This letter is in reference to the Apocalypse and what will happen from the 8 December 2021 to December 2030
2 October 2021
Dearest People of the World,
Peace be to you!
I know the last three years have been very difficult for everyone. We, in Australia have been chastised during these three years, starting with the drought and a couple of years ago great dryness of the land – the worst in history – with fireworks and burned property, which was very dangerous.
Then early in the year we received the vast floods and the following year the Virus, which has damaged Australian businesses, the economy and people themselves. This has caused unemployments of over 2-million people, out of a population of 27-million and because we are an island, we have lost overseas industries, visitors, and 1-million young students. Even when the Virus is contained, it will take many years to build up the Australian economy.
But in effect, what is it doing to the Australian way of life and the economy of the world – and where are we heading?
The Australian faith in God has disappeared and people are dependent upon the Vaccination against the Virus for their safety. But the Vaccinations, which are: – Moderna, Pfizer, AstraZeneca and Johnson & Johnson – are the wrong Vaccinations, which kill people in the long run, weakening human resistance and making more people susceptible to all other Viruses and infections.
The Vaccine is deadly. The safe treatments are the – Ivermectin and Hydroxychloriquine – (which has been used safely in the Medical Profession for over 60 years) – and should be used, but the Government has forbidden the use of it. They know that the current Vaccines are detrimental to humans and big money plays a major part in it.
This is the remedy you must use and more so, the remedy of Our Lady is the true one. But what is more important is that the world is preparing for the Third World War, which will be the final trial for mankind, before they submit to God. The world is living in its last years before the world gets cleansed and Jesus Returns to the world within 10 years or so.
So what are we waiting for? The shambles in the Middle East – namely that Israel will be bombed; the Middle East will be at war with Western Europe by invading Spain, France and Italy, where war will break out. Russia will invade Europe and China will take over Hong Kong and Taiwan and invade all the East. The Vatican will be invaded by Communist forces, flying the Communist flag over the Vatican. Pope Benedict will flee into a neighbouring country and will be martyred.
I, myself, as Peter II will go to the South of Germany in the small nation and the French Monarch will assist me. France will have a civil war and many other countries will be at war. The Virus will have no meaning then, as people will be afraid of what is happening in the world. When the Third World War begins, many countries will be annihilated and half way through, the Antichrist will stop the war, but then will come the Great Warning in the early part of the year, between February and May. The Miracle will come within 12 months – as this will happen not long after the Warning. The Warning will remove most of those who belong to the elite and the Illuminati plus one-quarter of the world. All will be shown their lives as if they are to stand before God. Those who are in Grace will see glorious visions, while those who are in need will see where they will go, should they die at that moment. Also, God will show them their role in life at that moment. It is a saving Grace of Divine Will.
The Devil will be silenced for 6 weeks. There will be no temptation to give to mankind – for the first time in history, God will show every one beyond the year of truth – 7 years of age – the Truth of God. All Religions will open up to the Roman Catholic Church. Pope Francis will be dead and after the 6 weeks Satan will be released to tempt mankind to deny the Truth, but many will believe in the Truth.
God will give many Miracles at that time before the Great Miracle. The Antichrist will be in the Vatican and I will be the Pope – Pope Peter II – but I will be in hiding, supported by the people of God. The Antichrist will take over the Church and the world – this will continue for 3½ years, then will come the Chastisement with the Ball of Redemption. The Ball of Fire will come and cleanse the world and the Antichrist will be cast into Hell and Hell will close.
The world will continue for about a year, then will come the end, where Jesus will appear in the Heavens with His Army. The people on Earth will have a chance to repent – even those with the Mark of the Beast – until the last moment.
When Jesus comes the world will be cleansed and the New World will appear and the 1,000 years of Christ’s Return, will begin. After the 1,000 years of peace, Satan will be released to tempt those who are weak, but it will not last long. After this, Satan will be sent back into Hell for Eternity. The world will be sent into oblivion and God will Judge mankind. Then we will all live with the Blessed Trinity, Our Blessed Mother, all the Angels and Saints.
The list of countries that will be chastised from the year 2022 to 2030, with a Nuclear War; how many people will be removed; when will the Antichrist rule; up to the Warning the list of countries that will disappear with the high seas within the period 2022 – 2030. How many people will be removed.
The events that are to be fulfilled in the coming years, starting with the invasion of Spain, Portugal and France by the Muslims; the Atomic attack of Israel and the Nuclear attack from Iran upon Israel, using the Atomic Bomb.
France will have a civil war; Germany and Poland will be attacked by Russia and Russia will attack Italy by taking over the Vatican. Pope Benedict will flee and die in a foreign country.
China will take over Hong Kong and Taiwan and attack Japan. North Korea will attack South Korea.
China will attack India and every Middle Eastern country of Malaysia, Indonesia and the U.S.A. The U.S.A. will be invaded by Russia and China. African countries and South American countries will fight each other. When the world is at war, Satan will, stop the wars, but then the Great Warning will come.
