Message to Little Grain – 23 December 2019


23 DECEMBER 2019

LITTLE GRAIN: During thanksgiving after Holy Communion I notice the back of the Crib had changed and I saw a Bishop with his Crozier dressed in white with many Angels and people around the Crib.

I thought I was seeing things and I shut my eyes. When I opened them again they were still there. I then heard Jesus speaking. He said:

OUR LORD: “There will be a disaster on the property.”

LITTLE GRAIN: He did not signify what.

OUR LORD: “It will affect mainly those who do not accept the Messages of William and reject My Mother’s Mission here in Australia.”

LITTLE GRAIN: At first I thought I was hearing things and I did not believe, so I asked mentally to see my sign. I was told to close my eyes and then I saw my sign. I was Blessed: In the Name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Ghost. Amen.”

I was also told that the Little Pebble, will be out of captivity. [His ankle bracelet removed]

Also the Rock of Gethsemane will break and William will be able to take the Scroll that is within it. Water will also come out of the rock – a Great Miracle and Phenomenon.