The Covenants of God with Mankind – 26 August 2018


26 August 2018 – by William Costellia

Noahic, Abrahamic, Mosaic , Davidic, Messianic.

A Divine Covenant is a Promise from God, formalized in a legal framework – solemnized by sacrifice and guaranteed by oath.

The five Bible Covenants are stepping stones along the way, as God brings history to a climax in the Millennium in the restoration of all things that were lost in Eden. This study is Biblical Anthropology.

Were Noah (and family) truly the only people saved from the floods?

In the Hebrew writings of the Old Testament Fathers of the Church, the Torah and the Anthologized, from the Talmud, Midrash – we learn that there were one hundred (100) men, women and children who entered the Ark of Noah – and from the writings of China and Pirsha, India and South Americas, there was more than one ark, as God inspired others to do the same. However, this does not take away from the Bible or the Teachings of the Church. On the contrary, it helps man to understand that God watched over the world and even though the flood came, many thousands of souls repented during the flood and were saved by God’s Mercy.

So let us look at the great men whom God made a Covenant with and the men and women who were part of the make-up of the Mission of God’s Prophets and Leaders and how God judged and tested them. Many of these writings came from the Old Testament Fathers and the writings of Saint Catherine Emmerich from Germany, in her visions about the Old Testament men and women. Included in these writings is a better meaning and understanding of God’s Creation of Adam and Eve and the many parts that are missing in the Bible – especially Genesis – which is contained in the writings of the Old Testament.

It is to be noted that all Prophets, Kings and Leaders, who God made a Covenant with, had more than one wife and had many children.

From the Pentateuch, or Torah, you have the Noahic Covenant. This Covenant is applied to all humanity, while the other Covenants were with the biblical people of Israel. The Old Covenant was a conditional agreement that God made with Israel. The ultimate purpose of the Old Covenant was to point people to Christ.

The Edemic Covenant is the one God made with Adam, first made with man. God commanded Adam not to eat from the Tree. The Promises of God to Adam were conditional to his response. After Adam’s fall, God still made more Promises – even of the Redeemer.

The Second Covenant that was made with Abraham, then continued with Isaac – to stay with the Jews, as they were His Chosen People.

Noahic Covenant – Genesis, unconditional forever – 2348 BC.

Abrahamic 1913 BC – unconditional sign, circumcision, given after the fall of Nimrod’s rebellion and the Tower of Babel. Covenant and his seed, to secure an innumerable seed.

Mosaic 1491 BC – brought in after the birth of Israel. Exodus – Davidic 1042 BC, unconditional – made with King David and the Royal Seed.

Then came the Messianic Covenant, 33 AD. Replaces the Old Covenant – First Covenant made by God with man in the New Testament – The Threefold Covenant with William John Baptist Costellia 3rd July, 1993 AD – Priest, Prophet and King – the continuation of the Covenant made with Abraham, Moses and David. Then the Last Covenant with man: The Second Coming of Jesus Christ and His Kingly Reign on Earth with His Holy Mother – a Promise made in the New Testament.

So let us look more closely at how God dealt with His Prophets and Leaders.

Most, if not all Prophets and Kings, had many wives to serve their Dynasties and Lineages, for God Promised Abraham that from the Divine Blessing given to him, or the Staff of Life of Posterity – which originated in the Tree of Life in the Garden of Eden – and was first given to Adam.

So God gave a Command to Adam to take his wife, Eve and multiply – yet did God infer that when it says in Genesis that man leaves his parents and cleaves to a wife, and let not man put asunder – but did God say only one wife? The Words are very important to see what God puts together, let no man separate. But how many marriages are put together by God and His Church and other authorities on Earth? How is it then that the Torah allows Kings and Leaders to have up to eighteen (18) wives legally?

This shows there was no violation of God, to marry and have more wives and have many children. Did not Abraham have more than one wife – also David and Solomon?

Under the Islamic Law, men can have more than one wife and the Koran is based, to some degree, from the writings of the Old Testament. Moses had three (3) wives (Exodus 2:21) – Zepporah, then an Ethiopian woman – then Hobab. Moses was eighty (80) years old when God called him to deliver Israel. God gave him more wives at this time, until he reached one-hundred-and-twenty (120) years of age.

Abraham had three (3) wives: Sarah, Hagar and Keturah – and many more concubines. Then followed Jacob – the Father of twelve (12) Tribes. He had two (2) wives: Leah and Rachel and two (2) concubines – Bilhah and Zilpah. So polygamy is not a sin.

King David had many wives as gifts from God. This was the Word of God when David took Bathsheba – even though she was destined to be his wife, as she begot Solomon. But God said to David: And I gave you your master’s daughter and your master’s wives into your bosom and I also gave you the daughters of Israel and Judah – and if they were too few, you should have told me and I would have added to you, twice that many. (Samuel 12: 7-8)

Then there is Gideon, who had many wives. Prophet Samuel had two wives: Hannah and Reminnah. Solomon had seven-hundred (700) wives and three-hundred (300) concubines. Elkanah had many wives, when you read the writings of Moses – the Book of the Tevirale. Reading the Book of Ruth, you can read how God Commands him to take on the wife of his brother, should he die.

Early Christians were allowed to have several wives, along with the Patriarchal lines. So why do the Christians believe in this modern age of so-called enlightenment, that the one wife policy is to be the only truth? Polygamy is scripturally sound, because it has always been directed by God. So how does the one-wife policy come to be? Is the Old Testament out-dated and replaced by the New Testament? The answer is “No” – God upholds the old as well as the new laws – as the old laws set precedent, just as in the Justice System, yet men have made unto themselves laws that choke society.

As Jesus said to the Law Giver of Israel: When one puts asunder a law in marriage, it means that once God unites, man cannot divide – but we are not talking about human laws – only God’s Law.

I wish now to place here, each person of greatness of the Scriptures, according to the writings of the Old Testament: The Torah and the Anthologized from the Talmud Midras and Rabbinic writings – the Encyclopedia of Biblical Personalities and St. Catherine Emmerich’s writings.

ADAM – Edemic Covenant

Abraham was worthy of being created before Adam, but God said: “I will Create Adam first, so if he sins, Abraham will come and make amends.”

God took one full measure of earth from the site of the Altar of the future Temple of Jerusalem and from it created Adam. The dust from which Adam was created was gathered from all over the earth. His body and rump from Babylon – his head from Israel – his arms and legs from other lands. Adam was not permitted to eat meat. (Sanhedrin 59b).

St Catherine Emmerich: “I saw Adam created in the Region where Jerusalem was. Adam alone received the Germ of God’s Blessing. It entered him on the side where Eve was born; the Blessing also given to Abraham – a Globe of Light.”

“The Second Person took the Blessing from Adam before he had sinned and at that moment Our Lady was issued from Adam’s side.”

“When Cain killed Abel there were already many people on Earth. Cain had children and so did Abel. From Cain a Nation was born.”

(Joachim, through an Angel, received the Holy Shining Thing and Mary was conceived – Our Lady’s Birth. She became the Ark of the Holy Thing. Malachias was like Melchisedech – an Angel).

The day on which Adam was created consisted of twelve (12) hours. During the first hour dust was gathered; during the second it was kneaded into a shapeless mass; during the third hour, his limbs were shaped – his soul was infused into him in the fourth hour. He stood up on his feet in the fifth hour. In the sixth hour he named the animals and married Eve in the seventh hour. In the eighth hour Cain and his twin sister were born. In the ninth hour he was commanded not to eat of the tree and in the tenth hour he sinned. In the eleventh hour he was judged and in the twelfth he was expelled from Eden. (Sanhedrin 38b).

Adam was created on the eve of the Sabbath. While he was still a shapeless mass lying before God, he was shown each generation and its stages. Adam was created circumcised. When God created Adam, the Angels mistook him for a Divine Being. When God cast Adam into a deep sleep the Angels realized he was mortal.

Adam named all the animals, as God passed them before him. God said: “And you? What is your name?” He replied: “I should be called Adam because I was created from the earth.” God asked: “And what is My Name?” Adam replied: “You should be called Adonai because You are Lord of all creatures.” (Ibid. 17.4).

God Blessed the seventh day (Genesis 2:3). He Blessed it with light. He gave additional light to the Sabbath night and its day (36 hours in all) so that Adam, who had never seen darkness, would not be distressed.

When Adam saw that with the departure of the Sabbath, the sunset and darkness fell and he became distressed, so God prepared him two stones, which Adam rubbed together and brought forth fire.

God molded every human being in the die of Adam and yet not one is identical with another.

Adam spoke in Aramaic. He extended from the earth to the sky, but after he sinned, God diminished him.

Adam and Eve were created fully mature. They were in their twenties.

Three righteous men were the foundation of the world: Adam, Noah and Abraham. Adam was King over the whole world. Adam’s place was closer to God than the Angels. (Bereishis Rabbah 21:1).

Adam was the firstborn in the world. When he offered his sacrifice, he wore the vestments of the High Priesthood. When God created him, he had sovereignty over all. Cow and furrow obeyed him. After he sinned, they rebelled against him.

Adam was worthy of begetting the Twelve Tribes, but God said: “I gave you two sons and one rose and slew the other. What will happen if I give you Twelve Tribes?” (Bereishis Rabbah 24:5).

Adam knew every Angel. He knew what each was appointed over, as their names corresponded to their Missions.

Adam was extremely pious. When he saw that death had been decreed because of him, he fasted for one-hundred-and-thirty (130) years. Before he sinned, the Voice of God sounded gentle to him. After he sinned God’s Voice sounded harsh.

A real book was lowered down to Adam, from which he learnt supreme wisdom. It was sent down by the Angel of Secrets. When Adam went out of the Garden, the book flew away from him. He cried and begged God to return it to him, which God did, so that wisdom would not be forgotten from the Human Race and so that man would strive to know God. (Zohar 1: 37b).

