NO. 736
LITTLE PEBBLE: Today after Mass Jesus and Mary came with Their Sacred Hearts exposed and hovering close to Their Shoulders was the Holy Spirit as the Dove. Jesus and Mary greeted me:
JESUS AND MARY: “In the Name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Ghost. Amen.”
LITTLE PEBBLE: Jesus then spoke and told me They had come to answer my questions. Jesus said:
JESUS: “Mankind must turn to the Sacred Hearts and the Divine Spirit would enlighten Our children.”
LITTLE PEBBLE: Jesus explained that what He and His Holy Mother had said over some years, about the volcanoes in Italy, Vesuvius and Mt Etna of the Adriano Province of Catania, were about to erupt – but also the volcano in Hawaii and Guatemala, Mexico and Iceland – so as to awaken the world. Many prayers were now needed, as many people will be taken.
I asked Jesus about the problem in understanding the seven years of Tribulation, because in the Message given to Maria Divine Mercy in 2012, the three and a half years mentioned in the Book of Revelation, says clearly that the three and a half years begin when the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass is no longer in the Temple of God and the abomination of desolation – the man of sin sits upon the Throne of Peter. This did not refer to Pope Francis, but the Antichrist, who would place Francis aside, once he has completed his work. Then the Son of Iniquity would proclaim himself as King of the world – the god to be worshiped.
Then for three and a half years the Great Persecution of Christians would begin in its fullness. However, it is to be understood that after the Great Warning and the Great Miracle, the world will be brought to the realization that God exists. There will be a massive conversion of sinners in the world – a new evangelization and a short Reign of Peace would be granted to the world – due to the aftermath of the Chastisement. The Antichrist will momentarily be immobilized and there will be no Pope visible.
The Militant Church will then prepare itself for the Last Persecution, as all will know the prophecies. All must be understood in the Light of God’s timing, as He had revealed some years ago, that He would Return within this generation.
I asked Jesus as about the meteorites – that one would hit the Sydney Harbour. Jesus said:
JESUS: “Yes, and the sea would wash away many from the seashore of the inner Harbour.”
LITTLE PEBBLE: Jesus also said about the coming Islamic attack upon Paris, France: The terrorists would try to bring down the Eiffel Tower. Jesus said:
JESUS: “A well known leader will be assassinated soon, to bring on a revolution. Las Vegas is going to have a massive earthquake and be swallowed up.”
LITTLE PEBBLE: With what Jesus told me, I now add some Messages from Luz de Maria of Argentina and some previous Message extracts given to me, to show how close these revelations are given.
Jesus and Mary spoke to me about private matters and encouraged everyone to pray to their Immaculate Hearts and prepare your hearts:
JESUS AND MARY: “In the Name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Ghost. Amen.”
5th April, 2013 – No. 678 – to the Little Pebble
JESUS: “Those in power (in the Vatican) will also declare all current and many previous Prophets and Seers to be false.”
22nd May 2016 – to Luz de Maria
JESUS: “Know Me, delve into Me – it will be forbidden for My favourite children to alert My people. An unusual event will be announced to My children.”
26th May 2016 – to the Little Pebble
JESUS: “… Stopping all communications on Earth for some days. Major volcanic eruptions, tsunamis and earthquake; it will effect Mexico, Florida (sea covering). The schism is near.”
1st January 2016 – to the Little Pebble
“Very soon Mt Etna of the Adriano Province of Catania, will explode in a very big way.”
21st February 2016 – to the Little Pebble
“Place more security around the Eiffel Tower as the enemy will try to destroy this monument.”
31st October 2015 – to the Little Pebble
“An asteroid hidden by God will hit the ocean.”