Message 794 – 30 September 2019



People of Hong Kong are fighting a system which is intrinsically evil; China is waiting to take over the Government – The enemy is stirring up the Nations, to bring war and disunity to Europe – You have allowed the Antichrist and his followers in your midst, believing you have found the Truth – Pray for Britain, because soon Scotland, Wales and Ireland will separate – Russia is on the move and will invade Europe – Australia will be chastised, as the final straw has been broken in allowing abortion fully into its land.

WILLIAM: I have been praying the Chaplet of Divine Mercy and I see the White Cross in the sky, which is very large and bright. Behind the Cross I see two Comets coming close to hitting one another and I see another Cross forming in front of the White Cross, which is transparent and the rays of the Comets are penetrating this Cross and forming a type of mushroom, but it is very clear. Jesus comes through the White Cross and is gliding towards me. He is dressed in white with a red sash over the front of Him. There are tens of thousands of Angels around Him.

Saint Michael comes to the side of Him and kneels down and greets Our Lord. Jesus lifts up His Arms and Saint Michael hands Jesus a Crucifix which is about three feet tall and Jesus holds it up and Blesses everyone, including me. Jesus comes to me and hands me the Crucifix and says:

OUR LORD: “This is the Cross that you will use to vanquish the Evil One in all ways, My son – especially as you travel the world, very soon.”

WILLIAM: I asked Jesus something privately and He confirmed it and said:

OUR LORD: “Do not worry, My son. I Bless you and all My children of the world: In the Name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Ghost. Amen. I come today as Mediatrix of All Graces, which is a Title I have given to My Most Holy Mother.”

“My beloved and holy son, William: The world as you know it is slowly covering itself up in itself and not remembering they should cover themselves with My Precious Blood, for mankind has dug a hole with themselves and cast themselves into it. O, dear son, pray for mankind as it is getting darker by the moment.”

“My children, the people of Hong Kong are fighting a system which is intrinsically evil, as the forces of China [on] the Mainland are only waiting for the moment to take over the Government. Pray, My children; it is because the people have no faith in Me that Satan has released his venom upon these young people. If the world would pray, then things would change and what you see in Hong Kong is what the free Nations will experience very soon, because the Evil One desires to control all of humanity. Pray, dear children, for with prayer Miracles will happen.”

“To the people of Europe: My beloved children, do you not see the enemy stirring up the Nations, which will bring war and disunity amongst My children of Europe. Have you not learnt from the last two World Wars, plus the Napoleon Wars, dear children? No you have not – you seek the pleasures of the world and the domineering Powers that will take you away from My Hands. I have called you over 150 years, to ask for prayers. It is because of this you would have saved millions of souls, yet you continue to deny yourselves of this Truth. You have allowed the Antichrist and his followers in your midst, believing you have found the Truth – yet, what have you found, but war and anxiety, with the loss of faith and the loss of peace with the loss of your children.”

“Very few now believe in Marriage or a wholesome life, which in turn affects the children. Since 1962, where Satan and his demons have entered the Realm of the Catholic Church, the Faith has gone down.”

“I beg of you, sweet children, take up the Cross and follow Me, because you still have time, while My Heart of Mercy still exists, because the final act of Mercy will soon be upon you, with the Ball of the Warning – and should you reject this Grace, then the chastisement will follow swiftly.”

“My beloved children of France and Germany: lift up your faith and trust in Me, your Loving Saviour, because you still have time – but remember, My Merciful Hand will fall very soon.”

Spain: “My children, you are going to be tried in faith, because your Nation will be invaded very soon, by the Moors, who have not forgotten you over many centuries ago.”

France too, must watch out because you have allowed many Muslims into your Nation, which will be [to] your detriment.”

“Germany: It is time you recognize the fact that you cannot allow too many Muslims in your Nation. Be careful, for the enemy is working very hard to dislodge you. I call on Europeans to take up the Beads of Love – the Holy Rosary – for your Nations, because before long the war will break out and divisions will occur. Pray for Italy, because the Pope is going to announce a division in your land unexpectedly.”

“I love all My children, but My children have been so slow to recognize these Nations which will bring disunity and harm to them. Pray, dear children for Britain, because soon Scotland, Wales and Ireland will separate, for they wish to rule their land separately, which will bring great disunity amongst My children.”

Russia is on the move, My children. Unless the Russian Parliament see what is actually happening, Russia will invade Europe.”

“I have warned My children for a long time to pray and be watchful of the events taking place in Russia and Europe. You must remember, dear children, that the plan of Russia is to bring Communism to all the world and the Governments are truly involved in this plan, but they have not the power to change it, except to follow the directions of My Blessed Mother at Fatima and all Apparitions of the world.”

“My children, you have noticed the ice-caps begin to melt. This is due to the temperature changing in the world. It is because the Earth has moved, yet it is only a small change, but the main reason is to do with mass sins – it is because of this the world is doubling its effect to remind mankind of its path that it has taken and that is the way of sin, because I speak in many ways to warn the world and the Nations. Some of the world is changing, because I am telling the world to show you that you have left the way of truth and embarked on a road which will lead to self-destruction – until mankind turn from their path to a life of prayer and sacrifices and mankind change their way of life, then all things will improve.”

“My beloved children, I, your God and Saviour, love you. I seek only your salvation and goodness. Therefore, I ask you one more time – repent and acknowledge your sins and turn back now, while you have the chance. I love you with an open Heart and I seek your [you to ask for] forgiveness, but it is up to you, My children.”

“I brought with Me the two Comets, which will strike your Earth in a thunderous way, bringing you the White Cross of Redemption, so that you will repent and ask God to forgive you.”

“This event is near, My children, when you see and hear My Holy Vicar, Pope Benedict has left Italy, know that it is near. But before this comes, the Third World War will come from the Middle East, which will bring great destruction upon many Nations and this Third World War will last only a few months, but know that the Great Warning will appear.”

“So, My sweet children, prepare now with your food storage up to two weeks at least, with water and blankets. But make sure that many of Our children have started their farms and be prepared, stocking canned food in a safe place, because it will be after the Warning that the two camps will be formed – one of [for] those that believe and one for those that will not believe, even after the Warning has been given. A major disaster will come upon a small Nation. It is a warning for the people of the world.”

“Pray for Japan, for another tsunami will come soon. The people of Japan must listen to the one I send, for with him I will tell the people they must listen, because the people of Japan who are engrossed in the welfare of themselves, must turn to God now, as much of the land will be swallowed up. I love the people of Japan, but they must give way to more spirituality. Pray, My children, because time is moving swiftly and I seek the salvation of all people.”

“Continue to pray for Francis, as he is plunging his way through, to bring the Church into unity with the world. Shortly he will introduce major changes, but the changes are to bring the Church to ground.”

“I love you, sweet children and ask you to pray unceasingly, because much is to happen very soon. Australia will be chastised, as the final straw has been broken in allowing abortion fully into its land.”

“Pray, My children. I love you and send the world today, ten million Angels from the Chair of Saint Michael.”

WILLIAM: I asked Our Lord privately some things. Both Jesus and Saint Michael Bless us:

OUR LORD & SAINT MICHAEL: “In the Name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Ghost. Amen.”

WILLIAM: Jesus turns to go towards the Cross and Blesses us:

OUR LORD: “In the Name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Ghost. Amen.”