Adam learned all the crafts and did not taste food until he had done some work. With the permission of God, he took thirty (3) species of trees from the Garden of Eden, as well as various species and thirty (30) types of medicinal plants.

Look at all the labour Adam invested before he had bread to eat. He ploughed, sowed, harvested, cut, piled up, threshed, winnowed, removed the chaff, ground, sifted, kneaded and baked. Before he wore clothes he sheared, whitened, helped, dyed, spun, wove, washed and sowed.

Eve was not created from the beginning, as God knew that Adam would complain about her. God waited until Adam requested her. God took the thirteenth rib on the right side from Adam and flesh from his heart and made her a helper. God adorned Eve like a bride with myriads of ministering Angels accompanying her, as He brought her to Adam. He hugged and kissed her. God then invited the two of them to a feast of the delicacies of the Garden of Eden. God Himself became a Groomsman to Adam.

The garments of Adam and Eve were not worn by any other person. When they wore these garments, they resembled Heavenly Beings.

Adam was reclining in the Garden of Eden, while the Angels roasted meat and filtered wine for him. The Serpent saw and became jealous.

Adam did not wish to tell Eve exactly what God had told him regarding the forbidden fruit, as he sought to set a safeguard to his words, beyond what God had said. Adam said to her: “You shall neither eat of it nor touch it!” – even though God had only said not to eat it. (Genesis 3:3).

The woman said to the Serpent…. (Genesis 3:2) – where was Adam? He had engaged with intimacy with his wife and had fallen asleep. God had taken him over the whole world and showed him places for planting and sowing.

Eve mixed wine for Adam and he drank. He sinned because of the wine. He said to God: “When I was alone, I did not sin against You. The woman whom You brought me led me astray.”

When Adam sinned, God’s Divine Presence departed from Adam instantly.

When Adam sinned, he brought death to the whole world and caused women to separate from their husbands during their menstrual periods.

After Adam ate from the tree, he was banished from the Garden of Eden. He went to all the trees to ask for leaves to sew into a garment, but all the trees refused to give up their leaves, except the fig tree.

After Adam was condemned, he began to blaspheme.

Due to Adam’s sin, the world received forty (40) curses. Ten (10) went to Adam. Ten (10) went to Eve. Ten (10) to the Serpent and ten (10) to the Earth. Adam’s curses were that:

• He would die;

• He would eat his bread with distress;

• He would eat something good;

• and eliminate something bad;

• His sons would wander from place to place;

• Worms would attack him;

• The animal kingdom, which previously was under his rule, would rebel against him;

• His life would be threatened by wild beasts;

• His life would be shortened;

• He would be judged in the world to come.

Six things were taken from Adam:

• His radiance;

• His life;

• His stature;

• The produce of the earth;

• The fruit of the trees;

• And the luminaries.

When Adam sinned he was Judged with both Mercy and Justice.

The Angels asked God: “Why did you decree death upon Adam?” God replied: “I gave him an easy Commandment and he transgressed it.”

When Adam left the Garden of Eden, he came to a part of the world called Eretz. It is a place of utter darkness. He was gripped with a great fear upon entering it. The flame of the ever-turning sword blazed on all sides of Eretz.

When the Sabbath departed and he had thoughts of repentance, he entered the waters of Gibson up to his neck in order to harm himself, but God had Mercy on him and took him out to the place which is called Adamah. (Zohar 1: 253b). When the sun set and darkness came, Adam became frightened, as he thought the Serpent would come and attack him. So God caused Adam to find two flints, which he rubbed together and produced fire.

Adam became very pious. When he realized that death had come to the world on his account, he fasted, separated from his wife and placed garments of fig leaves on his flesh for one-hundred-and-thirty (130) years.

During the one-hundred-and-thirty (130) years that Adam was out of favour with God, he begat spirits, demons and night demons. (Eiruvin 18b)

No creature ever mated before Adam. He made that way known to all. Adam consorted with all the animals, but he found no satisfaction until he was with Eve. He knew Eve through marital relations before he sinned.

When Adam foresaw that his sons would descend into Gehinnom, he stopped procreating. When he foresaw that twenty-six (26) generations later Israel would receive the Torah, he engaged once again in producing offspring.

Cain was cast out and his descendants were not listed in the genealogy of Adam (Targum Yonasan, Bereishis 5: 3).

Adam did not marry his daughter, so that Cain could wed his sister.

Adam took seventy (70) years off his life and gave them to David, son of Jesse. Adam lived nine-hundred-and-thirty (930) years instead of one-thousand (1000). Before he did this, he asked permission from God and brought a scroll of parchment on which he recorded his gift as a binding transaction. God signed the document.

When the time came for Adam to die, he dug crooked caves deep in the earth, as he did not want the generations to find his bones and make an idol of him. The cave was called Machpelah. Eve was also buried here.

When Adam died, Seth attended his burial. No one knew where Adam was buried until Abraham came. God attended Adam when he was formed and He attended him when he died.

Adam was buried in this cave also with Sarah. When Abraham entered the cave and brought in the body of Sarah for burial, Adam and Eve rose and refused to let her be buried there. They said: “We have enough shame in the world, now more shame will be heaped upon us, because of your good deeds.” That is, because of the close proximity Adam and Eve would be compared to Abraham and Sarah. Abraham said: “I will speak on your behalf before God, so you will not be ashamed before Him.” Thus Abraham buried Sarah there. (Genesis 23: 19) (Zohar 1: 128a).

No person leaves this world without seeing Adam and saying: “Woe, because of you I left the world!” (Zohar 1: 57b)


Originally, God’s intention was to create two separate people, but He decided to create Adam and Eve as one, as He saw that only through this there could be peace between people.

God foresaw that Adam would complain about Eve, therefore He did not create her for him, until Adam requested her. He fashioned her, taking a bone from Adam’s bones and flesh from Adam’s heart. Adam named her woman.

Adam and Eve were created fully developed as twenty-one (21) year olds and were thus fully responsible for their actions.

God built Eve like a storage house, narrow on the top and wide on the bottom, in order to receive the foetus.

Eve caused Adam to die. The Serpent thought: “I will kill Adam and will marry Eve.” (Southampton 9b).

When the Serpent consorted with Eve, he cast impurity into her. From this impurity came Cain, who slew Abel the shepherd. The impurity was not removed until the birth of Seth.

The Serpent touched the tree and said: “See, I have touched the tree and have not died. You too can touch the tree without dying.” When Eve touched the tree, she saw the Angel of Death coming towards her and she thought she would die. She said to herself: “And the Holy One, Blessed is He, will create another woman for Adam. I will therefore make him eat with me, so that if we die, we will die together.” (Zohar 1: 263b).

As she was passing by the tree, the Serpent pressed her against it saying: “See, you have not died from touching it, so you won’t die from eating of its fruit.” (Eve had thought that God had forbidden both touching and eating of it).

Eve thought: “All that my master (Adam) commanded me is a lie.” (Avos d’Rabbi Nosson 1: 6).

According to the opinion that the forbidden tree was a vine, Eve pressed grapes from it and gave it to Adam to drink, so he would not realize he was partaking of the fruit. She began to wail at Adam, crying out that: “Do you think that I would die and you would take another Eve? – or will you sit idle without procreating?” He formed it to be inhabited (Isaiah 45: 18). Due to her crying, Adam could not help but listen to her.

Eve gave the forbidden fruit also to the animals and birds. All ate except one bird called the chol. It is thus written: “I shall multiply my days as the chol. (Job 29: 18).

Nehemiah states the tree of which Adam ate was a fig tree, for by the very thing by which they were disgraced, they were restored, as it is written: “They sewed together a fig leaf.” (Genesis 3: 7).

The first cursed was the Serpent – then Eve and lastly Adam.

The ten (10) curses were:

• Two types of bleeding;

• Travails of pregnancy;

• Pangs of childbirth;

• If her husband suspects her of infidelity, he can force her to drink the bitter waters of Sotah;

• That her husband rules her;

• That she must be covered;

• That she stays home;

• That she ages quickly;

• And if she is worthy, her husband buries her.

Righteous women were not included in this decree against Eve and thus they experienced painless childbirth. (Sotah 12a).

NOAH – Noahic Covenant – Genesis, unconditional forever – 2348 BC.

There were ten (10) generations from Adam to Noah.

Methuselah, a great scholar, warned Noah’s dad not to call Noah by his correct name, lest the people of the flood place a curse on him (which is effective only if the correct name is used). He was called Noah privately, but publicly he was known as Menahem.

When Adam sinned, all the animals rebelled against him. When Noah arose, they rested from their rebellion.

Before Noah was born, man did not harvest what they sowed. After his birth, crops returned to their natural functioning and harvests were abundant. Previous to Noah’s birth all farming was done by hand – it was Noah who began fashioning tools for working the land and other work.

All people similar to Noah, had children at the age of fifty (50) to seventy (70), but God withheld children from Noah, until he was five-hundred (500). This was so that his children would not be at the age of Divine Punishment (which was one-hundred (100)), and would not perish during the flood.

Noah was a scholar who understood the language of the animals. Noah wrote a book of cures that he had heard from the Angel Raphael.

The deeds of Noah’s wife were equal to Noah’s.

Noah was lacking in complete faith, as he would not have entered the Ark if the water had not reached up to his ankles. Noah did not survive because he was worthy, but because God foresaw that Moses would come from his lineage.

Although Noah was holy, he was not worthy of having God protect the world in his merit. Noah was afraid that he would perish with the wicked.

When God told Noah that he would save him in the Ark, Noah did not pray for the people of the world. Noah lived ten years after the flood.

Three righteous men were the foundation of the world: Adam, Noah and Abraham.

Noah was born circumcised. He did not wish to mix with wicked men, as he saw their deeds were sinful. So he hid away and studied the books of Adam and Enoch, from which he learned how to serve God.

