Q & A The Little Pebble and Yellow Lily (2012 Part 2) — 25 May 2012

25 May 2012 – Question, Little Pebble

YELLOW LILY: Jesus remains with me as I present letter 7. I am not sure what His Little Pebble is asking me, so I present it and say it, just as has been written.

The Warning is separated into three parts:

  1. Major earthquakes;
  2. War – atomic bomb;
  3. Final part – the comet causing the Warning itself, which also has two parts:
    (a) Spiritually – the Illumination, and
    (b) Comet destruction – the first three days of darkness

Answer – Jesus

JESUS: “Be at peace William – just so it shall occur this way, with much more besides! Between the war and the series of natural disasters that have begun to trigger another series of environmental catastrophes, ocean’s will die; the collapse of the monetary system and bankruptcy of whole countries; a mass exodus from many places to overload already burdened peoples and lands; a toppling of governments and take-overs (we have only seen the start of such things); a constriction of rights – of rights of travel around countries and within individual borders. False conviction! William, without committing a crime men are rounded up and encamped….The closing, encircling, of the Church; a further desecration of the Sacred Species, as Bishops are disobedient or imposed upon by State after State to close doors. Darkness and the Light shall meet. Men – Demons shall impose themselves on Mankind, as the authors of what is to take place, God only has allowed it.”

YELLOW LILY: Jesus told me a great disaster occurs and a miracle.

JESUS: “Yes, William a great miracle; a Eucharistic one!”

YELLOW LILY: My Jesus what is the great disaster?

JESUS: “A shift of land.”

YELLOW LILY: Jesus has crouched down beside my chair – over the last answer too, He was like this. Jesus looks down to the floor I see His right Hand, relaxed and hanging over His bent, right Knee. Jesus ‘studies’ a moment, than looks up at me; He has a subtle, amused look on His Face.

LITTLE PEBBLE: The Warning will bring huge destruction: 60 million people will die and the world will be in disarray. It will take at least six months to recover for the world, and Jesus will leave me in prison? But Jesus said after the Warning.

JESUS: “Elaine you will please tell My William, I do not leave him anywhere, I will never leave him; as he wishes it, but just as God could pick the reaction of Mary, being so deeply ingrained in her, I know his answer to everything I ask. We are inseparable. It is not for you to worry about the world’s destruction William, other men have seen to it – in defiance – in the defiance that only God can provide, shall you live through this destruction and gather the flock around you. Your world shall not be destroyed. The recovery as it occurs, is up to the will of men who seek their only hope in God and that is the only ‘measure’ of time that need be applied.”

LITTLE PEBBLE: But Jesus said before the Warning in a manner of speaking, but Jesus did not speak about what a manner of speaking means.

JESUS: “As with everything of God, there is a revelation: an unfolding. My manner of speaking is how time is measured, how events are measured and how always people are demanded upon and apply their faith. I use souls to impose Myself in ways and means that man does not understand; the soul is imposed upon because they are not given clear answers only deep, far-reaching ones. It is then that little souls are brought forward in their love, because the faith remains – like sheep to the slaughter, as melted gold in excruciating temperatures. Manner of speaking: for it is for man to ‘wait’ with God to remain with him and to do what they know to do while God further unfolds the days; manner of speaking because I want man to watch events and still believe, because I do not reveal all the complexities, the intricacies, of My Plans at once. I have revealed that in all things coming to the world during this great and horrible time, all the people of God, especially those who persist in the plan to rescue the Church and believe in the Papacy of Peter II, shall be kept safe, more than safe; and I have revealed – declared – his Papacy as from God. I have declared him innocent of accusations, of indictment – that should be for all with Me all that matters. Yet God understands man, the need for encouragement, the need to see the succession of faith! God understands who He has chosen in this role of the Church; his use of clues and answers and how much he has yet to know, and how much he thinks he knows, yet thinks as a man!”

“This is only the beginning, the start! How the Apostles worked in the Church – Beginning their Ministries, their own Discipleship, the development of the Mass that was the true protocol for the Church – so many questions! So many things to be shown and indicated by God in the midst of great persecution, its establishment in the world!”

