Message 212 – 3 December 1988



The Church is becoming like the world; it is only in small pockets of the Church that things are still holy, keeping it alive – The Leaders of the world are planning great harm to the Church and to the world – The evil one seeks to destroy the families, the husbands and wives, to bring division at the very core of Holy Mother Church – The time is coming when all Christians will undergo great suffering and pain – The little girl who disappeared, Samantha, was a `martyr of purity’; murdered by Satanists.

LITTLE PEBBLE: A beautiful white Cross has been visible since the beginning of the Rosary; it’s coming out of the Tabernacle. A ray of Light comes out of the centre beam of the Cross and enters the Tabernacle, forming a union between the Blessed Eucharist and the Cross. The Cross is very brilliant, but it’s not the large one which I usually see – more like the one upon Which Jesus was Nailed.

Jesus is hanging upon the Cross; the Blessed Eucharist has left the Tabernacle and is now also upon the Cross. Our Blessed Mother stands underneath the Cross, dressed in a beautiful silky white gown. Over Her Head and Shoulders, reaching down to the ground, is a yellow mantle; around the Waist a wide and beautiful silky black sash. Our Lady looks very unhappy at the moment.

She has come very close now – about a metre or so from the statue of the `Rosa Mystica’. The Cross is just behind Her. Our Lady turns slightly, towards Him, Hands pressed together as though in Prayer, with Her Head lowered. Jesus is suffering a great deal on the Cross; there is Blood coming from His Head, Shoulder, Arms, Hands and Feet. The Wound in the Side has not yet appeared. Our Lord’s breathing is very laboured.

A beam of brilliant white Light, with a strip of red in the middle of It, comes from the Tabernacle towards me. Another beam goes from the Heart of Our Lord to His Mother, then back to me! I do not know the significance of this. Behind the Cross – the Crucifix – is the Vatican; Saint Michael stands behind the big Dome of Saint Peter’s, holding his sword which he now places on the top the dome. He is speaking in a loud voice.

SAINT MICHAEL: “See what they have done, these wretched men! They have defiled the great Sanctuary of God; defiled it with their sinful lives – those who wear the `garb of sanctity’ before the Throne of God – the Living Saviour of the world, Jesus Christ. Woe! Woe! Woe to mankind!! What atrocities they have committed in the House of God! I, Saint Michael – Herald of the King of Truth and Justice of the right Hand of God – tell you, O mankind and the Church – the Mystical Body of Christ the Saviour: Be warned! – especially those who wear the clerical garb of sanctity: DEFILE THE CLOTH NO MORE! TURN THE HOUSE OF GOD INTO HOLINESS! ATONE FOR YOUR SINS, NOW, BEFORE THE WRATH OF THE ETERNAL FATHER SHALL BE FELT AMONGST ALL THE CHILDREN OF THE WORLD!!”

“You have not listened to Jesus Christ, the Son of the Living God! You have not listened to the Queen of Heaven, the Most Pure of all hearts! You have not listened to the great souls who have come to the Earth to warn you to prepare yourselves – to make holy the path which you tread. Turn away from sin now, while you still have time, for I am the Justice of God and I shall come down with a heavy hand – with my sword – upon this wicked generation, which takes no heed of what we of Heaven have decreed for mankind.”

“The Precious Blood of the Divine King has been flowing now for centuries! The cup is overflowing, in abundance! O, Ye of little faith: turn-back to God, now! Straighten the path, for your hearts are laden with much sin! Jesus Christ the Divine King, is Merciful, but He will not be mocked forever!”

“And I – as the Divine Justice of God – decree unto you now: hearken at the Voice of the Queen of Heaven, or PERISH! See what they have done to the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass! See what they have done to the Holy Images! What have you done to the House of God? You have also cast me out! I have been placed there by the Eternal Father as Protector of Holy Mother Church!”

“Who is like unto God, my children? NO-ONE! NO-ONE!! How dare mankind defile the Sanctuaries! Christ will come again soon, to cast you out of His House! And I shall be that whip! What are you doing to our Vicar, Pope John Paul II? You silently go about scheming; plotting his death. But I say to you: your days are numbered! Turn to your God Now, while you have the time.”

“To all the children of the Church; Holy Mother Church of Our Lord and Saviour, Jesus Christ, Son of the Living God: be steadfast and pray! Be faithful to the Teachings of the Divine Master and to whom He has sent: John Paul II, the Holy Vicar of Christ’s Church upon Earth.”

