Message to Valentina – 15 March 2020

St Patrick’s Cathedral Parramatta (Sydney)

Make the Sign of the Cross many times

During the Holy Mass, our Lord Jesus appeared. He said, “With all the confusion happening in the world now, tell people to trust in Me, and not to panic. The media and the governments are causing confusion and fear in people. The devil is very active now in the world.”

“Tell people to protect themselves by making the Sign of the Cross as many times as they can, throughout the day. In this way, the devil will not have so much power over them.”

“My children, you must remember I died on the Cross for all of you, to save you. The devil hates the Cross, and he flees from the Cross. Fear not, My Cross is the Victorious Cross.”

“Bless yourselves many times, pray, and do not fear. There is always hope that, as more people pray, things will get better.”