Feast of St Pontian
Many of My children reject Me; this pierces the Heart of My Divine Son and My Heart – Many trials Our children undergo are mostly caused through their own actions – Many have gone astray and discard the Messages and Teachings of My Divine Son – The Devil hates and despises you – The world will soon see great devastation and suffering, because it has closed its ears to Divine Truth.
(Saint Michael Prayer is said. `O Sanctissima’ is offered up for Our Blessed Mother, as is the Holy Rosary.)
LITTLE PEBBLE: During that Decade, the Holy brilliant White Cross has been formed in the sky. There are two very large Angels – one on each side – holding the crossbeams. Behind the Cross is Saint Michael; he has his wings spread like an umbrella and in his right hand he holds a sword. High in the sky there is a tremendous Light coming towards the Holy Grounds from the centre beam of the Cross. We will sing `Salve Regina’ in preparation for Our Lady’s arrival. (Salve Regina is sung)
There are many Angels now forming a beautiful line – two lines, like a `road’ – which comes from the Cross to the Holy Grounds and each Angel – there are thousands of them – holds a plain wooden Cross in front of themselves; they are wearing purple gowns.
Through the centre-beam of the Cross, within the brilliant Light, I can see a beautiful cloud of Light coming towards us, moving swiftly. Now the cloud is dispersing and I can see Our Blessed Mother standing on a tiny cloud, gliding towards the Shrine. It is really beautiful. Our Lady is also dressed in purple – a purple gown with a beautiful white silky mantle around Her Shoulders. Our Lady has come very swiftly towards the Shrine and is just a few metres above the it. Our Lady is beautifully adorned, although there is no Crown on Her Head this time.
She looks at the people; is smiling – yet it is a sad smile. On Her right, attached to the sash, Our Lady has a beautiful Rosary – a black Rosary. Our Lady lifts It out of Her sash, takes-up the Crucifix and kisses Jesus:
OUR LADY: “I Bless you, My sweet child, Our `Little Pebble’ of Love and My sweet children here present and throughout the whole world: In the Name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Ghost. Amen. My dear child and dear children: it gives Me great joy to come today to be amongst My children and especially to see so many Religious come to join with the children of God, to pray to My Divine Son, Jesus Christ and to Me, His Most Holy Mother, for the salvation of the Church.”
“My sweet children of the world: I have come many times to the Earth – although under many different Titles. I come mostly as your Heavenly Mother, to tell you how much I, your Heavenly Mother, Love you and also to carry you in My Immaculate Heart to the Bosom of My Father and your Father, in Heaven. However, sweet children, My Heart is heavy-burdened because, wherever I go as Ambassador of My Divine Son, Jesus Christ, to His Church upon Earth, many of Our children reject Me. This pierces the Heart of My Divine Son and, also, My Heart; for I am a Mother and as a Mother I care for My sweet children upon this Earth, who must travel upon a road that is a road of suffering and trials.”
“Many of these trials that Our children undergo, are mostly caused by themselves and through Our children’s own actions. Therefore, I have been sent by My Divine Son to gather the flock and to tell them the true way to Heaven. I have told you, My sweet children, many times, there is only one way to Heaven and that is through the Cross. Pick up your crosses, sweet children, and follow the Footsteps of My Divine Son, Jesus Christ, who bore the heaviest of all Crosses for you.”
“Many of Our children have gone astray. Not only do they discard the Messages given down from Heaven, but they also discard the Teachings of My Divine Son, through the Magisterium of His Church upon Earth and through Our Holy Vicar, Pope John Paul II. For this reason, My sweet children, My Heart is laden with great sorrow, for when children abandon the true road of Sanctification, they abandon the Sacraments given to them by My Divine Son. When they abandon Prayer and all the Graces and Gifts handed down by the Eternal Father for His children, there is only one way to go and that, My sweet children, is to Hell!”
“My Divine Son and I have come to the world so many times, to ransom souls; to help them to free themselves from sin and from the clutches of Satan, who roams the world seeking the destruction of all souls – especially those that are dedicated to My Divine Son. Listen carefully, sweet children; even though My Words have been repeated hundreds of times the Words remain the same – and they are the same Truths.”
“Do not run away from your responsibilities, sweet children! Have no fear! The Eternal Father in Heaven Loves you. He will not abandon you if you desire to go to Heaven. He will not cast you aside because of your sins! For this reason He sent His Divine Son, Jesus Christ, to Die and Suffer and Rise again from the dead, so you, My sweet children, can inherit the Kingdom of Paradise, and enjoy the Beatitude of the Divine Presence.”
“The Devil, My sweet children, hates you and despises you! He does not love you! He offers you happiness, power, glory, wealth – but these will bring you happiness only if they have been placed in the service of the Divine King – My Divine Son.”