“If you, O clergy, persist in this manner – being disobedient not only to Heaven but to the representative whom Heaven has placed before you – many of you shall be lost eternally in the fires of Hell, for I shall cast you down! You proud and pompous ones: you are like Lucifer, believing that you are God! Be humble and simple; show mercy to the flock which has been entrusted to you. Do not cast them aside, as simpletons. It is the meek and humble who will inherit the Earth; inherit Heaven. Are you so blind, O clergy? Have you become like Judas? Do not run away from the responsibilities which Jesus has given you. You are the shepherds! Look after the flock, with love. And bring them back to the Divine Master, Jesus Christ and His Father in Heaven. The sheep are scattered throughout the whole world, in utter confusion, because of you, the bad example, which has been given to the sheep! There is no leadership given by our shepherds and very little prayer is said by the clergy! This is why the Church is as it is today!”

“To the sons of the Church who are faithful to the Words of Jesus Christ: I am always your defender before the Throne of God. Be not afraid to speak-out the Truth; to defend Jesus Christ and His Holy and Blessed Mother – Our Queen, Mary the Immaculate. Defend the sheep, for they seek your love and your care – for you, my dear children, are blessed; you shall inherit the Kingdom of Paradise, as was promised you by Jesus Christ on the Cross!”

“My dear child: you see the sword which I placed over Saint Peter’s? This is a warning to the Church and to the world that time is but short for mankind. The Words of the Apocalypse – the Book of Revelation – are coming to pass, every day. The `Man of Iniquity’ will soon come into the world and cause his devastation to the whole world! So, be prepared at all times, dear child and dear children.”

“The sword you see will soon fall and a great division shall come within Holy Mother Church! Then you shall see the Good and the Evil. There will be no more `in-between’, so no more will confusion reign; but there will be two paths: one which goes to Heaven – and the one which goes deep into the Abyss!”

“My dear child: you are the `Herald’ chosen by the Queen of Heaven to pronounce the Word of Christ to the Church and to the world, of the second Coming of the Messiah. Through you, my child, there will be one shepherd and one flock. Go – feed the sheep who need to hear the Words of Christ; the Words of everlasting Joy! The Queen of Heaven has placed you on this path and this path shall be fulfilled, even though there are those who may persecute you and try to stop you. They will not be permitted to, my child! Fear no evil; fear no man! Go forward in the Light of Christ and be assured that I – as the Standard Bearer of Justice and Truth – will stand by your side as you travel the world to preach the Good News of the Coming of the Messiah back to the Earth!”

“My dear child: see the Queen of Heaven – how She Weeps for mankind? She wears the colours of the Papacy because the Holy Vicar is suffering much for the Church today – because of the disobedience and disloyalty that he sees amongst his people in Holy Mother Church! Pray for Our Holy Vicar, constantly, dear child and dear children. Let us help the Queen of Heaven to restore Holy Mother Church, as it once was. I Bless you, my sweet son; our son of Light and son of Justice and all our children of the Earth – especially the Clergy – those who are faithful in a particular way.”

“And to all those children who have gone astray: I call them back to the Light of Christ and His Church: In the Name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Ghost. Amen.”

LITTLE PEBBLE: Saint Michael has pushed his sword right through the dome of Saint Peter’s. Our Lady still stands at the Cross by Our Lord, Who is Crying out.

OUR LORD: “Father: forgive them, for they know not what they do!”

LITTLE PEBBLE: An Angel is coming down to Our Lord with a Chalice in his hand, which he places underneath His Chin so as to catch the Blood Which is seeping – running – from His Head. The Chalice fills very quickly, to overflowing. There are more Angels at the base of the Cross, catching the Blood in their hands so It does not fall to the Earth.

Our Lady ceases praying and turns around to look at me. There’s a beautiful yellow beam of Light shooting-out towards me and every member here; a flood of Light coming over us. It’s quite warm – and very lovely. Our Lady takes Her Rosary from Her belt – and kisses the Corpus of Jesus on the Crucifix.

OUR LADY: “I Bless you, My sweet child, Our `Little Pebble’ of Love and all Our children, here present and throughout the whole world: In the Name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Ghost. Amen.”