“In the chronicle that is being written with the elect who support this Papacy, I want people to see the humanness; I want people to read the suffering! I want people to see, yes see, how faith remained even as questions are being answered, yet not as the answer is expected or anticipated – because Jesus does not think like man and knows more, as God, how important these replies will be and understood in the future.”

YELLOW LILY: I have come back to work after my supper. I see Jesus in a white tunic, standing tall and beautiful and handsome with His Hands at His sides.

27 May 2012 – Questions, Little Pebble

YELLOW LILY: I present myself to our Blessed Lord after Holy Mass, after reciting the Glorious and Joyful Mysteries, an Act of Contrition, offering the 15 Secret Wounds of Christ, honouring the Holy Wound of the Right Shoulder, and a Divine Mercy Chaplet.

I see Our Jesus come – He stands in His usual spot by the doorway of this room. Jesus looks today as I have never seen Him and it is spectacular! Our Most Blessed Lord wears a huge King’s cape (heavy red velvet, with the wide white fur trim and the fur has black spots just as you see Kings portrayed. Jesus actually wears this – something you see in movies or imagine as part of a book). Jesus looks regal and wonderful. Our Blessed Lord wears a great gold Crown on His Head – I wish I could draw it, because my description is going to be woefully inadequate!

A brilliant deep gold, it has a thick border at the bottom, rising from this, the border is separated into gold bands/straps running length wise; at the top of the Crown these bands meet to form a circular solid gold ‘plate’ or ‘piece’. At the very top of the Crown there is a small solid gold ‘knob’ or ‘ball’. At the very front, the two gold bands are very close together, separated by a tiny space. On these I see a small gold symbol of the Holy Ghost as a Dove with the wings spread out and the Head pointing down. This is very beautiful and I wish I could show what I see. Underneath His cape, or robe, Jesus wears a plain white tunic. Jesus solemnly but happily says:

JESUS: “I AM The King of Pentecost!”

YELLOW LILY: I ask Jesus if he would please tell me more about the Angel St Pertosia that has been sent to him. What does the Angel mean? William believes the Angel is from the Apocalypse – can you tell me more?

I watch Jesus slip the robe off and lift the Crown from His head; I watch 4 tiny Cherubs fly underneath it and carry it away so I do not see it any more. The robe is laid beside Our Blessed Lord. I watch as more Cherubs come and fly above it, but as I type I still see it.

Jesus takes a step forward.

JESUS: “Elaine be at peace! The Angel signifies the unrolling of a scroll; the trumpet has sounded and the first of the beginning disasters will start. In a very little time there will be a great natural disaster, this will affect the Pacific Rim; something is to be ‘set-off’ under the seas. Be not afraid, dear people of God.”

“From then an assassination is to take place, My little children; the political landscape is to change greatly and only the very blind will not see the onset of war. Do not believe this war has anything to do with democracy! Much is to be blamed on Israel, and within Israel – inciters!”

YELLOW LILY: Jesus tells me the Angel has been sent to tell him things and stays with him because of what is coming.

JESUS: “The days WE have long spoken of are here. Encourage the People of God to pray their Rosaries; encourage the people to fill their minutes with the pursuits of God and not idle entertainment.

YELLOW LILY: Jesus says quietly:

JESUS: “William, there is to be great upset in the prison.”

YELLOW LILY: Jesus, You said in your message of yesterday “…the Vicar is to be released.” William wishes to know which one?

JESUS: “William, you are to know I mean both – as brothers in this battle and significant of the shift that is occurring in the church, as a tidal wave that occurs in the deepest part of the ocean, the ripples increase in frequency and reach to overtake the far-away beach so soon, that those on the beach must run; only those vigilant of the horizon notice the great lapping of on-coming water and make for the higher ground. Be not afraid.”

“My William, Benedict does not fear and knows well what is being enacted in front of him; the sect makes no effort to hide their activities, confident of victory.