“Many of you turn a deaf ear to My Voice as I travel from nation to nation; but I will not stop, for I am your Heavenly Mother and I Love My children and seek their salvation. A true mother always disciplines her children! So remember, My children, I, as your Heavenly Mother, come to warn you, to discipline you and to encourage you to a life of dedication, of repentance, of sacrifice, and of atonement for your sins. Go and receive the Sacraments worthily! Go to the Sacrament of Reconciliation – the Sacrament of Penance – for it is through this wonderful Grace from the Eternal Father that your souls are cleansed and purified and prepared for the Kingdom of Heaven.”
“Receive My Divine Son, frequently – but worthily – sweet children, for My Divine Son is the Life in your souls, so you may gain entrance into the Kingdom of My Father and yours. Pray much, sweet children. The Message that I have given from the time of La Salette – even before – to this day, has been one of the Holy Rosary. This is a most powerful prayer for the salvation of your brothers and sisters. As I told you, sweet children, I do not only come upon the world to teach you; to admonish you – but I also come to give you courage; to enlighten you and to help you to come with Me on the road to My Divine Son.”
“Pray much, sweet children, for the world will soon see great devastation and great suffering because the world has closed its ears to Divine Truth; to the Love of the Eternal Father. For this reason the Eternal Father will need to chastise His children, so they will return on the Road of Righteousness and Love.”
“Remember: call on Me and I will come to you to help you on this road, which is most difficult for Our children. I Love you, My sweet children and offer you My Immaculate Heart. Be patient with one another! Listen to the Words of Saint Paul in the Epistles – especially when he speaks about Christian living! Pray often to the Holy Ghost, sweet children, so you may be filled with the Fruits and Virtues and the Graces from God, that you may be examples as `Living Christs’ in the world, for the Glory of God and for the salvation of Holy Mother Church!”
“I Bless you all, sweet children, with My Immaculate Heart – the Heart that Loves mankind so very much. Take courage! Have no fear and have great trust in God and in your Heavenly Mother. I Bless you all and embrace you with My Love: In the Name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Ghost. Amen. Let us pray together often, so many Graces will flow upon the world and upon Holy Mother Church.”
LITTLE PEBBLE: Our Lady is now moving back into the sky, very swiftly – and the Angels, too, are following Her towards the beautiful brilliant Cross in the sky. Saint Michael has lowered his sword and the two Angels that are holding up the Cross, have left it in suspension. Our Lady is now moving, very fast, back into the sky and has moved right into the Cross. I do not know how to explain it, but it is like a brilliant Light. Our Lady has moved straight into the Light and She has now gone.
The Angels are singing the `Salve Regina’ – just as we were singing before. It is absolutely beautiful – the Heavenly Choir. I still do not know the meaning of the purple gown and the Cross, but I presume, just by the colour alone, it has something to do with sorrow. The Angels now are also moving behind the Cross and they have gone, except for Saint Michael; he is bellowing out with his loud voice to continue now with some prayers and the big Cross now is fading away. Heaven seems to be closing-up like a stage curtain in a theatre; it just closes up – but Saint Michael is still there. We will continue with the Holy Rosary.
DOMANSKI: At 11.30 I came to the gazebo. I said the prayers: `Our Father’, `Hail Mary’, `Under Thy Protection’, and `Crown to the Merciful God’. In a little while I saw Our Lord, Jesus. He was dressed like the picture of `Jesus I Trust in You’. Our Lord, Jesus, was surrounded by golden rays; I saw two Angels on either side of Him, and I bowed to the ground. Our Lord, Jesus, said:
OUR LORD: “I have come to deliver My Message to the whole world.”
DOMANSKI: I asked Our Lord, Jesus, if I am fulfilling well the Messages of Our Lord, Jesus, and the Mother of God. Our Lord, Jesus said:
OUR LORD: “My son, you are fulfilling well the directions which We give to you. I have come to the Earth to Bless your country. I know that the Cross from the gazebo of the Apparition Site has already been taken down four times. It is good that you put up the Cross which leads to Me and to My Mother. I know that you do not raise yourself up and you say that you are only the instrument of My Mother and I. You have been chosen to carry this Cross in your country.”
“I know that you went to see the Primate of Poland, and Cardinal Gulbinowicz, with your writings. My son, it is necessary for Cardinal Gulbinowicz to stand under the protection of the Cross. My Cross leads everyone to salvation. You are standing under the protection of the Cross as a lay person, for you – who are the child of My Mother and I – you carry this Cross for your country. Do not be afraid; continue further to carry this Cross. With this Cross you will lift your country out of its sin.”