“My beloved child and sweet children: you have heard the words of Our beloved Archangel, Saint Michael, the great Prince and Warrior of Heaven – the Defender of the Faithful. He loves Our children very much, dear child and he defends them every hour of the day – every minute of the day – against the malignant enemy. Yes, My child, he is the Defender of the Church; is also the Justice of the `Right Hand of God’. My children must pray to him often so they will be protected during the time of great trial, which will soon come upon the world. You too, My child: pray to him often, for he will strengthen you as you combat the evil one in many ways that you do not know. I know, My dear child, very well how you are going through much trial at this time, but this cross is for your purification and to prepare you for the coming days of your Mission. Soon, dear child, I am sending you throughout the whole world to proclaim the Good News to mankind.”

“The world has been warned so many times, but yet I must continue to come to the world to give the world courage – especially to those who are children of the Light – so they will not falter and crumble away as the tribulation continues. All Our children at this time, are undergoing great trial and great suffering because, My sweet children, you have entered the period of the Tribulation already spiritually, physically and mentally. Let not the evil one tempt you, but come to My Divine Son and I and We will rescue you from the snares of the evil one.”

“The Evil One is working amongst Our children to divide them; to weaken them and, especially, to bring confusion and disbelief amongst Our children of the Light. Our children must be more astute and attentive to the whispers of the Holy Ghost and their Guardian Angel. They must pray much to God the Holy Ghost, that He will strengthen them and help them to overcome the snares of the evil one.”

“My children, My children: the times are sad and yet joyful, for when there is suffering there is also joy, because it is through the pangs of suffering and labour that joy is given birth. This, My child, is the reason why Jesus Died on the Cross. Jesus could have saved all mankind without Dying on the Cross, sweet children – but Jesus chose this path, because it was the `purest’ towards holiness for mankind! Let the Cross always be the symbol embedded within your hearts.”

“The world, My dear child, goes further into darkness and also, does My Son’s House upon Earth. Slowly the Church is becoming like the world. There is very little distinction now between that of Holy things and those of the world! It is only in small pockets of the Church that things are still Holy, keeping it alive! It is because Christ – Who is the Foundation of the Church – makes it Holy, sweet children and Christ Lives in you, because you are the Mystical Body! Remember, sweet children, each time you sin you do harm – not only to yourselves, but to the whole Body of Christ! Remember this: each time you do good, you do good for the whole Body. Remember this, sweet children, for this will help you overcome temptations.”

“The evil one now rages throughout the world to gather the souls. He seeks to destroy the families, in particular – the husbands and wives – to bring division at the very core of Holy Mother Church. If he succeeds in this, sweet children, he succeeds in destroying the Church, bit by bit. He sows the seeds of disorder; of confusion; lack of faith and disbelief in the Mysteries of God. This is the work of the evil one as he slowly goes about to Our children, whispering in their ears and they listen to him! Then discord is sown; mistrust; disbelief. How sad, sweet children – how sad!”

“I come today under a special Title of Love: the `Holy Mother of Our Vicar’. All Our children should have a great love for the Vicar of Christ, for he is the shepherd chosen by My Divine Son to lead His House upon Earth. Each child should love Our holy Vicar as they love My Divine Son and pray much for him, for he is under much persecution and suffering.”

“My dear child and dear children: as I told you in previous Messages, the world is slowly going into great darkness – a darkness which takes-up nearly the whole world. Only a few flickering `candles of Light’ still shine. It is through your love and prayers that these little `candles’ will become great `mountains’, so the whole world may believe that Jesus Christ is the Son of the Living God.”

“Listen carefully, sweet children, for the time of great trial is near. Soon you will hear of several outbreaks of war in Asia, the Middle East and in Europe. Know then, sweet children, that the time is coming when all Christians will undergo great suffering and pain. But there is always hope, for you are the `Remnant` of Jesus Christ, My Divine Son; the Saints of the Latter Days. All of you will be purged in these days of trial – to be made holy, and worthy to live in the time to come.”

“Pray much for the leaders of the world, for they are planning great harm to the Church and to the world. Now, My child: I know that you wish to ask Me something concerning the little girl; My dear child, the little girl who disappeared, Samantha. She is with Us, My dear child, in the Kingdom of Heaven. She was a `martyr of purity’; was murdered by Satanists. I have warned the parents on this Earth, for many years now, to be careful. Do not let your children go out into the world alone. Make sure you know, sweet children, where they go, because many children are taken from the streets to be used for Satan – for Satan is a liar and a murderer. He seeks to devour the innocent and the pure! This child shall be raised and she shall speak the Words which I have spoken to you today, My child. She shall be a witness for the Truth.”

