The world will be divided spiritually and physically; the armies of good and evil are now being prepared – If it were not for My beloved Daughter, Mary the Immaculate, this world would have been destroyed many years ago – I have sentenced this world to a great chastisement – Sacraments are your strength; prayers your weapons – This Holy Place will be raised; I will place a sign in the new Chapel that all may believe; this sign can be seen; he who touches this sign will perish – The Holy Father is in great danger; Russia is planning invasion of the west.
LITTLE PEBBLE: During the Rosary there was a small golden Cross inside the Tabernacle and it was spinning constantly, shooting off various forms of letters, which went into my head. In front of the Tabernacle a White Cross appeared and five Angels too, who have been watching for some time now. Two are on each side, standing where the chairs are on the left and near the pulpit on the other side. One of them is here, kneeling at my right side. He was prostrate on the ground the whole time the Rosary was being said, adoring Jesus with wings opened-out, so that he resembled a Cross. These Angels wear a purple cape over their backs. The four who are standing hold swords, upright, as though saluting Our Lord. The Tabernacle is now very much aglow.
Just as we finished the last decade a brilliant white and pale-blue Light took-up most of the sky; it opened-up, into a large diamond-shape, which moved very far away then came back, towards us. There are brilliant Lights everywhere, all over this Chapel here and also over the new Chapel. Inside the diamond I can see the Blessed Trinity, coming closer now – it is very beautiful.
The Eternal Father stands, holding His Divine Son upon the Cross. God the Father holds the Crucifix at the cross-beam, where Our Lord is hanging; the Holy Spirit is hovering just over Our Lord’s Head – in between the Father’s Head and Our Lord’s. The Eternal Father has a long white beard and wears pure-white clothing, which is very brilliant.
There are millions of Angels – Seraphim. They could never be counted because there are so many of them; they too, are dressed in pure-white and have accompanied the Holy Trinity. It seems to me that they are forming a very large semi-circle around the Trinity, as though to protect It.
I can see that Saint Michael to the right of God, standing very tall. The Seraphim are very slender Angels and are all very handsome. Each one of them has on a golden crown; upon it there is the golden Triangle of the Trinity and Light comes from the Crown – it is really magnificent. The Eternal Father comes closer now, reducing in size, towards the Chapel – about two or three metres outside it. I wish God would allow you to see this!
The Eternal Father’s Eyes are like flames. It is very hard to describe them, but They are full of Light and Fire. Our Lord is alive on the Cross and although He looks very battered He is still very strong. The Holy Ghost comes also, as a ‘Dove’ and over the Head of ‘Dove’ is a small ring of Light. Seven rays of multi-coloured Light come from the Chest of the Holy Ghost, as though the Holy Trinity is Blessing all of us with the Seven Gifts. They seem to be going throughout the whole world because, as the rays come from the Holy Trinity, they penetrate everything around us and go far beyond.
Now I see another beautiful Light coming from a distance, accompanied by many thousands of Angels. Within It is Our Blessed Mother and She too, is illuminated with extremely brilliant Lights. Our Lady comes down very swiftly and takes-up a position beneath Our Lord on the Cross, placing Her Arms around Our Lord’s Feet. She is dressed in a very beautiful light blue-coloured garment and has on a white mantilla. Our Lady’s Angels are of the ‘Rose’ Choir and they have roses over their heads – like little crowns.
Behind the millions of Angels and I do not know how I am able to see this – there are many Saints. They too, seem to be coming forward. I can see this even though they are a long distance from me. I am able to recognize many of them. It looks like the whole Court of Heaven is descending upon this little place!!
Saint Joseph is coming forward, to the right side of Our Lady – on the other side of the Cross where Our Lord hangs. The Hearts of Jesus, Mary, and Joseph are aglow with tremendously powerful Light and the Trinity of Heaven and the Trinity of Earth seem to be interwoven in two triangles of Light. It is very hard to explain and I do not know the meaning.
THE ETERNAL FATHER: “I Am Who Am – the Eternal God, Creator of the Spiritual Realm; Creator of the physical and natural realm; Creator of all that you see and cannot see. I Bless you, My creation, from My Innermost Self in My Divine Son – your Saviour, Jesus Christ – and Our Spirit of Love, through the Most Pure and Immaculate Heart of Mary – My Daughter and your Mother. In the Name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Ghost. Amen.”
