To my dear friends and benefactors of Our Holy Mother’s Mission of Our Lady of The Ark:
For many months now, since the beginning of this year, many of you good people may have been wondering as to why the Messages of Heaven have not been printed regularly and have not heard from me personally.
Firstly, dear souls, I apologize for the lengthy delays in the communications and limited printed matter.
Secondly, I am sure that many of you are currently aware of the very difficult predicament I have found myself in; if you are not aware of it, you soon will be.
Over these many months I have had to remain silent for the very reason of the security of this Mission and the protection of my family and those closely associated with me. It was necessary for many reasons, which I will explain in a later statement.
I know that for many, these moments have been difficult and some have found it impossible to accept. However, remember well that I too, have been asked by God – against all odds – to accept and proceed with faith. It is this faith that drives me on – and the trust and confidence in God’s Mercy and Love that gives me hope in all that God demands of me.
For those who have left the Mission due to unbelief, I do not judge you but ask you for prayers. Please do not judge, for one day you, too, might be asked to testify to your faith. Yes, many things are difficult to understand at times – but wait and pray.
At this point in time, dear people of God, I feel like Job of the Old Testament; I feel as though the whole Cross of Christ is upon my weak shoulders. I have been betrayed and handed over to the executioners; those whom I have loved have left me, all that was secure seems to have withered. Yet, in this ‘agony of the Garden’, I see Mary, Our Mother and Her dear friends – those who, with loving simple faith, stay by my side, consoling and strengthening me by their trust and prayers – although not understanding, like myself, what God is demanding of me, yet holding onto Mary Who cannot lead astray those who follow Her even without understanding. I wish to encourage you, dear souls, to keep strong in that faith and, with time, all will be made clear. I wish to thank you for your love, trust and faith in me too, for it is due to this that I am able to continue on this difficult road.
Finally, dear people, due to a few of our workers, promoters and even some Seers having turned against this Mission, this has temporarily affected my travel arrangements and operational status, which has reduced our monetary turnover. Your help is now urgently needed. Over these many years the people of my homeland, Germany, have been most generous and thank you also, the people from Japan, America, Canada, France and many other nations for your support. To those who have helped, I am most grateful. This is my first public appeal for assistance and I thank you, beforehand.
Within the next four months, the Mission will be restored to its full productivity of Messages and Magazines. A full statement about all the past events will shortly be made.
Please pray for me, my family, my close collaborators and the Mission from Heaven.
I remain God’s obedient servant and your friend.
The Little Pebble
P.S.: In recent months, a very holy Bishop was asked a question regarding the current situation of the ‘Little Pebble’ – especially concerning the private secret which was revealed to him.
The Bishop replied that although the situation of the ‘Little Pebble’ was most unusual and complicated, it nevertheless did not indicate that it was wrong, for even though his action was seemingly contrary to the law of God and of His Church, this necessarily did not mean that it was wrong and no Bishop was permitted to make any public or private statement to the contrary, nor pressure or forbid the Seer to proceed contrary to the Seer’s conscience, until sufficient time had elapsed for a Prophecy to be fulfilled or not.
It is also forbidden to assume that such a person is committing sin, as that person, in conscience, may be totally free from sin, due to the nature of the situation where the Seer – in clear conscience – believes that what he is doing is truly from God.
It is to be noted, dear people, that before I acted upon the decisions which I made some months ago, I consulted many, many Seers, two of whom are well known, stigmatized, souls, who have been guided by the Priesthood for many years, but hidden. Secondly, these decisions were not made in a moment, but with much pain and suffering and after many months of prayer and waiting.
May Jesus and Mary bless you all and reward you.
The Little Pebble
As of the 26th June 1991, I, William Kamm, the Little Pebble, Founder and Supreme Moderator of the Saint Charbel Order, by the Authority given to me by Jesus Christ and the Blessed Virgin Mary, hereby advise the Public that, due to publications made by [Name Withheld] and [Name Withheld], against the Mission of Our Lady of the Ark, they have been formally dismissed from the Order.
Secondly, due to the same declarations by {Name Withheld] who governs a Third Branch of the St. Charbel Order in Holland, I have dissolved this Community as a member Branch of the Order. Please pray for all concerned and pray for me.
24th January 1991
SAINT BARACHIEL: “At the request of Our Lady I wish to bless this Scapular of Saint Joseph. Our Lady asks that this Scapular is to be sent to Our dear child, the ‘Little Pebble’, as a sign of Our Love; that it will be a source of strength. It is a gift from the Two Hearts for Our dear child. I bless him: In the Name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Ghost. Amen.”
10th February 1991
OUR LADY: “I am coming today to favour you with Graces, My Love and Peace. I am coming to ask for prayers and unification and fasting, but you children always consider this as fairytales. Why are you thinking so hastily? Why do you listen to the evil spirit’s insinuations, who places these things inside your heads; these silly things? Why do you prefer to listen to him “devil” [rather] than to make use of Our Love and Our offer?”
“Pray for John Paul II – My Son’s Vicar on Earth – who does suffer; he suffers due to too many obstacles which he comes across in trying to fulfill his mission, as the Devil does what is in his power to hinder him. But the Devil knows very well that My Immaculate Heart will triumph soon, My children; he knows that My Rosary will destroy him. Because of that I ask you to pray My Rosary for the Pope, all Bishops, Priests and all clergy.”
“Pray for Our dear ‘Rock’ [‘Little Pebble’] of Light and Love – Our child whom We have chosen in the service and leadership of My Divine Son’s Church. Do not oppose the Father’s Will, as this is not your business. For you it is to pray for him; to help him with your prayers. His mission is difficult, as Satan does everything to destroy him; but My Son promised you that the gates of Hell shall not prevail against the Church of My Divine Son. This is why you are to understand the gravity of these Words and pray for the ‘Little Pebble’. He loves Me so much and I Love him. I have favoured him with My Love towards all people and I beg you, do not reject him; do not annihilate him with your words, as you have not become acquainted with the Will of God.”
“I Bless him and those who pray for him and for those who persecute him, that they recognize the value and significance of the Words.”