Feast of the Most Sacred Heart
(This is an account of the circumstances preceding the receipt of a Message from Our Lord on the first Friday of June, 1989.)Many members of My Mystical body have gone astray onto the wide road that leads to everlasting fire – My House upon Earth is going into ruin as mankind have allowed My enemy to enter My Holy Sanctuary – I have Decreed: She is the Woman; Refuge of Sinners; Mediatrix of All Graces; Mother of the Church; Mother of the Mystical Body – Bring back the Protector of My House, Glorious Archangel Saint Michael; it has been given to him to cast our Satan.
LITTLE PEBBLE: During the day, an Angel who was sent by Jesus, came to tell me that Our Divine Lord was going to come during the evening Vigil prayers, to speak to me; that I would not receive the Message openly for people to hear, as usual, as the Blessed Sacrament would be exposed, but that Jesus would dictate the Message to me.
Before I went to evening Adoration of Our Lord, my mind was occupied by a movie which I had seen: “The Day After”; it was about the coming atomic war. It had saddened me, greatly, because of the little children who would be left alone and abandoned, as they are in war. I wondered how God could allow such suffering for children, in their innocence and if I had such hurt for them in my heart how much more must be God’s?
At ten thirty I entered the Chapel of Saint Charbel to spend some time before the Blessed Sacrament, as is usual on the customary all-night Vigils on the first Fridays and Saturdays of each month. On my way over there Jesus began to walk beside me. He said:
OUR LORD: “My Heart is a Heart of Love and all these little ones are Mine; I am always near them during these hours”.
LITTLE PEBBLE: Jesus then disappeared again. As I entered the Chapel and knelt before the Blessed Eucharist Our Lord Appeared before It – and It vanished! Jesus Blessed me – then went once more.
A little later I heard Our Lord’s Voice coming from the Blessed Eucharist, saying that He wished me to first say the Holy Rosary, then some other prayers and finally to read the “Poem of the Man-God”, opening it at random, as He wished to speak to me initially through this Holy Work of God – the Revelations given to the Mystic Seer, Maria Valtorta.
When I opened the book – it was Volume three – I noticed a great White Cross behind the Tabernacle and several Angels were adoring Jesus. I opened the book and, to my amazement, the theme was on how Jesus dealt with little children and how much He Loved them.
At eleven thirty I once again heard the Voice of Jesus coming from the Holy Eucharist and He said:
OUR LORD: “Son: it is time; I wish to speak to you”.
LITTLE PEBBLE: Jesus then appeared and again the Blessed Sacrament disappeared! He was dressed in a pure white tunic with a red cape, or mantle, draped over His Shoulders and an Arm. His Most Sacred Heart was on His Chest and beautiful rays of red, white and blue lights streamed-out over all those present; it was beautiful. Jesus then Blessed us:
OUR LORD: “In the Name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Ghost. Amen.”
“Son – My beloved son – I have come with My Cross – My Victorious White Cross. Begin to write, My child; listen well, My beloved son of Light and victory: I am well pleased, My child, with your Mission, as many souls are released from the clutches of Satan. Continue on this road of Light, which My Most Holy Immaculate Mother – Mediatrix and co-Redemptrix – has given to you. The road upon which you have been placed, My son, is very bumpy and thorny – however, very meritorious for your salvation and sanctification and the salvation of My Church upon Earth, because many members of My Mystical Body have gone astray onto the wide road that leads to everlasting fire, which will never be extinguished! Today I come to you as a Loving Saviour to show you, My child – for the whole world to remember – My Most Sacred Heart Which Loves mankind so very much.”
LITTLE PEBBLE: Jesus showed me His Holy Heart, holding It in His right Hand and I could see a wonderful glow of red Light coming from It.
OUR LORD: “See this Heart of Mine, which Loves mankind so much, is now torn in anguish because of ungrateful man.”
LITTLE PEBBLE: I could see Teardrops in His Eyes.
OUR LORD: “Won’t you console Me, My son? There are so few souls who console My Sacred Heart!”