“Yes, My dear child, there are many great Mysteries in Heaven. The world will be astounded at the many Prodigies and Graces which the Eternal Father has in store for the conversion of the masses, through children like this. Yes, they will be raised to bear witness to the Truth. The body of this child will be found soon and that, My dear child, will give testimony to your words, which I have given to you this evening. I Bless the family; the parents. Let them be at peace and let them know that their child was a sacrifice for purity. Let them not be angry, but prayerful. Pray much for the souls who were the cause, for they were in darkness.”

“It is a hard thing, My dear child and dear children, to see many of Our children snatched away from the world – off the streets! – for sacrifice, but this is a hard truth. Our parents must be more attentive to their children’s needs; be more careful! The world is full of evil – desecrations of the body; the world is full of wickedness and sinfulness! Live in the world, dear children, but be not of it!! Be `Christ-like’ when you walk in the streets. Be attentive to your faith; defend it with your lives! This is what the Saints are made of, dear children. Study the lives of the Saints and you will see that each had to live in his time; in his way and each one was persecuted and ridiculed because each believed in what they did and they acted accordingly, defending the Faith which their forefathers had given to them; that Christ – My Divine Son – had given to the Church and to the world.”

“And this generation lives in a time worse than Noah’s, [and of] Sodom and Gomorrah; far worse! One hundred times worse, dear children! And yet your Eternal God is Merciful – very Merciful! – because He still gives you time. But His Patience is running-out. You take no heed of My Words, My children! You see many of Our children polluted with drugs; with sexuality, immorality, faithlessness – because they have no-one to look to; to defend them; to guide them and lead them, the children and youth. How sad! It breaks My Heart, as a Mother, to see many of Our children walk the streets because no-one cares for them. How My Sorrowful Heart Bleeds to see children dragged into drug abuse; homosexuality; lesbianism and all the atrocities which exist, because the parents do not care! They take no time for educating their children and protecting them. Even some of the children of the Light do not understand what lurks upon the streets: evil, My sweet children! This is why We have told you: be careful; be watchful and pray! Make sure the children wear their Sacramentals when they go out into the world. Help them! You are responsible for them, sweet children.”

“I – as your Heavenly Mother, see so many of Our children asleep and yet many suffer needlessly! O, children; O, children – I come Weeping and Wailing in every part of the globe, begging Our sweet children to listen to what I have to say. I am your Mother! I know what is going on in the world, sweet children, for I am permitted to know all things by the Eternal Father. I am a Mother, just like many of the mothers here now. I Love you, as a Mother; I caress you, as a Mother. I Weep for you; I wish to dry your tears. I wish to embrace you and take you with Me to My Divine Son. O, children; O, children – do not forsake Me! I will not forsake you. Listen to what I must say.”

“Dear child, concerning the other matter of Maria de la Cruz: she is a blessed child of My Immaculate Heart. She was chosen even before she was born. She is one of Our chosen souls from the country of Mexico. Yes, My dear child, she loves Me very much and I Love her. I send My Blessings to her on your behalf, dear child, as you have requested through your heart: In the Name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Ghost. Amen.”

“My dear child and dear children: I know that this evening I have spoken much and I will speak again to you soon, for I am your Heavenly Mother Who Loves you. I come to all the children of the world, to help them, because I know that if Our children do not listen they will fall into a big pit and it will be most difficult for them to get out. And this is what has happened to many of Our children: they are now in this pit, caused by Lucifer, who lurks in the world seeking to destroy your souls!”

“Lucifer does not love you, sweet children! He may give you pleasure – pleasures that you seek – of the flesh; of the mind and even of your spirit! He entices you to take you away from Us!. Reject him; rebuke him and cast him out from your sight. Turn to Me, your Heavenly Mother and I will come to you, in haste, to defend you.”

“O, Blessed children: I Love you! I Love you and give you My Immaculate Heart, especially this evening, for My Heart is broken to see so many of Our children who have gone astray. Pray often for them. Pray! Pray! Pray and never cease to pray!”

