mercy, and it flushes out our sins.
As we approach to receive our Lord Jesus in Holy Communion, we walk through this golden river of Mercy, and at that very moment, all our sins are forgiven.
Lord Jesus, thank you for Your beautiful graces, for Your love, and for Your mercy.
Message #2 to Valentina Sydney Seer – 24 April 2022
Divine Mercy Sunday: The devil behind the Holy Cross
[See link:
This morning I saw our Lord Jesus on the Holy Cross Crucified. I saw how the devil, this horrible black creature, was always behind Him; behind the Holy Cross. He was always behind there sneaking and going around and waiting to see if our Lord would give up His suffering.
But He didn’t. Our Lord resisted until last, until He took His dying breath. Then the devil disappeared for he had no more power.
The whole time he was sneaking and waiting. He was not afraid. How sneaky of him!
In the same way, that is how the devil is sneaky around people. He will make you find any little excuse to interrupt you and to make you sin. What a horrible creature.
I made the Sign of the Cross, many times, so that the devil would vanish.
In another vision previously, the angel also showed me how the devil was waiting, but then when our Lord took His last breath, finally He expired and died, the devil screamed and howled, and was angry because he had lost.
Message to Valentina Sydney Seer – 29 April 2022
For the Cenacle Rosary Prayer Group and for all Prayer Groups
[See link:]
During the Cenacle Rosary, our Lord Jesus and Blessed Mother Mary, Most Holy, both came and were present during the prayers.
They both smiled, and our Lord Jesus said, “We come to tell you that your prayer group is becoming much stronger. This is a grace given to you all. Appreciate each time you come together because this will not always be easy. Things are unfolding quickly, and many changes will happen even in the churches. They will suppress you more and tell you that prayer is not important and necessary anymore.”
“Pray now while you still have My Grace and My strong presence among you.”
Blessed Mother said, “My children, lose no hope. Continue to pray. Pray for non-believers and for the world. My children, this is the last battle between good and evil. Pray, my children everywhere, so that evil will be defeated. My Son is preparing a beautiful reign of peace that will soon come and descend on earth. We love you all, and we bless you, and we never abandon you. We are always present when you pray.”
Our Lord always comes to give us encouragement, that is, to give us courage to come to the prayer group.
Thank you, Lord Jesus and Blessed Mother Mary, Most Holy, please protect us.