17 JUNE 2018
Jesus uses simple tools to convey the greatness in the little word – There are many calamities coming to the world, as the peace is not a true peace – China has a plan with this new accord; all Alliances will break and the United States will be betrayed – Donald Trump and Kim Jong Un, have good intentions, however, there are underlying tones made by the powerful Secret Societies – The Angel of War and Death will soon be unleashed in the world – Prepare your household as time is getting near now for the Sixth (6th) Seal to be opened.
WILLIAM: This morning at 3:00am Jesus came and stood at the side of my bed. He was so beautiful. Jesus brought me great peace. He began to speak to me about an unusual subject and said:
JESUS: “Son, do you understand the importance of the word – the power of a little word and why God has asked His children to pray simple words? Have you not noticed that Jesus uses simple tools to convey the greatness in the little word and human actions, to convey great Miracles? Did Jesus not cure a blind man by a simple act of using mud to rub on the eyes and washed clean by water?”
“Remember that the Word became Man – this has a greater meaning, My son. The word changes man. Just think of the few words said over the earthly gifts of bread and wine – the words changed them to God in the Flesh and Divinity. The Power of the word – the Power of the little words.”
“You see, My son, why God placed so many gifts and power upon simple words, in prayer. These words can change the world – convert all of humanity – as the little words of prayer have more power in man’s hands, instead of human weapons of war.”
“Now do you understand that is why little words given with love are very powerful, for this reason God and the Virgin Mary ask so often for Our children to pray – especially the Rosary – all with love and thought in those words.”
WILLIAM: Jesus then said that He would come today at Mass, as He has an important Message to give to the world. I thanked Jesus and told Him how much I love Him and asked His forgiveness, as I was upset with Him because I did not understand why there was so much suffering for His children – that He Promised me help on so many levels and still I felt chained, because I was not able to fulfill His Holy Will. Why was He not bringing forth the Prophecies, as His children were feeling overwhelmed with so many trials and I felt He was not taking any notice of His faithful children.
Jesus just smiled and said He was not upset with me for feeling this way, as men do not understand the ways of God, but all that He has Promised me would be fulfilled and the chains would be removed. The Prophetic Words given to me and other Prophets, would be fulfilled. He was pleased with all that I was doing for Him and not to be troubled in heart, as God is not asleep in the boat, as He was with the Apostles. God sees all and controls everything good as well as evil, for Satan cannot do anything unless God permits it.
Jesus then Blessed me. I told Him I loved Him very much and to please forgive me for questioning God. Jesus said:
JESUS: “Remain at peace – you have not offended Me.”
WILLIAM: I renewed my Fiat to Him.
After Mass Jesus came. He was Majestic. He held a White Cross as large as Himself. He greeted me:
JESUS: “Peace be with you, My beloved son, William! I want you to pray with Me to My Father in Heaven for the world, as there are many calamities coming to the world, as the peace that men believe they now have, is not so – this is not a true peace.”
WILLIAM: Jesus opened His Arms, raising Them to Heaven. He raised His Countenance to Heaven and began to pray the Our Father Prayer, as He taught me:
JESUS: “Our Father Who art in Heaven, Hallowed be Thy Name, Thy Kingdom come, Thy Will be done on Earth as it is in Heaven. Give us this day our daily bread and forgive us our trespasses, as we forgive them who trespass against us. And let us not fall into temptation, but deliver us from every evil now and at the hour of our death. For Thine is the Kingdom, the Power and the Glory, now and forever. Amen.”
WILLIAM: Then Jesus said:
JESUS: “I have placed a Message from My Heart in your spirit, so when you go home pray the Mercy Chaplet and the Message will be opened to you.”
WILLIAM: Jesus then Blessed me and said that He loved me very much and to tell His children how much Jesus and His Holy Mother love them.
JESUS: “Peace, My son! Peace!
WILLIAM: I forgot to mention that when Jesus began to pray, Our Lady and the Apostles were kneeling facing Him, praying with us. Also a new Saint I have become fond of, Saint Aseneth.
I have now said the Mercy Chaplet and I see Jesus in my spirit. He unlocks something in my heart.
JESUS: “Peace, My brother and son, ‘Little Rock” of My Sacred Heart!
“I look at the world and see how men believe that a new Peace Deal has been achieved, but I tell you most solemnly, this is not so. China has a plan with this new accord – all Alliances will break, as it was in the best interest of the Chinese Government to make the West believe that unity can be forged between Nations – when in fact the United States will be betrayed.”