Message – 27 May 2012

YELLOW LILY: I approach Our Most Blessed Lord to come and answer these questions for His poor little son. I ask Him to use me as He wishes. I kiss the Pieta statue.. Come Lord Jesus! Come Holy Ghost! I pray to Saint Michael repeatedly for protection and the Light of Truth.

Jesus comes again in His usual spot in this room I see His Most Sacred Heart exposed. Jesus raises His Right Hand in Blessing: +

JESUS: “Be not afraid!”

“My Little Son, I respond how I respond because I know who it is – the soul, the souls – I Am dealing with. I know intimately how a soul has been brought forward in the Church, what they know, what they are learning and I know how much they understand of Church History. I know what you are looking for – a consistency in the Messages that have been provided to you and other places as Maria’s Messages are presented to the world and believed. That consistency already exists.”

“Do I admit to the Church its mess of so many years, blaming Vatican II and her Priests, when the world still, for the most part, believes in its honesty, unsuspecting? What I say as part of her Messages – especially for those very much like herself, (and that is why she was chosen) is radical enough. Her Messages support us; her Messages are consistent with you, as yours are consistent with Garabandal. Each Apparition Site raised by My Mother, especially for this time, ratifies the Church; do I then condemn Vatican II which the Church currently uses as the basis for her catechesis? Son, that would not suit our purpose of preparing so many souls for what is about to come upon the Earth; many of the elect are part of the very group that believe in her and are just now discovering the great wealth of prophecy and apparition within, because before they did not have the courage or mind to believe.”

“How much certainly, I would annoy her Confessors and Advisors if I started displaying openly my upset at Vatican II changes. Things must be done gradually – even as so little time remains and this too, part of the great divide that will be fully visible within the ranks of people, Layman, Priests, Bishops and Cardinals. Changes are coming, first with what has been introduced through Benedict (and My little son, how hard he has had to work through these when so many – nearly all – work to condemn it and stop it). Truly I tell you William; the Holy Father must stay up very late and rise earlier to ensure that so much is left as he would have it!”

LITTLE PEBBLE: Yes, You have criticised them too for not listening, but they are the cause of the world being as it is – and You speak as if the Apostasy is only beginning, yet it has been going since Vatican II. And on the 28th February You say the Schism is about to develop, yet, the Schism has been over fifty years by the very fact that the Priests have been condemning the Apparitions for 80 years. Had the Church supported the Seers we would not be in Schism now – or Apostasy! I understand that You are reaching out to them, yet it is the little souls – the Remnant faithful – who are faithfully listening to You.

JESUS: “William, how do we reach out to little souls as we would wish to do, with a full condemnation, when the Church suffers so greatly with its humanity: Priests that do not like criticism and little souls – the Church body – who are so quick to criticise! It is a tremendous volatility that led to the convening of Vatican II in the first place: the enemies of the Church using it to go far beyond the original premise and exceed the Rite to where she has descended. I criticise as God, because all of the church sees the devastation that has taken place within her: a decrease in Mass attendance, the relinquishing of the Sacraments, ecumenical groups who have fully invaded her, a total erosion of the Church, a loss of discipline, a decrease in vocations, fighting within her ranks, every type of scandal, her dress in shreds, and a loss of youth and family that has spellbound the world! I criticise her because I give context to the Great Warning and Illumination that must come upon the Earth – faithful and pagan and non-believer alike.”

“William, I say the Schism is about to develop because, my son, I speak of the ‘Great Schism’. And while it is true Priests have not listened or supported many of our Apparitions, that has not stopped the great numbers from all over the world who believe in these places, their Messages, or of the fruits of their peace as from God. My little son, the Sanhedrin did not believe in the Christ, even as I cured and healed in plain sight! The Pharisees could not stop the great growth of Christianity, even as they thought they had solved their problem by killing the Christ. No, instead more, it spread as a flame on dried grass!”

