Message 339 – 12 September 1987



I will bring forth Great Prodigies that will astound this nation one day – Let unity be the goal of every man’s heart, for it is in unity that love and peace will foster – It is by giving that one receives and more so, when it is given with love.

LITTLE PEBBLE: The White Cross has appeared in the sky and I can see two Angels, one on each side of It, kneeling. Now I can see the Blessed Virgin coming through the Cross, holding the Baby Jesus with Her left Arm. Our Lady is dressed in beautiful white – a creamy white – and has on a beautiful sky-blue mantle. It’s really pretty.

Jesus is holding Rosary beads in His Hand; He hands them to the Blessed Virgin Mary, looking at His Mother all the time. Our Lady takes up the Crucifix and kisses Jesus.

OUR LADY: “I Bless you, My child, My ‘Little Pebble’ of Love and My sweet children here present: In the Name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Ghost. Amen.”

“My dear child, your journey here has been most difficult, however, We are pleased that you are here to give witness to this holy place of My Immaculate Heart. I sent you here to bring unity and peace amongst the Seers [so] that they work together for a common goal and that is to bring the Love of Jesus, My Divine Son and of My Immaculate Heart, to the children of this nation. This place that I come to, will bring forth great prodigies that will astound this nation one day.”

“I seek that children come to My Divine Son in the Eucharist – in the Tabernacles of your Churches. I seek that Our children unite in prayer, praying My Holy Rosary for the salvation of this nation and the children of the world. Let unity be the goal of every man’s heart, for it is in unity that love and peace will foster.”

“Pray for Our Holy Vicar, Pope John Paul II, who is My special ‘son of unity’. Pray for your Priests, that they too, may know and experience the Love that I bear for them, as their Heavenly Mother. Pray that all children throughout the whole world will unite in one heart, in one Roman Catholic, Apostolic Church under one Shepherd. This is the desire of the Eternal Father, through the Son and the Holy Spirit.”

“I have been sent by My Divine Son to this Earth to call mankind to prayer, sacrifice and penance, for time is very short. I Love you, My sweet children and I Bless you with My Immaculate Heart and the Heart of My Divine Son: In the Name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Ghost.”

“The Peace of Christ I give to you, My sweet children. Go and proclaim His Name to all generations. Thank you, My child, for offering Me your sacrifices; for doing all the things that I ask of you. It is by giving that one receives and more, so when it is given with love. I Bless you all now: In the Name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Ghost.”

LITTLE PEBBLE: Our Lady is going further into the sky and back into the Cross – I don’t know how, but in some way – and the Angels are bowing their heads. The Infant Jesus is also making the Sign of the Cross.