The Eternal Father has decreed that you are to lead the sheep – scattered throughout Christendom – into the Promised Land – Many Chastisements will fall throughout the world; also within Holy Mother Church; Hold onto the faith given by the Fathers of the Church – Time of conversion is near; it is now time for the Hand of God to strike the world so many souls will be saved.
LITTLE PEBBLE: Since the beginning of the Rosary I have seen three White Crosses in the sky – one very large one and two smaller ones. The big White Cross is over the Bethlehem Community and the two smaller ones are over two other Communities – the one at Cana, and this one here. A great beam of Light came from the centre of the crossed beams of the large White Cross and shot into the hillside, where the grotto will be on the future Apparition Site.
Saint Michael is standing deep in the sky and has placed his sword into the property of Bethlehem. Saint Barachiel came with Saint Menoloutis and Saint Sacramessugus. There is a huge star above the White Cross – this has moved over to the future grotto. The star also forms a Cross, with great Light.
Now, from the centre of the beams of the large White Cross, there is a path of Light coming towards us here; it has many roses growing on the edge of it. The White Cross has opened up and many Angels emerge from it, in procession. I can hear the Angels singing, honouring the Virgin Mary. Our Holy Mother is gliding down towards us – being carried by Angels – dressed in a beautiful white gown and with a very long mantilla which is being held by other Holy Angels behind Her. It is very pretty.
Upon the Head of Our Holy Mother is a Crown, also made of very small, tightly-knit, roses – the Crown has seven points to it. On the Chest of Our Holy Mother, suspended around Her Neck, is a beautiful Crucifix. The Angels are still coming out of the White Cross, following the procession to this part of the building. Many Angels surround the building and the other Angels have made a pathway for Our Lady to come.
Our Holy Mother is just a little inside the building, looking very beautiful and gazing about Her. In Her right Hand – I have only just noticed – is a very beautiful, golden rose. Our Lady smiles. In Her left Hand there is a bouquet of nine roses – each one of them a different colour. Written on the petals are the virtues.
Saint Barachiel comes to the left of Our Holy Mother, Who gives him the roses. Saint Menoloutis is to Her right and takes the single rose from Our Lady’s Hand. On the Arm of Our Holy Mother is a Rosary made of pink pearls. Our Blessed Mother takes up the Crucifix and kisses it:
OUR LADY: “In the Name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Ghost. Amen.”
“I greet you, My beloved son and Mystical Spouse of My Immaculate Heart, the future Vicar of Holy Mother Church, My ‘Little Peter’; I greet your fellow Apostles, ‘Little Bartholomew’ and ‘Little Philip’ and My Disciple son, Father Welley. I greet My ‘Sunflower’ and all of My sweet children here present and throughout the world.”
“Today, My sweet children, is a very special day for My Immaculate Heart, being the Anniversary of My special union with My little son, Our little ‘Rock’. This Anniversary is to signify that God’s Plan for Our little ‘Rock’ remains intact because of the Grace of predestination – for God ordained it thus.”
“I thank you, My precious ‘Rock’, for remaining faithful to your calling. Continue to go forward in the Light of My Divine Son, Jesus, and lead the sheep, for many have been scattered throughout Christendom and the Eternal Father has decreed that you are to lead them into the Promised Land.”
“I thank you, My son and your companions, for travelling throughout the world to bring the good news of salvation to all My children. Be not disturbed, or troubled, dear children, about the many divisions that now occur amongst the ‘elect’. This is a time of trial and separation. However, a time will soon come when all differences will be placed aside and this will come through the sacrifice of Our ‘Little Rock’ and those united to him.”
“The time of Tribulation is upon you, sweet children. Continue to persevere with your prayers and continue to sacrifice all to My Divine Son, Jesus. The victory of My Immaculate Heart is near. Have confidence and trust in the providential Grace from the Eternal Father, for your lives.”
“Pray for Our Holy Vicar, John Paul II; pray for your Cardinals, Bishops and Priests – those who are united with the ‘Rock’. Pray also for those who have gone astray and need your prayers, to be given the Grace of true reconciliation with the Truth.”
“Many chastisements will soon fall throughout the world, also within Holy Mother Church. Hold on to the Faith that you have been given by the Fathers of the Church and through My Divine Son, Jesus, Who placed His Word upon the ‘Rock of Truth’ – the Papacy. Take courage, dear children, for God – the Eternal One – has not abandoned you, even though it may seem so in many of your lives. But you are being purified for the Glory of God, for the salvation of your souls and the conversion of sinners. Pray My Rosary, constantly; a vigilance of prayer is necessary at this time.”
“The communities will come, dear children; be not troubled in heart, for all that My Divine Son, Jesus – and I – have revealed to you through Our Seers will come to pass, swiftly. Live each day as if it were your last and love each other as My Divine Son, Jesus, has taught you. Be merciful and forgive each other. This is truly a time for reflection and reconciliation amongst yourselves and with God.”
“The time of conversion is near for many, for the Eternal Father deems it necessary to awaken His flock, who have fallen asleep. It is now time for the Hand of God to strike the world so that many souls will be saved. I Love you, My sweet children. I send My Maternal Blessings upon all of you and upon all those who are far away from God’s Truth. I send My Blessings also, to Our children of the Light – Our soldiers of Truth – who are divided at this time, but the time will come when true unity will prevail. In the Name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Ghost. Amen.”
“I send My Blessings to the Apostles of the ‘end times’, even though they are divided amongst themselves. May this Blessing from My Immaculate Heart bring unity amongst them and all of the Disciples and chosen souls for these times. In the Name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Ghost. Amen.”
“And finally, My dear child, My ‘Little Rock’, Our ‘Little Abraham’: I Bless you through the Sacred Heart of My Divine Son. These roses that I have chosen and picked from the Realms of Heaven are singular Graces that you have received in these ten years.”
“Continue to go forward and remain at peace, for My Immaculate Heart resides in you as you reside in Me and this will remain forever. In the Name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Ghost. Amen.”
LITTLE PEBBLE: Our Blessed Mother now moves Her Head slightly to the right and She is looking at ‘Sunflower’ at this moment. I will remain silent for the moment.