“Is our Work so different from what was begun so many years ago? Those who are committed to taking up the Cross of Christ, must be committed to face the battles He faced in a true imitation of faith. You see? Had I laid out what we understand as the truth of the apostasy within her doors, how do people then trust anything they have supported or understood as part of her – as being true – when in truth my dear, even with all her error, all her corruption, she still holds the greatest Power within her Tabernacles in Churches everywhere? Do you see the great questions that would be raised as to the validity of her Messages: her teaching, when much of the apostasy that has existed within her has remained hidden from simple souls who have remained committed to the Mass for so many years? Think too, of all the souls during these years that, DESPITE her growing grievous errors, have come to know her as the True Church.”

“William do I reveal a Schism of so many years ago that may threaten a little soul as to question the truth of the Mass or the Transubstantiation’s Power or Papal Infallibility? Do I blame Priests who do not believe in an Apparition Site as the cause of Schism? No, first I blame My enemy, then an ill-vigilant faith – a faith that wishes to exist blindly without testing and loving – this includes Priests and layman alike. In the end, William, Jesus is consoled because all things work for good; God never loses and in the time of God, all points lead to a fulfilment of prophecy which is the return of the Christ to His people on Earth, a bright and shining Church and the little one who will lead them.”

LITTLE PEBBLE: Then we have – on one hand You call for prayer to hold God’s Justice, yet if God’s Justice does not fall, how will we ever come to the Reign of the Antichrist and Your Second Coming? All Your suffering children are eagerly waiting for all of this to happen and pass, so that peace will finally come and people will know the truth.

JESUS: “My little waiting son, the time of God can be held back – and has been through prayer. I still ask for it, to mitigate the suffering and death that is to come, so surely as the time has passed. It is as a glass that is being filled with water: prayer controls the speed and time of how that water flows. The world now has nearly filled her glass – you know it by the sound of Our Messages to you, through you and others throughout the world; we know it by the great perdition which covers the Earth, and we know it by the galling arrogance of man! Can God help His Loving Nature as to not see and allow what man has brought on to himself, as a parent that continually warns their unruly child of mistakes, it makes again and again! It is a hard task for my weary soldiers who have maintained their vigilance – who still suffer and wait for God’s rescue. This is part of the great formula of penance that God uses to reveal to man his greatness in Him, to save other men who simply don’t care, by gaining time for their conversion/re-conversion back to Jesus.”

“We know that God is in control. God has mapped out the time since before the Creation of the world; God has mapped out the time as Adam and Eve flung sin onto it. All things must be fulfilled in their righteousness as part of this Plan: man’s long wait, man’s descent and man being raised up again as part. Let us realize that this long race reveals to His faithful and littlest souls, the great Eternity of God, His Glory and the story – the tremendous story of love that will be revealed in the eternity of the New Jerusalem, when these thousands of years will seem as a blink of the eye. And this long wait that I ask in suffering – the same as the offer of forgiveness that would have been the Iscariot’s and indeed the same as was provided – Christ to Peter.”

“Are our days any different when, in the wait for Christ My Nation poured out for thousands of years its lament to God, and in those thousands of years was revealed those who truly loved the Lord, studying the time, prophecy and what lay right before their eyes?”

Questions – 28 May 2012, Little Pebble

YELLOW LILY: I approach Heaven to continue answering William’s questions from this letter after assisting at Holy Mass, saying the Joyful and Luminous Mysteries, a Divine Mercy Chaplet in the Presence of the Blessed Sacrament, the Saint Michael prayer repeated, honouring the Wound of the Holy Right Shoulder and kissing the Pieta. I place myself at God’s Feet to be used as He wishes and I read William’s question word-for-word.

LITTLE PEBBLE: It is a little like You have done to me: on one hand You speak of my release being imminent and sudden, because I must lead Your people as Pope and gather Your children – then on the other hand You keep me chained up as people all over the world wait for my release, and cannot understand, like me, why You do not release me.

YELLOW LILY: I lift my head from typing and I see my Jesus where He normally stands in this room. Jesus wears plain white, He is beautiful, calm and mighty only just being! Jesus says, “I AM here.” with a kind opening up of His Arms toward me.

