Jesus is preparing the Militant Church for battle with the Antichrist – The Virtues are part of your strategy, defence and armour-plate of your soul – Communities are the fortresses of God; the defence line, where the Soldiers of Truth will be nurtured to re-evangelise the Catholic World – Many changes in the Church are instigated by the Maitreya –Chastisements will increase a hundredfold – Electronic devices to control your minds – Many apparitions to receive recognition.
LITTLE PEBBLE: The White Cross is standing very deep in the sky; behind it are seven Pillars of fire – like tornadoes, or similar. Behind the seven Pillars are seven great Angels, each holding a sword high into the sky. Saint Michael – who is standing to the right of the Cross, has moved over behind one of the Pillars, which has become very bright. The Angels now throw their swords and they land in the Altar, causing a very large explosion, which spreads many sparks of Light in our direction. These actually go through our bodies and souls. Saint Barachiel, Saint Sacramessugus and Saint Menoloutis are also present and are now joined by Saint Sentimintarious and Saint Sentilius.
From the White Cross comes a very bright Light from the centre of the crossed beams and it shoots towards the Tabernacle, forming a beautiful ‘street’ of Light. From that Light, on each side, a ‘wall’ of Light is formed which, in a Vee-shape, goes straight into Heaven. This, in turn, becomes multi-coloured Lights that travel all the way down to here, between the Cross and the Tabernacle. The ‘street’ of Light is about three metres wide.
The seven Pillars of Light now shift from the Cross and move down the side of the Vee-shaped Light, coming towards us; one above us – very high; there are three on each side of the ‘street’. In these huge Pillars of fire – written within them – are Latin words which I do not understand because I cannot read Latin, but I do believe they have something to do with the plagues or other chastisements. These seven Pillars of fire have now stopped just in front of the Chapel – they are extremely huge.
Coming through the Light of the Cross I can see many Angels – moving swiftly along the ‘street’ of Light. They do not walk, but glide – all different-sized Angels and upon the robes, or tunics which they wear, there are symbols of the Passion of Our Lord and other symbols of the Church and the Liturgy. Behind the Angels I can now see Our Holy Mother being carried by yet more Angels, in a carriage without wheels, which is beautifully decorated with gold leaf, beads of many different colours and flowers.
Our Lady comes down slowly with the Holy Angels. Behind Our Holy Mother are more Angels. Our Holy Mother is dressed in pure white, with a very light blue mantle which is draped over Her Head. It is like a large mantilla, but even larger. As Our Lady glides slowly down, the mantilla seems to wave gently in the breeze. Upon Our Lady’s Head is a beautiful Crown – a triple tiara with many stones; a beautiful golden Cross is at the front, intermingled with many flowers – and even on the mantilla, woven into the edge, are smaller flowers of various colours. Our Holy Mother is holding a Crucifix to Her Chest; this Crucifix is about half a metre long.
The carriage has now stopped here in front of the Chapel. A disc of Light comes out of the Tabernacle and forms a stepping stone for the Mother of God. Upon the disc there is a stone – a small white stone. Our Blessed Mother places Her right Foot upon the stone – and the Angels come closer, push the carriage backwards, then fill the spot where the carriage was. Our Lady is smiling and looks about Her, because now She is standing inside the Chapel. Her very long mantilla is all over the Altar, spilling behind and in front of it, too. I can see that the Altar is changing and the Ark of the Covenant has taken its place. Two golden Angels have their wings touching each other, resembling a plaque on the Ark of the Covenant. The little white stone which Our Lady put Her Foot on, has begun to grow – Our Lady is still smiling – and at this stage it has become three times larger than it was before. It was the size of a small pebble at first.
Our Lady bends to pick-up this rock, which is pure-white; deep inside it I can see a golden Cross. Our Lady Kisses the rock and places it within the Crucifix which She holds (Our Lord is on the Cross, inside the Corpus). Both the Cross and the Corpus now grow to around a metre and Our Lady holds Our Lord and the Cross in Her left Arm. The stone inside the Heart of Our Lord has also grown, becoming very bright. Our Blessed Mother continues to smile and kisses Jesus on the Cross; on the Head
OUR LADY: “In the Name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Ghost. Amen. I greet you, My beloved son – Our pure ‘White Rock’ and future Vicar of Holy Mother Church; I greet you My little son, ‘Little Bartholomew’, Apostle of the ‘end times’; I greet all My children, gathered here before Me and throughout the world.”
