Message 783 – 7 April 2019



If you are consecrated to the Heart of your God and His Beloved Mother, you have nothing to fear – The world grows more cold as My Arm is taken away; soon the chastisements will come – Many will believe in the Usurper, who will proclaim himself as I – After the Three Days of Darkness the Sun will shine again for several years – My son, you will be returned to Earth and become Peter Abraham II, to guide My loving sheep – Rome and the Vatican will be no more – Pray that the Holy Grounds will be freed

WILLIAM: I see the White Cross and a large long street of Light coming towards me and it stops at my flat. The White Cross has the Blessed Eucharist on the top and Jesus comes through Them. Not far from the Cross is another Cross all aflame and coming closer to the flat is a Wooden Cross. Moses is standing to the right and Elijah is to the left. Moses is carrying the Ten Commandments and Elijah is carrying the Two Commandments of Jesus.

Where the Eucharist is shining on the Cross, I see seven (7) large candles also shining – three (3) to the left and three (3) to the right, with one standing above the White Cross.

Jesus is standing now in between the Holy Prophets and is wearing a white garment with a light-coloured tunic over Him, in red. He stands now in my flat and says:

OUR LORD: “I greet you, My beloved son, William – Peter Abraham! I bless you: In the Name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Ghost. Amen. Do not be surprised, My son of Light, because it is very important that I come today, as many of Our children are getting worried about the state of the world and they see very little change in the welfare of man.”

“But, My beloved children, you have nothing to fear for if you are consecrated to the Heart of your God and His Beloved Mother, Mary, you have nothing to fear. But for the souls that are not dedicated to Me and My Mother, you need to pray for them and ask God for time for these many other souls to turn to God for Mercy, because I have come for them.”

“Today, I have come with St Moses and St Elijah, who carry the Word of God for your salvation and to give you the guidelines for your salvation. Be not afraid, because I am always there for you.”

“As you can see, the world grows more and more cold, as My Arm is slowly taken away from My children, because mankind feel they no longer need God, because they believe they have everything in life. It is for this reason I come to encourage them to think again, for time is moving [on] and soon the Great Chastisements will come, because I can no longer wait for mankind to listen to the Calling of My Most Holy Mother, because She cries very much for you and you have ignored Her. Please, My children of the world,. Listen to your Holy Mother, Mary, as She goes throughout the world begging Her children to change their lives and become a prayerful people, awaiting the return of Her Divine Son, Jesus, which is very soon.”

“Within the next few years, as the trials continue for mankind, the days get closer before the days of great suffering approach mankind. Many people believe I am not coming to the world a second time, yet many will believe in the Usurper, who will proclaim himself as I. But, My children, have I not warned you in Scripture that when I come again, it will be at the end and you will see Me coming in the clouds with millions and millions of My Angels? My Second Coming will be like that, but mankind will believe in the False Messiah – even though he will not come as I will be [come].”

“I have given you many signs of how I will return to the Earth. It will be at the very end, after the Three Days of Darkness, because that sign will be one of great suffering of Three Days of Darkness and the Comet coming to the Earth to awaken men from their slumber. But the Three Days of Darkness is to awaken mankind from their lethargy.”

“After the Three Days of Darkness the Sun will shine again for several years – it will be a time for mankind to reunite with God and make reparation to God for their many sins.”

“You are to remember, My children, that the victory is with God, but after the Great Warning, will be a time of Great Conversion and Reflection. During this time, mankind will be able to understand the Love and Mercy of God. But know very well, dear children, that after the Great Warning God will perform a Great Miracle and mankind will receive abundant Graces.”

“It will be then, My beloved son, you will be returned to Earth and become Peter Abraham II, to guide My loving sheep and you will lead My children to counteract the Antichrist, because at first the whole world will be converted to Catholicism. But in a short while the Antichrist will rule, as many of those converted will believe in the Antichrist. It will be the time when the Church will be persecuted and Rome and the City of the Vatican, will be no more. But, My children, you will have all the help you need, because I will have given you Pope Peter Abraham, who will be your consolation.”

“My children, be strong and pray, so that the chastisement of the world will not be so strong. I love you, My sweet children and I have preserved the greatest men and women for the end. You will never be left alone, as My Darling Mother will be your strength.”

“To My children of Great Britain: be not frustrated with the dealing of Brexit, because there are many within your Parliament who seek your destruction and disunity. Pray, My dear children, because the British Isles will be divided and disunity will be part of its plan. Pray, dear children, because war is not far off for Britain and Europe, as the enemy is within, to bring division within the European Common Market.”

“Remember, dear children, there are plans to bring the Common Market down, so that the Ten Kingdoms will be established, because the Antichrist is near and desires the Union to bring the whole world under his domain.”

“My children, My children: if you would pray, you would receive enlightenment of what the devil is doing, for he is one who desires the whole world, but he wishes to bring a unity of division amongst the people, for mankind does not understand what he is trying to achieve. You must turn to prayer, because it is prayer that will divide his plan.”

“My children, please pray for Spain, because much unrest will come to this nation very soon. Pray for Japan, My children, because heavy chastisements are coming with another tsunami. Please pray for Tokyo, as a chastisement is coming upon this city.”

“Pray, dear children, because the unrest in the Middle East is getting stronger. War will break out very soon.”

“Pray for Australia, because many problems will come to this nation as it is rich, but soon, its richness will succumb to great chastisements. Pray, dear children, that the Holy Grounds will be freed, so that the Graces will return to the country.”

“Pray, dear son, because soon many things of Grace will happen to you and you will bring many people to believe in God’s Word. Pray, dear children so that God can bring many Blessings to the world.”

“As you know, My son, Australia and the Southern Hemisphere has received many months of high temperatures which has caused many problems for Our children. But people have forgotten to ask God to forgive them of their sins. So, My people, pray so that God’s Mercy will shine.”

“To the American people: pray hard for the coming year, because many chastisements will come and many parts of the U.S.A. will be removed and the nation will be confronted with war. Pray, My sweet children.”

“I love you, My sweet children and beg of you to pray very hard, so that the chastisement will be mitigated. I love you and send a Blessing to you: In the Name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Ghost. Amen.”

WILLIAM: Then St Moses and St Elijah come forward and say: “Pray and keep the Holy Commandments.”

Both Moses and Elijah come forward and throw the Ten Commandments and the Two Commandments out into the world and say that whoever believes and follows the Commandments will have eternal life: “In the Name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Ghost. Amen.”

The three of them come over to me and place themselves around me and Bless me: “In the Name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Ghost. Amen.” Jesus says:

OUR LORD: “Both of these Prophets will be your Guardians and Protectors and will inspire you to preach and teach the Word of God.”

WILLIAM: Both Prophets hold my two hands and kiss them and return to Jesus. Jesus says:

OUR LORD: “Go in Peace, My son, My Angel of Divine Love: In the Name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Ghost. Amen.”

WILLIAM: Both Jesus and the Prophets Bless me and leave.