Message 792 – 31 August 2019



Days are approaching mankind where only your faith will hold you together; great division will occur in the world – Pray the Divine Mercy Chaplet, the Sacred Wounds of Jesus Chaplet and My Holy Rosary, as these prayers are vital for now – The people of Hong Kong will be crushed by the Super Power that controls it – China and Russia will disturb and control most of mankind – Slowly you will see Nations and the Monetary System collapse – Australia very close to being invaded; Abortion Laws will crumble this Nation.

WILLIAM: While praying the Holy Rosary I see before me flashing, a long white road coming from where I am writing, to the Highest Heaven. I see the White Cross where Heaven usually comes from along the street. I see two rows of Angels on each side of the road. They are holding a flag from each country. There are two-hundred-and-sixty-five (265) of them. There are two (2) main rows; on one are seven (7) Crosses with the seven (7) Seals and the other side with seven (7) Crosses of the seven (7) Signs of Tribulations. Behind the main Cross is the Earth, which has two (2) Comets heading towards each other. On the other side is a huge White Cross and flashing over the White Cross are the Words: “It won’t be long now!”

The White Cross on the mountain opens up to Our Lady of the Ark, with the Baby Jesus around two (2) years of age. They glide down upon white clouds. Jesus and Mary come to the bottom of the road of Light and greet me:

OUR LADY & BABY JESUS: “In the Name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Ghost. Amen.”

WILLIAM: Jesus comes from Our Lady’s Arms and floats towards me and makes the Sign of the Cross + kisses me on my forehead, then returns to Our Lady. “I love you Mother” and Our Lady responds: “I Love you too, My son.”

There are many, many Angels. Saint Michael comes down and greets Our Holy Mother and Her Divine Son, Jesus.

OUR LADY: “I greet you, My precious and holy son! Soon you will lead My Church upon Earth, when Our Holy Vicar, Pope Benedict, is martyred for Holy Mother Church.”

“I come today, to encourage Our beloved children to remain firm and keep strong, for the days are approaching mankind, where only your faith will hold you together, as time is moving on towards the Great Division that will occur in the world. I call My children to remain strong, keeping your faith and praying unceasingly, following the Words that My Divine Son, Jesus, has uttered over so many years. I ask you once again, sweet children, to pray the Divine Mercy Chaplet, the Rosary of the Sacred Wounds of Jesus, My Divine Son and My Holy Rosary, as these prayers are vital for these times.”

“You will see and hear of [a] great outcry of the injustice that will be inflicted upon My sweet children of Hong Kong, as the people will be crushed by the Super Power that controls it. My children yet do not understand what is going on, but with time they will, as all of mankind will understand that the Great Powers of China and Russia will disturb the whole world with their power and the way they will control most of mankind. Pray, dear children, because what We witness is total anarchy.”

“Pray for the European countries, because what is happening is the division of the Nations by the Muslim Sectors, to divide the Christian Nations, so that the Ten Nations of the Antichrist will be formed, as the Antichrist desires this, to bring forth his reign. But pray, My beloved children, because you are unaware of the Evil Spirit to use all these means to conquer and destroy mankind. Slowly, you will see Nations collapse and the Monetary System will collapse, as the Super Powers seek to control all Our children, but it is through sacrifice and prayer that the enemy will not succeed fully.”

“My beloved children, it is time that you read about all the revelations given to mankind, so that Our children will not be caught unaware of what is going on. Prayer, My sweet children, is most important, because it is through prayer that you will be enlightened, as to where you are heading. Prayer is most important – it will keep your mind alert to any changes that are coming upon the world.”

“My beloved children of Australia: you must stop the introduction of Abortion in the State of New South Wales; but in reality, in Australia, because everywhere Abortion is introduced, destruction will come.”

Australia now is very close to being invaded, as the Abortion Laws will crumble this Nation. Your coastlines will be the troubled areas where the major punishment will come. I ask you to pray, My sweet children, because what you will witness, is total anarchy and many people will die. You, My son and those close to you, will be protected. Your victory is near. I ask the people of Australia to call on God, for He will protect you.”

America is going to suffer greatly, My dear children, because you have many enemies hidden, to try to bring disunity amongst its people and it is for this reason you have massive punishments.”

“My beloved children, what more can I tell you, but to open your heart and pray, for it is through prayer, many of the chastisements can be mitigated.”

“I ask, as your Heavenly Mother, to pray at least one Rosary per day for your country, because the power of the Rosary is very powerful. I love you, My children and give to each one of you, who say My Rosary each day, a special Gift of Perseverance.”

WILLIAM: Our Lady shows me a Rosary that is said with true devotion – it forms a circle around the body of a person – and each time you say a Rosary, the circle of Light around the person is strengthened.

OUR LADY: You see, My child? Hold your Rosary up high. (Jesus comes and Blesses it and it glows). Jesus will come to each person who places a strong devotion to the Holy Rosary. Watch closely, My son:”

WILLIAM: I see Australia and in the middle of Australia, I see the earth part in the middle and it is like a lake of molten lava forming.

OUR LADY: “It is a sign, My dear children, of what is coming to this Nation. I will not reveal more at this time, but the people of Australia must pray, because of the many atrocities it has done to good and holy souls.”

“Pray for the Continent of Africa, because many people will perish, as the earth will shake and cause much suffering to come.”

“As you saw in the vision of today, the two (2) Comets that will be seen in the sky – they are the Comets that will cause the Great Warning. I have shown you this, because even though We have shown mankind that the Warning is near – for close to eighty (80) years – Our children must understand that the event is near, because mankind believe they will continue on this road forever, without the event taking place, but little do Our children understand why the Eternal Father is so generous to wait so long – it is to give mankind time to comprehend where they are going. So now, it is very much the time that Our children comprehend what is about to happen and I can assure you, it is not long to go. So be thankful and pray, so that many of God’s children will respond.”

“Pray, dear children, for the French Monarch, who is to make himself known – as time is moving swiftly now.”

“I love you, dear children and ask that you pray for each Nation in the world, so that all will be united. I love you very much and with the Holy Rosary I wish to cover each land, so that Jesus will Bless all. I Bless you, My son, because soon your plans are about to rise. Be at peace and know that Jesus and I, your Heavenly Mother, have placed you upon this path, which will bring many of Our wayward children back to Us. I Bless you.”

WILLIAM: Jesus now Blesses:

BABY JESUS: “In the Name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Ghost. Amen.”

WILLIAM: And then Our Holy Mother:

OUR LADY: “In the Name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Ghost. Amen. Be at peace sweet son and children.”

WILLIAM: Each flag holds a multitude of Rosaries.