During the one-hundred-and-twenty years (120) preceding the flood, Noah planted cedars and cut them down. They attained the height of fifty (50) cubits and he knew through God, that these were the trees required.

God showed Noah how to build the Ark. Noah spent fifty (50) years building the Ark. In the upper story he built a window where one could see from one end of the world to another. He took precious pearls and stones into the Ark. He knew it was night when they shone and he knew it was day when they were dim. Marital relations were forbidden in the Ark.

Noah saw the Angel of Death approaching him, so he went into the Ark to hide.

St Catherine Emmerich: – “I saw Melchisedech as an Angel – Angel Priest of Eternal Hierarchy. There were one hundred (100) people in the Ark.”

Of every clean animal (those who had not mated with a different species) he took seven pairs. He had them pass before the Ark and if the Ark accepted them, he knew they were untainted.

He took in pressed figs, vines for the elephants, citrus shrubs for the deer, glass beads for the ostriches and plant shoots to plant later. Even spirits entered the Ark with Noah. The people tried to overturn the Ark, but God surrounded it with lions to protect it.

Throughout the twelve (12) months the Ark was afloat, Noah’s family did not sleep, as the animals needed to be fed at different times. During this time, Noah trod on snakes and scorpions,. but they did not harm him.

Noah understood a mouse who asked him to sew up his little cheek after the cat ripped it. Noah sewed it with hair from a pigs tail. He found out what the chameleon ate after a worm fell out from a pomegranate he was cutting and the chameleon gobbled it up.

Once Noah found a hungry bird in the hole of the Ark. After Noah asked the bird why he did not call for food, the creature answered that he saw that Noah was busy and did not wish to trouble him. Noah said: “May it be His Will that you should never die.” The bird was called Urshina.

Everyone perished except for Og, King of Bashan, who sat on a plank under the ladder of the Ark and swore to Noah and his sons he would be their slave forever. Noah put out food for him daily

Noah chose to send out a raven, as he felt that God had not been merciful to His children and the raven was cruel to his young. The raven gave Noah an upsetting report saying: “God hates me and you hate me, as from the clean creatures He took seven (7) of each species, but from me, as I am unclean, He took only two (2). You send me from the Ark when there is only two (2) of us. If I am attacked by the weather, the world would be short of one species. Maybe you desire my mate!” Noah replied: that he was forbidden to have relations with his own wife, let alone the raven’s mate! Which is forbidden anyway.

So Noah sent out the clean dove.

When Noah emerged from the Ark and saw the world desolate, he began to weep. He cried to God saying: “You should have shown compassion to your creatures.” God replied that he had warned Noah in advance about the flood, as He wished also that he pray for the world, but as soon as Noah heard that he would be spared, he was complacent and did not pray for God’s people. And only now, after the flood, he opens his mouth? This is when Noah offered sacrifices.

After the flood, Noah asked for a sign from God. God then set His bow in the clouds (ibid. v.13).

Adam was the world’s first born and wore the garments of the High Priesthood when he offered a sacrifice. These garments passed on to Seth after Adam died, then to Methuselah and Noah. When Noah died, they passed to Shem.

When Noah went out of the Ark he was attacked by a lion, so that he could not offer sacrifices. So his son, Shem sacrificed in his place.

Noah rebuilt the Altar on which Adam had sacrificed, as it was destroyed by wicked men. (Zohar 1: 70a). He offered his sacrifice on this, to atone for the curse of the earth.

After the flood, Noah planted. He found a vine that the river had brought from the Garden of Eden. It flourished and he pressed the grapes. So Satan slaughtered a sheep, a lion, a pig and a monkey beneath the vine and the vineyard was watered by their blood. |This was a sign that before man drinks from the vine, he is as tame as a sheep – after getting drunk, he becomes like a monkey.

God said to Noah: “Should you not have learnt from Adam, whose downfall was caused by wine, for the tree of which Adam ate, was a vine.” (Sanhedrin 70a).

Canaan entered and saw Noah’s nakedness – he castrated him. He went out and told his brethren., Ham entered and saw and did not respect his father. He told his two brothers outside to deride him.

ABRAHAM – Abrahamic Covenant – 1913 BC

Abraham was worthy of being created before Adam, but God said: “Perhaps Adam will spoil things (by sinning) and there will be no one to set things right. Therefore, I will create Adam first, so that Abraham will come and repair what he spoils.”

St Catherine Emmerich: “Abraham had a similar occurrence as Moses when he was born – a Prophecy in the land at that time revealed, a wonderful child would be born bringing down the King of that land. Abraham was hidden in a cave where Eve hid Seth.”

“Abraham was an astronomer – he followed God in all things and served Him alone. When he was asked to leave his country, he went to a place where Nazareth would one day be built. Here he had a vision from an Angel, who presented to him a shining transparent gift; he received the Mysterious Blessing – the Holy Thing – from Heaven. It was the Sacrament of the Old Testament – Promise of Posterity.”

“Melchisedech was often with Abraham. Abraham offered bread and wine – the Chalice used was the one Jesus would use at the Last Supper. Abraham was Ordained a Priest by St Melchisedech.”

“As Eve came out from the right side of Adam, the Patriarchs carried the Blessing in their right side. The three Angels came to Abraham and said – from the Blessing given to him, the Pure Race would be born – The Virgin Mary and the Messiah – that the Blessing would be given to Isaac, then to Jacob, where Jacob would come and be given the Blessing, then the Twelve (12) Tribes would be born.”

When he was born, Abraham was taught idolatry and his life was threatened. He was hidden underground for thirteen (13) years for protection and emerged speaking the Holy Tongue, despising idolatry and trusting in God for protection. Abraham recognized God on his own. He had no teacher.

Since he denied the idolatry that was taught to him by his father and his teacher, he left them and they shamed and cursed him. He remained silent through all this. He was then imprisoned for ten (10) years, at the end of which he was cast into a fiery furnace.

Abraham’s father manufactured idols and left Abraham to sell them in his place. When a customer came to buy, Abraham would ask how old he was. The customer would say fifty (50) or sixty (60) years old. “Woe to this man,!” Abraham would say – “He is sixty (60) years old yet he wants to bow down to a one (1) day old idol!”

He was an extremely tall and strong man.

Why did Abraham associate with Lot? Because Abraham was inspired that David would descend from Lot. Name for ourselves.” (Genesis 11: 4). Abraham rose and cursed them in the Name of His God.

The third day after Abraham’s circumcision, God sent a change in the weather, so wayfarers would not trouble him and he could rest. He was sitting at the entrance of the tent (18: 1) as he wanted to sit up in honour of God’s Presence. He complained to God that: “Before I was circumcised, passersby would visit me.” God said: “Before you were circumcised, uncircumcised mortals visited you. Now I and My hosts will appear to you.” He lifted his eyes and saw: And behold! Three men …. (Genesis 18: 2).

To Abraham, the men appeared as people (as he was used to seeing Angels), but to Lot, who was not used to seeing Angels, they appeared as Angels.

While Sarah was preparing cakes for the Angels, her monthly cycle resumed, therefore Abraham did not serve his guests the cakes, but ran to bring a calf.

Abraham’s son Isaac, resembled him closely in facial features. The day Isaac was weaned, a great feast was given. The gentiles whispered that due to the age of Sarah, Isaac was not really her son and the feast was to convince people. So Abraham invited all the great men and Sarah invited their wives. Each woman brought her baby, but no nursemaid. When the babies were hungry, God performed a miracle for Sarah and she nursed all of them. In this way all gossip was put to rest.

Three years after Abraham sent Ishmael away, he went to visit him. Finding only Ishmael’s wife home, Abraham told her to tell Ishmael that “an old man from Canaan came to see you and said ‘the threshold of your house is not good’”. When Ishmael came home and heard the message, he divorced his wife (having understood the meaning of it) and his mother fetched him a wife named Fatima from her father’s house.

Three years later, Abraham returned to Ishmael’s home and met Fatima. Abraham prayed to God and Ishmael’s house was filled with all good things.

As long as Lot clung to him, God did not speak with Abraham.

Genesis 22: 6 – Isaac wasn’t upset when his father told him that he was the sacrifice. Satan came and stood by Isaac’s right side and whispered to him that his father was senile and told him how much his mother prayed and fasted until he was born. Isaac immediately turned to Abraham and said: “See what this man has said to me?” Abraham replied: “When you arrive at the place of sacrifice, I will consecrate you as a Priest.”

Abraham thought that if he told Sarah what he was doing with Isaac, she would not respond well, but if he stole him away when she couldn’t find him, she would kill herself out of anguish. So he said to her: “Prepare us food and drink and let us rejoice.” She asked why? He said that: “ When he was three (3) he recognized the Creator, Isaac is fully grown and has never been properly educated. I will bring him to a place where children are educated.”

So Abraham rose early in the morning to take Isaac with him before Sarah woke and changed her mind. Satan came in the form of an old man and asked him where he was going. Abraham said: “To pray!” Then Satan came before Sarah and asked her where Abraham and Isaac were. She said: “At work!” He said: “He is not going to work but to pray!” Sarah said: “Let God do as He Wills.”

When Abraham refused to listen to Isaac, he made himself into a great river that they would not be able to cross. He trusted in God and went into the river with Isaac. They were safe.

Then Satan tormented Abraham, telling him he had lost his mind and God would charge him with murder. He got nowhere with Abraham, so he went over to Isaac.

Abraham perceived the place for the sacrifice from afar (Genesis 22: 4) seeing a cloud hovering over the mountain. Isaac saw it too. Abraham and Isaac built the altar together. Isaac allowed himself to be bound by his father, asking him to bind him well, so he did not shake. Isaac said: “Father, do the Will of your Creator and burn me well. Then take my ashes to my mother to keep.”

When Abraham reached for the knife to kill Isaac, the Angels wept. Had he not paused to examine the knife, Isaac would have been slaughtered.

