UPDATE #14: For the Astronomers – Coordinates
From: [Name Withheld]
Date: 13 October 2016 at 3:27:34 AM AEDT
To: William Costellia
Subject: >>>>>>>>>> Coordinate Update – Astronomers – “Object” is moving very slow for typical Asteroid detection <<<<<<<<<<<<
Dear William,
—- fixed coordinate typo
Please pass the following information on to any astronomers looking for the “object”.
As of Oct 9, 2016:
As unusual as this may sound to Asteroid Hunters, the “Object of interest” is moving very very slow with respect to the background stars.
Typical methods of differential detection of an object may result in “overlooking” the accurate detection of this “Object of interest”.
After all of the recent mitigating “detonations” the “Object of interest” has been greatly slowed:
Deep space telescope data, used to determine the up-to-date Earth Ecliptic Latitudinal coordinate reveals the “Object of interest” could be as low as 0.163 kilometers per second.
The estimation variable unknown is that the deep space telescope does not reveal the Earth Ecliptic Longitudinal (or EE Right Ascension).
Back in September 16, 2016, the EE Longitude was identified from a witness “sighting” of the object where an elevation angle was determined with respect to the horizon at sunrise.
After September 16, the additional detonations had measurably altered the speed and trajectory of the “Object” in 24 hours of each detonation.
(note: the Deep space telescope data yielded up-to-date relative velocity changes and trajectory vector changes from each detonation.)
Multiple alterations of trajectory:
The trajectory of the Object was observed to be changed from every detonation in addition to revealing the strength of the detonation and the angle of the detonation impact.
Thus any projected Orbital coordinate based projection would be impractical in this unfolding sequence. Only a trigonometric solution method was used to keep up with these events.
Recent history of Coordinate changes:
The object originally had an EE Latitude vector of 27.5 degrees North. The first two detonations changed the EE Latitude & velocity such that it changed from 27.5 N to 21.0 N.
The next two to three detonations changed it from 21.0N to 16.0N with an average of 2 degrees per day change from 16.0 N. A large detonation was a “direct hit” angle which slowed the object significantly, but the 2 degrees per day remained.
The final large detonation caused a single day angle shift near 4 degrees in Latitude (6.25 to 2.5 degrees EE Latitude North).
This final large detonation boosted the velocity of the object besides the notable angle shift.
This last intervention put the object into an escape from Earth’s Gravity Well, but just enough (determined by an Earth Escape Velocity at a LD distance).
Earth literally moving away from Object:
The object to Earth distance differential is increasing at just over the velocity of the Earth orbit km/s around the sun + the low speed of the slowed and redirected “Object”.
This is mainly due to the object reduced to nearly a virtual standstill compared to typical Asteroid velocities.
This means that any Astronomers looking for this object should be aware of this slow movement rate (0.163 km/s) when using differential detection process using the backdrop of stars.
Where to look:
Current EE Latitude (Oct 9, 2016): -11.0 S EE Latitude (11.0 South of Earth Ecliptic).
Rate of EE Latitude change (measured from Oct 3 to Oct 9): 0.99 to 1.01 degrees to the South per every 24 hours.
Current estimate of distance from Earth (Oct 9, 2016): 4.19 LD (using original 157.5 degrees EE Longitude).
Best Estimate of Longitude changes:
On September 16, 2016 the best determination of an EE Longitude – from good witness sighting – was 157.5 degrees EE Longitude from the Vernal equinox.
(note: determined by a 22.5 degree earlier arrival or sighting of the “object” before the sun in sunrise to the horizon – this observation from Earth’s northern hemisphere).
Some recent October video sightings (amateur video sources) have indicated that the object is close to 180 degrees EE Longitude (near equal in sunrise).
However, these video sources may have had variances in the actual recorded date verses the published date.
Therefore it requires an independent accurate sighting to identify the current EE Longitudinal coordinate.
It is suggested to look in a range of +/- 45 degrees from the original 157.5 EE Longitude.
God Bless