“It has pleased My Divine Son and My Immaculate Heart, that you, My dear children, are offering so many hours of Adoration to My Beloved Son in the Blessed Eucharist for the `First Fridays’ and the `First Saturdays’. I wish to encourage the whole Church to take example of this from you because the Church needs this Devotion! It must be re-enkindled throughout the whole world – for the world can be saved, even with a handful of souls. I Bless you now, sweet child and dear children and I wish you to continue with your prayers. I Love you and thank you for being with Me this evening, sweet children and with My Divine Son, Who also Loves you dearly.”

“I send a final and special Blessing too, to My beloved son, Kazimierz Domanski, in Poland. You and Domanski, My son, are like brothers. You have much in common: both of you have very important missions to save the Church, for you are the two Great Prophets spoken of in Scripture; for you, My dear child, and Domanski, will travel the world and bring all the children back into the House of My Divine Son! So take courage and be strong. I Bless you all: in the Name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Ghost. Amen. The Peace of My Divine Son – from His Eucharistic Heart on the Cross – be with you always.”

LITTLE PEBBLE: Our Lady is turning to Jesus, nodding Her Head and He smiles, slightly. Jesus has now gone; is no longer on the Cross, but is back in the Tabernacle, in the Eucharist. The big White Cross has appeared. Our Lady bows Her Head, almost to the ground, towards the Blessed Eucharist. She now stands, then blows a kiss towards us. Saint Michael is still here, but the Vatican has disappeared – now Our Lady retreats into the sky, with Saint Michael, towards the white Cross.

Our Lady has sent a Blessing to the Priest who has come here as a guest. She says that She Loves him. (The hymn, “Sacred Heart of Jesus”, is sung.)

Our Lord Jesus has come out of the Tabernacle to stand over the little Altar cloth – on a brilliant and beautiful white cloud. Our Lord is clad in His sumptuous burgundy-coloured clothing; it looks most regal. He was listening to the hymn while gazing around the room, looking most beautiful. The Heart of Jesus is looking into the hearts of all those present and He is smiling. On His Chest is a beautiful and brilliant Heart; within It I can see the Blessed Eucharist. Our Lord has opened-up His Arms and visible are the Wounds in His Hands. His beautiful blue Eyes turn towards me.

OUR LORD: I Bless you, My sweet son, Our beloved `Little Pebble’ of Love and Our dear children, here present and throughout the world: In the Name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Ghost. Amen.”

“My beloved children: I come this evening to encourage you on the road of Love; on the road mapped-out by My Eternal Father. As you know, My sweet children, this road is My road – the road of the Cross. I have come to tell you of a `short’ way to Heaven: it is My Blessed Mother – My Beloved Mother – Mary the Immaculate. It is through Her Heart – Her Immaculate Heart – that the road to Heaven is `short and sweet’. My Beloved Mother hands-out the roses to Our children. It is true that the roses have thorns, but this is the `sweet way’ to Heaven. Turn to My Most Holy Mother, sweet children, for She is the Refuge of all hearts.”

“Many times when I was sad I, also, went to My Mother to be comforted and consoled. Just a smile from Her Lips and Her Heart gave me courage and joy and lifted-up My Heart. You may wonder, dear children, why the Son of God needed this. Remember that I too, am Man and God and I deal with My creatures on a Spiritual, Godly level and a human level. My Mother is human! I took her Flesh to become Man. It is a great Mystery, sweet children – a great Mystery! That’s why I ask Our children to turn to Her in times of need.”

“Many years ago I came to a very holy soul concerning the Devotion to My Sacred Heart. This Devotion is nearly dead throughout the whole Church! Very few children practise this great way of the path to Sanctity and the many Promises which I gave to Sister Margaret are still for the asking by Our children!”

“My Mother came at Fatima to give you further Graces: the `Five Saturdays of Reparation’ – and this, too, has been placed aside. My Mother promises great Graces for those who practise these Devotions. Now I wish to ask you all to do these prayers – these Devotions of great Mercy – because My Most Sacred Heart and the Immaculate Heart of My Mother wish to give you Graces, to help you reach Paradise – the Kingdom of My Eternal Father.”

“I have also come to ask for the `Nine First Saturdays’ given to My beloved daughter, Sister Natalie. Great Promises have I given to the world and to My Church upon Earth for those souls who believe in and follow this advice from My Heart. There are many such Devotions, dear children, which I and My Most Holy Mother have given to the Church. We have given many ways so mankind will reach Heaven quickly. However, dear children, the Cross is the only way – but with My Mother it is sweet and joyful.”