Abraham addressed the Angel who stood by during this time. He said: “Perhaps you are Satan and you seek to trick us, so that I will transgress the Will of My Maker.” The Angel told him: “I am the one who brought tidings that this son would be born, … and now I have been made an intercessor to save your only child. Do not stretch out your hand.” (Genesis 22: 12).

Three tears fell from the Heavenly Angels onto the knife and dissolved it. “I will choke him then.” – said Abraham. The Angel said: “Do not do anything to him.” Then God’s Voice was heard between the two Cherubs saying: “Do not raise your hand against the lad.”

Abraham was confused – he said: “First You state that through Isaac will offspring be considered Yours, then You ask that he be sacrificed and now You tell me not to stretch out my hand against him.” God said: “When I told you ‘please take your son’ I did not say to slaughter him, but to bring him up. Now that you have fulfilled My Command, take him down.”

The ram that is mentioned in the Bible came running towards Isaac, but Satan hindered it, in order to prevent Abraham from bringing a sacrifice, thus it was caught among the trees. Throughout the day, Abraham saw the ram become caught in one bush, become loose and become caught again. Likewise, the sons of Abraham would be caught in sin and become entangled by their kingdoms, but would be redeemed in the end.

Abraham asked God why He tested him, as He already knew what was in his heart and He knew the outcome. God said: “It is known to Me that even if I asked you for your own life, you would not withhold it. My purpose was to make known in the world why I chose you above all the nations.”

Before Abraham, there was no visible sign of ageing. People mistook Isaac for Abraham. When Abraham prayed for mercy, visible ageing came into being. Abraham requested this of God, stating that a father is often confused with his son….If you crown the man with visible old age, people will know whom to honour.” God granted this saying: “You have requested a good thing and it will start with you.” From the beginning of the Book, old age is not mentioned, but once Abraham arose, visible old age was given to him. (ibid. 65: 9).

When Sarah died, Abraham aged suddenly.

Abraham did not draw closer to God in one day. His deed drew him one step closer every day.

God created Abraham in the middle of the generations, so that he would sustain the generations before and after him.

While Abraham was alive, he discovered the cave in which he was to be laid to rest. He was running after a calf who ran into the cave and chasing the calf, he entered the cave of Machpelah. He smelled the fragrance of the Garden of Eden there. He heard the Heavenly Angels say: “Adam is buried there; Abraham, Isaac and Jacob are destined for this place.” He saw a candle lit and he felt a desire for the place. Many people wanted to be buried there before Abraham came there, but they were prevented, as Angels were guarding it. People saw a fire burning in it and could not enter until Abraham entered and acquired it. He bought the cave only after Sarah died, so that the gentiles would not take note of his interest in it.

When Abraham died, his body did not decompose. Seven bodies were like this. They were Abraham, Isaac, Jacob, Moses, Aaron, Miriam and Jacob’s son, Benjamin. The Patriarchs are buried in a reclining position.

In the future, God will say to Abraham: “Your sons have sinned against Me.” Abraham will reply: “Master of the Universe, let them be wiped out for the sanctification of Your Name.” (Shabbos 89b).

MOSES – 1504 BC

Miriam was the sister of Aaron, as Moses had not yet been born. She prophesied that her Mother would “beget a son who would redeem Israel.” When Moses was born, the entire house was filled with light. (Megillah 14a).

The Mother of Moses was only two months pregnant with him, when her husband divorced her. He did not know she was pregnant. (Sechel Tov, Shemos 2: 2). Moses was born after a gestation of six (6) months and two (2) days.

The name “Moses” was given to him by Pharaoh’s daughter. She loved him so much, as if he were her own. Pharaoh too hugged and kissed him. Once Moses took the crown of Pharaoh and placed it on his head. Pharaoh’s advisors said: “Perhaps he is the one who is destined to take the Kingship away from Pharaoh.”

Some advised that Moses be killed, either by the sword or by fire. Jethro, who was sitting with them, told them to test Moses’ understanding. He told them to bring a plate of gold and flowing coal. If Moses chose the gold, he understood and should be killed, if he chose the coal, it proved he has no understanding and therefore should be allowed to live.

The plate was brought and Moses reached for the gold, but the Angel Gabriel pushed his hand and he grabbed the coal and placed it in his mouth, thus burning his tongue. Thus he became slow of speech.

Moses would help the slaves, ignoring his rank. He saw that they had no rest and so he told Pharaoh that if his slaves had no rest, they would die. Thus, Pharaoh allowed Moses to give them a day of rest and he (Moses) instituted the Sabbath as the day of rest.

One day, he was told by Divine Inspiration, that an Egyptian man had an affair with the wife of a Jew and was planning to kill the husband. After consulting with the Angels and asking whether this man was worthy of death, the Angels replied: “Yes”. So Moses killed him and hid him in the sand. Pharaoh was informed and sent for a special sword which he placed on the neck of Moses in order to slay him. However, the neck of Moses became like marble and the sword rebounded and killed the executioner. (Yerushalmi Berachos 9: 1).

Moses spent the first forty (40) years in Pharaoh’s palace. At the age of seventy-seven (77) he married Zipporah.

St Catherine Emmerich: “Moses, by the Command of God, married Sephora, in order to incorporate that family into the House of Israel. Segola was the natural daughter of the Pharaoh.”

“The first Ark of the Covenant held the Holy Shining Thing. I always saw the Ark of the Covenant as a Church – the Holy Thing as the Altar with the Most Blessed Sacrament. The Mystery of the Holy Thing of the Ark, was to me what the Blessed Sacrament is to us – as if in a Germ. The Mystery of the Holy Thing was a pledge – the Promise then became the Law, then Grace. The Holy Thing was the Germ before the fall – it was the Holy Propagation of man.”

“When Israel worshipped the Golden Calf, Moses doubted the Power of the Holy Thing. Because of this, he was punished and not allowed to enter the Promised Land.”

For seven (7) days God spoke with Moses at the bush – the following year the children of Israel would go forth from Egypt. (Seder Olam Rabbah 5).

Moses resembled an Angel of God. His face was like the sun. He was beautiful and everyone loved to gaze upon him. He and Aaron looked alike. Their sons looked alike too. Moses was the exact image of Adam.

God said: “I am grateful to Moses for pleading for mercy on behalf of Israel. I will honour him by calling him Father of the Prophets, Father of the Angels, Father of those who pray.”(Shocher Tov 90: 8).

Fifty (50) Gates of Wisdom were created in the world and all but one were given to Moses. Moses could have burned the world with one word. St Michael and St Gabriel were also in awe of Moses, yet when Israel sinned, Moses could not look even at the smallest Angels.

God showed Moses all the leaders that were to serve Israel from the day they came out of the desert, until the day the dead are resurrected. God appointed Moses over the whole of Israel. He was appointed over the hidden treasures of the Torah and the Garden of Eden and over all wisdom.

Although Moses was punished because of Israel, he still took on their burdens. He was exceedingly humble.

At the age of twelve (12), Moses was uprooted from his Father’s house. This was so the people realized that God spoke directly to him and not through his father.

The people of Israel criticized Moses constantly. Sometimes they said he was great – sometimes they said he was growing fat from their money. In the desert they would take their little children and throw them on the lap of Moses and ask: “What source of livelihood have you prepared for them?” (Yakut Shimoni).

If Moses went out of his house early, the people of Israel would say: “He is not happy at home, so he goes out early.” If he went out late, they would accuse him of sitting inside scheming against them.

Whenever the people of Israel planned to kill Moses and Aaron, the Glory of God appeared in the cloud.

After forty (40) years when Moses came to rebuke the people of Israel, they said he was not of sound mind. So he told them exactly the location they were situated and they realized there was nothing wrong with his mind. They accepted what he had to say. When the people of Israel saw the pillar of cloud suspended between Heaven and Earth, they realized that God was with Moses.

Moses resided in the camp of the Levites. Both he and Samuel were Levites.

Moses sat by the well and watched as the water rose towards him. He knew interiorly that his future wife would come to him there. Zipporah came to him. He was to separate from her and merit high spiritual levels, which were given to no other person.

Miriam and Aaron spoke against Moses, saying that Divine Inspiration came to them and also to the Patriarchs and yet they did not separate from their spouses – that Moses separated from his wife out of haughtiness.

The Promise of God to Moses in which He stated: “I will make you a great nation.” (Exodus 32: 10) was fulfilled. Moses brought forth six-hundred-thousand (600,000) descendants.

From Moses, who wed the daughter of Jethro, came Jonathan, who served idols. When Moses saw that none of his sons were worthy to rule, he prayed and asked God what to do. God told him that the sons of Aaron were considered as his own children.

Moses came to Reuel and said that he was banished from the children of Cush, after he fled Egypt. Reuel had Moses thrown into jail for ten (10) years, to please the children of Cush. Zipporah had pity on him and brought him bread and water while he was in jail. At the end of ten (10) years, Moses came out of jail and went into Reuel’s garden, where he saw a sapphire staff that had been planted, so he pulled it out. When Reuel saw the staff in Moses’ hand, he was amazed and gave his daughter Zipporah over to Moses in marriage. Moses was seventy-seven (77) years old when he was released from prison.

The staff was created by God, after He had created Heaven and Earth and all things. When Adam was banished from the Garden of Eden, he took the staff in his hand and went out to work the land. The staff then came into the possession of Noah, who entrusted it to his descendants until it came to Abraham, who gave it to his son, Isaac.

When Jacob fled to Paddan Aram he took the staff to Egypt and gave it to Joseph. The staff then came into the hands of Reuel, the Midianite. When he left Egypt he planted it in his garden. All the mighty men of Keenan tried to uproot the staff, as they wished to marry his daughter, Zipporah, but they could not. It remained in the Garden until Moses pulled it out!

This was the same staff that was used by Jacob, Judah, Moses, Aaron and David and mentioned in the Bible. It was in the hand of each King until the Temple was destroyed.