“Today, I come with a Message from My Divine Son, Jesus, for Holy Mother Church and for the world. I come under a special Title which will be revealed at a later time, because this Title is to do with the Church Militant upon Earth and its Mission that it has for the world today. My Divine Son, Jesus, is now preparing the Militant Church to go into battle with the Antichrist – Maitreya – and his followers, which are many. Like all ‘soldiers of Truth’, Our children need to be prepared and to be armed with the weapons of Truth. It is important for Our little children who will be like David of Old – who must fight the Goliath of New.”
“The Militant Church upon Earth will be triumphant – just as the Prophets of Old and the Saints of New were, in their time. Learn to understand the movements of Satan. You will understand this, My sweet children, through the Holy Word of God and through the lives of the Holy Men and Women of past generations. Study these words, for they will enlighten you on how to defend yourselves using the weapons of God – which are the Sacraments, the Sacramentals and the Holy Word of God.”
“Live the Virtues, My sweet children, for this is your defence. The Virtues are part of your strategy – and the armour-plate of your soul! The army of Jesus, on Earth, is made up of little souls, like David of Old; like Joan of Arc and many more. Remember well, My sweet children, this great battle with the Evil One and the fallen angels and souls, is not one merely of the flesh – but rather, of the spirit and the intellect.”
“It is for this reason that the Eternal Father has sent his Daughter – Mary the Immaculate – into the world to prepare God’s children for the great battle of the ‘end times’, between good and evil. The outcome you already know; however, We do not desire that there will be casualties of Our sweet children within this great battle of the Spirits. Therefore, heed My Words and listen to them carefully.”
“The communities throughout the world are the ‘Fortresses of God’ – the defence line of the Most High, where Our ‘soldiers of Truth’ will be nurtured and prepared, for the Mission of the New Orders is to re-evangelise the Catholic world and to bring into the Church all those souls who know a god, but not the God, Who is My Divine Son, Jesus. Even though time is very short, My sweet children, there is much yet to be done. Do not sit idle, believing that you have done your part. No, My sweet children, every moment of your existence must be to serve God.”
“My Divine Son is also preparing many leaders – many Generals and Officers – of the Heavenly Army on Earth. Many of you are called to enter this Holy Army of Truth – and much is being revealed now, through My chosen souls throughout the world. Do not try to understand all the Plans of God, My sweet children, for you cannot conceive the magnitude of the Perfect Plan of the Most High – but, in time to come, God will reveal slowly, all that you need to understand. Walk, therefore, in faith and truth. I also call not only the New Apostles of the ‘end times’, but all the Apostles and Disciples of My Divine Son, Jesus, to stand up and be counted in the Army of Truth. Defend My Holy Vicar, John Paul II and defend My future Vicar, Peter II – Our little ‘White Rock’.”
“It is time now for a change in the hearts of Our children, for time is precious and very short for mankind. Many changes are yet to come in the Church and in the world – and most of these changes will not be good, for many are instigated by the Maitreya [so as] to control the masses, My sweet children. Technology will increase man’s knowledge, because the Evil One desires to “raise man above God”, to make man “god himself” – for Satan too, believes he is God. Many sightings of the U.F.O’s. will begin soon – the false miracles performed by Satan and the Antichrist – to take away the minds of men from the Truth of God.”
“To all My children of the Light: be more careful in what you do and where you go, especially in the lateness of the night, for the night belongs to Satan – especially in the late hours! Do not be alone, but go with others, for in numbers you are strong – and call on your Angels, who are there to defend you. Remember well, My sweet children: you are living in the last days of the ‘end times’ – not the end of the world, but the end of your world that you see before you. Only a few years are left for man and yet there is much to be done. We are looking into the hearts of Our children, to seek their help and their consent to march forward in the Light of Truth. We are looking for courageous children – heroes of the ‘end times’ – who will step out in faith and trust in the Providence and Goodness of God. Think well on all that I have said, My sweet children.”
