William Costellia Announcement – 12 March 2018

Announcement from William Costellia regarding Facebook and Twitter

12 March 2018

Dear friends on Facebook and Twitter,

I am sorry it has taken so long to bring you up to date with my current situation since the authorities stopped me from using these Social Media tools — so that I could reach out to you with Jesus’ Word. You may also be aware that other “powers-that-be” have hacked my website thousands of times — trying to stop Our Lord’s Words to reach God’s children. So much so that it crashed several months ago (and previously as well). It has taken us many weeks to re-post our work.

You are to know, I have taken the authorities to The Supreme Court so that I can use Facebook and Twitter again. It will be heard very soon. Your prayers are needed, please.

Should you wish to contact me any time please write to me via my email address at:


Thank you. God bless,

William Costellia