All Holy Places will be protected and removed – Holy Apparition Places and Churches
[See End Times Maps at end of this Letter]
(Numbers indicate approximate Population)
1. Finland, Helsinki 5,540,720
2. Belgium, Brussels 11,589,623 Partly along the Coast
3. Denmark, Copenhagen 5,792,202 Partly
4. Ireland, Dublin 4,937,786 Partly, except Apparition Places
5. Netherlands, Amsterdam 17,134,872 Partly
6. Malta, Valletta 441,543
7. Monaco, Monaco 39.242
8. San Marino 33,931
9. Faeroe Island 48,863
10. Sweden, Stockholm 10,099,265
11. Bahrain, Manama 1,705,575
12. Cyprus, Nicosia 1,207,359
13. Indonesia, Jakarta 273,523,815 Most of the country will vanish – 20,000,000 be left
14. Japan, Tokyo 126,476,461 Most of Japan will go – 12,000,000 will be left
15. Maldives, Male 540,544
16. Hawaii, USA (most of it will go)
17. Singapore 5,850,000
18. Sri Lanka, Jayewardenepura 21,413,000 (Part of it will be left)
19. Taiwan, Taipei 28,816,775 Part of it
20. Madagascar, Antananarivo 27,691,000 Part of it
21. Mauritius, Port Louis 1,244,000
22. Senegal, Dakar 14,133,200
23. Sao, Tome and Principe 193,000
24. Channel Islands 173,863
25. Isle of Man 85,033
26. Norway 5,421,241
27. Equatorial Guinea (Africa)
28. Falkland Islands 3,480
29. Hong Kong 7,496,981
30. Isle of Man 8,033
31. Seychelles, Victoria 93,000
32. Australia, Canberra 23,347 Part of it: the Cities of Sydney, Melbourne, Brisbane, Perth, Cairns, Wollongong and Nowra
33. Figi, Suva 881,000
34. Kiribati Baink 102,000
35. Marshall Islands 530,000 Delap, Uliga, Djarrit
36. Micronesia 104,000 Federated States Palikir
37. Majuro, Yaren 10,000
38. New Zealand 4,506.000 (Part of it will be saved)
39. Papua New Guinea 7,321,000 (Part of it will be saved)
40. Samoa, Apia 190,000
41. Solomon Islands, Honiara, 561,000
42. Tonga, Nuku’alofa 105,000
43. Tuvalu, Vaiaku 10,000
44. Vanuatu, Port Vila 253.000
45. Antigua and Barbluda 90,000
46. The Bahamas, Massau 337,000
47. Barbados Bridge 285,000
48. Cuba, Havana 11,266
49. Dominica Roseau 72,000
50. Jamiaca, Kingston 2,784.000 (Most of it will go underwater)
51. St. Kitts & Nevis, Basseterre 54,000
52. St. Lucy, Castries 182,000
53. St. Vincent & Grenadines 1,341,000 Part of Spain
54. Trinidad & Tobago, Kingstown 1,341,000 Part will be saved
55. Mayotte 272,815
56. St. Helena 6,077,000
57. Andorra 77,285
58. Haiti Port-au-Prince 10,317 (Part will be saved)
59. Andros Island
60. Turks & Caicos Islands
61. Gibraltar 33,691
62. Puerto Rico, San Juan (Part will be saved)
63. Virgin Islands
64. Fort de France, Martinique
65. Curacao, Willemstad
66. Aruba, Oranjestad
67. Novaya-Zemlya (Russia)
68. Nordaust-Landet (Norway)
69. Corsica (France)
70. Crete (Greece)
71. Sjaelland (Denmark)
There are other Islands which I could not find, but all Islands are going to sink.
To my People, my prayers are with you. Have faith and trust in God, because if you are not able to move, trust in God’s Goodness and Kindness, because He will make it available for you to move.
God Bless,
Book of the Apocalypse
Chapter 8 verses 8 and 9:
“And the second angel blew his trumpet, and it was as though a great mountain, all on fire, had been dropped into the sea; a third of the sea turned into blood, a third of all living things in the sea were killed, and a third of all ships were destroyed.”
[See End Times Maps at end of this Letter]
(Numbers indicate approximate Population)
Austria 8,495,000
Belgium 11,104,000
Estonia 1,287,000
France 64,291,000
Germany 82,727,000
Greece 11,128,000
Hungary 9,955,000
Italy 60,990,000
Liechtenstein 37,000
Poland 38,217,000
Portugal 10,608,000
Russia 142,834,000
Slovakia 5,450,000
Spain 46,927,000
Ukraine 45,239,000
United Kingdom 63,236,000
Cambodia 15,135,000
China 1,369,993,000
East Timor 1,133,000
India 1,252,140,000
Israel 7,733,000
Laos 6,770,000
Lebanon 4,822,000
North Korea 24,895,000
Philippines 98,394,000
South Korea 49,263,000
Taiwan 23,344,000
Thailand 67,011,000
Turkey 74,933,000
Vietnam 91,680,000
Egypt 82,056,000
Kenya 44,354,000
Rwanda 11,777,000
South Africa 52,776,000
Tanzania 49,253,000
Uganda 37,579,000
Nigeria 173,615,000
Canada 35,182,000
Mexico 122,332,000
Argentina 41,446,000
Bolivia 10,671,000
Chile 17,620,000
Venezuela 30,405,000
U.S.A. 330,000
All African States
All countries of South America
Ten Nations: Belgium, France, Germany, Hungary, Italy, Russia, United Kingdom, China, Brazil
Possibly 10 Nations – 3,630,488,000 – that will form the New Govn.
