Message to Valentina Sydney Seer – 9 January 2022
Light a Candle for a Forgotten Soul
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After Holy Mass today, I went into the Chapel to say a prayer and to light some candles. When I came to the statue of Blessed Mother Mary, Help of Christians, I picked up two candles from the storage box and proceeded to light them. As I did so, a third candle rolled out of the box, falling onto the floor and rolling under the candle stand. I thought I would leave it there and someone would pick it up later.
Immediately, Blessed Mother said, “Do not be afraid, my daughter, pick up the candle and light it. That will be for a forgotten soul that nobody even thinks of anymore. So, when you light the candle, a light will come to him as now he is in total darkness. That will bring him hope. Place him in your prayers.”
“Many people who die suddenly, whether on the roads, in accidents and in hospitals, die without the sacraments. They too are in darkness, and they wait for someone to show them charity and to help them.”
I said, “Blessed Mother, now that you have told me, I now know, I will pray even harder for the holy souls for whom nobody prays.”
I felt deeply touched and emotional when Blessed Mother revealed this to me.
In my spirit, I could see the soul for whom our Lady asked for the candle to be lit. It was for a man, who I could see him sitting in complete darkness huddled in the corner of this very small quarter, looking very sad.
As I lit the candle for him, I could see how the flame from this candle suddenly descended to where this man was sitting and became huge, lighting up his whole quarter. When the man saw the flame of light, his facial expression immediately changed to one of happiness.
As the light reflected on this quarter, I could see even more souls in the darkness around him. They were all younger men in their thirties and forties. Who knows how long they have been there?
May they all rest in peace.
Blessed Mother showed me that when we light a candle, the light from the candle reaches all the way to Heaven. Even when we are praying at home, it is good to light a candle because around us is darkness, the darkness of this world, and the light shines all the way to Heaven. God is light. He wants us to remain in a state of grace in the light and not in the darkness.
When we are praying and light a candle, all our prayers, even our Rosary prayers, go into this light. This light goes direct to Heaven to our Lord because He is the Light, the Light of the Soul and the Light of the World.
Thank you, Blessed Mother, for this beautiful teaching and that you care so much for all your children on earth and for all the forgotten souls in Purgatory.
Then our Lord said, “My Mother is very concerned for the world, especially now during this pandemic state that the world is in. Pray and console My Mother and pray for the world to repent.”
Správa od Valentíny – vizionárka zo Sydney – 9.1.2022 Zapáľte sviečku za zabudnutú dušu
Dnes po Svätej omši som išla do kaplnky pomodliť sa a zapáliť sviece. Keď som prišla k soche Blahoslavenej Panny Márie Pomocnice kresťanov, vybrala som z úložného boxu dve sviečky a pristúpila k ich zapáleniu. Keď som to urobila, zo škatuľky sa vykotúľala tretia sviečka, ktorá spadla na zem a zvalila sa pod stojan na sviečku. Myslela som, že to tam nechám a niekto si to potom vyberie.
Blahoslavená Matka hneď povedala: „Neboj sa, dcéra Moja, zober sviečku a zapáľ ju. To bude pre zabudnutú dušu, na ktorú už nikto ani nepomyslí. Preto keď zapálite sviečku, príde k nej svetlo, lebo teraz je v úplnej tme. To jej prinesie nádej. Vložte ju do svojich modlitieb.“
„Mnoho ľudí, ktorí náhle zomrú, či už na cestách, pri nehodách alebo v nemocniciach, zomiera bez sviatostí. Aj oni sú v temnote a čakajú na niekoho, kto im prejaví lásku a pomôže im.“
Povedala som: „Požehnaná Matka, teraz, keď si mi povedala, už viem, že sa budem ešte viac modliť za sväté duše, za ktoré sa nikto nemodlí. Cítila som sa hlboko dojatá a emotívna, keď mi to požehnaná Matka zjavila. V duchu som videla dušu, pre ktorú Panna Mária požiadala o zapálenie sviece. Bolo to pre muža, ktorého som videla sedieť v úplnej tme schúleného v rohu tejto veľmi malej štvrte a vyzeral veľmi smutne. Keď som mu zapálila sviečku, videla som, ako plameň z tejto sviečky náhle zostúpil na miesto, kde sedel tento muž, a stal sa obrovským a rozsvietil celú jeho štvrť. Keď muž uvidel plameň svetla, výraz jeho tváre sa okamžite zmenil na výraz šťastia. Keď sa svetlo odrážalo na tejto štvrti, videla som v temnote okolo neho ešte viac duší. Všetci boli mladší muži po tridsiatke a štyridsiatke. Ktovie, ako dlho tam sú? Nech všetci odpočívajú v pokoji.
Blahoslavená Matka mi ukázala, že keď zapálime sviečku, svetlo zo sviece dosiahne až do Neba. Aj keď sa doma modlíme, je dobré zapáliť sviečku, lebo okolo nás je tma, tma tohoto sveta a svetlo svieti až do Neba. Boh je svetlo. Chce, aby sme zostali v stave milosti vo svetle a nie v tme. Keď sa modlíme a zapaľujeme sviečku, všetky naše modlitby, dokonca aj modlitby ruženca, idú do tohoto svetla. Toto svetlo ide priamo do Neba k nášmu Pánovi, lebo On je Svetlo, Svetlo Duše a Svetlo Sveta. Ďakujem Ti, Najsvätejšia Matka, za toto krásne učenie a za to, že sa tak veľmi staráš o všetky svoje deti na Zemi a o všetky zabudnuté duše v očistci.
Potom náš Pán povedal: „Moja Matka sa veľmi stará o svet, najmä teraz počas tejto pandémie, v ktorej sa svet nachádza. Modlite sa a utešujte Moju Matku a modlite sa za svet, aby činil pokánie.“