Message 732 – 10 March 2016

Pope Benedict and Pope Francis will die; the Chair of Peter will be empty until the Antichrist will take the Throne – The Last Pope, Peter II, will move to the Philippines and establish the Seat of Peter there – Assassination attempt on Obama – Russia to invade Sweden and Norway – Ireland will sink under the sea – Israel attacked and Dome destroyed – Olympics interrupted – Papua New Guinea invaded by Indonesia – Tunisia to become headquarters of ISIS.

LITTLE PEBBLE: Jesus came at 12.30am – I was not able to sleep before that. Jesus then appeared next to my bed and said:

OUR LORD: “Peace be with you, My son!”

LITTLE PEBBLE: He said not to worry about the matter I was troubled about, but to trust in Him. Jesus said He comes to me at this time, because mankind need to know why the world is going the way it is. It is because mankind has turned its back on God, committing grave sins – violence, through pride and selfishness and egotism – replacing God with self. Men have the Commandments handed to them by The Eternal Father on Mount Sinai, to the Prophet Moses and Jesus’ Divine Teachings, yet man wishes to change these Words to water them down, to live lives in an easier way, devoid of obedience and truth – replacing all that is of Godliness.

For this reason the world is being punished, created by man’s free will and pushed by the Evil One – who draws all men to relinquish their inheritance, to a life devoid of God’s Love, Mercy and Forgiveness – to serve Satan in his cruelty, hatred, chaos, confusion and division.

It is for this reason Jesus tells the world the events that mankind are heading for, so that they will remember His Words – to call men to repentance and a complete change of heart – to call men to love and serve God and his neighbour – to pray and change the world to goodness and avert the great chastisements that will come upon mankind.

Jesus then told me all the events yet to take place, as a warning to the world:

Pope Benedict and Pope Francis will die. The Chair of Peter will be empty. The Antichrist will take the Throne.

The Last Pope, Peter II, will move to the Philippines and establish the Seat of Peter there, if the people accept him. This country will be the land where the Antichrist will not be able to conquer and will be the nation to oppose him. This land will be the stronghold of Christianity, if they accept this revelation and it will be led by a Statesman Pontiff, as Moses did with the Israelites – but it will not be like men think as of old, or currently – The Mystical Papacy to lead God’s children – The Mystical Keys of the Kingdom of Saint Peter, but at the Second Coming he will lead the Church to prepare men for the New Holy Era. But all is conditional upon the response of men. He will still move to Europe to work with the French Monarch to fight the armies of the Antichrist.

The President of the United States of America will not be removed, as believed. Mr. Trump will be called to the Seat, but will not take reign – but all is dependent on how men will react towards the events that will occur in the U.S.A., if men do not pray. The invasion by China and Russia of the Americas, through Alaska and Mexico. An assassination attempt upon President Obama is planned in the crucial hour.

Japan will be attacked by China and Japan will have a major earthquake due to the volcano, Fuji.

Russia will invade Sweden and Norway.

The Atoll Island created by China near the Straits of China and the Philippines, is being built for establishing a Nuclear Base and a means to attack the shipping movements for military gain.

North Korea will attack South Korea with Nuclear bombs.

Ireland will sink under the sea to protect its people from the reign of the Antichrist.

The Apparitions of Knock, Ireland, will have a new Seer – one that has been a Seer before, but was withdrawn for a time. This will happen before the Antichrist will come into power. This Apparition will draw the Irish people to understand their fate.

Palestine will be attacked.

Lebanon will be attacked to eradicate the Christians, but the Mountain of Annaya of Saint Charbel, will shine and draw Muslims and others to believe in Christ. Also, the Statue of Our Lady of Lebanon will be a sign and will be protected.

Israel will be attacked and the Dome will be destroyed.

Tunisia will become the Headquarters of ISIS.

An American warship – aircraft carrier – will be attacked in the China Sea area.

The Olympics will be interrupted by a major event.

Papua New Guinea would be invaded by Indonesia, but God would punish Indonesia with a massive earthquake, due to a volcano. Papua New Guinea will ask the Little Pebble for help. (I personally do not know how I would be able to help). Jesus also said something about my new Political Party.

Many African countries will burst into violence and war, within and against their neighbours. War will be seen everywhere, to prepare the world for the emergence of the Antichrist.

Jesus said all of this and many more things must happen, before He will intervene with the Great Warning, because the Antichrist must emerge to give mankind a false peace, then when men are wasted and many nations destroyed, then the Warning will come to show men the truth, so that men will choose the truth over lies.

Then men will be given a short time of peace, before the Antichrist will rule the Earth with the Ten Kings. Then the Great Persecution will come against Christians, as there will be only Christians, the New World Religion and the New World Order. The Christian Armies will be led by the Last Spiritual Pope and the French Monarch. Once all this has been fulfilled, the Second Coming will come.

During the time of the Great Tribulation, the Springs will flow upon every Holy Ground, to draw many people to conversion and it will be through the Apparition Sites that God and His Blessed Mother will bring many children back to God. This will continue after the Great Warning, until the Great Persecution.

These and many more things Jesus told me. He spoke to me about many private matters. He locked everything in my heart and said the Angels will open my heart, then I will remember all He has said.

Jesus reminded me that all His children must pray much and read God’s Word, especially the Book of Daniel and the Book of St. John’s Revelations and the many Messages that Heaven has given – then they will understand all that is happening.

God’s children will undergo the life of St. Job and they need to read his life and his prayer, being an example as he was. His great faith, hope and love is a sign for all His children.

Our Lord then kissed my wife on the head and mine, Blessed me and said that He will leave many Angels around me during the night. He said His Holy Mother would come on the 13th under Her Title of “Our Lady of Revelation” as She appeared in Italy.

Read those Messages of Our Lady – as they apply today. Jesus then Blessed me and said:

OUR LORD: “In the Name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Ghost. Amen Sleep, son. Peace be to you. I Love you +”