Message to Valentina Sydney Seer – 20 September 2021

Message to Valentina Sydney Seer – 20 September 2021

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Love is a Beautiful and Everlasting Gift

Our Lord Jesus said, “Would you like to know about My Love, when we lived on earth, Me and My Mother?”

Our Lord Jesus smiled and continued, “I love My Beloved Mother so much, and she loves Me so much in return. Our intimate love played a big part in our lives. We share our love to a point that unites us in one Love. Love never ends. It grows constantly; every person that is born inherits My Love. It is placed by God in every heart.”

Lord Jesus then smiled and said, “Valentina, who can measure My Love? No-one.”

“Love is a beautiful and everlasting gift,” He said.

Thank you Lord Jesus for the gift of your Divine Love.