There were two staffs, that of Moses and that of God.

When Moses took the staff in his hand, he kept it until the Tabernacle had been erected. Once this was completed, the staff went back before the Ark of the Covenant. (Zohar 2: 272a).

The staff weighed forty (40) se’ah and was made of sapphire. Engraved on it were the ten (10) plagues. Although it was so heavy, the staff miraculously carried itself, while appearing to be carried in Moses’ hand. The staff of Moses was made of wood.

The Burning Bush – when Moses came to Mount Sinai, he knew that it was of God, as no birds entered it. He drove his sheep to the end of the desert and entered alone. Moses was drawn to the mountain, as he was destined to climb it.

God spoke to Moses through the Burning Bush, to gain the attention of Moses. After God spoke to Moses and asked him to bring His children out of Egypt, Moses asked God how was this to be done, considering the summer heat, winter cold and lack of fresh water.

When Moses and Aaron appeared before Pharaoh, fear of Moses gripped the Egyptians.

Pharaoh’s Palace had four hundred (400) entrances, which were heavily guarded by wild beasts. When Moses and Aaron came, the beasts licked their legs and escorted them to Pharaoh. Pharaoh was frightened, as the two men looked like Angels. This day was Pharaoh’s birthday.

When Moses and Aaron gave Pharaoh God’s Message to let the people go, Pharaoh was angry, as he was expecting gifts for his birthday. Pharaoh sent them away. While they were gone, Pharaoh sent for his sorcerers. They told Pharaoh that Moses and Aaron were sorcerers like themselves and should be tested.

When Moses and Aaron returned, Pharaoh mocked them and had school children mock them too. Aaron’s staff then stalled the staffs of the sorcerers.

Pharaoh decided to go out early the next morning to escape from Moses. Moses caught him. Pharaoh planned to kill Moses each time he came to him, but each time Pharaoh would become powerless.

Twenty-four (24) days before each plague, Moses would warn the Egyptians. Each plague would affect them for seven (7) days. (Shemos Rabbah 9: 12).

Moses was able to split the sea, as God placed His Hand over that of Moses.

The soil between the parted sea was as a fertile valley. It sprouted greenery.

The people came to the wilderness of Sinai on the first of the month. On the second day Moses told them: “You shall be to me a Kingdom of Priests.” (Exodus 19: 6). On the fourth day, he commanded them to separate from their wives. On the second and fourth days, Moses ascended the mountain and descended daily. He did not tend to his own affairs, nor did he go home, but on descending the mountain, he went directly to the people.

When God gave Moses the Commandments, the First Commandment went forth from the Mount of God like sparks, lightning and a flame, with a torch of fire on its right and left. It flew through the air and appeared on top of the camp of Israel, then returned to be engraved upon the tablets, which Moses held. It penetrated from front to back. The same was with the Second Commandment.

Moses ascended to God in Heaven in a cloud. He was sanctified and covered for six (6) days in order to cleanse him. The Angels asked God: “Why is a human here in Heaven.” God replied: “He has come to receive the Torah.”

The Torah was kept for nine-hundred-and-seventy-four (974) generations before it was given to Moses.

When Israel sinned, Moses did not wish to give them the Tablets upon which the Commandments were written, as it would make the people liable for their sins and punishable before God. The Tablets fell away from the hands of Moses and shattered.

When the Tablets were broken, the ocean rose. God was pleased with the breaking of the Tablets, as He saw the intent of Moses.

The Torah was given to teach the Ten Commandments. Moses was told six-hundred-and-thirteen (613) Precepts – three-hundred-and-sixty-five (365) negative ones, corresponding to a year and two-hundred-and-forty-eight (248) positive ones, corresponding to the limbs of the human body.

The day that Moses died, he wrote thirteen (13) Torah scrolls, twelve (12) for each Tribe and one (1) that was placed in the Ark to safeguard against falsification.

Moses asked God when He said: “Let Us make man”, why God was allowing heretics to believe through this verse, that there was a purity in Divinities? God said: “Whoever wishes to err will err.” (Bereishis Rabbah 8: 8).

Moses asked God about the Israelites making the golden calf. He said that they did not know they were sinning, as they were not aware of the Ten Commandments or the Torah. He also asked God to have mercy on good children and not to blame them for the sin of their parents. God Blessed Moses for these thoughts and said: “I will cancel My Words and uphold yours …. children shall not be put to death for the fathers …” (11 Kings 14: 6).

God asked Moses to “wage war with Sihon …” (Deuteronomy 2: 24) Moses sent messengers with words of peace instead. God told Moses that “I will nullify My Words and fulfill yours. When you draw near to a city to fight against it, you shall proclaim peace to it.” (Ibid. 20: 10) (Bamidbar Rabbah 19: 33).

Moses read Genesis until the Exodus of the people. When he saw that they had accepted them, he took blood and sprinkled it on the people and told them they were now held fast by the Covenant.

God told Moses, that He would teach him the finer points of the Torah … “I will teach you face-to-face with a countenance of friendliness.” (Berachos 63b).

God said that whoever possesses the secret of the Mishnah is His child.

God told Moses, the thirty-nine (39) categories of creative work that were prohibited on the Sabbath.

God explained to Moses in detail, about the animals that could be eaten. For example: “If the membrane of the head (enclosing the brain) is even slightly punctured, the animal cannot be eaten.” (Vayikra Rabbah 13: 4).

For every subject that God taught Moses on Mount Sinai, He covered every detail of purity and impurity, leniency and strictness.

Moses commanded that the Torah be read publicly on every Sabbath and certain festivals. Moses ordained for Israel the praises of God at the start of prayer. He introduced the first Blessing of Grace after meals, after the manna descended for the people. At first, the people were eating the manna continually, until Moses fixed the eating of the manna during the fourth hour of the day (as it was picked during the first three (3) hours.

The eleven (11) Psalms that Moses composed corresponded to the eleven (11) tribes: “Repent, O sons of man”, (Psalm 90) was linked with Reuben, who repented, Psalm 91: “Whoever sits in the refuge of the Most High”, to Levi, who served God in the Temple: “It is good to thank Hashem,” (Psalm 92), to Judah as his name means thanks, “Hashem reigns … the Sacred Dwelling” (Psalm 93) corresponded to Benjamin in whose territory the Temple of God stood. Psalm 94, “O God of vengeance,” was linked to Gad from whom descended Elijah, the herald of the Messianic era, Psalm 95, “Come let us sing to God” corresponded to Issachar who loved to sing the Torah and the others.

The Psalms were woken on the level of Prophecy, which is lower than that of the Torah and that is why they are not included in the Torah, as Prophecy should not be mixed with the Torah.

When Moses ascended into Heaven, he told Israel that after forty (40) days at the sixth hour, he would return. At the end of forty (40) days, Satan came and confused the people. He told them that Moses had died, as he had not yet returned.

They saw Moses suspended between Heaven and Earth. God told Moses, that He had given him strength for Israel, but the people had sinned, thereupon the strength of Moses ebbed away. God spoke to Moses and asked him to descend. God asked from Moses the same as He sought from Sodom: “If you present ten (10) righteous men from among them, I will not destroy them.”

In the beginning, God’s Presence was mainly among earthly beings, but after Adam sinned, It (God’s Presence) ascended to the Heavens. Moses merited to bring It back down to Earth.

When Moses was building the Tabernacle, he was scoffed at from among the people. The Holy Spirit rested upon Moses and he erected the Tabernacle by himself. The Angel Gabriel showed Moses how to make the candelabrum. It was beaten out of one piece of gold, cast into the fire, as directed by God – when it was taken out, it shaped itself.

God asked Moses to appoint a High Priest from the Tribe of Levi. God spoke to Moses and his face glowed. In this way, the people knew God was speaking to him.

When the Ark journeyed forth, the Cloud of Glory moved. When they rested, the Cloud would fold up and stand still. It wouldn’t spread out again, until Moses stood in prayer. Moses dedicated the Altar to God for twelve (12) days, in accordance with the Twelve (12) Tribes.

During the seven (7) day of the inauguration of the Priests of the Tabernacle, Moses would erect the Tabernacle, anoint it and dissemble it each morning. This occurred twice daily and Moses did not get help from anyone. On the eighth day he did not dissemble it.

The Priests were clothed in a particular way. The coat and turban were placed first on Aaron and then on his sons. The belt was placed on, at the same time. Moses became the aide of Aaron in dressing him – his aide throughout life and also at his dying hour.

Moses dressed also the sons of Aaron, disrobing them, washing them and pouring an ointment oil between their eyes. Moses thought that the High Priesthood would be his, until the seventh day, when God revealed to him that it would go to Aaron.

God showed Moses the order of prayer. In all his life, Moses was not called the man of God until he cried out to God in defence of Israel. He seized God as one who seizes the garment of a great friend. He said: “I will not let You go until You have forgiven Israel.” (Berachos 32a). Moses begged God to see the sins of Israel as unintentional.

God said to Moses that the people had corrupted themselves. Moses asked God to consider the people his (Moses) when they sin and belonging to God when they are righteous. He said to God, that even if He should destroy the world, He could not destroy Israel, as He had made them a Promise. (Devarim Rabbah 3: 15).

Moses implored God constantly on behalf of Israel. He asked God to remember that the Israelites accepted the Torah, faith in God and sacrificial things. Moses and Daniel both spoke in defence of Israel.

Moses and Aaron went and all of Israel followed. The people stood around a rock of their choice and asked Moses to bring forth water from it. Moses wished to choose the rock from which he would bring forth water, but the people refused to move. In anger Moses struck the rock and a little water dripped forth. The people asked if the water was for babies and Moses became of bad humour and struck the rock twice, causing a deluge that drowned everyone that had murmured about it. Every rock in the area produced water!

The people in the camp became jealous of Moses and warned their wives against him.

During the full forty (40) years in the desert, Moses was careful not to lose his temper with Israel.

