Message 737 – 13 June 2016

This miraculous photo was taken in Dublin, Ireland at a Conference where  the Little Pebble was speaking.
This miraculous photo was taken in Dublin, Ireland at a Conference where the Little Pebble was speaking.


NO. 737

The sun dances in its anger and will draw nearer to scorch the foundations of men’s arrogance –The 3rd, 4th and 5th Seal will be opened now, with the 6th Seal, once the Chair of Peter is empty – Russia will advance upon the Eternal City, Eastern Europe, Scandinavia, Norway, Sweden, Estonia, Latvia, Poland and Germany; Ukraine will be the entrance point. Civil war in America and war in Mexico – China & Korea will invade with missiles as Asia trembles; Indonesia will attack Papua New Guinea and North Australia – Prepare your households for the emergence of the Antichrist is near.

LITTLE PEBBLE: It is now 3.45pm. I was praying my Rosary when I felt Heaven’s Presence and I knew that Jesus would come. I see the White Cross in the sky, but it has a pinkish colour with it. The ‘street’ of Light is blood red and I see the Universe and there are Angels standing over each Planet and other Bodies in the Solar System.

The Holy Trinity is coming through the Cross: The Father is very Majestic. The Son, Jesus, is to His right and the Holy Spirit – this time as a man, but as a Soul or Spirit, looking like Jesus – to the left of the Eternal Father. I see the Sun under Their Feet – lashing out flames of fire towards the Earth. The Holy Trinity enters my home, bringing much peace to me. They are smiling and say:

THE HOLY TRINITY: “Remain at Peace!”

LITTLE PEBBLE: My home is filled with many Angels and I feel very small in their presence.

The Eternal Father placed His Hand on my right shoulder and Jesus stands to the left and places His Hand on my shoulder and the Holy Spirit stands behind me and I see the Holy Dove hover above us.

THE HOLY TRINITY: “We, the Trinitarian God, Bless you, as We are the Three Divine Persons in One God. Peace be to you, Our son – Our Angel of Divine Love – the Shepherd who will guide Our sheep. The Trinitarian Blessing of the Father, of the Son, Jesus and Our Spirit be upon you, William and all Our beloved children of the world – even those far away from Us.”

“Son, I the Eternal – I AM – will now address the whole world, so close to the edge of falling into the crevice of great darkness. How I have longed to gather under My Heart – that has been pierced by so many ungrateful children, through their sins of pride and so much wickedness – men who were Created in Our Likeness, have become even less than the beasts of men. Even they show respect to their Maker and they have not the faculties We have given men.”

“Men, you have shown such little respect to Me, your Father, since the time of Noah, Moses and many Prophets. I have called you to love and worship Me in your hearts – is it so difficult, My children? I have shown you over thousands of years how much I love you – even to the point of sending My Own Begotten Son, Jesus to reach out to you. Yet only a handful of children come to Us, to return love for love – to thank Us for this unique predilection of destination.”

“Know your Father Who loves you and has waited so long to receive your response, is left waiting – sorrowing, with many Tears, because only few children responded to this invitation of the Marriage Feast. You therefore, have left Me no alternative but to chastise you, like a father to a naughty child. How it saddens Us. The Angels weep and the Saints send rain that floods your Earth.”

“Nature, which always follows the laws bound by God, also rebels against man, as he has saturated the Earth with his blood. The Sun dances, children, in its anger towards man and will draw nearer to man to scorch the foundations of men’s arrogance. Stones of the Solar System will hurl at man’s constructions, to show that man in his pride, tried to reach the Powers of Heaven – like Lucifer did – to say before us that: He will not serve.”

“Children of this sinful generation – before My Divine Son Returns during this generation, all that has been revealed through My Prophets of Old and New, will be completed. Men must be purged and come to the realization, before they can enter Heaven and the Promised New Era. They must be pure, for nothing defiled will enter the Habitat of the Blessed.”

“It is now Twelve – time is no more and men must repent and do penance. If it is not done with free will, then I will force it upon men. The Third, Fourth and Fifth Seals will be opened now, with the Sixth Seal to open once the Chair of Peter will be empty – for Russia will advance upon the Eternal City, as its armies override Eastern Europe, Scandinavia, Norway, Sweden, Estonia, Latvia, Poland and enter into Germany.”

“Know this, My children, this will happen suddenly. Ukraine will be the entrance point. Know that the Stock Market will crash as a sign to you.”

“Civil War will break out in America and war will come to Mexico. The Middle East will explode into the Major War. God will send the Asteroid and Meteors to stop the carnage. The Earth and its people will be scourged: The U.S.A. will fall and Communism will rule. China and Korea will invade with missiles – as Asia trembles. Indonesia will march, attacking Papua New Guinea and Northern Australia. All of this, sweet children of Mine, is because you have not listened to your Father in heaven.”

“All that I have spoken of today has been repeated to you, Our children – for over a century – and more so, since the last generation.”

“Once again I say to all of you: Prepare your households! The emergence of the Antichrist is near! He operates in the Middle East waiting for the war to truly break open. War will also be seen in South American countries, as civil unrest and hunger reaches many. All can still be mitigated, My children, with your prayers and sacrifices.”

“Continue to go to My Son’s Houses upon Earth, receiving the nourishment you need for your souls and well-being. The Eucharist is the Food My children and the Sacrament of Confession – wait no longer. Heaven will eventually win. Turn to My Daughter Mary, the Blessed Virgin – She is your Mother – you have all been placed in Her care.”

“Finally, son of My Heart: The Twelve Mysterious Angels with the Twelve Books, containing all that must be done after the Warning, will be given when the conscience of the world has been corrected. Continue on your path, as We, the Undivided Trinity, are always with you and Our children. We Bless you and the whole world. Peace! Peace1 Peace: In the Name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Ghost. Amen.”

LITTLE PEBBLE: The Holy Trinity place Their Hands on my head, kiss me and leave swiftly, back through the Cross. I still see the flames of the sun going towards Earth.

This Statue represents the Eternal Father. It is an original image, made in Australia.
This Statue represents the Eternal Father. It is an original image, made in Australia.