“To the Apostles of the ‘end times’: seek ways to unite, rather than divide, for now is your time. You are to become ‘one’ under Peter II, who is the Prince of the Apostles of the ‘end times’ and soon to be your Vicar. You must be the leaders. To all My children of the Light: be vigilant; take up My beads of Love and sacrifice more – especially your private time. Spend more time with My Divine Son before the Tabernacles; work to fulfil the Plan and Will of God.”
“I call the young ones – the youth of today: read the lives of the Saints, My sweet children and you will learn much of the bravery and courage that these ‘little ones’ had. You are living in very special times, where your glory and merit will be greater than all the Saints gone in past generations – but this means you must sacrifice all for the love and service of your God. Do not allow the world to entice you, for the Evil One is very astute and cunning and knows well how to remove Our children away from the Path of Truth. Form the `army of Light’ under My Immaculate Heart. Take courage, and be not afraid.”
“To all My children of the Earth: your time is marching on; the day of Judgement is near for mankind. The plagues and chastisements are falling upon the world – and still mankind refuses to acknowledge that these come from God, as a punishment to man! Therefore, the chastisements will continue to increase until all of mankind bow their knee before their God. The times are serious; these are not days of pleasure, My sweet children.”
LITTLE PEBBLE: Our Lady is crying, Her Tears falling upon Our Lord’s Head. Our Lord is alive upon the Cross, but His Head is bowed very low. Our Lady is now crying Tears of Blood, which I very seldom see. Angels now have surrounded Our Blessed Mother and placed their wings around Her, to console Her. One of the Angels, Saint Sacramessugus – one of My Guardian Angels – has placed a large Chalice underneath Our Holy Mother’s Face, so the Tears will fall into it. Our Lord lifts-up His Head and looks towards His Blessed Mother. Jesus is also crying.
‘Thornbush’ has been brought here by Saint Timothy – and she kneels close to the Feet of Our Holy Mother and the Feet of Our Lord on the Cross; she is in prayer. I can also see Our Holy Father, John Paul II; he has come to the left of Our Holy Mother, taken the big Cross from Her and has placed It upon his shoulders, hugging It to him. He is kneeling, but he is very bent-over with the weight of Our Lord’s Cross – and I can see the Apostle, ‘Little Peter’, underneath the other shoulder of the Cross, holding Our Lord, too. The other Apostles of the ‘end times’ have also come; all are kneeling behind ‘Thornbush’ and others who are coming are in the Royal House of David.
Coming from the White Cross now are Moses, Abraham and Saint Ezechiel, very swiftly, to stand behind the Holy Father and I also see Saint John the Baptist, who has just arrived with Saint John the Apostle. Jesus takes His right Hand off the Cross and holds His Most Sacred Heart. Our Blessed Mother turns to Jesus and kisses the Most Sacred Heart. Jesus makes the Sign of the Cross.
OUR LORD: “In the Name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Ghost. Amen.”
LITTLE PEBBLE: Our Blessed Mother has been kneeling since Our Lord made the Sign of the Cross. Our Lord has now grown in size, along with the Cross – and He comes off the Cross and stands on the globe of the Earth. Within His Sacred Heart I can still see the white stone; He takes it out of His Heart, leaving it suspended in mid-air. Our Lady’s Immaculate Heart has come off Her Chest and is beside the white stone – and Our Lord’s Heart also is suspended in mid-air. I can see the White Dove – the Holy Ghost – on top of the white stone; His little Feet are standing on it. The stone now becomes a Church – and Jesus has become very tall; his normal size. Although He is now clad in beautiful Royal clothes, He has all the Wounds – which are bleeding very much. Blood falls upon the Altar – and beautiful flowers are starting to grow there; it is very beautiful. The Altar is the Ark of the Covenant. Jesus now makes the Sign of the Cross again:
OUR LORD: “In the Name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Ghost. Amen. I greet you, My beloved son – My future Vicar, Our little ‘White Rock’. I greet the Apostles of the ‘end times’, ‘Little Bartholomew’ and ‘Little John’; I greet all here present and throughout the world. My sweet children: you have heard the Words from My Most Holy Mother – which have come from My Heart – to the world. Please put these Words into action; do not allow them to remain dormant in your hearts, but bear fruit and multiply this fruit through your virtues, for you must become as perfect as My Heavenly Father – for you are the ‘jewels’ of My Sacred Heart – you are the ‘stars’ and the ‘light’ for the world – all those who are being called now to bear witness to My Name, for he who bears witness before mankind in My Name – and for My Father – We in turn will bear witness for you on this Earth and in Our Kingdom prepared for you and for all children who follow My Light.”
