Maria Valtorta and the Poem of the Man-God

Maria Valtorta and the Poem of the Man-God

31 January 2024

Maria Valtorta

The Essence of Faith

“One can say that what Joseph did, united him in an altogether special way to the faith of Mary. He accepted as truth coming from God, the very thing that She had already accepted at the Annunciation. The Council teaches: “The ‘obedience of faith’, must be given to God as He reveals himself. By this obedience of faith, man freely commits himself entirely to God, making “the full submission of his intellect and will, to God who reveals,” and willingly assenting to the revelation given by Him. This statement, which touches the very essence of faith, is perfectly applicable to Joseph of Nazareth.” (Pope John Paul II, Redemptoris Custos, article 4)

The essence of faith is a full submission of our intellect and will, to God who reveals His Will. Secondly, faith must be given to God, “as He reveals Himself”. No man can force God to reveal Himself according to human considerations — it must be as God chooses to reveal Himself. Thirdly, faith requires willing assent to the revelations given by God. In the case of Saint Joseph — it is a private revelation given to him, via a dream and through a secondary cause, the Angel. Saint Joseph took Mary as his wife exactly as the Angel told him to do. Importantly, this same principle also touches the very essence of faith in Maria Valtorta who received these visions and revelations from God — she did what God asked of her — she wrote the Poem of the Man-God.

When this writing of many pages were given to Pope Pius XII to study — he took several months to read. He then called a special audience of the three (3) important persons promoting this work, and the Pope declared to them:

Pope Pius XII:

“Publish it just as it is. There is no need to give an opinion as to whether it is of supernatural origin. Those who read it will understand. One hears of many visions and revelations. I will not say they are all authentic; but there are some of which it could be said that they are”.

This statement above is the Pope’s Imprimatur, because he says: “Publish it just as it is”. It is also his Nihil Obstat which means: Nothing against Faith or Morals. This is because he says there is no need to give an opinion whether it is of supernatural origin. The Pope would never say “Publish just as it is”, if there was something against Faith or Morals.

See this important link below which details the history of persons and events related to the Imprimatur and Nihil Obstat by Pope Pius XII:

It is clear that Pope Pius XII believed the Poem of the Man-God came from God for the salvation of souls. Secondly, it is clear that Maria Valtorta lived a life of heroic virtue and she continues to be an example to the faithful of what Love for God and neighbour really means. Praised be Jesus Christ!

I would like to issue a declaration that the cause for the Canonisation of Maria Valtorta is in process.

+Bishop Malcolm Broussard (Charbelite Fathers)

31 January 2024

POEM OF THE MAN-GOD (Volumes 1 – 5)