Message from the Holy Spirit to the Little Pebble – 15 May 2016


Pentecost Sunday

The surface of the Sun will explode with great heat spewing out fireballs of molten lava – Children must now cleanse their souls – Major volcanic eruptions, tsunamis and earthquakes; the meteor shower will be a major impact upon the nations causing great sea rise – The Great War is at hand and the schism near.

LITTLE PEBBLE: Today after Mass and at Adoration, the Holy Spirit came, with Jesus above Him from the Chest upwards. The Holy Spirit, as the Dove, greeted me and said:

HOLY SPIRIT: “I Bless you, My holy son: In the Name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Ghost. Amen.”

“Today, on this Feast Day, My Holy Spirit will cover mankind with My Divine Gifts and Fruits, where by Spirit will Prophesy through millions of souls, to show the world that it is now time for man to recognise the times men live in. I wish men to confess their sins and to come to the Saviour, Jesus, asking for forgiveness.”

“It is true, My son, that there are Heavenly bodies heading towards the Earth, but this will not come until the surface of the Sun explodes with great heat and spews out fireballs of molten lava, towards the Earth, stopping all communications on Earth for some days and causing major destruction upon mankind. Together with three other signs – namely the major volcanic eruptions, tsunamis and earthquakes – the meteor shower will be a major impact upon the nations, causing great sea rise.”

LITTLE PEBBLE: These are the countries affected by the events of the Meteor shower to come. The Holy Spirit said it will mainly hit Central America, Mexico and Florida, U.S.A. :

Florida, U.S.A., the Bahamas, Turks and Caicos Islands, Cuba, Haiti, Dominican Republic, British Virgin Islands, Montserrat, Dominica, St Lucia, Jamaica, Cayman Island, Trinidad and Tobago, Curacao, Aruba, Colombia, Panama, Costa Rica, Nicaragua, El Salvador, Honduras, Guatemala, Belize, Puerto Rico and all surrounding Islands and the Caribbean.

HOLY SPIRIT: “I ask you, My son and all My children, to write to the leaders of these nations to warn Our children to be prepared to come before God. My children must now cleanse their souls, but not to be afraid, but trust themselves to My Holy Spouse, Mary the Virgin Mother, Who will place Her Mantle over Our children with faith.”

“The Great War is at hand and the schism in Holy Mother Church is near. So to prevent the advances of the Antichrist, I need to allow the major chastisements to befall mankind, to awaken them.”

“Continue to go forward in the faith, My son. I Bless you and all the children of the world: In the Name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Ghost. Amen.”