“My beloved son – Our ‘Little Pebble’ of Love, ‘rock’ of the Heart of God – My beloved creation – and beloved children: Today I come with all of Heaven, to show mankind and tell mankind that I and Heaven exist, whether you believe or not! I Am Who Am told you! I have sent to you My Divine Son, from My very Innermost Existence. He came to you to save you from your wretchedness. We have sent to you the Holy Ghost, so all of you can come into My Bosom; We have sent to you the Saints and the Angels, to show you the path that reaches to Me – yet you have defied Me, dear children!! You dared to cast away all that I – your God – have sent you! “WOE TO YOU, O MANKIND – FOR I AM WHO AM HAS SPOKEN!”
“Your time is now short! The hour-glass has run empty! You have trampled upon all that is Holy! What will become of you, O foolish man that I have Created out of nothing? And you dare to raise your voice against My Divine Son and the Queen of Heaven!!”
“O, man of little faith: Soon you will learn Who your God is – the Eternal One – for many of you will stand before Me and most will find themselves naked!! What will become of you then, you vipers? Those who slaughter the innocent and persecute the just: Do you believe that I do not see?”
“I Am Who Am!! I know all; I see all. No-one can hide from Me! Soon, My Wrath shall be felt upon the Earth and not only on the Earth but in the underworld and in the universe, for mankind will learn Who their God Is! I am a God of Mercy and Compassion. I have been patient for many centuries now, waiting for Our children to repent and turn to Me – but you turn your back on Me; you blaspheme against My Holy Name; you ridicule the Prophets whom I have sent!! And these Words are said for many of the shepherds and leaders throughout the world! Do not cast My Words aside, for I can no longer hold My Anger!! My Justice will soon fall, because I hear the cry of the just and innocent ones. Mercy will soon come to an end. My Church upon Earth will be divided!!”
“The world will be divided, spiritually and physically! The armies of good and evil are now being prepared! Will you come to Me, or will you go to him – Lucifer – the fallen angel? His judgement is near, because My Divine Son – through the Pure and Immaculate Mary – will soon crush Lucifer’s head!!”
“Do you not see My Hand as the Chastisements fall throughout the world? Are you so blind, dear children? How many more Chastisements must I allow upon humanity, before they bend their knee before their God? How many diseases and pestilence must I permit upon humanity, before they awaken from their slumber? How many more Voice-boxes must I send to the Church and the world? Even now many in My Divine Son’s House upon Earth do not believe! Must My Divine Son be sent to you again to walk the Earth; to use the whip to cast you out of My House?”
“O foolish man; O foolish man who believes that he is now God! If it were not for My Beloved Daughter – Mary the Immaculate – this world would have been destroyed many years ago! The iniquity has reached to the Vault of Heaven and I, as your God, can no longer wait to see what man will do, as they continue to offend My Beloved Son and Beloved Daughter and all those of the Heavenly Realm!”
“Even the children of the Light are squabbling and fighting amongst themselves – all because of pride, jealousy, envy and weakness. Do not allow Satan to enter your court! Cast him out!! I have given you Saint Michael; do not be judges, My sweet children. I am the Judge and already now I have sentenced the world. Only prayer can change this!”
“I will continue to send to the world more Seers, My children. Listen carefully: I have Sentenced this world to a great Chastisement. In this coming Chastisement many people shall be removed from this Earth and this will be a sign to mankind and to the Church! A sign will be given in the sky and this is not the warning, dear children. I will give this sign so mankind will turn-back to Me. What more can I do for you?”
“Pray, My sweet children, the Holy Rosary that I gave to you through My Beloved Daughter, Mary. The battle of the Spirits has intensified; be watchful and pray. The Sacraments are your strength, dear children – the prayers are your weapons.”