“Our son, Donald Trump and Our son, Kim Jong Un, have good intentions. However, there are underlying tones made by the powerful Secret Societies, which are in all countries, to destroy peace and bring on conflict between the four Super Powers, namely China, the U.S.A., Russia and the Union of Nations of Europe. The Ten Kingdoms must now be forged to bring forth the New Babylon, so that the Little Horn can wield its power over the Nations and the world, so that the Reign of the Antichrist can come into existence.”
“Be not fooled, sweet children. The Peace that seemingly exists in the world is a False Peace – for True Peace can only come, once men remove their sins in their lives and recognize the True God and His Messiah, Jesus the Christ.”
“The Angel of War and Death will soon be unleashed in the world. The Cataclysm is coming, where men will beat their breasts and ask the mountains to cover them. Fire and ash will be ejected from the Earth from many places, where the Earth will crack and divide the land, so that men will fall on their knees and ask God to forgive them, asking for mercy.”
“Men still bathe in their self-ego, neglecting their children, their families, their loved ones and their neighbour, because they are too preoccupied with themselves – seeking only human pleasure and human fulfilment – not caring for one moment, that death could come to them unexpectedly.”
“Once the Eternal father warned the people of Noah’s time and the people of Sodom and Gomorrah and Nineveh – yet men did not take notice – and what befell them?”
“This unruly generation has had many, many years to heed God’s Calling to repentance, through the many Prophets, Visionaries and Seers – so much so, that the world has been saturated with God’s Word.”
“Prepare your households, dear children, for you do not want to be as “foolish virgins”, who did not get the oil for their lamps and were left behind, once the Bridegroom came to collect them. Prepare your homes children, with food, water and holy items, as time is getting near now for the Sixth (6th) Seal to be opened. Be not afraid, as those who are of well spirit have nothing to fear.”
“God Loves all of His children in the world, but three quarters (¾) of the world’s people have discarded any belief in God and have misled their children on the wide road that leads to Hell. But My Promise remains: All children will be given My Mercy, before I come finally to Judge mankind.”
“I know dear children who are faithful to Me – you are suffering much, as you are carrying the burden of all your children and families and all children who have gone astray at this time. Be not discouraged, for you are sharing My Cross of the Mystical Body of Christ’s Church upon Earth, to save most of humanity. Be patient, for you will rejoice very soon, when I open the eyes of so many children, who would be lost to Hell, if it were not for you. Trust in My Divine Heart, as I see all – I count all that you do, to ransom your children.”
“Pray for India, as a Great war is coming to My children there and the people of Goa will be persecuted for their beliefs.”
“A new war and famine will come upon the Nations of Africa and South America – all of these wars are to remove the world’s population.”
“Pray, My children, for Asia, for Great Upheavals will occur, instigated by the Dragon.”
“The Ecological Chastisements will continue throughout the world until the Great War.”
“Keep your eyes open regarding Rome, as much will change within My Church upon Earth, as Christians will be invited to unite and bring forth One United Celebration in Eucharistic Celebration, but I will not be present in these Sacrilegious Masses.”
“However, watch carefully, as I will move the Seat of Peter to a land where it will be safe and the Last Vicar will guide My Church after the Great Cataclysm.”
“Pray children, pray with the Holy Rosary of My Holy Mother. Ask Mercy through My Mercy Chaplet. Heaven has given you many Sacramentals to help you – many prayers and devotions – but most of all, seek Me in the Eucharist and Confession.”
“Be not afraid, sweet children. My Mother and I will always be there for you, for We have sent you thousands upon thousands of Angels to protect you and help you in these most difficult times.”
“I ask all of My children to spread the Seal of the Living God – your Holy Mark of God – to protect all of mankind from the Mark of the Beast.”
“Read the Messages I gave to the Last Prophet, MDM, as in these Messages are all the instructions you need, plus the many Messages given to other Prophets and Visionaries who too, have received instructions for these times. Continue, My sweet children, to move forward in Truth and Hope. We of Heaven love you and send Our Blessings to you: In the Name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Ghost. Amen.”
“Son, place here once again the Miraculous photo of Jacinta of Fatima, given to Our Prophet, Veronica Lueken of Bayside, New York – as soon this date will be visible to the eyes of your children, so that many of them will know that the Warning is very near.”
“As for you, My precious son, William – Peter Abraham II – your time is now coming, where all that I revealed will be fulfilled. Trust and have hope.”
“As of today, I will open the eyes of tens of thousands of children, with Dreams, Visions and Messages from Heaven about these precious times, to prepare the whole world. I Bless you and all the world’s children: In the Name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Ghost. Amen.”
Your Saviour Jesus
[See MDM Messages:]
[See Bayside Website:]