God asked Moses to make a serpent, but he did not tell him of what material it was to be made. Moses made a copper snake. He threw it into the air and it remained suspended.

Every eve of the ninth of Av, Moses would proclaim throughout the camp: “Go and dig!” The people would dig graves in which they would sleep, but in the morning they would discover that they lost fifteen-thousand (15,000) people.

Amalek was a sorcerer. He would send people to war on their birthdays, as they were less likely to die. Moses knew this, so he stopped the sun and the moon, thereby mixing up the hours.

The enemy of Israel, Og, was huge. His legs were eighteen (18) cubits long. When he hurled a mountain at Israel, Moses would take a pebble and pronounce the Name of God over it and it would stem the mountain’s fall. Og took a massive mountain and balanced it on his head with the intention of throwing it at Israel. God sent a worm to nibble at the mountain. Og’s head sank into it and he couldn’t break free, as his teeth were caught. Moses struck his ankle with a stick and he fell down and died.

The world exists only because of the merit of Moses and Aaron. Moses and Aaron fulfilled the entire Torah and yet they died due to their sins. In one year Moses, Aaron and Miriam died. Moses died after five (5) days of illness. God told him to ascend the mountain to die there. Moses did not wish to die and begged God to allow him to live. God explained to him that every man dies.

Moses approached Joshua’s tent. The traditions of wisdom were removed from Moses and given to Joshua. Moses stumbled and fell and his soul was delivered to God.

God gave Moses a hint when he was at the mouth of the sea, that he would not enter the Promised Land. “Place it in the ears of Joshua.” (Exodus 17: 14). Moses took this as meaning that Joshua would become a great leader of the people, after Moses had delivered them to the Promised Land, but this was not so.

Moses told God that he was separated from the land of Israel by Jordon, which had a width of only fifty (50) cubits. God replied that he would not cross. When the people crossed over the Jordan, Moses asked them to pray to God that he be able to cross and enter the Promised Land, but they did not take the hint.

Upon the death of Moses, he asked the people to forgive him, as he had caused them much distress over the Torah and the Precepts. The people forgave him and asked his forgiveness, as they had caused him much trouble.

Upon his death, Moses begged God not to deliver him up to the Angel of death. God said He Himself would deliver him.

The soul of Moses did not wish to leave his body, as the body of Moses was so pure. The Angel of death did not touch Moses, nor did it have power over Abraham, Isaac, Jacob, Aaron and Miriam. They died through a Kiss of the Divine Presence. Worms had no power over them.

When Moses died, the sun darkened at noon and the Written Law was sealed, (Zohar 2:156a). He died in the territory of Reuben and was buried in the territory of Gad. God took care of his burial. No man knows where his sepulchre is. As soon as Moses died, the Well, the Manna and the Clouds of Glory ceased.

HAGAR – 1930 BC

When Pharaoh took Sarah, he wrote into the marriage contract that he was giving his daughter Hagar to her as a handmaid.

Upon seeing the miracles that were wrought for Sarah in his house, Pharaoh took his daughter and gave her to Abraham. He said to himself: “It is better for my daughter to be a servant in Abraham’s house than a mistress in another house.” (Bereishis Rabbah 45: 1).

The name “Hagar” means: “Here is your reward.” No servant ever left Egypt free, except for Hagar.

Sarah gave her to Abraham as a full wife, not as a concubine, so that the offspring should be from a full marriage and also this would serve as a merit for Sarah. So Hagar was a wife to Abraham, but a handmaid to Sarah.

Hagar was afraid that Abraham could not beget children, so Sarah persuaded her with words. She said: “Fortunate are you to be united with this holy man!” (Bereishis Rabbah 45: 3).

Abraham consorted with Hagar and she conceived from the first intimacy. Hagar used to say to the people that Sarah was not the same inside, as she was outside – that she could not be as righteous as she seems, as Sarah has been barren for many years – whereas Hagar conceived after just one night.

Hagar was Sarah’s handmaid, so that by contract, Abraham had to support her, but could not sell her. Sarah dealt harshly with Hagar.

Five Angels came to Hagar at the well. She did not fear them as she was a Seer and so was used to seeing them.

Abraham sent Hagar off with a Bill of Divorce. He tied a scarf around her waist, so everyone knew she was a handmaid.

In Abraham’s merit, the water was not consumed from the flask that he had given her. However, she began to stray after the idols in her father’s house and thus the water was consumed.

She called in vain to the idol of her father’s house. She then cast her child beneath the trees, sat down a distance away and threw the idol away from the child. Then she wept loudly. Then she reproached God saying: “You are like people who say they will give something, but afterwards change their minds. Did you not say to me: ‘I will greatly increase your offspring.’ (Genesis 16: 10? “And now Ishmael, my son, is dying of thirst!”

An Angel of God called to Hagar (Genesis 21: 17) in the merit of Abraham. Although he told her: “Arise and lift up the youth!” (Genesis 21: 18). She went and filled the skin with water, which shows her lack of faith, as she feared the well would dry up.

She repented of worshipping idols and bound herself to good deeds, for which her name was changed to Keturah. After this, Abraham sent for and remarried her. Just as her deed had changed, so too had her name.

Although he married her, he didn’t bring her into Sarah’s tent, where no other woman, except Rebecca, was ever seen.

JOSHUA – 1400 BC

Moses did not choose Joshua specifically – he was afraid that he would be punished, because when he asked that his brother Aaron go in his place to take Israel to the Promised Land, Moses was punished for it. Joshua wrote in his book, words concerning the cities of refuge. Joshua took the book of Deuteronomy, displayed it to the Sun and ordered the Sun to stop its movement.

Three thousand (3,000) laws were forgotten in the period of mourning for Moses. Joshua was punished by not given male off-springs, because he had deprived the Israelites of Marital relations one evening.

1C – Three were crowned with the titles of age and days: Abraham, Joshua and David. Abraham was the head of the Patriarchs; Joshua the head of the Kingship of the Tribe of Ephraim and David the head of the Kingship of the Tribe of Judah. He led Israel for twenty-eight (28) years. Joshua had daughters but no sons. He had to separate from his wife at certain intervals. Moses compared Joshua to himself.

How is it that Joshua desecrated the Sabbath in Jericho – it is because he was ordered by God.


Twelve (12) Tribes with two (2) wives: Leah and Rachel – two (2) concubines.


From her came King David. There were two women: Tamar and Ruth from whom the Line of Judah was built. This led to King David – Solomon – Jesus. Two great Nations came from Ruth: Moab and Amon. She had no womb, but God gave her one.

Rabab: Harlot, who hid Caleb. There were four (4) exceedingly beautiful women in the world: Sarah – Rabab – Abigail and Esther. Due to Rabab protecting Caleb, God rewarded her: Two hundred (200) families would be saved because of her. She was ten (10) years old when Israel left Egypt. She was a harlot for forty (40) years and converted when she was fifty (50). Joshua married her and there were eight (8) Prophets that descended from her, who also were Priests.

Mezuzash is a piece of parchment with Holy Words written.

Joshua, Son of Nun. The face of Moses was like the Sun – the face of Joshua was like the Moon.

Jacob had four (4) wives. These would bear three (3) sons to make the Twelve (12) Tribes.

Leah passed judgement: Six (6) sons have come from me and four (4) from handmaidens – making a total of ten (10). Leah’s case of the foetus turning into a female occurred during the first forty (40) days. The embryos were switched. Joseph went to Rachel’s womb – Dinah into Leah. Every woman who encourages her husband to his marital obligation, will have sons. Leah went out to meet Jacob and said: ‘It is you who must come” – her intention was for the sake of Heaven to produce tribal ancestors.


He was equal to Elijah. First journey for Jonah was to restore the boundary of Israel. Second journey was to Jerusalem, to tell that it would be destroyed, but they repented.

Jonah ran away so that he did not have to Prophesy – he went on the sea by ship. A storm arose; he was thrown overboard. His soul left him and appeared before God. God Judged him and threw him back into the sea.

The fish told Jonah that today he would be eaten, then the fish showed him the Sea Kingdom. He stayed three days and nights.

DAVID – Davidic Covenant – 1163 BC

God showed Adam all future generations. Adam was to live one-thousand (1,000) years, but he gave seventy (70) of those years to David.

The most praiseworthy King was David and the most praiseworthy Prophet was Moses. The staff that was in Moses’ hand was also in David’s. He who sees David in a dream may expect to attain piety. Evil inclination wielded no power over David.

David married Saul’s widow – he also married Abigail. Bathsheba was destined for David since the six (6) days of Creation. Even when David was ill, he fulfilled his marital duties to his eighteen (18) wives. The Torah allows the King to have eighteen (18) wives.

David sought to worship idols to leave the land of Israel – It is better that I worship idols, than that the name of Heaven be desecrated publicly.

Saul was jealous of David. David was tested when David was in danger, as Saul was pursuing him. He said: In vain did Samuel anoint me to be King – where is His promise? God called out to him: Are you calling Samuel false? God worked a Miracle for David, stopping Saul from pursuing him. By dividing Saul’s army when David hid in the cave, he came to realize that a person is sustained neither by his wealth nor his wisdom, nor by his might but only by his prayer.

Five smooth stones were selected by David to slay Goliath. As David went to find the stones, they spoke to him. Three stones were from Abraham, Isaac and Jacob. David prayed before Goliath – leprosy then covered Goliath, then David threw the stones.

David brought the Ark forward – he danced and sang – he did not dress as the King, but wore special garments of pure gold, in honour of the Ark. He did this to protect the people, as anyone who looked upon the Ark was smitten, so that the people would look on him only. His clothes moved as he was naked underneath and all the women were looking at his flesh, but he did not care.

The most praiseworthy of Kings was David. He clapped his hands and the gold on the Ark rang, like bells. When David went to war he prayed, so during the night, God lit up the stars and used lightning to light up the night.