“This Holy Place of My Beloved Daughter – Mary, the Immaculate – will be raised on high, because My foolish children have persecuted this Holy Place; have trodden upon the Words of Mary, the Immaculate; have cast aside Our Prophet, My ‘Little Pebble’ of Love. Of all the Saints, Prophets and Seers he has been persecuted the most! Because of this I will raise this place up, that all may know that I Am Who Am, Am here!! I will place a Sign in the new Chapel, that all may believe – and this Sign can be seen by all, but not touched! HE WHO TOUCHES THIS SIGN WILL PERISH!!”
“I am raising up many ‘little’ souls here in this small Community and through all the Communities throughout the world, to give witness to the Truth – to give witness to My Daughter Mary, the Immaculate – that all may believe in My Divine Son, Jesus Christ, the Saviour of the World.”
“Once again I am forced to send My Divine Son to Walk amongst you – to gather you into the `Ark’ of Salvation. Many of you will see Him – will experience His Presence. Do not cast Him out the second time, for I warn you: Should you continue on the road that you are on, sweet children, the Words which will be delivered to you will be lessened [in frequency] and then the Chastisements will fall in the plentiful, not only throughout the nations, but through every city, town and village, mountains and seas and deserts. In every corner of the Earth you will feel My Wrath – so take-up your crosses and bear them patiently, with love, with My Divine Son and Mary the Immaculate and follow the path of Calvary, which all the children of the Light must follow.”
“Holy Mother Church will undergo great suffering. My Vicar, Pope John Paul II, is now undergoing martyrdom for you, as also are My beloved son, Our ‘Little Pebble’ of Love and many of My ‘Mystical’ children throughout the world. All must carry the cross to redeem mankind. The world as you know it, dear children, will come to an end this decade – be assured of that! The year two thousand will not be written in the history of mankind. My Divine Son will Return soon with great Power and Glory. All the Children of the Light must bear witness to the Saviour and His Second Coming.”
“I Love you, My beloved children – children of My Heart. In a special way I Love My children who are obedient and faithful to My Word. It is through obedience, My sweet children, [that] all Graces can be gained and earned – obedience with love. I Bless you through My Divine Son and Our Spirit, through the Pure and Immaculate Heart of Mary: In the Name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Ghost. Amen.”
LITTLE PEBBLE: As the Eternal Father was Blessing, the whole Court of Heaven – which is beyond description – knelt. The Father’s Eyes are so extraordinary and it is also overwhelming to see God! But it is beyond that – it is just too much to even try to explain – a depth of feeling beyond all measure.
The Eternal Father smiles. He has a beautiful and long beard – it is very fluffy and white and a little curly. In his right hand He has a beautiful gift. I do not know exactly what it is, but it seems to be a stone – a light-blue-coloured stone and inside it I can see a tiny Church, which now grows into a very large Basilica.
The Holy Ghost says that this ‘stone’ is the ‘Little Pebble’ and all the Angels and Saints are praising God in a loud acclamation: “Holy, Holy, Holy God – King of all Creation – Heaven and Earth are full of God’s Glory – Holy, Holy, Holy. Blessed be the Name: God the Father, God the Son, and God the Holy Ghost”.
The Holy Trinity is lighting-up, like a Christmas tree. Bright Lights emerge from the Trinity; this too, is beyond description; it’s flooding the entire Heavenly Court and all of us – the entire Earth and under the Earth, into Purgatory – which I can see open, underneath us. All the levels of Purgatory, instantaneously. All are looking towards the Holy Trinity, but I do not know if they are permitted to see the Trinity. I see some tremendous Light there and everyone is adoring the Blessed Trinity.
The Eternal Father smiles again and places this ‘stone’ – which has grown into a larger stone – into Saint Michael’s keeping. The Holy Spirit repeats that Saint Michael is the keeper of this ‘stone’ and its protector. The Eternal Father makes the Sign of the Cross again:
THE ETERNAL FATHER: “In the Name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Ghost. Amen.”
“Finally, My beloved son, My beloved ‘rock’ – Our ‘Little Pebble’ of Love: I thank you from My Innermost Self, through My Spirit, for the devotions of reparation to the sufferings of My Divine Son and My Beloved Daughter.”
“Through these devotions, many souls have found the path to Me and many ‘wounds’ have been healed in Holy Mother Church. These devotions I desire for the Universal Church, to take into its heart, because it is through the reparation and atonement made for sinners, that the Wounds of My Divine Son are soothed and My Wrath becomes less. The devotions that you are now going to embark upon during this Holy Week, will bring the Word of My Divine Son into the hearts of many sinners throughout the world.”
