The world goes further and further to the Abyss, not caring about anything but themselves – Prayer is more powerful than the weapons the world makes today; with the Rosary in your hands and Jesus in the Eucharist in your hearts, you can overcome all obstacles – Through these Messages of My Immaculate Heart, many souls are ransomed and brought back on the road of Truth and Light.
LITTLE PEBBLE: It’s as I have seen many times before: St. Michael, St. Gabriel and St. Raphael standing there, behind the Cross, which is very large and is now moving more towards this property. A shaft of Light goes into the property and coming from the Cross is Our Holy Mother, standing on a beautiful brilliant cloud, leaning towards us. Our Holy Mother is dressed in white; a beautiful wide and blue sash is around Her Waist. A silky-looking cloak is over Her Shoulders and a Crown of roses is upon Her Head.
Our Holy Mother is coming much closer now and is only about seven metres from Her statue here. Beautiful rays of Light emanate from Her Hands and fall upon the people.
I can see a country being formed underneath Our Lady’s Feet and I think it’s Kenya. Our Lady nods. Now I see the whole continent of Africa; a flame comes out of it – something is burning.
Our Lady takes-up the Holy Rosary in Her right Hand, from Her Waist; it was tied to the sash. Our Lady looks about Her. The three great Angels are now coming forward to stand behind Our Blessed Mother. St. Michael is very tall – much taller than the others – and he holds a sword, which he raises in the air as though to defend the Mother of God. Our Lady kisses the Form of Jesus on the Crucifix.
OUR LADY: “In the Name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Ghost. Amen.”
“My beloved son, Our ‘Little Pebble’ of Love and My sweet children here present and throughout the world: I greet you all with My Immaculate Heart. I have come today to give you My Blessing – especially to the Seers gathered here in My Name and to all My sweet children who have come in faith.”
“Many of you have come with many desires and requests. I promise you, My sweet children, that many of your petitions will be granted shortly. Always offer prayers of thanksgiving to My Divine Son, Who has granted you many privileges and Graces at this time.”
“I come to Bless this nation, Kenya. These people have come to love My Divine Son and to them and all of the neighbouring nations I give you My Heart. Tell My children when you return that the Queen of Heaven sends Her Love and Affection. Mankind, My sweet children, is falling far away from My Divine Son. Many of My children do not listen to My Words, but cast My Messages aside. It is sad, for through these Messages of My Immaculate Heart, many souls are ransomed and brought back on the road of Truth and Light.”
“The world [humanity] goes further and further to the abyss, not caring about anything but themselves. However, My sweet children, you still have time to ransom sinners. It is for this reason that I come to the world so frequently, to ask Our children for prayer and atonement; to pray for sinners; to pray for the leaders of the Church and the world.”
“Pray, My sweet children, that all souls may be saved. Prayer, My sweet children, is powerful – more powerful than the weapons that the world makes today. With the Rosary in your hands; with My Divine Son in the Eucharist in your hearts, you can overcome all obstacles.”
“Be not afraid, My sweet children, to go forward in the Light of My Divine Son, for there is nothing to fear, for We are always with you, with Our children who love us and wish to serve Us. I give you My Blessing now, that comes from My Divine Son Who Loves you: In the Name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Ghost. Amen. The Peace of My Divine Son always remain with you, My dear children.”
“I give a special Blessing to My Priest-son and the Seers who are gathered here and the workers of My Immaculate Heart. Take courage My sweet children and know that I Love you. In the Name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Ghost. Amen.”
“To you, My dear child, Our ‘Love of Light’: Continue to go forward to preach My Words; to bring souls to My Divine Son. I am pleased with all that has been done and many souls will be saved on this Mission. Be at peace.”
LITTLE PEBBLE: Our Lady is looking at the Seers who are near me. I do not know if She is going to speak to them in their hearts. or openly.
(Message is then given to the African Seers.)