[See End Times Maps at end of this Letter]
(Numbers indicate approximate Population)
1. Belgium 11,104 – Brussels
2. France 64,291 – Paris, Nantes, Rennes
3. Germany 82,727 – Berlin, Stuttgart, Hannover, Essen
4. Greece 11,128 – Athens
5. Hungary 9,955 – Budapest
6. Italy 60,990 – Rome, Naples, Milano
7. Poland 38,217 – Wroclaw, Poznan\
8. Portugal 10,608 -Lisbon
9. Russia 142,834 – Moscow
10. Spain 46,927 – Madrid, Seville
11. United Kingdom 63,136 – London
12. Cambodia 15,135
13. China 1,369,993 – Beijing, Shantou, Yangzhou
14. India 1,252,140 – Delhi, Hyderabad, Kochi, Bombay, Madurai, Mumbai
15. Laos 6,770
16. North Korea 24,895 – Pyongyang
17. South Korea 49,263 – Seoul
18. Thailand 67,011 – Bangkok
19. Turkey 74,933 – Istanbul
20. Vietnam 91,680 – Phnom Penh, Hanoi, Ho Chi Minh City
21. Egypt 82,056 – Cairo
22. Kenya 44,354 – Nairobi
23. Guatemala City 15,468
24. Costa Rica, San Jose 4,872,000
25. Holland, Amsterdam 16,759,000 – Netherlands
26. Panama, Panama City, 848,000
27. U.S.A., San Francisco 330,000 – Los Angeles, San Diego, San Antonio, New Orleans, Houston, Florida, New York, Boston, Kansas City
28. Malaysia, 29,717,000 – Kuala Lumpur
29. Iraq, Baghdad 33,765,000
30. Venezuela 30,405 – Caracas, Valencia
31. Chile 17,620 – Santiago
32. Brazil 200,362 – Rio de Janeiro, San Paulo
33. Bolivia 10, 671 – Santa Cruz, Cochamba La Paz
34. Argentina 41,446 – Buenos Aires
35. Mexico 122,322 – Mexico City
36. Canada 35,182 – Ottawa, Toronto, Monterrey
37. Nigeria 173,615 – Abuja, Lagos, Port Van Courier
38. Tanzania 49,253 – Pares, Salaam
39. South Africa 52,776 – Cape Town
40. Japan 127,144,000 – Tokyo
41. Accra (Ghana)
42. Australia Sydney, Melbourne, Perth Brisbane, Wollongong, Nowra
43. Indonesia 249,866,000 – Jakarta
44. London, England – Leeds, Edinburgh, Glasgow, Manchester, Birmingham.
45. Romania, Bucharest
46. Switzerland, Zurich
47. North Ireland Belfast
48. Pakistan, Karachi
49. Iran, Tehran
50. Bangladesh, Dhaka
51. New Zealand Auckland, Wellington
52. Colombia, Bogota, Medellin
53. Paraguay, Asuncion
54. Argentina, Arroba
55. Uruguay, Montevideo
Albuquerque, El Paso, Phoenix, San Diego, Los Angeles, San Jose, San Francisco, Las Vegas, Salt Lake City, Seattle, Helena, Wichita, Kansas City, St. Louis, Dallas, Houston, San Antonio, New Orleans Memphis, Chicago, Pittsburgh, Columbus, Detroit, Baltimore, Virginia Beach, Washington DC, Philadelphia, New Jersey, New York, Boston, Jacksonville, Honolulu, Hawaii, Miami, Jacksonville, Daytona Beach, Oriento, San Francisco, Houston, San Diego.
Mexico, Mexico City, Puebla Mexico, Monterrey, Honduras, Tegucigalpa, Guatemala, San Salvador, Nicaragua, Managua, Costa Rica, San Jose, Panama (Pana)
Number of Seers in the Countries of the World
These Maps have copyright and are used with permission of:
Please see the following link for the USA:
USA: The Cities and regions circled will be chastised.
EUROPE: All major Cities to be chastised.
NORTHERN EUROPE: All Cities and regions circled to be chastised.
EASTERN EUROPE: All Cities and regions circled will be chastised.
PORTUGAL and SPAIN: All circled regions will be chastised.
AUSTRALIA: All circled regions will be chastised. Please see the following link:
PHILIPPINES: All circled regions will be chastised.
CHINA, JAPAN and MALAYSIA: All circled regions will be chastised.
NEW ZEALAND: All circled regions will be chastised.
MIDDLE EAST: All circled regions will be chastised.
SOUTH AMERICA: All major Cities will be chastised.
AFRICA: All major Cities will be chastised.
CARIBBEAN ISLANDS: The circled region of the Islands are going to go underwater.
CANADA: All major Cities over 100,000 will be chastised.