“I, the Eternal God, will give special Indulgences to every soul who unites themselves with My Divine Son and My Beloved Daughter. In these devotions special Graces will be given to you -Graces that you all stand in need of and [as do] those [whom] you love. I thank you, My Beloved children.”
“Continue now with your prayers, because My Beloved Daughter wishes to speak to My beloved son, privately. I Bless you all: In the Name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Ghost. Amen.”
(The prayers continue.)
LITTLE PEBBLE: Our Lady has just indicated that She wishes to speak to you now. Everything that was there before has gone and behind Our Blessed Mother seven Angels from each Choir are in separate rows. Right behind the back row is Saint Michael, standing there, much larger than all and holding a sword high in the sky.
Our Blessed Mother is dressed as before and I now notice that the white mantilla reaches right down to Her Feet. Our Lady has spoken to me about many things that are going to occur. The Eternal Father also spoke to me further about several other things and about a beautiful gift that He has prepared for the future. I will explain what these are later.
Our Lady holds a beautiful Rosary with pearl beads of a pinkish colour; the Crucifix is gold. Our Blessed Mother, with Her many Angels, has been speaking about many subjects in reference to souls and also about our new Chapel. Our Lady smiles as She takes-up the Crucifix and kisses Jesus.
OUR LADY: “In the Name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Ghost. Amen.”
“My beloved child, My dear son, Our ‘Little Pebble’ of Love and My sweet children throughout the world: I will not speak long this evening as the Eternal Father has already spoken for some time, to enlighten the children – especially those children who are in darkness at this time.”
“I come to you as your Mother, to beg of you for prayers – especially in this Holy Week – because, My children, many sad things are being prepared for man and I, as a Mother, weep very much because I know your future. Many Mothers are weeping with me this evening, throughout the world – because they see the state of humanity and the world goes further into darkness, hurtling itself into the ‘pit’ and soon My children will see what I mean! I am becoming weary, My sweet children, because I travel many, many, hours throughout the world of your Earth-time; but only a few of My children will listen to Me.”
“The Holy Father is in great danger; I have just shown the Holy Father to My beloved son – Our ‘Little Pebble’ of Love. I ask for prayers for Our beloved Vicar.”
“Russia is planning the invasion of the West, dear children!! DO NOT BE FOOLED! Peace will not come to the Earth until mankind rejects sin and prays and does penance.”
“Something terrible will shortly happen. Pray, dear children, that it does not come within Holy Week!! This is the reason I come this evening – to beg for prayers. Lucifer is a murderer and was always a murderer, once he was cast down! Know well what I mean by this, dear children. Someone of ‘high standing’ will be removed unless you pray!!”
“Let all My Seers unite and not divide. Unless My Seers are united by the time the Great Warning comes to mankind, all those who set themselves against My son, the ‘Little Pebble’ of Love, will fall away and be no more! For there is only one Truth; one God; one Church; one Faith. Pray for unity, My sweet children – for in this unity lies the ‘key’ for peace – for restoration of Holy Mother Church.”
“Many will be scandalized soon within Holy Mother Church and division shall come! Pray for the clergy, that the Holy Spirit will enlighten them, so they will become like ‘soldiers for Christ’ – like the great Saints of old. I send My Blessings to My beloved Seers: My beloved ‘Thornbush’, My ‘Trumpeter’, My ‘Little Dove’, My beloved ‘Hedgerose’ and ‘Little Brother in Christ’; to My beloved daughter, Lucy of Japan and Cleopha.”
“And to all My children – whom I am raising here in this Community: My little ‘Rose’ of Italy and now, My little ‘Rose’ of Germany and My little ‘Rose’ of Australia and My three ‘Roses’ of My Immaculate Heart. And many more will be raised until the House of God listens to God!”
“I Bless you all now, My sweet children, with My Immaculate Heart: In the Name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Ghost. Amen.”
“Continue with your prayers, dear children, for I will take these prayers to those who need assistance at this time.”
(The prayers are continued.)