Answer – Jesus:

JESUS: “Ah! Let us understand what I Am making for you William, as the new Head of the elected Church, let us understand what we make for God: a nation, the future Church the elect, the kingdoms and families and world that will be built out of her; a nation and world that will greet the feet of Christ as He steps and lives among you, unifying Heaven and Earth – The New Eden!”

“I know it has been hard, but you see, even within your question Jesus rejoices because you intimate the consciences and souls who are committed to this Plan of God despite what they see happening! There is full genius in that.”

YELLOW LILY: Jesus smiles deeply!

JESUS: “Using you, my great paradox, My Captive and My Rescue of My Church, I have weeded and culled, I have cut the grass in great swathing passes! I am like the forest fire that takes with it heat and flame, terrifying the life that exists within, so when the flame has died and cooled, the ground in re-energised, the nutrients put back into the soil and the unnecessary over- growth has been cut away with My Heat. William, using you, I Am able to ask every soul who is or who has known you with the work of this Mission: do you truly believe in My Prophecies? Do you believe as you have witnessed its growth and enjoyed its wealth, even as everything is taken away and the enemies threaten her? Do you believe as she (My church) is brought to the brink?”

“I am glad the world does not understand us William, because I do not want the world as it is already possessed; I want what your time away has brought Me – the truest souls who are not afraid to bear the Cross of adversity and derision. Those souls who love you and commiserate with you; love you, defend you, because they see all you have risked for God and are not afraid to step onto this cliff as well. They believe ‘imminent’, even as it has not been imminent in your time – you are not the ‘liar’ here: it is Jesus, it is Mary, it is the Holy God Head who has said this, so what I ask each soul who has stayed and who has left, who struggles and who remains committed to us: Do you believe ME?”

LITTLE PEBBLE: In Your recent Message to Maria Divine Mercy You say Satan’s four Messengers have descended into these groups of Leaders in Europe – are You able to tell us?

JESUS: “Is it not those main leaders who are trying to bring about – have brought about – the bankruptcy of Europe? Your main leaders are: Germany, France’s newly elected ‘man’ (the other was not fully committed to the agenda of the underworld, still patriotic), Britain, as she sells off her Isles one by one. Watch Holland – she works in the background – the House of Orange. All the Royal Houses are evil and work to destroy the Church.”

LITTLE PEBBLE: And Maria is called the 7 Messenger Prophet – who then were the other 6 Messengers of Past Times?

YELLOW LILY: I repeat this question a few times as I see Jesus and he does not answer; He smiles at me saying:

JESUS: “Be at peace.”

LITTLE PEBBLE: Also You say the Pope will be persecuted very much now – will it be due to the Final Dogma?

JESUS: “Yes it will be due to the final Dogma. My infernal enemy knows that with this introduction he will be crushed – and we know the reason! Let us not forget the blind ambition of those who hate us, who are driven in their madness to assume control and crush the Church and gullible ‘faithful’ alike – in the hope to increase the ranks of the damned. This is why Jesus and Mary have warned: to remain awake! In my enemy’s arrogance, in its evil undertaking, there is no sophisticated plan, merely like a brutal coup – death, destruction and disintegration! They wish to rush upon the world and consume all they can; to do this in full they believe they must remove the little white German Guard. He is called: ‘the dog’.”

LITTLE PEBBLE: Finally Jesus, my understanding was that after the Warning the French Monarch would come forward; that we would move to Bavaria where I will reign as Pope during the Reign of the Antichrist, and that the Short Reign of Peace will be after the Warning, giving the Church its second Pentecost and time to recover from the Warning, preparing ourselves for the great persecution. But how can this all be done in three and a half years?

JESUS: “I will gather my people together. How can one little man go up against the entire Vatican ‘machine’? How can a man have all his sin’s forgiven in a single moment? The Power of God, His Workings! How can an Order of simple souls support a man after more than 6 years in prison, convicted of a terrible crime, survive, except by God’s Grace? How can this same man with this same Order build up again what has been left so demolished? God! God! God! That is all.”

