YELLOW LILY: I see Our Beautiful Jesus, He is tall, dressed in a simple white tunic, with a white cincture doubled around His middle; Our Lord wears a long, deep, bright yellow stole, with a thin white bias.
OUR LORD: “You will say to My People: Hear from My Lips O true Jerusalem and Kingdom, from the Holy Seat, The Lord who speaks the truth shall save you and has mitigated the time to be suffered in unprecedented ways. I will not be outdone in Glory and Power, those who want to see My Face, shall see it, do see it! I come to you! Do not imagine as you meditate on the Face of The Lord, this is alone your imagination! I do not disappoint those who seek My Face, nay, more, I desire this desire and seek also you: this is My Peace come to you!”
“Little ones of all nations, regardless of the positions you hold, for, little ones, you have been given them by Me; this means you are placed in them to fulfill a role of truth unlike other ones – great ones – who offend their God, because they offend all other ones to retain their selfish thrones, rotten to the core! I know well these names too and the games being played, the control being contrived and truth hurt. Your God too, does keep score through the evil acts committed. Yet Hope named Jesus never ceases on His Call: “Repent, Sons! You know not the time! Repent and make sincere reparation!”
“To them who know My Name and uphold it, I say I know yours and more shall be given to you knowing My causes and reminding all to call on, and trust the Holy Name of God, Emmanuel!”
YELLOW LILY: I watch Jesus: In His right Hand He holds a very large, golden Monstrance – holding a large, Most Blessed Sacrament – the Body of our Most Blessed Lord. I see its design very clearly: The golden portion below the Sacred Host is shaped as a Holy Chalice and starting from its wide base, winding around the stem, to the tip of the Goblet where the Holy Species is contained, is carved big golden grapes. Sitting on the ‘cup’ of this Chalice in the centre of a gold “sun” and shining out under glass I see the White Eucharist. Surrounding it are many, many, golden points carved out at different lengths. It looks very heavy, Our Jesus holds the stem of the Monstrance.
OUR LORD: “To you, My people of truth, who know the truth and that you may know the truth: continue your prayers for your world! For many stand against us, some in full complicity of the evil which threatens the entire of Earth’s sovereignty, as independent nations; others, unfortunately naive, who do not see their hands before their faces – willful or unwitting – My little ones, pray for all! This time before us may seem full of complexity but no more than any other in the time of man. What is more disturbing than any other period: the tired and complacent nature of man for their souls, so it is left to so few, carrying the load of many! Call on Me for I Am ever near and will bear your rest.”
“My children you stand on the precipice of many discoveries, as light is about to disinfect many halls of power! Listen carefully, this does not end our work, but just as the growing season draws to a close, we must redouble our efforts to draw the ready and fruitful forward! My ones, I hear your call, “But Jesus, we are tired and have little water and food to refresh ourselves!” Prayer MUST be your strength, the difference as any time before, never has God needed so little to do so much! Say but My Name and watch what your Jesus does!’”
“We are together, and as right now Francis, with his ilk, work to create and support new and false fraternities, truth is undeniable and as God, not changed.”
“The Earth and its nations are on the threshold of an unprecedented peace, with this too, miracles, miracles, miracles, poured out! My dears, while we pray, we smile; our hearts maintain their rhythm and peace. Health and peace, be not afraid! And to President Trump, maligned because he does the work of God as a true leader and fighter, far more than he now understands.”
YELLOW LILY: I watch Jesus make the Holy Sign of the Cross – the Monstrance lifted away by little cherubs. Our Lord lowers His Head, His Eyes are closed. He raises up again and says: ‘Victory’.
Jesus looks to me, smiling so sweetly, I watch as He makes a small Sign of the Holy Cross, He says:
OUR LORD: “ I love you”. (This is for all the little ones all over the world.)
YELLOW LILY: Jesus steps back and I do not see any more.