“My Father in Heaven is angered at the world because His Creation has abused his Goodness. The world has been warned so many times – just as it did [was] in the time of Noah, My faithful servant – in the time of Sodom and Gomorrah, in the time when I walked the Earth and in this last century, where mankind has been warned thousands of times – and still Our children plug their ears! Hear My Words well, O unrepentant generation of vipers. Count the years closely – what is left for you – for you cannot hide from Me; I see all, I hear all, and I know all! Yet I am Merciful and Patient. I will still wait for but a short time, so Our prodigal children will return. But know this well – the time is not on your side, but on mine.”
“The end is not so far that you can see, for already there is iniquity – in the fullness of the word. My House upon Earth will soon divide and scatter the good and the proud-hearted, for the Wrath of My Father will be felt and seen throughout the nations. Therefore, repent now! The chastisements will increase a hundred-fold, where the ‘accidents’ that will not be accidents will increase, for the protective Hand of My Father has been removed. You seek out the Maitreya – My adversary – and believe that he is the Messiah, the one who will come – the one who will rescue you from your folly. But I say unto you, O foolish man – his days are numbered also! Read My Words given to Saint John; read My Words given to the many Mystics throughout the world, to bring Light into your minds to understand God’s Plan.”
“Many new devices will be placed in your path, My dear children – electronic devices – which are there to control your minds. Be careful; be watchful and pray. Satan knows that his time is short – therefore he will use all his power as a fallen angel to deceive the world. He has this permission at this time, My sweet children. Pray for the nation of Canada, which shall be chastised through water and plague of the water. Pray for Australia, your nation, for much fire shall bring death to many upon this land. Pray for the ‘Stars and Stripes’, the ‘land of plenty’, for plenty it will not have, for many will grow hungry in the coming years. Pray for the nations of Asia, for war shall plague these nations. Hunger and disease will I send to an ungrateful mankind. Pray for Poland, which once was faithful to My Words – but many have betrayed Me now. Russia shall enter this land and many shall perish.”
“You have seen many chastisements, My sweet children – but what you have heard and seen is but little in comparison to what is to come, until My children bend their knee in all humility, for I am a God of Mercy and Compassion. I seek not the destruction of Our children – but mankind brings these chastisements upon themselves through their wickedness and sinfulness. I call many children now to enter the ‘castles of Truth’ – the homes of My delight – the ‘jewels’ and small ‘kingdoms’ on Earth – the New Foundations of the New Consecrated Lives. Come, My sweet children – take yourselves out from the world and sacrifice yourselves for My Father in Heaven and your reward shall not only be a hundred-fold, but a hundred times [one] hundred.”
“Be not afraid – be like the children in the time of Noah – though there were only few. But they were safe in the Ark of Truth and you too, will be safe in the Ark, which is My Most Holy Mother. Pray unceasingly for the Church, for My Vicar and My future Vicar. Pray for the Clergy, that they will receive the Light of My Spirit and follow the Path of Truth to become true children of My Most Sacred Heart.”
“Very shortly, My Vicar in Rome will bring forth more declarations for Holy Mother Church. This will enlighten many souls, for many of the Appearances given by My Most Holy Mother throughout the Church will receive recognition, so mankind will follow the path laid out by My Father for them. Pray for My Mystical ‘Roses’ throughout the world: My little ‘Thornbush’ and My ‘Passion Flower’’; My little ‘Rock’ and all My ‘Roses’ which belong to the garden of My Most Holy Mother, for they suffer for the Church and for you, My children. Pray for one another and love one another as I have taught you. Console My Most Holy Mother, Who Weeps so often for Her children. Remember, She is your Mother and Mine.”
“The first warning will be given to mankind shortly – then you will understand My Words! Look to Rome; look to the Vatican and you will understand, clearly, of what I say. I Bless you, My sweet children, through the Heart of My Most Pure Mother, united with Mine: In the Name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Ghost. Amen.”