“William, when you examine these many years (and we have done so many, many, times – awash in tears and brutal heartache) how is it yet our betrayers have not killed us? What is of God cannot be killed. What is of God cannot be crushed. I shall set my people, my chosen ones where they need to be with little effort, because they have agreed and cemented the Plan of God.”

Message – 11 June 2012, Jesus

YELLOW LILY: I come before Jesus with this letter from William for Him after 2 Mysteries of the Most Holy Rosary, kissing the Faces of Jesus and Mary, and my Act of Contrition and prayers to Saint Michael. I see Jesus in His spot in this room; I see Our Lord with a small Crown of Thorns resting on His Holy Head. Jesus wears a white tunic and takes a step towards me; with every gentleness Our Lord speaks:

JESUS: “William how deep run the ties of a mother! How deep are the ties of a family; how well we know the blade of separation as deep cuts! How the devil tests souls with such ties!”

“But I MUST side with you. Surely we should see how a contradiction of lifestyle, of decisions, runs counter-balance to the want of God. Surely we can feel how this counter-balance disturbs our soul! There is not a charity when our friends, our family put us in harm’s way. Did I follow Judas when he fell away from Me beginning with his gambling, escalating to women and then finally to My Deception, when I was not deceived! He was left hung! I did not follow him but remained where I was in Ministry while he descended. Let souls look at the example left by Christ! I never followed sinners into their sin, I remained rooted where I was calling out to them, exhorting them to conversion and loving them to return. Our loyalties cannot be divided here!”

“Do we not look foolish and misguided in our lives as we believe and support those who do not act with God! Look at individual lives! It is for the parent to remain vigilant when the child has closed their eyes. True charity for any soul who does not pray, exists in praying. We only appear weak in the eyes of those who wish to draw us away from our work. As a disciple we must maintain our discipline. Is there not a tacit understanding from those who do not support us that they MUST be right if we maintain a close association? If we do not correct what we know is wrong? If we do not voice why we are right and what we believe, and if we do not voice our opposition to those things against our faith, against what we believe: do we believe? Souls must examine, they must take stock. Did I spare my Apostles correction so as to help make Saints? How severe I was with those who knew My life, who supported our cause! I was severe in My love, and in My severity; My people knew My love, because My focus as God is God.”

“How does one check when their charity is righteous and useful? Do we make it easier for souls to maintain their state of disregard towards God? Has our association with souls brought them deeper in their faith, or renewed their spirit? Or do souls we wish to help – to be charitable towards – remain in their ill-vigilance and regard our association as an agreement of their actions, thereby complicit in their work against us?”

“You must be the judge as your soul tells you. I ask you in the spirit of free will decision making: are you being charitable towards Me when souls who have abandoned their Sacraments, abandoned what they know, count on your ‘charitable’ support? When you see your family, your friends abandon themselves to the world, do we further promote our love by leaving Jesus helpless and forgotten?”

I ask you. Jesus

YELLOW LILY: I watch Jesus smile, remove His crown of thorns and Bless in the Name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Ghost. Amen. Jesus blows a kiss.

20 June 2012 – Questions, Little Pebble

YELLOW LILY: I place myself in the presence of Jesus offering my heart, with my tears, my rosaries, my prayers, my distractions and my sins – every part of me to the Mercy of our Most Blessed Lord Jesus and our Most Blessed Mother.

My Jesus, I present to You this letter from Your poor little son. Jesus, come! Please help us; please rescue Your bride! As I finish my offering and typing, I look up to see Blessed Jesus, tall and wonderful, looking down at me with a gentle, bright smile. Thank you My Lord, My God, My Heart, My Jesus – please help our dear fellow!

JESUS: “Peace!”

YELLOW LILY: Raising His left Hand I see the Holy Wound on it.