LITTLE PEBBLE: I replied: “Of course, My Jesus, let me wipe Your Tears” Two Angels – kneeling one each side of Our Lord – wiped His Cheeks with handkerchiefs which were white, with a gold letter ‘P’ – for ‘Pebble’ – embroidered on them.
OUR LORD: “Your heart is such a consoling heart, My child – if only more souls would listen to My Voice. Tell My children I seek their love and friendship; I seek their salvation. My House upon Earth is going into ruin because mankind have allowed My enemy to enter My Holy Sanctuary.”
“My children; My children – what have you done? Seek not power and glory; seek not riches. Turn to Me, your Loving God, who awaits you in the Tabernacle of your Churches. Why have you abandoned Me? Why have you cast-out My Most Holy Mother? You have listened with ‘itching’ ears to the one who seeks your destruction! Woe upon woe to this generation who have abandoned prayer, penance, fasting and reparation for their sins.”
“Turn to Me now, My errant children, while you have the Light and time, for soon there will be no more Light – only darkness. Pray – pray much – to My Most Holy Mother Whom you have cast aside, for the salvation of the Church is in Her Hands – as I have Decreed it! She is the Woman, My children: the ‘Refuge of Sinners’; the ‘Mediatrix of All Graces’; the ‘Mother of the Church’; the ‘Mother of the Mystical Body’. Pray the Holy Rosary, My sweet children – often.”
“Sad times are approaching, children. Cast the evil one out of the Church, through your prayers; bring back the Protector of My House, the Glorious Archangel, Saint Michael – it has been given to him to cast out Satan. Do not close your eyes and ears any longer, My children, for you have but little time left to save yourselves and others. I give to you My Most Sacred Heart, that this Heart. which is so despised by many, may be your refuge and strength. I Love you, sweet children and Bless you all: In the Name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit. Amen.”
“My beloved son of Light: Be not disturbed by the changing of hearts by some of Our children. The evil one is ‘playing his field’ and is enticing some of Our children of the Light with ‘glittering’ words. Pray for them, that they not fall into his clutches, but be freed from his conniving deceptions! Prayer is the remedy for all evil – to vanquish it. Warn My children of their error and tell them that this warning comes from Me!”
“Some of Our Seers have been swayed by the evil one’s words – but pray for them, that Light will return to them. All My children – especially the Seers – must pray much more – particularly for discernment – as the evil one is now trying to weaken the circle of Seers, because he knows his time is short.”
“Pray much, My children – especially to My Most Holy Mother. I encourage all My children of the Light to read and meditate upon My Words revealed in My Work [as] given to Maria Valtorta – “Poem of the Man-God” – as these Words and Revelations will strengthen all true followers of My Most Sacred Heart.”
“I – finally now, son, give My Blessings to you and to all those Seers united with you; and also, a special Blessing to the Order Loved by My Mother and I so very much – the Order of Saint Charbel: In the Name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit. Amen.”
“I will speak to you now quietly, in your heart, to answer all your questions, My child. Fear not, My son, as I am always with you. In the Name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit. Amen.”
LITTLE PEBBLE: While Jesus spoke to me in my heart He repeated that all souls should read the “Poem of the Man-God” , the “Mystical City of God”, and Catherine Emmerich’s writings – and re-read all the Messages given at Nowra, Australia; also the Messages given to Sister Consolata and Sister Josefa Menendez. Our Lord also revealed that the revelations of Father Drexel were of great importance for the Church and should be read and promoted.
Our Lord Jesus also revealed that the Messages given to Luisa Piccareta – known as ‘Little Daughter of the Divine Will’ – were true and should be distributed everywhere. Jesus also asked that the Devotion to His Infancy – especially the ‘Infant of Prague’ – be renewed. Our Lord then finished after answering several personal questions and sent a special Blessing to all Seers, naming some of them: Domanski, of Poland’; the ‘Trumpeter’, of Texas, USA; the ‘White Rose’ of Singapore; Theresa, of Japan; the ‘Little Lamb’, Kenosha, USA; Franz Keiler, of Buffalo, USA; the ‘Little Dove’, of France; Julia, of Yugoslavia and finally, Ivan, of Split, Yugoslavia.
Jesus told me that His Most Holy Mother would speak to me the next night.