“The whole world and your country, have to pray, very much, for those who pull down the Crosses. Mankind should remember that whosoever fights with the Cross – he will never be victorious! A frightful punishment hangs over the world. This time is getting closer. Mankind should pray and do penance. They should receive My Body and Blood and they will be saved. Whoever does not eat My Body – he is not the child of My Mother and I.”
“My Mother has already come down to the Earth many times. She warns mankind that the punishment may be withdrawn. Everyone should be united in prayer in the Churches. I, Jesus Christ – and My Mother – wish to save the whole world. Go often to Confession and Holy Communion. If mankind does not change, then the nations will have to be cleansed. Now, there will be terrible diseases which no medicine will be able to cure without the help of My Mother and I.”
“My son: at Jasna Gora, next to the Miraculous Cross in the Chapel, I gave you a `sign’ to show how the sins of mankind wound the Hearts of My Mother and I. Many people walk near the Tabernacle, but do not genuflect; they have to know that I am always present in the Tabernacle. My Mother and I are sorrowful when the faithful come to Jasna Gora unprepared. You have to redeem yourself before the picture of My Mother.”
“Many of those who ask receive Graces at Jasna Gora. Continue to ask and you will receive Graces from My Mother and I. Be careful, My son, for in these times there are many on the Earth who say that they receive Messages from My Mother and I; many of them are false! There are no more chosen ones from Poland and from other countries – only those which We are mentioning. In your country these are the children of My Mother and I: Janina Chmlelakowa, Jadwiga, Druelk, Wladyslaw, Stanislaw, Bozena, Antoni and Kazimierz. My son: from all of these – the ones who are elderly, they are hidden; they have to write their Messages in their diaries. At the moment, Messages are only to be given out from Olawa and from Ruda. Those who have been mentioned have much merit with My Mother and I – for now there are many who cause confusion; be careful, for they say that My Mother and I communicate through them. Satan wishes to cause confusion between My chosen children.”
“My son: many come to you with petitions for My Mother and I. I, Jesus Christ, announce that these petitions are prayers. They should pray and ask My Mother and I and they will obtain what they ask. Announce that you do not accept petitions but that you pray for all the sick and suffering. May they also pray; these petitions are prayers. There may come different petitions from My servants and from those who are seriously ill. These petitions may be heard. There is one man, who travels with those, who causes the confusion.”
“They will not be victorious, for time is short. That person who gave you some writings – these are not from Me nor from My Mother. Send these writings back to that person. My son, be careful, for there will be even more people like this who will make themselves known. There are some people who receive signs from My Mother and I, but they do not boast about them because they know that these signs are only for them personally.”
“There are many who will defame you, but do not be afraid. Whenever you receive an evil letter, make the Sign of the Cross and burn it. Tell those who receive Messages that they should be careful also, for some people will also come to them saying that they receive Messages. Those who receive Messages will know whether they are true or not. At this moment, in your country, there are no more chosen ones. The faithful should listen to those who are chosen through My Mother and I.”
“My son: those who travelled with you to the Sanctuaries, from Poland and from over the border, they, also, receive Messages from My Mother and I. Continue to be united, for shortly there will come a time when you will travel over the border and there you will also have to fulfill your mission. Directions will be given to you concerning this mission. My son, the Priest, who was with you from across the border, has great Graces from My Mother and I. The chosen person who was with you from across the border, is the chosen son of My Mother and I. Those who receive Messages from Poland and from across the border and who met together, have a great mission to fulfill from My Mother and I. This is a great help for the Church.”
“These are Lay Apostles who, together with the people of God, [saying] the prayers of the Rosary and the Crown to the Merciful God, [are] drawn towards My Mother and I. My children: unite yourselves with the Holy Church because the Holy places are open. I am always in the Tabernacle. We have to pray very much – especially in these times. These prayers are needed in all countries. Do not put aside the prayers for later on, as the whole world is in sin. To be cleansed from your sins it is necessary to pray day and night. Keep the fasts and penances; pray for the Holy Souls in Purgatory, and for the unborn children.”
“Pray for My Representative, Pope John Paul II and for the whole Church. In these times, the Holy Church needs much prayer. Pray so that the Holy places may be opened everywhere, then God’s Peace will reign throughout the whole world.”
“Pray for the youth who leave My Mother and I and join different Faiths. They may go into damnation as Satan gathers his harvest. Time is also short for Satan.”
“Pray to the Sacred Heart of Jesus – especially in this month – and you will obtain many Graces.”
DOMANSKI: Our Lord Jesus, said to pray very much for the Missionaries who are travelling on their mission to different countries.”
OUR LORD: “I give God’s Blessing to My representative on Earth and to the whole Catholic Church – to all of God’s people and to those who receive Messages in your Fatherland and in other countries: in the Name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Ghost. Amen.”
DOMANSKI: Our Lord, Jesus, said that now the Messages may be given more often.