Feast of the Immaculate Conception
Original Sin never stained Our Lady’s Soul and through this little Handmaiden, the head of the Serpent will be crushed – The hour draws near when mankind will see God within their conscience. The Planets are aligned – the Stars are in their place – God needs to cleanse the Earth not only with water but with fire – Israel will be surrounded by her enemies – The mountain in Japan will soon awaken; parts of the land will sink – Australia has become an arid land, where only vermin – insects, snakes and scorpions live.
WILLIAM: It is 7.40 pm. The White Cross has been in the sky for some time. As I was saying the Rosary the Cross turned pinkish and a tunnel, made of roses was formed, with two big Angels in front, standing at each side of the tunnel, which enters my flat.
I see Our Holy Mother come forward as the Immaculate Conception, but She wears the Papal Emblem of the Coat of Arms of Pope Benedict XVI, as a sash across Her Chest to Her Midriff and in Her Arms is a cloak of all different colours – Saint Joseph’s coat. Our Lady holds a pearl Rosary – She kisses the golden Crucifix, smiles and makes the Sign of the Cross:
OUR LADY: “I greet you, My beloved son, precious ‘jewel’ of My Crown. In the Name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Ghost. Amen. “I am the Immaculate Conception – for no sin was found in My Conception nor carnal knowledge, for God who is Mighty has done great things for Me and My Parents. Original Sin never stained My Soul and through this little Handmaiden, the head of the serpent will be crushed and the Church of My Divine Son, Jesus Christ, will triumph and peace will rule the world very, very soon.”
“My child and My children, the hour draws near when mankind will see their God face-to-face within their conscience. The Planets are aligned – the Stars are in their place and within moments the Heavens will open, so that man will see beyond and be able to witness the Sign of the Son of Man, which bought man’s salvation.”
“Sin has now become a way of life, where men think little of what they do wrong, as they believe they are invincible. Men have become cold and their hearts have become as stone. Therefore, dear child, God needs to cleanse the Earth, as He did in Noah’s day – but this time, not only with water but with fire. The flames will soon be seen by the naked eye, as it comes from beyond your Moon and close to the Sun.”
“What more can your Mother do, but travel the world warning Our wayward children, who believe sin exists no more and the Ten Commandments are no longer needed, as men are enlightened.
“The enemies of Israel will surround Israel and war will come and enslave God’s Chosen People of Old. Will the great countries of the Americas and others come to her aid? I say ‘No’ – because much will happen to prevent them from doing so.”
“O California, which has drunk the sin of the flesh and spread its sickness all over the world, through cinematography – a gift from God, yet trodden into the earth – will now drink the bitter waters that will engulf its shores. I, as your Mother, do not bring news of great joy, because you have pushed My Divine Son away and replaced Him with self.”
“Move away from your Coastal Cities while you still have time, because the hour will strike soon.”
“Children of the world – you must reflect upon your lives and think seriously of the moments when God can call you any day. Pray children, pray – cleanse your souls in Holy Confession now, not later.”
“O people of Japan, the mountain will soon awaken and parts of your land will sink. You still have not embraced My Divine Son, Jesus – it is time.”
“And to the Land of the Holy Spirit, Australia – you have become an arid land where only vermin – insects, snakes and scorpions live. You have thrown away your inheritance and become worshipers of yourselves. You are those souls, where the good seed was thrown on thorny places, where the good seed and the bad seed were growing together, but the cares of the world choked you and only thorny shrubs and thistles [now] grow. You will now feel the fires and great tremors that will loosen your lands, where buildings will topple into the sea and pestilence will enter your land, to eat away the crops that were sown.”
“My children pray, for the Master is coming to ask you what you have done with the talents He gave you. My Heart is broken, My children, as I see so many Graces lost, due to greed and avarice. As My Divine Son Jesus said: Seek ye first the Kingdom of God and all will be given to you.”
“I Love you so much, dear children and I constantly plead for you. Pray, dear children, that this Christmas will be a peaceful one, as the Evil One wishes to destroy this. Remember well Who was Born at this time – The Prince of Peace. I Love you so much! Watch Rome as a Great Evil is to be perpetrated there.”
“My beloved son, William, do you remember this ‘Coat of Many Colours’ – it was given to you by One of Ancient Times. It has great meaning. I give it to you once again as My Gift to you this Christmas of many meanings.”
WILLIAM: Our Holy Mother glides to me and places the Coat over my shoulders. She places Her two Hands on my shoulders, Kisses my head, traces the Sign of the Cross over my head and returns to Her spot. Our Holy Mother speaks to me about private matters and leaves. She sends Kisses and makes the Sign of the Cross:
OUR LADY: “In the Name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Ghost. Amen.”
WILLIAM: It is now 8.30 pm.