David was not punished for killing Uriah, re Bathsheba, but because Uriah rebelled. Uriah never had marital relations with his wife. Marriage to her is valid, for she was not married to Uriah when you took her.

Because of David’s sin, he and his people got leprosy for six (6) months and he was banished. The Sanhedrin separated from Him, also God left his presence. David was bedridden for thirteen (13) years.

Dinah – daughter of Jacob: Jacob bore the Twelve (12) Tribes. Dinah was six (6) years old when she bore Asenath to Shechem: Get thee this girl for a wife – Genesis 34.4. She was eight and a half (8½) years old and Jacob was ninety-nine (99).


Solomon was twelve (12) when he became King. He lived until he was fifty-two (52). He took Pharaoh’s daughter as an ally, through marriage. He was married to her for thirty-six (36) years.

All of Solomon’s deeds were threefold – he had three ascents, so he could rule the whole world. He saw three worlds, having viewed life as a King, a commoner and then again as a King. He committed three sins – having accumulated many horses, many wives and much wealth.

Solomon, composed of Three Proverbs, 1:10-25. He was called by three names: Jedidiah, Samuel Solomon and Kaheleth.

Who were the first Prophets? David, Samuel and Solomon. Whatever is written of David, is written of Solomon. David and Solomon wrote Scripture – David and Solomon built an Altar.

One-hundred-and-fifty-thousand (150,000) were converted by him. David and Solomon were anointed from oil poured from a horn, because their Kingdom is eternal. Solomon even ruled over Heavenly beings. Solomon occupied the Throne of Hashem and later ruled over earthly beings.

There were two-hundred-and-fifty-two (252) Provinces in the world – Solomon ruled over them all. By means of the Throne, Solomon knew the truth, for Divine Inspiration rested upon Solomon via the Throne. Whoever approached the Throne was filled with fear, thus he was able to judge without witnesses. There was a form in the Throne and if anyone approached to lie, the form would rattle.

Israel is the foundation of the world. Solomon dispatched spirits to fetch him water from India. When he sought to do something improper, his wisdom would stand up against his evil inclination. He who sees Solomon in a dream can look forward to wisdom.

God made him King over beasts of the earth – the birds of the sky – the crawling things of the ground and the demons and spirits. He understood the language of them all. A woodcock came before Solomon and said: Your Majesty the King, I have flown throughout the world to see whether there is a nation in the world that is not subjugated to you. Solomon wrote a letter to the Queen of Sheba – gave it to the bird. Sheba wrote back saying she was coming.

Everyone assisted Solomon in constructing the Temple – even spirits, demons and Ministering Angels. Solomon needed the help of a demon the size of a grain of barley – dates from the six (6) days of Creation, created on the Sabbath. Eve immediately preceding the Sabbath.

The Throne of Solomon: When he wished to go somewhere, the Throne would bring him by the means of mechanism. If false witnesses appeared before Solomon, the animal figures of the Throne would roar.

Solomon took one-thousand (1,000) wives so that he could have one-thousand (1,000) sons a year and twenty-thousand (20,000) in twenty (20) years, so that no one could overpower him. Saint Gabriel descended and struck a reed in the sea – it gathered a bank around it on which the Great City of Rome was built – which became a source of distress to Israel.

The Pharaoh’s daughter became his concubine. He loved many foreign women – he took them as concubines, converted them and then married them. His wives turned his heart away. Solomon sinned because he did not turn some of his wives away from Idol worshipping.


What was written of Job is greater than what was written of Abraham. God put to Job this: Which do you prefer – poverty or afflictions. Job replied: I accept upon myself all the afflictions, but not poverty. Fifty calamities struck him – his trials lasted twelve (12) months. Job did not sin with his lips – with his heart he did. Can a man debate with God as he debates with his friend?

Job, who was stricken doubly, was rewarded doubly. Job’s life lasted from the time that Israel entered Egypt until they left.


The Pharaoh gave to Joseph, Asenath to be his wife. She was the daughter of Potiphera, a Priest of Helicopolis. She bore Joseph two sons: Manasseh and Ephraim, who became the Israelite Tribes of Manasseh and Ephraim. Asenath and Joseph ruled Egypt for forty-eight (48) years, after which they passed the Crown to Pharaoh’s grandson.

She was a Visionary, like Joseph and also prophesied, loved much by God and the Egyptians.

St Catherine Emmerich: “Joseph was seven (7) years in prison in Egypt; he received the Blessing of Posterity by an Angel. Joseph’s wife, Asenath, was his niece. She was a Visionary, much loved and respected by the Egyptians and the Hebrews. Asenath bore to Joseph, first Manassas and Ephraim and sixteen (16) other children. Moses took the Holy Shining Thing from Joseph and placed it in the Ark.”

“The Egyptians worshipped Joseph and Asenath as Divinities and wanted to hold onto the Blessing, as it would bring Blessings to them – that is why they opposed the Israelites from leaving Egypt with Moses. Moses found out the reason why the Jews were grieving under the Pharaoh – it was because they stole Joseph’s corpse, which held the Holy Shining Thing.”



Priest, Prophet and King: The continuation of the Covenant made with Abraham, Moses and David.

3rd July 1993 – Message 395. OUR LORD: “I Bless you, My sweet son and My sweet children, here present and throughout the world: In the Name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Ghost. Amen.”

“My beloved – Our sweet ‘Rock’ – My son who will rebuild My Church upon Earth and lead all My people to the Promised Land: Today I have come with the Patriarchs of Old and My Foster Father to bestow upon you, My dear son, very exceptional Graces – Graces that have been given only to the few. In My Hand, dear son, is the Covenant that I made with Adam, with Noe and with Abraham.”

“As I have already said through many Mystics throughout the world: You are the ‘Abraham’ of the New Era – the one who will lead My people into freedom. In you shall the Triune God Dwell, for you must bring My people into the Light and govern My Church upon Earth, for many centuries, until I come to Judge mankind in the Final Judgement. Many millions of Our children will enter the Promised Land after the great Chastisement, when the Church has been renewed, purified and cleansed.”

“It is through you, My dear child, that the ‘New Nations’ will be born – the New Tribes of Israel. From your seed, My dear son, in the fulfilment of My Words to Abraham, all the ‘New Nations’ will come – the Seven New Tribes that will rule the Earth with the Five Clans and the seventy-two small nations will form the cohort of Earthly Paradise, which you, dear child, will lead and govern as the Vicar of Christ; as leader of My people through the Kingship of the Godhead. It is from thy seed, dear son, that there will be a multitude of billions and billions of souls that will be Created before the end of the world. In you I make the Final Covenant with man until the end of the world, when I will come to Judge mankind.”

“These Revelations this evening will astound My children in the Church and throughout the world. However, let it be known that I have spoken – the King of kings, your Creator and Saviour. These Words have been revealed to many Mystics throughout the world, but very few souls are aware of it, because only now is the time that it must be known to mankind. So remain at peace, dear son, because you have been prepared for quite some time for this role. Many things will be expected of you, dear child, but be not afraid for I and My Father and Our Spirit, are with you.”

“Pray for My sweet son, Our ‘Little Pebble’ of Love – the ‘Rock’. He needs your sustaining prayers, as does My Vicar in Rome at this time. Great changes are coming upon the world and in My House upon Earth, dear children – changes that will bring great devastation in the lives of many of Our children, especially those who do not believe in My Word. You, dear son, are Peter and upon you I will renew My Church. Receive the Holy Sign – the symbol of the Covenant between the Godhead and man.”

1st January, 1998

The Pope has Spoken: In the writings of Pope Innocent III who reigned from 1198-1216. He called the Fourth Lateran Council of 1215, and wrote many teachings on married life, and supported and approved the great Saint Francis of Assisi and Saint Dominic.

In a letter called ”Gaudemus in Domino” in the year 1201, to the Bishop of Tiberias, he commented, expressly, on the marriage with several women. Amongst others, it said in this letter as follows:

“And nobody ever was allowed to have at the same time several wives – if it was not granted to him by Divine Revelation which, at times, was considered custom, sometimes, law and by which they were excused, just like James (Jacob), from deceit (when he tricked his father, Israel, in pretending he was his brother Esau; the Israelites from theft (when they took Canaan); Sampson from murder, as well as the Patriarchs and other just men, who, as can be read, had several wives at the same time, (were excused) from adultery.”


St Thomas Aquinas: “God can command nothing contrary to virtue, since virtue and rectitude of humans will consist chiefly in conformity with God’s Will and obedience to His command, although it be contrary to the wonted mode of virtue. Accordingly then, the command given to Abraham to slay his innocent son was not contrary to justice, since God is the Author of life and death. Nor again, was it contrary to justice that He commanded the Jews to take things belonging to the Egyptians, because all things are His and He gives them to whom He will. Nor was it contrary to chastity that Osee (Hosea) was commanded to take an adulteress, because God Himself is the Ordainer of human generation and the right manner of intercourse with women is that which He appoints.”

“Hence it is evident that the persons aforesaid did not sin, either by obeying God or by being willing to obey Him.” (Summa Theologica Part II-II, Q.104, article 4, reply objection 2.)

It is always an act of virtue to obey God’s Commands. Saint Thomas speaks again, in several places, about these same three incidents in the Old Testament – Abraham, Osee (Hosea) and the taking away of the spoils of the Egyptians. Each time Saint Thomas clearly distinguishes the Sovereignty of God over all His Creation. In Part II-II, Q. 100, article 8, reply objection 3, he asks: WHETHER THE PRECEPTS OF THE DECALOGUE ARE DISPENSABLE? (i.e, the Ten Commandments). He comments further on the incident of “theft” from the Egyptians, saying that it was not theft, because it was the “Sentence of God”. Again in regard to Abraham, Saint Thomas further explains:

“…he did not consent to murder, because his son was due to be slain by the Command of God, who is Lord of life and death … and if a man be the executor of that sentence by Divine Authority, he will be no murderer any more than God would be”.