LITTLE PEBBLE: Jesus moves a little closer, on the cloud and two Angels have appeared, one each side of Our Lord. Suddenly a beautiful golden Chalice appears in Our Lord’s Hand. Inscribed on It are the Words: “I am thine”. The Angel to Our Lord’s right holds a Crown – a Crown of Thorns. This most beautiful Angel is dressed in a rich purple gown and his wings touch the roof. Upon the crown of Thorns are tiny white roses.

The Angel to Our Lord’s left is dressed in red and is holding a magnificent Cross – and both Angels now come closer to me; are about a metre and a half away.

Jesus inclines His Head a little.

OUR LORD: “My `Little Dove’ – My daughter of love: I have three offerings here for you. Choose one – for the other two are for your sisters. You know what I mean.”

LITTLE PEBBLE: Jesus glides back a little.

OUR LORD: “Many Graces will be given to you, My daughter, for the Eternal Father has many plans for you and your sisters of love. I Bless you, My child and I Bless your sisters: In Nomine Patris et Filii et Spiritus Sancti. Amen. You are a Bride of My Most Sacred Heart.”

LITTLE PEBBLE: Our Lord goes back, to stand on the Altar cloth.

OUR LORD: “My sweet children: there are many Mysteries yet to be revealed to mankind. As time progresses the Church will reveal these great Mysteries to the world, as the time of My Second Coming is close at hand. I have many souls scattered throughout the whole world; hidden souls – of My Most Sacred Heart and My Most Holy Mother’s Heart. These are souls who suffer for the Mystical Body; for the many souls who are at present on the road to perdition. One day – in the future, sometime – these souls will be made known, for they need to suffer for mankind. There are many `Victim Souls’ in My House upon Earth; souls who suffer with Me in the Blessed Eucharist. As I am hidden in the Tabernacles on the Earth, I have hidden these souls, too – these `little’ children of Mine. I ask the faithful to pray for them, that they may carry their cross with Me!”

“My sweet children: time is becoming short; My Mother becomes weary as She travels throughout the world, bringing the Message from My Most Sacred Heart. Pray very often, sweet children; pray to My Heart, Which Thirsts for your love. Pray to My Mother’s Heart, Which longs for consolation. I Love you, My children and encourage you to pray. I’m asking all the children – especially those who are dedicated to the Saint Charbel Houses of Prayer – to offer-up more prayer on the third Saturdays of the month for Our Holy Vicar, Pope John Paul II and also for the Bishops, Cardinals and Priests. I ask for three Rosaries – three five-decade Rosaries, sweet children – to pray for the Priests. And offer-up – as a special Intention of My Most Sacred Heart – that the Consecration of Russia to My Most Holy Mother’s Heart be fulfilled soon, so peace may come to the world. I Love you, sweet children and know that you will hear My Plea.”

“I Bless all the Houses of Prayer throughout the whole world, because it is through you, My dear children, that Our Vicar in Rome still lives! Pray much for him. I Bless you, sweet children – all the children here present and all the children of the world – from My Most Sacred Heart: In the Name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Ghost. Amen.”

LITTLE PEBBLE: The two Angels who were with Our Lord have now gone and Jesus is holding in His right hand what looks to be a thunderbolt!

OUR LORD: “Yes, my child – but it is more than that. It is something from the Eternal Father. He desires that I give this to you; it will give you great power, dear child – power which the old Prophets had and you will understand this at a later time. Think, my dear child, of the `Rod of Moses’. Take, My child – it is light, dear child.”

LITTLE PEBBLE: It is, dear Lord.

OUR LORD: “You will understand, My child, in time.”

LITTLE PEBBLE: What am I to do with it, dear Lord?

OUR LORD: “Place it in your heart. Be not afraid, dear child. The Eternal Father knows what is needed for the world at this time. It is through you and My beloved son, Domanski, that the Eternal Father shall rescue the Church in these dire times. In time you shall understand the Graces Which My Father in Heaven gives to you and My beloved son, Domanski. I Bless you, as I Bless all the Church at this time: In the Name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Ghost. Amen.”

LITTLE PEBBLE: Our Lord Jesus has now gone. He’s there one minute and the next moment He has gone! I believe He returned into the Tabernacle. O, Sacrament Most Holy, O, Sacrament Divine – all praise and all thanksgiving be every moment Thine.