**14.11.2010: “The Church has lost its way and is plunging into darkness. This, My child has been foretold and it is a sign of the End Times. This is when the last pope will emerge and the world will be lost under the misguided direction of the False Prophet“.**

LITTLE PEBBLE: “Is this Pope me or the false Prophet?”

Also, twice this year You told her (MDM) the Keys of Saint Peter have been returned to Your Eternal Father until the New Era. What then of me? You gave me the Keys of Saint Peter in 1984 and several times since, even on Ash Wednesday. Has this another meaning, because people will read this and believe the Keys have been taken from me and a new Pope chosen?

JESUS: “William you must be at peace! Nothing has been taken from you, My sweet son! You know you are not the final ‘Pope’ not as she refers; I talk of ‘The Deceiver’ and his accomplice, the Anti-prophet, Anti-Christ: Satan incarnate.”

“Gently I say to you, My William, I approach Maria Divine Mercy as part of the greater Church; William, I bring forward gently with persistence. She knows who you are, I have spoken of the ‘rock’; I have spoken of re-invention. At this point she is not permitted to speak more of this. We do not forget that part of your election and the recognition of the elect under you is their recognition of you and your sense, your prophecy and your reveal in the Church, because you present the Church as she needs to be presented: holding tightly to her orthodoxy and her firmness; holding fast to her aversion to sin and clinging to the Cross of Christ.”

“William, indeed know: part of the diabolical scheme to come to the Church under this false and evil leadership is a ‘re-invention’ of the Cross, to indeed involve a re-design of My Aspect, to lessen its message and its effect on the longing spirit. This ‘they’ must do as they re-invent’ the rules, scramble the Sacraments and indeed remove the Eucharist altogether. How far shall be the descent, the well of souls to be lost because they do not investigate, reinvigorate their faith with prayer and with exploration of a history at risk of being re-written to suit the attack; this attempt at murder!”

“Remember as we gently present what is to come upon the Church through the diabolical plot – attack – and understanding, as well God knows the souls that Maria Divine Mercy reaches for us, we can well say that the keys given to the Church will be given back to the Eternal Father, it is true, for they cannot remain in the ‘Vatican system’. I speak symbolically, that God will start afresh, creating with a tested faith and testing souls all over the world with your election to the establishing throne, designed to cross the era from old to new, using and respecting the old as the means most pleasing to God because this has stayed closest to Him.”

“Let us not forget the Omnipresence of God as not being removed from a single moment and as the keys are taken back to God, He can at the same moment, present these back to His chosen. William – remember the establishment of the keys to man is as important to Him as any other ingredient He employs to deepen His relationship with humanity, and a great sign of His agreement to establish for His Church the Perfect means of worship and governance that He has brought down for men. Nothing can occur for God through man without man’s acceptance; God does not need man to love, but God does need to love man and the Most Perfect means He does this through His Church; the Church I shall greet when I again place My feet onto our Paradise!”

“William, does not our Revelation of the written word say within her prophecy about the keys? Does God lie? No. Is it written there? Yes. Shall not all our prophecy be fulfilled word for word – part and key to the miracle and proof of the elect we shall own and help and save?”

20 June 2012 – Questions, Little Pebble

YELLOW LILY: I place myself in the presence of Jesus offering my heart, with my tears, my rosaries, my prayers, my distractions and my sins – every part of me to the Mercy of our Most Blessed Lord Jesus and our Most Blessed Mother.

My Jesus, I present to You this letter from Your poor little son. Jesus, come! Please help us; please rescue Your bride! As I finish my offering and typing, I look up to see Blessed Jesus, tall and wonderful, looking down at me with a gentle, bright smile. Thank you My Lord, My God, My Heart, My Jesus – please help our dear fellow!

JESUS: “Peace!”

YELLOW LILY: Raising His left Hand I see the Holy Wound on it.

29 June 2012 – Questions, Little Pebble

YELLOW LILY: I approach Our Blessed Lord showing Him William’s letter. After assisting at Holy Mass, two Divine Mercy chaplets (one before Holy Mass, the other after in the Presence of the Blessed Sacrament), completing three Divine Mysteries of the Rosary and private invocations; prayers to Saint Michael, kissing the Holy Crucifix many times and my Act of Contrition.

