Message 306 – 1 December 1990



Houses of Love, Reconciliation and Unity are the extension of My Apparition Place in Nowra, Australia – When you pray in these houses you participate in all the graces We send to that Apparition Place – I promised many miracles and cures in these houses and many Graces if you have faith – I desire that the Third Saturday in January will be a day of United Prayer in the St Charbel Prayer Houses, to be offered for all Priests.

LITTLE BROTHER IN CHRIST: Since we started to say the Rosary I have been able to see a bright Light and there are two Angels here: one to the left side of the Altar, who holds the Holy Bible, while the other, on the right, is incensing the room and, as we continued to say the Rosary, high in the sky a bright White Cross appeared. Saint Michael, the Archangel, has arrived and is standing to the right of the Cross; to Its left I see Saint Charbel and Saint Joseph. The whole room is filled with Light and there are many Angels coming down from Heaven. Our Saints and Patrons are also here.

Under the Cross there now appears a colourful rainbow, which covers all the sky and the Mother of God, with the Child Jesus, Appears from the centre of the Cross, holding the Ark in one Hand, while the Child Jesus – Who is on the left hand of the Mother of God – holds a brown Scapular and a white Rosary.

Our Lady wears a golden Crown and is coming closer now, with all the Saints. Both Our Lady and the Child Jesus are smiling as Our Lady stands about two metres above the floor on the left side of the statue of Rosa Mystica. She looks very beautiful.

From the Cross rays of Light are shooting, very quickly, up and down; in the middle of this Cross there is a large white Host, from which rays of Light are radiating. Above the Cross is a dome – the Basilica of Saint Peter’s, in Rome. Our Lady extends the Hand in which She holds the Ark and Blesses us with the Sign of the Cross.

OUR LADY: “In the Name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Ghost. Amen.”

“My dear children: I am coming to you today – together with My Son and all the Angels and Saints – to give you My Blessing. My dear children: I come today as ‘Our Lady of the Ark’; as the hope of all sinners. I come today – on this ‘First Saturday’ of the month – to all Houses of Prayer, Houses of Love, Reconciliation and Unity. My dear children: I wish so much, on this solemn day of My Immaculate Heart, to Bless all those who are united today in the prayers which I requested, and for which I continue to ask.”

“My dear children: as I said to the ‘Little Pebble’, in Australia: These Prayer Houses are the extension of My Apparition Place in Nowra, Australia; now I am also telling this to you to emphasize also the unity between these two nations, Australia and Poland. When you pray in these houses, you participate in all the Graces which I, together with My Divine Son, send to that Apparition place. I also promised you many Miracles in these houses and many cures. You will receive many Graces if you have faith.”

“Come to me with a trusting heart, praying the Holy Rosary and I will listen to your prayers. I hear your petitions. Remember, dear children, that everything will happen in its own time so that the Most Holy Will of God the Father – and His Plan – will be fulfilled: The Plan of saving sinners.”

“As you see, My dear children, I have come today with all of Heaven – with the Angels and Saints – and so I go throughout the whole world on this ‘First Saturday’ and I come down to all Prayer Houses, wherever My children pray. Through My presence in these houses I wish to give them courage and faith.”

“These Prayer Houses – not without reason – are called the Houses of Reconciliation and Unity; it is exactly what will happen in many of them. My dear children: Even this very fact that all – at the same hour and the same day – are united with each other in prayer signifies unity. My Heart is so pleased, as unity among My children is so greatly needed. As I [have] told you many times before: the strength is in united prayer – and for that, My beloved children, I am so happy to see you all praying out of love toward Me, and not only because of necessity or obligation that you take up your Rosary beads. By the desire of your hearts and the thirst for expiation, you become the true children of your Mother. I Bless all My beloved children, granting you Graces flowing from My Immaculate Heart.”

“I wish to mention one thing to you this evening and through you to all My children throughout the whole world. My beloved children: The desire of My Immaculate Heart is that the third Saturday in January will be a day of united prayer in Saint Charbel Prayer Houses, to be offered for the Priests; all Priests. May this day, dedicated in a special way to My Immaculate Heart, be a preparation for the Holy Year dedicated to the Priesthood. I beg you, My dear children, as the Priests – My beloved sons – are in need of your special prayers; they need your support through the Rosary and Holy Mass. My dear children: The Priests are in vast confusion and great division and your prayers will be very helpful so that they find the Light of the Holy Spirit’s Gifts; that all of them – the Priests and Bishops – will return to the road of Truth and all of them will walk only one, common narrow path – all Priests, without exception.”

“Now I want to give My special Blessing to all Priests, without exception, despite the positions they hold in the Church of My Divine Son. All of you are My beloved sons and I want to enfold you close to My Immaculate Heart, which beats with great Motherly Love. I Bless all of you.”

“On this day, pray especially My Holy Rosary – which is My beloved prayer – for the Pope, John Paul II, to be able to overcome all obstacles and accept and proclaim the Holy Year dedicated to the Priesthood. I beg you for this My children.”

“And you, My son: Hand over these words that I have given to you, as soon as possible, to the ‘Little Pebble’ and send him My Love, as I Love him and Bless him. I Bless you, My ‘Little Pebble’ of Love + My dear child, proceed further in love; walk further with the Cross of My Son on the difficult path of uniting all My children. Prepare well, My dear son, as the time is near when you are to lead the Church of My Divine Son. Pray for all those who do not believe in your Mission; pray for those who slander you, as they harm Me. By rejecting you, My dear ‘Little Pebble’, they reject My Words and reject the Plan and the Will of God. For this reason pray unceasingly and I and My Divine Son are always with you and We will never leave you. I Bless you: In the Name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Ghost. Amen.”