NO. 743
He speaks My Word and that is to protect the unborn; to protect the innocent and to defend his country – Much will change in the world, when your communication has been removed – My beloved Scientist, who is dear to My Heart; I will reveal to him the secrets of the mysteries relating to nature.
WILLIAM: [Jesus asks me to pray the Saint Michael Prayer with Him while I was setting up the recorder for the Message] Jesus has just arrived, very suddenly. I was speaking to a friend of mine and we were talking about Donald Trump and I felt someone behind me – I turned around and Jesus was standing right over Our Lady’s statue. As usual He is very beautiful and He is saying:
OUR LORD: “Peace be with you! Peace be with you!”
WILLIAM: He opens up His Arms:
OUR LORD: “In the Name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Ghost. Amen.”
“Blessings to you, My son and My daughter and all My beloved children throughout the world. You were startled, My son, that I arrived so suddenly. The reason I came, is because of the need of Our children to consider very carefully all that is occurring throughout this world. So much sorrow – so much sin – so many atrocities. How My children have offended My Sacred Heart. I come to give Mercy to mankind, but they reject Me. They judge their God on their human values.”
“Mankind is heading headlong into the abyss, because so few listen to Our call. The world is preoccupied with themselves, not with their neighbour and not with Me, their Saviour. Man is preoccupied with the events in the United States – but I wish to say to My children of the Americas, I, as your God and your Creator, wish you to understand that I support Our beloved son, Donald Trump and the reason being, My sweet children – though he is a weak man – he speaks My Word and that is to protect the unborn – to protect the innocent and to defend his country .”
“For My children, it is not for you to judge – it is for Me to Judge. Your duty is to pray. Pray and pray more, My beloved children, for soon much will change in the world, when your communication has been removed and you will be living like in the times of hundreds of years ago, without power. What then, My children – what then? Will you call out to Me, or will you curse Me, blaming Me for your own shortcomings.”
“My Blessed Mother has gone throughout the world asking for prayers – asking you to change your lives – to live lives of goodness, holiness, forgiveness – forgiving your brothers and sisters, reconciling with God and with man. What must God do? Do you want God to chastise you, sweet children, with fire from Heaven – with fire from within the Earth – with great division amongst men and continents, with the shifting of the Poles and much, much more? You, My sweet children, have brought this upon yourselves.”
“The conflict in the Middle East and other places, is the beginning of the great upheaval and the destruction of many of My children. So once again I call you – pray and do penance. Come to Me in the Blessed Eucharist, as I await you with open Arms, as your Shepherd. Come to Me, My sweet children, for I am goodness itself and a God of Mercy and Love.”
“Go in Peace, My children – My son. I thank you for obeying My Word, for fulfilling all that I have asked of you, My child, My Little Pebble of Divine Love, Our Little Angel – the name that My Most Holy Mother gave you for good reason, that will be known in a short while.”
“I Bless you, My son and My daughter and My children and I will place much within your heart now, My son.”
“For My beloved Scientist, who is dear to My Heart, I will reveal to him the secrets of the mysteries relating to nature and I Bless all of My children: In the Name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Ghost. Amen.”
“Peace be with you!”
WILLIAM: Jesus has now gone. Thank you.
William Costellia
[Listen: Audio Version of this Message]
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