Message 782 – 25 March 2019



Feast of the Annunciation

Holy Mother Church goes further into darkness; many do not recognize what is occurring – The Antichrist seeks to take control of Holy Mother Church seeks annihilation of the Faith – Pope Francis, why are you denying the Truth? Turn back while you have the time – People of Australia, I have warned you many times, but you do not listen; I have given you the Prophet of all Prophets, to direct and counsel you, but you have placed him aside.

WILLIAM: There are thousands and thousands of Angels around the building. The White Cross is in the sky and it is very, very bright. A beautiful ‘street’ of Light has come down from the Cross – it is very wide. There are many Angels …. and following Our Holy Mother are many, many Angels – all of them are holding up swords. They are all saying the Holy Rosary: “Hail Mary Full of Grace, the Lord is with Thee, Blessed art Thou Among Women and Blessed is the Fruit of Thy Womb, Jesus. Holy Mary Mother of God, pray for us sinners now and at the hour of our death. Amen.”

When they were saying the Rosary they seemed to glow. Our Holy Mother is dressed all in pure white. She has on a blue mantle and around Her Waist is a blue girdle and this time Our Lady has a sword. It is placed within Her girdle and comes to the right side of Our Lady.

Our Lady comes very close now; She glides on this beautiful white cloud – the cloud is about a metre in size. I can see Our Lady’s beautiful Feet – they are very beautiful. In between each of Her Toes is a rose. Our Lady places the sword within the Angel, who greeted us before – (Saint Annatus) – and Our Lady takes out Her Holy Rosary and kisses Our Lord:

OUR LADY: “In the Name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Ghost. Amen.”

WILLIAM: Our Lady is inside here now. There are many, many Angels around Her.

OUR LADY: “I greet you, My beloved son, Our future Vicar for Holy Mother Church. I greet all of My children gathered here before Me and throughout the world. Today is a Great Feast Day for Holy Mother Church – it is a Feast of notation for Our children to realize that I, the Mother of Jesus Christ, am here to guide Our children in the coming years before Holy Mother Church succumbs to the wickedness of the Antichrist.”

“My beloved children, many of you have fallen asleep and do not follow the Messages given throughout the world. Many have grown tired but, dear children, you must not grow tired. Pick up My Holy Rosary and pray it with all of your hearts. The time of the Great Tribulation is now upon you. Every day you will hear of atrocities and sorrows throughout the world, because mankind have decided to go away from My Divine Son. What must I do, dear children? Do I allow the Hand of My Father and yours to be released upon mankind? O’ children! O’ children! How great sorrows you bring to My Immaculate Heart. I have asked for prayers throughout the whole world, through the many Apparitions that I go to, making Our children aware of what they are allowing upon Earth. Holy Mother Church goes further and further into darkness. Many of Our children do not recognize what is occurring, but I tell you most solemnly that darkness rules the world and very soon God the Father will bring down the chastisements upon the world – not the ones that you hear of, dear children, but the ones that have been spoken about many, many years ago.”

“My children, do you not see the power of the Antichrist as he engulfs the whole world? He is not public yet, but very shortly he will be public, to take control of Holy Mother Church and all the Faiths, for he seeks the annihilation of the Faith, dear children. Therefore, I ask for all of Our children to pray.”

“The children of Englandthe British Isles – you have come to a decision concerning Brexit, but I have warned you: Do not leave it open to mankind, because should you go the negative way, your Islands will be crushed. My children do not see all that goes on behind the scenes, but My children of Europe will become divided and will be formed into the Ten (10) Nations that will rule. Mankind believe that this will bring peace and harmony amongst Our children, but I tell you most solemnly, it will divide mankind and bring it into great conflict, because the Antichrist is behind it, My dear children.”

“Pray for Israel, for Israel will be trounced and many Nations will go to war and bring forth a Third World War, which I have spoken of for many centuries. Pray, dear children, for the Church will succumb to the Antichrist and man will be scattered throughout the world seeking the Truth, but the Truth is with My Divine Son, Jesus Christ, the Son of the Living God. “Pray, dear children, for the Asian countries, for the Asian countries will soon go to war and Australia will be involved.”

“My children, My children: why have you forsaken My Divine Son in the crucial hour of the Church? FrancisPope Francis – why are you denying the Truth? Turn back, My son, while you have the time, because even though My Divine Son watches over you, you have abandoned Him.”

“Pray, My children, for the Hierarchy, for many of the Hierarchy are on the wide road – a road that is far from My Divine Son. Holy Mother Church will undergo many trials now, because mankind does not pray any more. Soon you will see a Great Division within Holy Mother Church where those who truly believe in My Divine Son, will be left. I cry many, many Tears, My children, because My children do not see the Truth as it really is.”

Japan too, My beloved children. How many more disasters do you see before you turn to My Divine Son. A Great Earthquake and Tsunami will come upon your land and take many thousands of children. These are signs to your country that you must turn to My Divine Son. I ask the children of the world to pray for Japan. Pray for Indonesia, for volcanic disturbances will destroy many of your people.”

“The people of Australia, I have warned you many times, but you do not listen to My Words. I have given you the Prophet of all Prophets, to direct you and counsel you to holiness, but you have placed him aside. Pray, dear children, for Sydney and Melbourne will receive many Great Chastisements in the coming years.”

“My children, My children: how I love you! I give to you many Angels today – these Angels are there to protect you against the Evil One and his plans, for Satan desires the whole world, but this will not be given to him. Therefore pray, dear children.”

WILLIAM: Our lady now shows me Africa and the Middle East and places a very dark cross over Africa.

OUR LADY: “Pray dear children, pray – for the Continent of Africa and parts of the Middle East will suffer a great deal. My children, My children: you must pray and pray for the Little White Rock because We have much for him to do. Dear children of the world, your Holy Mother prays for you and asks that you pray for one another and pray for the Little Pebble, because he undergoes much suffering for you.”

“I love you, My dear children and send to you today many, many Angels to strengthen you. Be not afraid, but trust in God. I love you, My sweet children and Bless you: In the Name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Ghost. Amen.”

“And you, My dear child: take courage, because you have much to do for Holy Mother Church. And be not afraid. I, your Heavenly Mother and Spouse, watch over you. Take courage and all My sweet children, be not afraid, for I, your Heavenly Mother watch over you. I love you, My sweet children.’

WILLIAM: Our Lady now puts Her Hands upon Her Chest and Her Heart comes into Her Hands.

OUR LADY: “See this Heart of Mine, sweet children, as I give It for all of you. Come, dear children and be not afraid, for even though the times are very difficult, but with My Immaculate Heart, you will triumph. Pray for your brothers and sisters, especially those who are in darkness, that the Light of My Divine Son will enter their hearts, for in the coming days many will see the Truth. Be not afraid, dear children – and pray – because the Great Warning that I have spoken about for many, many years, will soon come to the world and mankind will know the Truth. I love you, My sweet children, and Bless you: In the Name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Ghost. Amen.”

WILLIAM: Our Lady comes closer and kisses my head.

OUR LADY: “Be at peace, My son and My sweet children and know that I, your Heavenly Mother, love you. I Bless all the children of the world. Be at peace, dear children and trust and love My Divine Son, Jesus: In the Name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Ghost. Amen.”

WILLIAM: Our Lady steps back further. She now has the sword and places the sword over me.

OUR LADY: “Be at peace, My son.”

WILLIAM: Our Lady goes further back into the sky and the Angels follow Her and they are singing – they are singing the Our Lady of Fatima Hymn. Our Lady goes back into the White Cross and the Angels remain. (Prayers continued)