LITTLE PEBBLE: Our Lord now takes-up the white rock which had become the Church, but now becomes a white rock again – and kisses it and I feel the kiss myself, upon my head.
OUR LORD: “My Blessed ‘Rock’ – ‘White Rock’ of the Apocalypse, My `Little Peter’: lead My sheep, for I am with you. This rock, which is you – chosen by My Father – will always remain and grow, for the sake of the Church and the children who will follow. I Bless you, My son and give you the Spirit of My Father and I, through Our Immaculate Mother, Mary. In Nomine Patris, et Filii, et Spiritus Sanctus. Amen.”
LITTLE PEBBLE: Jesus looks over towards His Mother, Who is standing once again. The Immaculate Heart has now returned to the Body of Our Blessed Mother. Our Lord kisses Her Heart – and Our Blessed Mother does the same to Our Lord’s Sacred Heart. It is very beautiful. Our Holy Father kisses Our Lord and Our Lady – and Peter II – and leaves. All the other figures have also left – other than Jesus, Mary and the Angels.
Our Blessed Mother now places a Finger to Her Lips. She says to continue to pray, as She wishes to speak to me privately.
LITTLE PEBBLE: …..with the Pillars – there are seven Angels of Justice; one of them is called ‘Exterminatus’; another is called ‘Robundus’. They have lowered their swords – and the seven Pillars of fire have now dispersed; and have gone to different parts of the world.
Both Jesus and Mary are smiling – but just a little. Our Lady is nodding, asking Father Broussard to make the final Blessing.
FATHER BROUSSARD: “Benedicat vos, Omnipotens Deus: Pater et Filius et Spiritus Sanctus. Amen.”
LITTLE PEBBLE: Jesus and Mary make the Sign of the Cross:
JESUS AND MARY: “In the Name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Ghost.”
OUR LADY: “Continue now, sweet children, with your prayers, for I will take them, with My Divine Son, Jesus, to the Throne of the Eternal Father and the Spirit of Light, to intercede for you, My sweet children, and for all the children of the world. Take courage; pick up your Cross and follow My Divine Son.”
LITTLE PEBBLE: Our Lady blows a Kiss which goes through the Heart of Our Lord unto us all – and Jesus does the same. It goes through Our Lady to all of us, then forms beautiful little hearts. It is very lovely to see. The Angels who were standing behind Jesus and Mary, have formed a dome over us and have thrown what looks like confetti – and little flowers – over us. It is like a big shower of snow of different colours. It is very beautiful and it enters our souls. Jesus and Mary are smiling.
OUR LORD: “In the Name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Ghost. Amen.”
LITTLE PEBBLE: Jesus and Mary now look towards the White Cross – and They move very swiftly; many Angels are following Them, as They continue to go towards the Cross. Saint Michael has appeared in front of them, seeming to be almost guiding them towards the Cross. Saint Sentilius has joined Them, with Saint Sentimintarious and all make the Sign of the Cross:
OUR LORD, OUR LADY & THE ANGELS: “In the Name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Ghost. Amen.”
LITTLE PEBBLE: During the Blessing of the items here, there were many Saints who actually appeared – that is the reason why they took so long. There were many Saints present during that time – and all these articles were Blessed by Jesus and Mary, Saint Michael, Saint Benedict, Saint Maria Goretti, Saint Therese of Liseux and a few others – I have forgotten their names. Some are still here. We will now sing a hymn to Our Holy Mother. (“Hail Queen of Heaven”, is sung.)
Dear People of God:
Today I wish to write to you about a Saint who is little known, consequently very few pray to him to ask for his intercession. In the Message given to ‘Thornbush’ on the 13th of May, 1996, Saint Solanis Casey of the Franciscan Order of Capuchin, Detroit, U.S.A. appeared. Saint Solanis Casey was born on the 25th November, 1870, and died on the 31st July, 1957. His Feast is on the 31st July, and he is named as ‘Blessed’ by the Catholic Church.
This Holy man is a great source of Grace and will grant any request given to him provided it is in the Plan and Will of God. I wish to encourage all people of goodwill to pray to this Holy Saint as he has helped me much, and I publicly thank him. Make him your Patron – especially of God’s Holy Works.
Blessed Solanis Casey: Pray for us.