I see Jesus in His ‘spot’ in the room. (Jesus wears a white tunic and this time a white cape over His shoulders – this cape has a shimmering gold trim or edge, running its length; the cape meets at Jesus’ Holy Throat). He has been here for some time. Jesus takes a step forward towards me; He is smiling. Opening His Hands gently up at His Chest, He says:

JESUS: “Peace be with you, My Flower!”

“We are ever thankful for William’s correspondence, for this connection between souls – this deepening mission and for lasting unity. William My Son, soon letters will not be necessary, your endurance proclaimed!”

YELLOW LILY: As I look up from typing Jesus holds a white Lily: its long pistons, its open blossom, its size very distinguishable.

JESUS: “I have taken long draughts of this fragrance – intoxicating! Do you know what this is? The work of sacrifice, penance, belief, faith and love! I tell you Jesus is nearly ‘drunk’ with this liqueur. How consoled is God in the future and remnant of His Church! I shall pour down upon her Altars in the plain sight of her people the undeniable truth of her sacrifice as to leave the schismatics quite speechless; as to leave her dissenters, afraid! Come to Jesus!”

“Iran and Syria are in cahoots to blame Israel. Israel will be blamed in the United Nations and the world will believe this lie. Very, very soon a gun shall be placed against a man’s temple; you can feel this assassination in the very air – corrupted! Watch closely the Middle East as the walls close around My homeland as they wish to lay waste to the hills of Carmel! The Churches in Egypt will be very soon closed – many will be martyred – all the Catholic rites there put at risk – Christians flee! Those who suffer, who die for Us are assured swift passage to Heaven; rejoice! The ‘planning’ of the U.N. elites comes to a second and third stage in rapid succession – I have told you above.”

“More scandal is to be brought into the Church with the political scourge of homosexuality (My foe and Anti-Pope will mandate its ‘gentle’ acceptance within the Church and her groups). There is to be ‘a shuffle’ in the Vatican, THIS IS NOT APPROVED BY BENEDICT (Jesus speaks firm – mad!); this shuffle will cause more dangerous shuffles right down to diocesan control. We are not afraid. The Pope will be forced to flee very soon after.”

YELLOW LILY: Jesus, you speak about ‘gay rights’ being approved by the Church; this does not happen under Benedict XVI?

JESUS: “No, My Elaine, but it does happen shortly after – you can see the ‘moving of the chips’ around the world.”

** YELLOW LILY**: My Jesus what do you mean by, ‘moving of the chips’?

JESUS: “I mean the pawns, those little things that occur – are pressured to occur – so that a further introduction, ‘a deepening of the attack’ can occur in the background out of plain sight. In the background, politicos of this design pressure and exert so that everywhere else such a mandate is more easily accepted or forced into being.”

YELLOW LILY: How does ‘a shuffle’ occur in the Church without the Holy Father’s approval? Can we know what is meant with the word; shuffle?

JESUS: “The devil is crafty; blind ambition is brutal; the arrogance of possessed men is in open sight. Remember: Prelates are not bound to follow the chosen Pope and may do as they feel (this however is a great sin in God’s Eyes. How are the lowly, little faithful to respect the Papal rightness –infallibility – if indeed his Bishops don’t?). A shuffle is a sideways movement, a quick movement of the feet – we could also say scurry, as in rodents and rats who run very fast often in the shadows.”

“The ‘money’ crisis is nowhere near over; people driven into slavery to pay back ‘debt’. If more people do not pick up their Rosaries or wear their holy Scapulars, they will be greatly capitulated and thrust under! PRAY YOUR ROSARY, EUROPE; PUT DOWN THE CREDIT CARD! THE ROSARY IS THE ONLY ANSWER TO THIS DEBT. IT IS FALSE AND CAN BE EVAPORATED UP AS WATER; THE DEVIL FLEES FROM ITS VICTORY!”