In regard to Osee (Hosea), Saint Thomas says: “…[He] was not guilty of adultery or of fornication, because he took unto himself one who was his by Command of God, Who is the Author of the Institution of Marriage”.

“Accordingly, therefore, the precepts of the Decalogue, as to the essence of justice which they contain, are unchangeable; but as to any determination by application to individual actions – for instance: that this or that be of murder, theft or adultery, or not – in this point they admit of change…”.

Saint Thomas explains that God’s Commands were not unlawful and not sinful, either. In reference to Abraham:

“God is Lord of death and life, for by His Decree, both the sinful and the righteous die. Wherefore, that which a man does by God’s Will and in obedience to His command, is not contrary to nature, though it seems contrary to the general order of reason. Even so, that which is done Miraculously by Divine Power is not contrary to nature, though it be contrary to the usual course of nature. Therefore, just as Abraham did not sin in being willing to slay his innocent son – because he obeyed God – although, considered in itself it was contrary to right human reason in general – so too, Osee (Hosea) sinned not in committing fornication by God’s Command…”. (Then, quoting Saint Augustine:) “When God commands a thing to be done against the customs or agreement of any people – though it were never done by them heretofore – it is to be done”. And afterwards, he adds: “…For as among the powers of human society the greater authority is obeyed in preference to the lesser, so must God – in preference to all”. [“Confessions”, III, 8.]

Finally, Saint Thomas carefully distinguishes how the Natural Law is changeable in its Secondary Principles [but not in its First Principles]. He explains:

“But it may be changed in some particular cases of rare occurrence, through some special causes hindering the observance of such precepts”. (Part I-II, Q. 94, article 5.)

He then gives examples of exception:

“Consequently, by the Command of God, death can be inflicted on any man – guilty or innocent – without any injustice whatever. In like manner…intercourse with any woman, by the Command of God, is neither adultery nor fornication”. (Part I-II, q. 94, article 5, reply objection 2.)

Whether it is against the Natural Law to have several wives”?

His answer is informative:

“Now, marriage has for its principle end, the begetting and rearing of children… and thus it is that the offspring is assigned as a marriage ‘good’…But for its secondary end… they owe one another [their spouses] fidelity which is one of the ‘goods’ of marriage.” (Part: Supplement Q. 65, article 1.)

For the Baptized, marriage is also a Sacrament – and is therefore a ‘good’ of marriage. He explains that it is not against the Natural Law to have several wives:

“Hence it is evident that by taking several wives a man does not bind himself to the impossible, considering the principle end of marriage; and therefore plurality of wives is not against the first principles of Natural Law. Consequently, a dispensation in this matter could be granted by God alone through an inward inspiration, vouchsafed originally to the holy patriarchs – and by their example continued to others, at a time when it behooved the aforesaid precept not to be observed, in order to ensure the multiplication of the offspring to be brought-up in the worship of God. For the principle end is ever to be borne in mind before the secondary end. Wherefore, since the good of the offspring is the principle end of marriage, it behooved to disregard for a time the impediment that might arise to the secondary ends, when it was necessary for the offspring to be multiplied…”. (Part: Supplement Q. 65, article 2.)

So you can see with all these Covenants God then finalized these Covenants by making a Threefold Covenant with me on July 3rd 1993.

St Catherine Emmerich: “However, there will be one more Covenant that God will make with man. It is the Second Coming of Jesus and the New Holy Era.”

St Asenath, Book of Genesis: XIIB Chronicles

Then to end this chapter you go to the final page – Edemic Covenant – ADAM


Rehoboam Marriages: He had eighteen (18) wives and sixty (60) concubines. King David had seven (7) wives and three (300) concubines; Ahinoam, Abigail, Maachah, Haggith, Abital, Eglah, Bathsheba, Michal plus multiple concubines.

King Solomon had one thousand (1,000 ) wives and three-hundred (300) concubines.

Forty (40) important figures in the Old Testament had more than one (1) wife: Esau – Elkanah – Moses, Lameoh, Abraham, Jacob, David, Solomon, Ishmael – Isaac, Twelve (12) Tribes.

Moses was eighty (80) years old when he led the people out of Egypt and God gave him more wives.

EDEMIC COVENANT – God made with Adam.

1A – Noahic Covenant: Other Covenants are principally Agreements made between God and Biblical Israelites.

First Covenant – Circumcision.

The first Promise was to Abraham, then to Isaac and Jacob – the Promised Land – River of Egypt to the River Euphrates.

Second Covenant – God gave at Mount Sinai. God would stay with them – the Jews – as they were a Chosen People; Mosaic Covenant – which included their Proselytes.

God rewarded Abraham, Noah and David. God has the obligation to keep Abraham’s descendants as God’s Chosen.

Covenant of Marriage – witnessed by God: Marriage is not a Contract, but a Covenant. God made Covenant Three of them – Noah, Abraham and Moses.

New Covenant Jesus – There are two types of Covenants: Conditional and Unconditional

1B – The Unconditional Covenant – of which God keeps, regardless of man’s action. The others are Conditional – man must obey God on His Terms to receive the Promises.


Edemic: Noah – Abraham – Moses

Reuel learned that Moses had fled from Pharaoh. He cast him into a pit; his grand-daughter, Zipporah, fed him for ten (10) years. After ten (10) years, Reuel took Moses out. Jethro gave Moses Zipporah as wife.

The Nation of Ham was formed in the year 2300 BC after the creation of Adam and Eve – namely the Gibeonites – Jebusites – Hittites – Perizzites. (Genesis 10:L 15-19).

The flood – 2348 BC – (Gen. 7)

Egypt was formed – 2300 BC – (Gen. 10: 2)

China was formed – 2300 BC

Tower of Babel – 2200 BC – (Gen. 10: 25)


Japan was formed – 2200 BC

Abraham 1996 BC – (Gen. 25: 7)

Indo German Tribes – 2000 BC

Lot – 1980 BC

Hagar – 1930 BC

Isaac – 1896 BC

Sodom and Gomorrah – 1890 BC

Jacob – 1836

Rebecca – 1754

Leah & Rachel – 1754

Early Colonies to America – 1754

Twelve (12) sons of Jacob – 1750

Joseph sold into Egypt – 1750

Ishmael – 1750


1700 – Rise of Assyrian Power

1600 – Persia

1530 – Pharaoh’s death – Israel enslaved

1504 – Moses

1500 – Greece

1500 – Greatest Egyptian Power

1500 – China, the beginning of Lyric Poetry

1491 – Exodus from Egypt

1445 – Ark of the Covenant erected

1400 – Joshua

1400 – Kings of Edom

1254 – Time of Judges

1252 – Eli Judge

1200 – Philistines

1200 – Rome

1154 – Samson Judge

1154 – Samuel Judge

1154 – Trojan War

1100 – Saul of Benjamin, King

1163 – David and Goliath

1015 – Solomon born

1011 – Solomon builds Temple

1004 – The Kingdom of Judah

0975 – Kingdom of Israel

0904 – Wars with Israel

0900 – Elijah and Elisha, Prophets

0776 – First Olympiad

0700 – Hoshea

0700 – Wars with Arabs and Philistines

0602 – End of the Assyrian Empire

0600 – Destruction of Jerusalem

0600 – Daniel

0600 – Nineveh destroyed

0600 – New Chaldaic Kingdom

0598 – Babylonian Captivity

0561 – Nebuchadnezzar

0551 – Confucius

0520 – Buddha the Wise

0509 – Rome – time of the Republic

0486 – Esther

0258 – Ezra

0332 – Alexander the Great

0332 – Alexander goes to Jerusalem

0305 – Ptolemaic Dynasty

0221 – China – The Great Wall

0100 – Final decline of the Olmecs

0100 – Julius Caesar

0063 – Rome Governs Jerusalem

0053 – Cleopatra

0048 – Jews under Ptolemies

0031 – Augustus

0030 – Egypt under Rome’s control

0005 – John the Baptist

0004 – Christ Born

0033 – Crucifixion of Jesus

0063 – Apostles slain


0100 – Beginning of Apostasy

0135 – Jews scattered among all Nations

0180 – Tartars and Turks

0200 – Persecution of the Christians and Jews

0321 – Sunday Worship recognized

0325 – Aryanism condemned

0325 – Christian Emperors

0330 – Constantine, Emperor – converted to Christianity

0434 – Attila The Hun

0450 – St Patrick in Ireland

0476 – Division of West Rome

0454 – Theodoric The Great

0500 – Hopewell Culture

0571 – Mohammed

0597 – England Converted

0627 – Christianity introduced

0762 – Bagdad founded

0800 – Charlemagne restores the West Roman Empire

0827 – Kingdom of England founded\

0900 – Maya Power in New Mexico collapses

0900 – China invents block printing by Feng – To

1054 – Separation of Greek and Roman Church

1059 – Decree of Elections of Popes

1087 – Jews terribly persecuted

1299 – The Ottoman Empire founded

1400 – Aztec Empire

1400 – European slave trade begins

1480 – Spanish Inquisition

1489 – Teachings of Martin Luther

1517 – Slavery introduced into West Indies

1535 – First Edition of the Old Bible

1559 – Oliver Cromwell born

1560 – Presbyterian

1564 – William Shakespeare born

1600 – Japan – persecution of Christians

1612 – Baptist Church formed

1619 – Slavery in America

1643 – Confederation of New England Colonies

1647 – Quakers were formed

1692 – Salem Witchcraft formed

1757 – Electricity founded by Benjamin

1782 – Revolutionary War – America

1776 – Independence

1830 – Greece Independent

1832 – British abolish West Indies slavery

1865 – Slavery ends in America

1876 – The Telephone

1914 – World War I

1939 – War World II

1945 – Japan – Atomic Bomb

1957 – Russia first into spaced

1961 – Berlin Wall

1969 – America lands man on Moon
